__`Hyde-hyde`__ is a [Hugo](https://gohugo.io)'s theme inspired and derived from @spf13's [Hyde](https://github.com/spf13/hyde.git) and [Nate Finch's blog](https://npf.io).
> NOTICE: Maintainers / collaborators seeking: As I'm underwater with my full time job at the moment, I'm actively looking for and welcome any new maintainers or collaborators. If you are interested, comment on [#130](https://github.com/htr3n/hyde-hyde/issues/130) and I can add you to the project. TIA.
* The main styles are refactored and redeveloped using SCSS (see [_assets/scss_](https://github.com/htr3n/hyde-hyde/blob/master/assets/scss)), `poole.css` and `hyde.css` are no longer needed because `hyde-hyde.scss` already incorporates relevant elements (I still keep them there for reference purpose)
* Per PR [#45 by [@jd4no](https://github.com/jd4no), `hyde-hyde` can use SCSSs directly in the templates instead of the generated CSSs. The generated CSSs and the generated resources are still kept in `hyde-hyde` in order to ensure the demo on [Hugo theme site](https://themes.gohugo.io) working.
* Configure using `.Site.Params.toc` with two possible value: "hugo" (using Hugo `{{ .TableOfContents }}`, and "tocbot" (using [Tocbot](https://tscanlin.github.io/tocbot/)), remove `.Site.Params.toc` to disable TOC
* Tocbot can be configured in [layouts/partials/page-single/footer.html](layouts/partials/page-single/footer.html) with options as described in [its documentation](https://tscanlin.github.io/tocbot/#api)
For more details, please refer to [CHANGELOG](https://github.com/htr3n/hyde-hyde/blob/master/CHANGELOG.md). A real site in action can be found [here](https://htr3n.github.io) and its [WIP source](https://github.com/htr3n/htr3n-blog) for reference.
*`highlightjsstyle="highlight-style"`: only when `highlightjs = true`, please choose one of many _highlight.js_'s [styles](https://highlightjs.org/static/demo). style name should be lower cased and concatenated with `-`. For example, `Atelier Cave Light` should be `atelier-cave-light`
*`postNavigation = true|false` (default `true`): Setting to `false` will disable the navigation _Previous Post_/ _Next Post_
*`relatedPosts = false|true` (default `false`): Setting to `true` allows related posts. Please refer [here](https://gohugo.io/content-management/related) for more details on related contents with Hugo.
*`GraphCommentId = "your-graphcomment-id"`: to use [GraphComment](https://graphcomment.com) instead of the built-in [Disqus](https://disqus.com). This option should be used exclusively with `disqusShortname = "disqus-shortname"` as top-level config.
*`UtterancesRepo = "owner/repo-name"`: to use [Utterances](https://utteranc.es/) instead of the built-in [Disqus](https://disqus.com). This option should be used exclusively with `disqusShortname = "disqus-shortname"`.
*`Commento = true`: to use [Commento](https://commento.io/) instead of the built-in [Disqus](https://disqus.com). This option should be used exclusively with `disqusShortname = "disqus-shortname"`.
*`CommentoHost = "your-commento-instance"` [Self-hosted Commento](https://docs.commento.io/installation/self-hosting/) instance. This is not required if you're a [Commento.io](https://commento.io) user.
*`[params.social]`: in this section, you can set many social identities such as Twitter, Facebook, Github, Bitbucket, Gitlab, Instagram, LinkedIn, StackOverflow, Medium, Xing, Keybase.
* Per PR [#56](https://github.com/htr3n/hyde-hyde/commit/5ed13e17400bbc09a342b60fd50cd9fe3e6f1525), Gravatar pics can be used exclusively to `.Site.Params.authorimage` via the parameter `.Site.Params.social.gravatar`
* Most of the customisable SCSS styles in [_assets/scss/hyde-hyde_](https://github.com/htr3n/hyde-hyde/blob/master/assets/scss/hyde-hyde) and Hugo templates in [_hyde-hyde/layouts_](https://github.com/htr3n/hyde-hyde/blob/master/layouts) are modularised and can be altered/adapted easily.
As I design the section _portfolio_ to be rendered as _list_, `_index.md` can be used to set the title for your portfolio (you can read more about `_index.md` [here](https://gohugo.io/content-management/organization/#index-pages-index-md)). For instance, when I want to set the title of my portfolio "_Projects_", the front matter of `_index.md` will be:
For each project, just create a Markdown file with the following parameters in the front matter:
title: "Project P1's Title"
description: "A short description"
date: '2018-01-02'
link: 'https://project-p1.com'
screenshot: 'p1.png'
layout: 'portfolio'
featured: true
Here is a longer summary of the project. You can write as long as you wish.
> __Note__:
> * `date` is important to sort the project chronologically
> * `layout 'portfolio'` is important as you don't want your project's page appear in the list of posts in the main page of your Web site but only in the _Portfolio_ ;)
> * `featured: true` : when you want to show a project as featured project. It is default to `false`. Note that only one project should be marked `featured: true` , otherwise, the result could be random as [the Hugo template](https://github.com/htr3n/hyde-hyde/blob/master/layouts/partials/portfolio/content.html) will take the first one.
> * The body of the Markdown file will be the summary of the project.
If you want to adjust the portfolio page to your needs, please have a look at the [main template](https://github.com/htr3n/hyde-hyde/blob/master/layouts/portfolio/list.html), that uses this [partial template](https://github.com/htr3n/hyde-hyde/blob/master/layouts/partials/portfolio/content.html) and [this SCSS style](https://github.com/htr3n/hyde-hyde/blob/master/assets/scss/hyde-hyde/_project.scss).