html, body { font-family: 'Fira Sans', sans-serif; font-size: 18px; font-weight: 300; line-height: 1.5; } .img-circle { border-radius: 50%; } .headshot { width: 115px; height: 115px; } .brand { font-size: 2.6em; margin-bottom: 0; } .text-center { text-align: center; } .meta { font-size: .8rem !important; font-weight: 300; } pre { padding: 1px; tab-size: 2; } .hljs { white-space: pre; overflow-x: auto; /* no line wrapping */ } pre, code { font-family: monospace; border-radius: 4px; width: 100%; font-size: .9em; } code { padding:.20em .2em .10em; background: #272932!important; color: #ececec!important; box-sizing: border-box; margin: 0 .25em; } .copyright, .poweredby { font-size: 13px !important; font-weight: 300; } { display: block; margin-right: auto; margin-left: auto; } /* Changing from font-awesome 4 to 5, the class pull-right was removed */ .pull-right { float: right; }