* [subreddit linkifier](https://github.com/TomCasavant/RedditMaubot) - A bot that condescendingly corrects a user when they enter an r/subreddit without providing a link to that subreddit
* [giphy](https://github.com/TomCasavant/GiphyMaubot) - A bot that generates a gif (from giphy) given search terms
* [trump](https://github.com/jeffcasavant/MaubotTrumpTweet) - A bot that generates a Trump tweet with the given content
* [poll](https://github.com/TomCasavant/PollMaubot) - A bot that will create a simple poll for users in a room
* [urban](https://github.com/dvdgsng/UrbanMaubot) - A bot that fetches definitions from [Urban Dictionary](https://www.urbandictionary.com/).
* [invite](https://github.com/williamkray/maubot-invite) - A bot to generate invitation tokens from [matrix-registration](https://github.com/ZerataX/matrix-registration)
* [wolframalpha](https://github.com/ggogel/WolframAlphaMaubot) - A bot that allows requesting information from [WolframAlpha](https://www.wolframalpha.com/).
* [weather](https://github.com/kellya/maubot-weather) - A bot to get the weather from wttr.in and return a single line of text for the location specified
* †[youtube previewer](https://github.com/ggogel/YoutubePreviewMaubot) - A bot that responds to a YouTube link with the video title and thumbnail.
* †[reddit previewer](https://github.com/ggogel/RedditPreviewMaubot) - A bot that responds to a link of a reddit post with the sub name and title. If available, uploads the image or video.