2022-07-10 11:04:28 +02:00
{%- import "utils.html" as utils with context -%}
{% extends "layout.html" %}
{% block content %}
< div class = "box" >
2022-08-29 21:42:54 +02:00
< div class " indieauth-box " >
2022-07-19 20:38:32 +02:00
{% if client.logo %}
2022-08-29 21:42:54 +02:00
< div class = "indieauth-logo" >
< img src = "{{client.logo | media_proxy_url }}" alt = "{{ client.name }} logo" >
2022-07-19 20:38:32 +02:00
< / div >
{% endif %}
2022-08-29 21:42:54 +02:00
< div class = "indieauth-details" >
< div >
2022-12-16 19:23:22 +01:00
{% if client.url %}
< a class = "scolor" href = "{{ client.url }}" > {{ client.name }}< / a >
{% else %}
< span class = "scolor" > {{ client.name }}< / span >
{% endif %}
< p > wants you to login{% if me %} as < strong class = "lcolor" > {{ me }}< / strong > {% endif %} with the following redirect URI: < code > {{ redirect_uri }}< / code > .< / p >
2022-07-10 11:04:28 +02:00
2022-07-19 20:38:32 +02:00
< form method = "POST" action = "{{ url_for('indieauth_flow') }}" class = "form" >
{{ utils.embed_csrf_token() }}
{% if scopes %}
< h3 > Scopes< / h3 >
< ul >
{% for scope in scopes %}
< li > < input type = "checkbox" name = "scopes" value = "{{scope}}" id = "scope-{{scope}}" > < label for = "scope-{{scope}}" > {{ scope }}< / label >
< / li >
{% endfor %}
< / ul >
{% endif %}
< input type = "hidden" name = "redirect_uri" value = "{{ redirect_uri }}" >
< input type = "hidden" name = "state" value = "{{ state }}" >
< input type = "hidden" name = "client_id" value = "{{ client_id }}" >
< input type = "hidden" name = "me" value = "{{ me }}" >
< input type = "hidden" name = "response_type" value = "{{ response_type }}" >
< input type = "hidden" name = "code_challenge" value = "{{ code_challenge }}" >
< input type = "hidden" name = "code_challenge_method" value = "{{ code_challenge_method }}" >
< input type = "submit" value = "login" >
< / form >
< / div >
< / div >
< / div >
2022-07-10 11:04:28 +02:00
< / div >
{% endblock %}