README: use GKE add-on for Istio instructions (#121)

I also edited some irrelevant parts of the file, don't mind those.

Signed-off-by: Ahmet Alp Balkan <>
This commit is contained in:
Ahmet Alp Balkan 2019-01-15 10:14:33 -08:00 committed by GitHub
parent 8deb49e5ec
commit 10dfd04ab1
No known key found for this signature in database
1 changed files with 36 additions and 21 deletions

View File

@ -80,15 +80,17 @@ Find **Protocol Buffers Descriptions** at the [`./pb` directory](./pb).
- [skaffold](
1. Launch “Docker for Desktop”. Go to Preferences and choose “Enable Kubernetes”.
1. Launch “Docker for Desktop”. Go to Preferences:
- choose “Enable Kubernetes”,
- set CPUs to at least 3, and Memory to at least 6.0 GiB
1. Run `kubectl get nodes` to verify you're connected to “Kubernetes on Docker”.
3. Run `kubectl get nodes` to verify you're connected to “Kubernetes on Docker”.
1. Run `skaffold run` (first time will be slow, it can take ~20-30 minutes).
4. Run `skaffold run` (first time will be slow, it can take ~20-30 minutes).
This will build and deploy the application. If you need to rebuild the images
automatically as you refactor he code, run `skaffold dev` command.
1. Run `kubectl get pods` to verify the Pods are ready and running. The
5. Run `kubectl get pods` to verify the Pods are ready and running. The
application frontend should be available at http://localhost:80 on your
@ -117,16 +119,18 @@ Find **Protocol Buffers Descriptions** at the [`./pb` directory](./pb).
1. In the root of this repository, run `skaffold run[PROJECT_ID]`,
where [PROJECT_ID] is your GCP project ID.
This command:
- builds the container images
- pushes them to GCR
- applies the `./kubernetes-manifests` deploying the application to
**Troubleshooting:** If you get "No space left on device" error on Google Cloud Shell,
you can build the images on Google Cloud Build:
[Enable the Cloud Build API](, then run `skaffold run -p gcb[PROJECT_ID]` instead.
**Troubleshooting:** If you get "No space left on device" error on Google
Cloud Shell, you can build the images on Google Cloud Build: [Enable the
Cloud Build
then run `skaffold run -p gcb[PROJECT_ID]` instead.
1. Find the IP address of your application, then visit the application on your
browser to confirm installation.
@ -139,38 +143,47 @@ Find **Protocol Buffers Descriptions** at the [`./pb` directory](./pb).
are seeing this, run `kubectl get service frontend-external -o=yaml | kubectl apply -f-`
to trigger load balancer reconfiguration.
### (Optional) Deploying on a Istio-installed cluster
### (Optional) Deploying on a Istio-installed GKE cluster
> **Note:** you followed GKE deployment steps above, run `skaffold delete` first
> to delete what's deployed.
1. Create a GKE cluster.
1. Create a GKE cluster (described above).
2. Install Istio **without mutual TLS** authentication option.
2. Use [Istio on GKE add-on](
to install Istio to your existing GKE cluster.
> (Optional) If you'd like to enable mTLS in the demo app, you need to
> make a few changes to the deployment manifests:
gcloud beta container clusters update demo \
--zone=us-central1-a \
--update-addons=Istio=ENABLED \
> NOTE: If you need to enable `MTLS_STRICT` mode, you will need to update
> several manifest files:
> - `kubernetes-manifests/frontend.yaml`: delete "livenessProbe" and
> "readinessProbe" fields.
> - `kubernetes-manifests/loadgenerator.yaml`: delete "initContainers" field.
3. Install the automatic sidecar injection (annotate the `default` namespace
3. (Optional) Enable Stackdriver Tracing/Logging with Istio Stackdriver Adapter
by [following this guide](
4. Install the automatic sidecar injection (annotate the `default` namespace
with the label):
kubectl label namespace default istio-injection=enabled
4. Apply the manifests in [`./istio-manifests`](./istio-manifests) directory.
5. Apply the manifests in [`./istio-manifests`](./istio-manifests) directory.
kubectl apply -f ./istio-manifests
This is required only once.
5. Deploy the application with `skaffold run[PROJECT_ID]`.
6. Deploy the application with `skaffold run[PROJECT_ID]`.
6. Run `kubectl get pods` to see pods are in a healthy and ready state.
7. Run `kubectl get pods` to see pods are in a healthy and ready state.
7. Find the IP address of your istio gateway Ingress or Service, and visit the
8. Find the IP address of your istio gateway Ingress or Service, and visit the
INGRESS_HOST="$(kubectl -n istio-system get service istio-ingressgateway -o jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')"
@ -179,12 +192,14 @@ Find **Protocol Buffers Descriptions** at the [`./pb` directory](./pb).
curl -v "http://$INGRESS_HOST"
## Conferences featuring Hipster Shop
## Conferences featuring Hipster Shop
- [Google Cloud Next'18 London Keynote]( showing Stackdriver Incident Response Management
- [Google Cloud Next'18 London Keynote](
showing Stackdriver Incident Response Management
- Google Cloud Next'18 SF
- [Day 1 Keynote]( showing GKE On-Prem
- [Day 3 Keynote]( showing Stackdriver APM (Tracing, Code Search, Profiler, Google Cloud Build)
- [Day 3 Keynote]( showing Stackdriver
APM (Tracing, Code Search, Profiler, Google Cloud Build)
- [Introduction to Service Management with Istio](