This commit is contained in:
briandavidjoyner 2017-11-05 04:25:25 +00:00 committed by GitHub
commit 3ba9fd1dde
23 changed files with 487 additions and 2243 deletions

API.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
var express = require('express');
var router_API = express.Router([options]);
var options;
router_API.get('/route1', function(req, res) {
res.send('This worked');
module.exports = router_API;

View File

@ -1,247 +0,0 @@
<!-- toc -->
- [Node.js sample app on OpenShift!](#nodejs-sample-app-on-openshift)
* [OpenShift Origin v3 setup](#openshift-origin-v3-setup)
+ [Running a virtual machine with Vagrant](#running-a-virtual-machine-with-vagrant)
+ [Starting a Docker container](#starting-a-docker-container)
+ [Downloading the Binary](#downloading-the-binary)
+ [Running an Ansible playbook](#running-an-ansible-playbook)
* [Creating a project](#creating-a-project)
* [Creating new apps](#creating-new-apps)
+ [Create a new app from source code (method 1)](#create-a-new-app-from-source-code-method-1)
+ [Create a new app from a template (method 2)](#create-a-new-app-from-a-template-method-2)
+ [Build the app](#build-the-app)
+ [Deploy the app](#deploy-the-app)
+ [Configure routing](#configure-routing)
+ [Create a new app from an image (method 3)](#create-a-new-app-from-an-image-method-3)
+ [Setting environment variables](#setting-environment-variables)
+ [Success](#success)
+ [Pushing updates](#pushing-updates)
* [Debugging](#debugging)
* [Web UI](#web-ui)
* [Looking for help](#looking-for-help)
* [Compatibility](#compatibility)
* [License](#license)
<!-- tocstop -->
## Node.js sample app on OpenShift!
This example will serve a welcome page and the current hit count as stored in a database.
### OpenShift Origin v3 setup
There are four methods to get started with OpenShift v3:
- Running a virtual machine with Vagrant
- Starting a Docker container
- Downloading the binary
- Running an Ansible playbook
#### Running a virtual machine with Vagrant
One option is to use the Vagrant all-in-one launch as described in the [OpenShift Origin All-In-One Virtual Machine]( This option works on Mac, Windows and Linux, but requires that you install [Vagrant]( running [VirtualBox](
#### Starting a Docker container
Another option is running the OpenShift Origin Docker container image from [Docker Hub]( launch as described in the [Getting Started for Administrators]( This method is supported on Fedora, CentOS, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) hosts only.
#### Downloading the Binary
Red Hat periodically publishes OpenShift Origin Server binaries for Linux, which you can download on the OpenShift Origin GitHub [Release]( page. Instructions on how to install and launch the Openshift Origin Server from binary are described in [Getting Started for Administrators](
#### Running an Ansible playbook
Outlined as the [Advanced Installation]( method for poduction environments, OpenShift Origin is also installable via Ansible playbook made avaialble on the GitHub [openshift-ansible]( repo.
### Creating a project
After logging in with `oc login` (default username/password: openshift), if you don't have a project setup all ready, go ahead and take care of that:
$ oc new-project nodejs-echo \
$ --display-name="nodejs" --description="Sample Node.js app"
That's it, project has been created. Though it would probably be good to set your current project to this (thought new-project does it automatically as well), such as:
$ oc project nodejs-echo
### Creating new apps
You can create a new OpenShift application using the web console or by running the `oc new-app` command from the CLI. With the OpenShift CLI there are three ways to create a new application, by specifying either:
- [source code](
- [OpenShift templates](
- [DockerHub images](
#### Create a new app from source code (method 1)
Pointing `oc new-app` at source code kicks off a chain of events, for our example run:
$ oc new-app -l name=myapp
The tool will inspect the source code, locate an appropriate image on DockerHub, create an ImageStream for that image, and then create the right build configuration, deployment configuration and service definition.
(The -l flag will apply a label of "name=myapp" to all the resources created by new-app, for easy management later.)
#### Create a new app from a template (method 2)
We can also [create new apps using OpenShift template files]( Clone the demo app source code from [GitHub repo]( (fork if you like).
$ git clone
Looking at the repo, you'll notice three files in the openshift/template directory:
├── openshift
│   └── templates
│   ├── nodejs.json
│   ├── nodejs-mongodb.json
│   └── nodejs-mongodb-persistent.json
├── package.json
├── server.js
├── tests
│   └── app_test.js
└── views
└── index.html
We can create the the new app from the `nodejs.json` template by using the `-f` flag and pointing the tool at a path to the template file:
$ oc new-app -f /path/to/nodejs.json
#### Build the app
`oc new-app` will kick off a build once all required dependencies are confirmed.
Check the status of your new nodejs app with the command:
$ oc status
Which should return something like:
In project nodejs (nodejs-echo) on server
svc/nodejs-ex -
dc/nodejs-ex deploys istag/nodejs-ex:latest <-
bc/nodejs-ex builds with openshift/nodejs:0.10
build #1 running for 7 seconds
deployment #1 waiting on image or update
Note the server address for the web console, as yours will likely differ if you're not using the Vagrant set-up. You can follow along with the web console to see what new resources have been created and watch the progress of builds and deployments.
If the build is not yet started (you can check by running `oc get builds`), start one and stream the logs with:
$ oc start-build nodejs-ex --follow
You can alternatively leave off `--follow` and use `oc logs build/nodejs-ex-n` where *n* is the number of the build to track the output of the build.
#### Deploy the app
Deployment happens automatically once the new application image is available. To monitor its status either watch the web console or execute `oc get pods` to see when the pod is up. Another helpful command is
$ oc get svc
This will help indicate what IP address the service is running, the default port for it to deploy at is 8080. Output should look like:
nodejs-ex <none> 8080/TCP deploymentconfig=nodejs-ex,name=myapp 17m
#### Configure routing
An OpenShift route exposes a service at a host name, like, so that external clients can reach it by name.
DNS resolution for a host name is handled separately from routing; you may wish to configure a cloud domain that will always correctly resolve to the OpenShift router, or if using an unrelated host name you may need to modify its DNS records independently to resolve to the router.
That aside, let's explore our new web console, which for our example is running at [](
After logging into the web console with your same CLI `oc login` credentials, click on the project we just created, then click `Create route`.
If you're running OpenShift on a local machine, you can preview the new app by setting the Hostname to a localhost like: **.
This could also be accomplished by running:
$ oc expose svc/nodejs-ex
Now navigate to the newly created Node.js web app at the hostname we just configured, for our example it was simply [](
#### Create a new app from an image (method 3)
You may have noticed the index page "Page view count" reads "No database configured". Let's fix that by adding a MongoDB service. We could use the second OpenShift template example (`nodejs-mongodb.json`) but for the sake of demonstration let's point `oc new-app` at a DockerHub image:
$ oc new-app centos/mongodb-26-centos7 \
The `-e` flag sets the environment variables we want used in the configuration of our new app.
Running `oc status` or checking the web console will reveal the address of the newly created MongoDB:
In project nodejs-echo on server
svc/mongodb-26-centos7 -
dc/mongodb-26-centos7 deploys istag/mongodb-26-centos7:latest
deployment #1 running for 43 seconds - 1 pod to pod port 8080-tcp (svc/nodejs-ex)
dc/nodejs-ex deploys istag/nodejs-ex:latest <-
bc/nodejs-ex builds with openshift/nodejs:0.10
deployment #1 deployed 14 minutes ago - 1 pod
Note that the url for our new Mongo instance, for our example, is ``, yours will likely differ.
#### Setting environment variables
To take a look at environment variables set for each pod, run `oc env pods --all --list`.
We need to add the environment variable `MONGO_URL` to our Node.js web app so that it will utilize our MongoDB, and enable the "Page view count" feature. Run:
$ oc set env dc/nodejs-ex MONGO_URL='mongodb://admin:secret@'
Then check `oc status` to see that an updated deployment has been kicked off:
In project nodejs-echo on server
svc/mongodb-26-centos7 -
dc/mongodb-26-centos7 deploys istag/mongodb-26-centos7:latest
deployment #1 deployed 2 hours ago - 1 pod to pod port 8080-tcp (svc/nodejs-ex)
dc/nodejs-ex deploys istag/nodejs-ex:latest <-
bc/nodejs-ex builds with openshift/nodejs:0.10
deployment #2 deployed about a minute ago - 1 pod
deployment #1 deployed 2 hours ago
#### Success
You should now have a Node.js welcome page showing the current hit count, as stored in a MongoDB database.
#### Pushing updates
Assuming you used the URL of your own forked repository, we can easily push changes and simply repeat the steps above which will trigger the newly built image to be deployed.
### Debugging
Review some of the common tips and suggestions [here](
### Web UI
To run this example from the Web UI, you can same steps following done on the CLI as defined above. Here's a video showing it in motion:
<a href="" target="_blank">
<img src=""
alt="OpenShift 3: Node.js Sample" width="240" height="180" border="10" /></a>
### Looking for help
If you get stuck at some point, or think that this document needs further details or clarification, you can give feedback and look for help using the channels mentioned in [the OpenShift Origin repo](, or by filing an issue.
### Compatibility
This repository is compatible with Node.js 4 and higher, excluding any alpha or beta versions.
### License
This code is dedicated to the public domain to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, pursuant to [CC0](

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
name: nodejs
version: 0.1
description: An example Node.js application with no database. For more information about using this template, including OpenShift considerations, see
- quickstart
- nodejs

View File

@ -1,3 +0,0 @@
The following service(s) have been created in your project: {{ }}.
For more information about using this template, including OpenShift considerations, see

View File

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
kind: BuildConfig
name: {{ | quote }}
description: Defines how to build the application
type: Git
uri: {{ .Values.source_repository_url | quote }}
ref: {{ .Values.source_repository_ref | quote }}
contextDir: {{ .Values.context_dir | quote }}
type: Source
kind: ImageStreamTag
namespace: {{ .Values.namespace | quote }}
name: nodejs:6
- name: NPM_MIRROR
value: {{ .Values.npm_mirror | quote }}
kind: ImageStreamTag
name: {{ print ":latest" | quote }}
- type: ImageChange
- type: ConfigChange
- type: GitHub
secret: {{ .Values.github_webhook_secret | default (randAlphaNum 40) | quote }}
- type: Generic
secret: {{ .Values.generic_webhook_secret | default (randAlphaNum 40) | quote }}
script: npm test

View File

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
kind: DeploymentConfig
name: {{ | quote }}
description: Defines how to deploy the application server 'true'
type: Rolling
- type: ImageChange
automatic: true
- nodejs-example
kind: ImageStreamTag
name: {{ print ":latest" | quote }}
- type: ConfigChange
replicas: 1
name: {{ | quote }}
name: {{ | quote }}
name: {{ | quote }}
- name: nodejs-example
image: " "
- containerPort: 8080
timeoutSeconds: 3
initialDelaySeconds: 3
path: "/"
port: 8080
timeoutSeconds: 3
initialDelaySeconds: 30
path: "/"
port: 8080
memory: {{ .Values.memory_limit | quote }}

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
kind: ImageStream
name: {{ | quote }}
description: Keeps track of changes in the application image

View File

@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
kind: Route
name: {{ | quote }}
host: {{ .Values.application_domain | quote }}
kind: Service
name: {{ | quote }}

View File

@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: {{ | quote }}
description: Exposes and load balances the application pods
- name: web
port: 8080
targetPort: 8080
name: {{ | quote }}

View File

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
# Name: The name assigned to all of the frontend objects defined in this template.
name: nodejs-example
# Namespace: The OpenShift Namespace where the ImageStream resides.
namespace: openshift
# Memory Limit: Maximum amount of memory the container can use.
memory_limit: 512Mi
# Git Repository URL: The URL of the repository with your application source code.
# Git Reference: Set this to a branch name, tag or other ref of your repository if you are not using the default branch.
# Context Directory: Set this to the relative path to your project if it is not in the root of your repository.
# Application Hostname: The exposed hostname that will route to the Node.js service, if left blank a value will be defaulted.
# GitHub Webhook Secret: Github trigger secret. A difficult to guess string encoded as part of the webhook URL. Not encrypted.
# Generic Webhook Secret: A secret string used to configure the Generic webhook.
# Custom NPM Mirror URL: The custom NPM mirror URL

View File

@ -1,6 +0,0 @@
node('nodejs') {
stage 'build'
openshiftBuild(buildConfig: 'nodejs-ex', showBuildLogs: 'true')
stage 'deploy'
openshiftDeploy(deploymentConfig: 'nodejs-ex')

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
This directory contains a Jenkinsfile which can be used to build
nodejs-ex using an OpenShift build pipeline.
To do this, run:
# create the nodejs example as usual
oc new-app
# now create the pipeline build controller from the openshift/pipeline
# subdirectory
oc new-app \
--context-dir=openshift/pipeline --name nodejs-ex-pipeline

View File

@ -1,551 +0,0 @@
"kind": "Template",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "nodejs-mongo-persistent",
"annotations": {
"": "Node.js + MongoDB (Persistent)",
"description": "An example Node.js application with a MongoDB database. For more information about using this template, including OpenShift considerations, see",
"tags": "quickstart,nodejs",
"iconClass": "icon-nodejs",
"": "This template defines resources needed to develop a NodeJS application, including a build configuration, application deployment configuration, and database deployment configuration.",
"": "Red Hat, Inc.",
"": "",
"": ""
"message": "The following service(s) have been created in your project: ${NAME}, ${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}.\n\nFor more information about using this template, including OpenShift considerations, see",
"labels": {
"template": "nodejs-mongo-persistent"
"objects": [
"kind": "Secret",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "${NAME}"
"stringData": {
"database-user": "${DATABASE_USER}",
"database-password": "${DATABASE_PASSWORD}",
"database-admin-password" : "${DATABASE_ADMIN_PASSWORD}"
"kind": "Service",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "${NAME}",
"annotations": {
"description": "Exposes and load balances the application pods",
"": "[{\"name\": \"${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}\", \"kind\": \"Service\"}]"
"spec": {
"ports": [
"name": "web",
"port": 8080,
"targetPort": 8080
"selector": {
"name": "${NAME}"
"kind": "Route",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "${NAME}",
"annotations": {
"": "http://{}{.spec.path}"
"spec": {
"to": {
"kind": "Service",
"name": "${NAME}"
"kind": "ImageStream",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "${NAME}",
"annotations": {
"description": "Keeps track of changes in the application image"
"kind": "BuildConfig",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "${NAME}",
"annotations": {
"description": "Defines how to build the application",
"": "true"
"spec": {
"source": {
"type": "Git",
"git": {
"contextDir": "${CONTEXT_DIR}"
"strategy": {
"type": "Source",
"sourceStrategy": {
"from": {
"kind": "ImageStreamTag",
"namespace": "${NAMESPACE}",
"name": "nodejs:6"
"env": [
"name": "NPM_MIRROR",
"value": "${NPM_MIRROR}"
"output": {
"to": {
"kind": "ImageStreamTag",
"name": "${NAME}:latest"
"triggers": [
"type": "ImageChange"
"type": "ConfigChange"
"type": "GitHub",
"github": {
"type": "Generic",
"generic": {
"postCommit": {
"script": "npm test"
"kind": "DeploymentConfig",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "${NAME}",
"annotations": {
"description": "Defines how to deploy the application server",
"": "true"
"spec": {
"strategy": {
"type": "Recreate"
"triggers": [
"type": "ImageChange",
"imageChangeParams": {
"automatic": true,
"containerNames": [
"from": {
"kind": "ImageStreamTag",
"name": "${NAME}:latest"
"type": "ConfigChange"
"replicas": 1,
"selector": {
"name": "${NAME}"
"template": {
"metadata": {
"name": "${NAME}",
"labels": {
"name": "${NAME}"
"spec": {
"containers": [
"name": "nodejs-mongo-persistent",
"image": " ",
"ports": [
"containerPort": 8080
"env": [
"name": "MONGODB_USER",
"valueFrom": {
"secretKeyRef" : {
"name" : "${NAME}",
"key" : "database-user"
"valueFrom": {
"secretKeyRef" : {
"name" : "${NAME}",
"key" : "database-password"
"value": "${DATABASE_NAME}"
"valueFrom": {
"secretKeyRef" : {
"name" : "${NAME}",
"key" : "database-admin-password"
"readinessProbe": {
"timeoutSeconds": 3,
"initialDelaySeconds": 3,
"httpGet": {
"path": "/pagecount",
"port": 8080
"livenessProbe": {
"timeoutSeconds": 3,
"initialDelaySeconds": 30,
"httpGet": {
"path": "/pagecount",
"port": 8080
"resources": {
"limits": {
"memory": "${MEMORY_LIMIT}"
"kind": "PersistentVolumeClaim",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"spec": {
"accessModes": [
"resources": {
"requests": {
"storage": "${VOLUME_CAPACITY}"
"kind": "Service",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"annotations": {
"description": "Exposes the database server"
"spec": {
"ports": [
"name": "mongodb",
"port": 27017,
"targetPort": 27017
"selector": {
"kind": "DeploymentConfig",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"annotations": {
"description": "Defines how to deploy the database",
"": "true"
"spec": {
"strategy": {
"type": "Recreate"
"triggers": [
"type": "ImageChange",
"imageChangeParams": {
"automatic": true,
"containerNames": [
"from": {
"kind": "ImageStreamTag",
"namespace": "${NAMESPACE}",
"name": "mongodb:3.2"
"type": "ConfigChange"
"replicas": 1,
"selector": {
"template": {
"metadata": {
"labels": {
"spec": {
"containers": [
"name": "mongodb",
"image": " ",
"ports": [
"containerPort": 27017
"env": [
"name": "MONGODB_USER",
"valueFrom": {
"secretKeyRef" : {
"name" : "${NAME}",
"key" : "database-user"
"valueFrom": {
"secretKeyRef" : {
"name" : "${NAME}",
"key" : "database-password"
"value": "${DATABASE_NAME}"
"valueFrom": {
"secretKeyRef" : {
"name" : "${NAME}",
"key" : "database-admin-password"
"readinessProbe": {
"timeoutSeconds": 1,
"initialDelaySeconds": 3,
"exec": {
"command": [
"livenessProbe": {
"timeoutSeconds": 1,
"initialDelaySeconds": 30,
"tcpSocket": {
"port": 27017
"resources": {
"limits": {
"volumeMounts": [
"name": "${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}-data",
"mountPath": "/var/lib/mongodb/data"
"volumes": [
"name": "${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}-data",
"persistentVolumeClaim": {
"parameters": [
"name": "NAME",
"displayName": "Name",
"description": "The name assigned to all of the frontend objects defined in this template.",
"required": true,
"value": "nodejs-mongo-persistent"
"name": "NAMESPACE",
"displayName": "Namespace",
"description": "The OpenShift Namespace where the ImageStream resides.",
"required": true,
"value": "openshift"
"name": "MEMORY_LIMIT",
"displayName": "Memory Limit",
"description": "Maximum amount of memory the Node.js container can use.",
"required": true,
"value": "512Mi"
"displayName": "Memory Limit (MongoDB)",
"description": "Maximum amount of memory the MongoDB container can use.",
"required": true,
"value": "512Mi"
"displayName": "Volume Capacity",
"description": "Volume space available for data, e.g. 512Mi, 2Gi",
"value": "1Gi",
"required": true
"displayName": "Git Repository URL",
"description": "The URL of the repository with your application source code.",
"required": true,
"value": ""
"displayName": "Git Reference",
"description": "Set this to a branch name, tag or other ref of your repository if you are not using the default branch."
"name": "CONTEXT_DIR",
"displayName": "Context Directory",
"description": "Set this to the relative path to your project if it is not in the root of your repository."
"displayName": "Application Hostname",
"description": "The exposed hostname that will route to the Node.js service, if left blank a value will be defaulted.",
"value": ""
"displayName": "GitHub Webhook Secret",
"description": "Github trigger secret. A difficult to guess string encoded as part of the webhook URL. Not encrypted.",
"generate": "expression",
"from": "[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}"
"displayName": "Generic Webhook Secret",
"description": "A secret string used to configure the Generic webhook.",
"generate": "expression",
"from": "[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}"
"displayName": "Database Service Name",
"required": true,
"value": "mongodb"
"name": "DATABASE_USER",
"displayName": "MongoDB Username",
"description": "Username for MongoDB user that will be used for accessing the database.",
"generate": "expression",
"from": "user[A-Z0-9]{3}"
"displayName": "MongoDB Password",
"description": "Password for the MongoDB user.",
"generate": "expression",
"from": "[a-zA-Z0-9]{16}"
"name": "DATABASE_NAME",
"displayName": "Database Name",
"required": true,
"value": "sampledb"
"displayName": "Database Administrator Password",
"description": "Password for the database admin user.",
"generate": "expression",
"from": "[a-zA-Z0-9]{16}"
"name": "NPM_MIRROR",
"displayName": "Custom NPM Mirror URL",
"description": "The custom NPM mirror URL",
"value": ""

View File

@ -1,527 +0,0 @@
"kind": "Template",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "nodejs-mongodb-example",
"annotations": {
"": "Node.js + MongoDB (Ephemeral)",
"description": "An example Node.js application with a MongoDB database. For more information about using this template, including OpenShift considerations, see\n\nWARNING: Any data stored will be lost upon pod destruction. Only use this template for testing.",
"tags": "quickstart,nodejs",
"iconClass": "icon-nodejs",
"": "This template defines resources needed to develop a NodeJS application, including a build configuration, application deployment configuration, and database deployment configuration. The database is stored in non-persistent storage, so this configuration should be used for experimental purposes only.",
"": "Red Hat, Inc.",
"": "",
"": ""
"message": "The following service(s) have been created in your project: ${NAME}, ${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}.\n\nFor more information about using this template, including OpenShift considerations, see",
"labels": {
"template": "nodejs-mongodb-example"
"objects": [
"kind": "Secret",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "${NAME}"
"stringData": {
"database-user": "${DATABASE_USER}",
"database-password": "${DATABASE_PASSWORD}",
"database-admin-password" : "${DATABASE_ADMIN_PASSWORD}"
"kind": "Service",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "${NAME}",
"annotations": {
"description": "Exposes and load balances the application pods",
"": "[{\"name\": \"${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}\", \"kind\": \"Service\"}]"
"spec": {
"ports": [
"name": "web",
"port": 8080,
"targetPort": 8080
"selector": {
"name": "${NAME}"
"kind": "Route",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "${NAME}",
"annotations": {
"": "http://{}{.spec.path}"
"spec": {
"to": {
"kind": "Service",
"name": "${NAME}"
"kind": "ImageStream",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "${NAME}",
"annotations": {
"description": "Keeps track of changes in the application image"
"kind": "BuildConfig",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "${NAME}",
"annotations": {
"description": "Defines how to build the application",
"": "true"
"spec": {
"source": {
"type": "Git",
"git": {
"contextDir": "${CONTEXT_DIR}"
"strategy": {
"type": "Source",
"sourceStrategy": {
"from": {
"kind": "ImageStreamTag",
"namespace": "${NAMESPACE}",
"name": "nodejs:6"
"env": [
"name": "NPM_MIRROR",
"value": "${NPM_MIRROR}"
"output": {
"to": {
"kind": "ImageStreamTag",
"name": "${NAME}:latest"
"triggers": [
"type": "ImageChange"
"type": "ConfigChange"
"type": "GitHub",
"github": {
"type": "Generic",
"generic": {
"postCommit": {
"script": "npm test"
"kind": "DeploymentConfig",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "${NAME}",
"annotations": {
"description": "Defines how to deploy the application server",
"": "true"
"spec": {
"strategy": {
"type": "Recreate"
"triggers": [
"type": "ImageChange",
"imageChangeParams": {
"automatic": true,
"containerNames": [
"from": {
"kind": "ImageStreamTag",
"name": "${NAME}:latest"
"type": "ConfigChange"
"replicas": 1,
"selector": {
"name": "${NAME}"
"template": {
"metadata": {
"name": "${NAME}",
"labels": {
"name": "${NAME}"
"spec": {
"containers": [
"name": "nodejs-mongodb-example",
"image": " ",
"ports": [
"containerPort": 8080
"env": [
"name": "MONGODB_USER",
"valueFrom": {
"secretKeyRef" : {
"name" : "${NAME}",
"key" : "database-user"
"valueFrom": {
"secretKeyRef" : {
"name" : "${NAME}",
"key" : "database-password"
"value": "${DATABASE_NAME}"
"valueFrom": {
"secretKeyRef" : {
"name" : "${NAME}",
"key" : "database-admin-password"
"readinessProbe": {
"timeoutSeconds": 3,
"initialDelaySeconds": 3,
"httpGet": {
"path": "/pagecount",
"port": 8080
"livenessProbe": {
"timeoutSeconds": 3,
"initialDelaySeconds": 30,
"httpGet": {
"path": "/pagecount",
"port": 8080
"resources": {
"limits": {
"memory": "${MEMORY_LIMIT}"
"kind": "Service",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"annotations": {
"description": "Exposes the database server"
"spec": {
"ports": [
"name": "mongodb",
"port": 27017,
"targetPort": 27017
"selector": {
"kind": "DeploymentConfig",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"annotations": {
"description": "Defines how to deploy the database",
"": "true"
"spec": {
"strategy": {
"type": "Recreate"
"triggers": [
"type": "ImageChange",
"imageChangeParams": {
"automatic": true,
"containerNames": [
"from": {
"kind": "ImageStreamTag",
"namespace": "${NAMESPACE}",
"name": "mongodb:3.2"
"type": "ConfigChange"
"replicas": 1,
"selector": {
"template": {
"metadata": {
"labels": {
"spec": {
"containers": [
"name": "mongodb",
"image": " ",
"ports": [
"containerPort": 27017
"env": [
"name": "MONGODB_USER",
"valueFrom": {
"secretKeyRef" : {
"name" : "${NAME}",
"key" : "database-user"
"valueFrom": {
"secretKeyRef" : {
"name" : "${NAME}",
"key" : "database-password"
"value": "${DATABASE_NAME}"
"valueFrom": {
"secretKeyRef" : {
"name" : "${NAME}",
"key" : "database-admin-password"
"readinessProbe": {
"timeoutSeconds": 1,
"initialDelaySeconds": 3,
"exec": {
"command": [
"livenessProbe": {
"timeoutSeconds": 1,
"initialDelaySeconds": 30,
"tcpSocket": {
"port": 27017
"resources": {
"limits": {
"volumeMounts": [
"name": "${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}-data",
"mountPath": "/var/lib/mongodb/data"
"volumes": [
"name": "${DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME}-data",
"emptyDir": {
"medium": ""
"parameters": [
"name": "NAME",
"displayName": "Name",
"description": "The name assigned to all of the frontend objects defined in this template.",
"required": true,
"value": "nodejs-mongodb-example"
"name": "NAMESPACE",
"displayName": "Namespace",
"description": "The OpenShift Namespace where the ImageStream resides.",
"required": true,
"value": "openshift"
"name": "MEMORY_LIMIT",
"displayName": "Memory Limit",
"description": "Maximum amount of memory the Node.js container can use.",
"required": true,
"value": "512Mi"
"displayName": "Memory Limit (MongoDB)",
"description": "Maximum amount of memory the MongoDB container can use.",
"required": true,
"value": "512Mi"
"displayName": "Git Repository URL",
"description": "The URL of the repository with your application source code.",
"required": true,
"value": ""
"displayName": "Git Reference",
"description": "Set this to a branch name, tag or other ref of your repository if you are not using the default branch."
"name": "CONTEXT_DIR",
"displayName": "Context Directory",
"description": "Set this to the relative path to your project if it is not in the root of your repository."
"displayName": "Application Hostname",
"description": "The exposed hostname that will route to the Node.js service, if left blank a value will be defaulted.",
"value": ""
"displayName": "GitHub Webhook Secret",
"description": "Github trigger secret. A difficult to guess string encoded as part of the webhook URL. Not encrypted.",
"generate": "expression",
"from": "[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}"
"displayName": "Generic Webhook Secret",
"description": "A secret string used to configure the Generic webhook.",
"generate": "expression",
"from": "[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}"
"displayName": "Database Service Name",
"required": true,
"value": "mongodb"
"name": "DATABASE_USER",
"displayName": "MongoDB Username",
"description": "Username for MongoDB user that will be used for accessing the database.",
"generate": "expression",
"from": "user[A-Z0-9]{3}"
"displayName": "MongoDB Password",
"description": "Password for the MongoDB user.",
"generate": "expression",
"from": "[a-zA-Z0-9]{16}"
"name": "DATABASE_NAME",
"displayName": "Database Name",
"required": true,
"value": "sampledb"
"displayName": "Database Administrator Password",
"description": "Password for the database admin user.",
"generate": "expression",
"from": "[a-zA-Z0-9]{16}"
"name": "NPM_MIRROR",
"displayName": "Custom NPM Mirror URL",
"description": "The custom NPM mirror URL",
"value": ""

View File

@ -1,291 +0,0 @@
"kind": "Template",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "nodejs-example",
"annotations": {
"": "Node.js",
"description": "An example Node.js application with no database. For more information about using this template, including OpenShift considerations, see",
"tags": "quickstart,nodejs",
"iconClass": "icon-nodejs",
"": "This template defines resources needed to develop a NodeJS application, including a build configuration and application deployment configuration. It does not include a database.",
"": "Red Hat, Inc.",
"": "",
"": ""
"message": "The following service(s) have been created in your project: ${NAME}.\n\nFor more information about using this template, including OpenShift considerations, see",
"labels": {
"template": "nodejs-example"
"objects": [
"kind": "Service",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "${NAME}",
"annotations": {
"description": "Exposes and load balances the application pods"
"spec": {
"ports": [
"name": "web",
"port": 8080,
"targetPort": 8080
"selector": {
"name": "${NAME}"
"kind": "Route",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "${NAME}",
"annotations": {
"": "http://{}{.spec.path}"
"spec": {
"to": {
"kind": "Service",
"name": "${NAME}"
"kind": "ImageStream",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "${NAME}",
"annotations": {
"description": "Keeps track of changes in the application image"
"kind": "BuildConfig",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "${NAME}",
"annotations": {
"description": "Defines how to build the application",
"": "true"
"spec": {
"source": {
"type": "Git",
"git": {
"contextDir": "${CONTEXT_DIR}"
"strategy": {
"type": "Source",
"sourceStrategy": {
"from": {
"kind": "ImageStreamTag",
"namespace": "${NAMESPACE}",
"name": "nodejs:6"
"env": [
"name": "NPM_MIRROR",
"value": "${NPM_MIRROR}"
"output": {
"to": {
"kind": "ImageStreamTag",
"name": "${NAME}:latest"
"triggers": [
"type": "ImageChange"
"type": "ConfigChange"
"type": "GitHub",
"github": {
"type": "Generic",
"generic": {
"postCommit": {
"script": "npm test"
"kind": "DeploymentConfig",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": "${NAME}",
"annotations": {
"description": "Defines how to deploy the application server",
"": "true"
"spec": {
"strategy": {
"type": "Rolling"
"triggers": [
"type": "ImageChange",
"imageChangeParams": {
"automatic": true,
"containerNames": [
"from": {
"kind": "ImageStreamTag",
"name": "${NAME}:latest"
"type": "ConfigChange"
"replicas": 1,
"selector": {
"name": "${NAME}"
"template": {
"metadata": {
"name": "${NAME}",
"labels": {
"name": "${NAME}"
"spec": {
"containers": [
"name": "nodejs-example",
"image": " ",
"ports": [
"containerPort": 8080
"readinessProbe": {
"timeoutSeconds": 3,
"initialDelaySeconds": 3,
"httpGet": {
"path": "/",
"port": 8080
"livenessProbe": {
"timeoutSeconds": 3,
"initialDelaySeconds": 30,
"httpGet": {
"path": "/",
"port": 8080
"resources": {
"limits": {
"memory": "${MEMORY_LIMIT}"
"env": [
"resources": {
"limits": {
"memory": "${MEMORY_LIMIT}"
"parameters": [
"name": "NAME",
"displayName": "Name",
"description": "The name assigned to all of the frontend objects defined in this template.",
"required": true,
"value": "nodejs-example"
"name": "NAMESPACE",
"displayName": "Namespace",
"description": "The OpenShift Namespace where the ImageStream resides.",
"required": true,
"value": "openshift"
"name": "MEMORY_LIMIT",
"displayName": "Memory Limit",
"description": "Maximum amount of memory the container can use.",
"required": true,
"value": "512Mi"
"displayName": "Git Repository URL",
"description": "The URL of the repository with your application source code.",
"required": true,
"value": ""
"displayName": "Git Reference",
"description": "Set this to a branch name, tag or other ref of your repository if you are not using the default branch."
"name": "CONTEXT_DIR",
"displayName": "Context Directory",
"description": "Set this to the relative path to your project if it is not in the root of your repository."
"displayName": "Application Hostname",
"description": "The exposed hostname that will route to the Node.js service, if left blank a value will be defaulted.",
"value": ""
"displayName": "GitHub Webhook Secret",
"description": "Github trigger secret. A difficult to guess string encoded as part of the webhook URL. Not encrypted.",
"generate": "expression",
"from": "[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}"
"displayName": "Generic Webhook Secret",
"description": "A secret string used to configure the Generic webhook.",
"generate": "expression",
"from": "[a-zA-Z0-9]{40}"
"name": "NPM_MIRROR",
"displayName": "Custom NPM Mirror URL",
"description": "The custom NPM mirror URL",
"value": ""

package-lock.json generated Normal file
View File

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"integrity": "sha512-BvE/TwpZX4FXExxOxZyRGQQv651MSwmWKZGqvmPcRIjDqWub67kTKuIMx43cZZrS/cBBzwBcNDWoFxt2XEFIpQ=="
"statuses": {
"version": "1.3.1",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-+vUbnrdKrvOzrPStX2Gr8ky3uT4="
"type-is": {
"version": "1.6.15",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-yrEPtJCeRByChC6v4a1kbIGARBA=",
"requires": {
"media-typer": "0.3.0",
"mime-types": "2.1.17"
"unpipe": {
"version": "1.0.0",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-sr9O6FFKrmFltIF4KdIbLvSZBOw="
"utils-merge": {
"version": "1.0.1",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-n5VxD1CiZ5R7LMwSR0HBAoQn5xM="
"vary": {
"version": "1.1.2",
"resolved": "",
"integrity": "sha1-IpnwLG3tMNSllhsLn3RSShj2NPw="

View File

@ -1,34 +1,25 @@
"name": "nodejs-ex",
"version": "0.0.1",
"description": "Node.js sample app for OpenShift 3",
"name": "diapers_new",
"version": "1.0.0",
"description": "",
"main": "server.js",
"dependencies": {
"chai": "^3.5.0",
"chai-http": "^2.0.1",
"ejs": "^2.4.1",
"express": "^4.13.4",
"mocha": "^2.4.5",
"mongodb": "^2.1.16",
"morgan": "^1.7.0",
"engine": {
"node": "*",
"npm": "*"
"scripts": {
"start": "node server.js",
"test": "IP= PORT=3030 mocha --timeout 5000 tests/*_test.js"
"start": "node server.js"
"repository": {
"type": "git",
"url": ""
"url": "git+"
"author": "Steve Speicher <>",
"license": "CC-BY-1.0",
"author": "",
"license": "ISC",
"bugs": {
"url": ""
"url": ""
"homepage": ""
"homepage": "",
"dependencies": {
"compression": "^1.7.1",
"express": "^4.16.2",
"morgan": "^1.9.0",
"promise": "^8.0.1"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
app.controller('main_controller', ['$scope','brandInfo','brandData','itemData','sizeData','$route','$window', 'title',

public/scripts/module.js Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
var app = angular.module('diapers_app',[]);

View File

@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
<html ng-app="diapers_app">
<!-- Angular Scripts -->
<script src=""></script>
<script src="/public/scripts/module.js"></script>
<script src="/public/scripts/main_controller.js"></script>
<!-- End Angular Scripts -->

View File

@ -1,105 +1,32 @@
// OpenShift sample Node application
var express = require('express'),
app = express(),
morgan = require('morgan');
var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var Promise = require('promise');
var compression = require('compression');
app.engine('html', require('ejs').renderFile);
var API = require(__dirname + '/API.js');
var port = process.env.PORT || process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_PORT || 8080,
ip = process.env.IP || process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_IP || '',
mongoURL = process.env.OPENSHIFT_MONGODB_DB_URL || process.env.MONGO_URL,
mongoURLLabel = "";
//OpenShift Settings
//var ip = process.env.IP || process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_IP || '';
//var port = process.env.PORT || process.env.OPENSHIFT_NODEJS_PORT || 8080;
var port = 8080;
var ip = 'localhost'
if (mongoURL == null && process.env.DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME) {
var mongoServiceName = process.env.DATABASE_SERVICE_NAME.toUpperCase(),
mongoHost = process.env[mongoServiceName + '_SERVICE_HOST'],
mongoPort = process.env[mongoServiceName + '_SERVICE_PORT'],
mongoDatabase = process.env[mongoServiceName + '_DATABASE'],
mongoPassword = process.env[mongoServiceName + '_PASSWORD']
mongoUser = process.env[mongoServiceName + '_USER'];
if (mongoHost && mongoPort && mongoDatabase) {
mongoURLLabel = mongoURL = 'mongodb://';
if (mongoUser && mongoPassword) {
mongoURL += mongoUser + ':' + mongoPassword + '@';
// Provide UI label that excludes user id and pw
mongoURLLabel += mongoHost + ':' + mongoPort + '/' + mongoDatabase;
mongoURL += mongoHost + ':' + mongoPort + '/' + mongoDatabase;
//External Routing Of Public Assets
app.use('/public', express.static(__dirname + '/public'));
var db = null,
dbDetails = new Object();
//External Routing Of API
app.use('/api', API);
var initDb = function(callback) {
if (mongoURL == null) return;
var mongodb = require('mongodb');
if (mongodb == null) return;
mongodb.connect(mongoURL, function(err, conn) {
if (err) {
db = conn;
dbDetails.databaseName = db.databaseName;
dbDetails.url = mongoURLLabel;
dbDetails.type = 'MongoDB';
console.log('Connected to MongoDB at: %s', mongoURL);
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
// try to initialize the db on every request if it's not already
// initialized.
if (!db) {
if (db) {
var col = db.collection('counts');
// Create a document with request IP and current time of request
col.insert({ip: req.ip, date:});
col.count(function(err, count){
res.render('index.html', { pageCountMessage : count, dbInfo: dbDetails });
} else {
res.render('index.html', { pageCountMessage : null});
app.get('/pagecount', function (req, res) {
// try to initialize the db on every request if it's not already
// initialized.
if (!db) {
if (db) {
db.collection('counts').count(function(err, count ){
res.send('{ pageCount: ' + count + '}');
} else {
res.send('{ pageCount: -1 }');
// error handling
app.use(function(err, req, res, next){
res.status(500).send('Something bad happened!');
console.log('Error connecting to Mongo. Message:\n'+err);
//External Other Routes
app.get('*', function (req, res) {
console.log('works as expected');
res.sendFile(__dirname + '/public/views/pages/index.html');
//app Initialize
app.listen(port, ip);
console.log('Server running on http://%s:%s', ip, port);
module.exports = app ;
console.log('Server running on http://%s:%s', ip, port);

View File

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
var server = require('../server'),
chai = require('chai'),
chaiHTTP = require('chai-http'),
should = chai.should();
reqServer = process.env.HTTP_TEST_SERVER || server
describe('Basic routes tests', function() {
it('GET to / should return 200', function(done){
.end(function(err, res) {
it('GET to /pagecount should return 200', function(done){
.end(function(err, res) {

File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long