2022-04-07 19:11:51 -04:00
2023-01-27 23:10:59 -05:00
"common_cancel" : "Cancel" ,
2023-01-31 21:39:30 -05:00
"common_save" : "Save" ,
2022-12-29 08:20:53 -05:00
"signup_title" : "Create a ntfy account" ,
"signup_form_username" : "Username" ,
"signup_form_password" : "Password" ,
"signup_form_confirm_password" : "Confirm password" ,
"signup_form_button_submit" : "Sign up" ,
2022-12-30 14:20:48 -05:00
"signup_form_toggle_password_visibility" : "Toggle password visibility" ,
2022-12-29 08:20:53 -05:00
"signup_already_have_account" : "Already have an account? Sign in!" ,
"signup_disabled" : "Signup is disabled" ,
"signup_error_username_taken" : "Username {{username}} is already taken" ,
"signup_error_creation_limit_reached" : "Account creation limit reached" ,
"login_title" : "Sign in to your ntfy account" ,
"login_form_button_submit" : "Sign in" ,
"login_link_signup" : "Sign up" ,
2022-05-02 19:30:29 -04:00
"action_bar_show_menu" : "Show menu" ,
"action_bar_logo_alt" : "ntfy logo" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"action_bar_settings" : "Settings" ,
2023-01-04 22:47:12 -05:00
"action_bar_account" : "Account" ,
2023-01-31 21:39:30 -05:00
"action_bar_change_display_name" : "Change display name" ,
"action_bar_reservation_add" : "Reserve topic" ,
"action_bar_reservation_edit" : "Change reservation" ,
"action_bar_reservation_delete" : "Remove reservation" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"action_bar_send_test_notification" : "Send test notification" ,
"action_bar_clear_notifications" : "Clear all notifications" ,
"action_bar_unsubscribe" : "Unsubscribe" ,
2022-05-03 15:09:20 -04:00
"action_bar_toggle_mute" : "Mute/unmute notifications" ,
"action_bar_toggle_action_menu" : "Open/close action menu" ,
2022-12-29 02:32:05 -05:00
"action_bar_profile_title" : "Profile" ,
"action_bar_profile_settings" : "Settings" ,
"action_bar_profile_logout" : "Logout" ,
"action_bar_sign_in" : "Sign in" ,
"action_bar_sign_up" : "Sign up" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"message_bar_type_message" : "Type a message here" ,
2022-04-08 12:45:41 -04:00
"message_bar_error_publishing" : "Error publishing notification" ,
2022-05-02 19:30:29 -04:00
"message_bar_show_dialog" : "Show publish dialog" ,
"message_bar_publish" : "Publish message" ,
2022-04-07 21:46:33 -04:00
"nav_topics_title" : "Subscribed topics" ,
"nav_button_all_notifications" : "All notifications" ,
2022-12-15 22:07:04 -05:00
"nav_button_account" : "Account" ,
2022-04-07 21:46:33 -04:00
"nav_button_settings" : "Settings" ,
"nav_button_documentation" : "Documentation" ,
2022-04-08 12:45:41 -04:00
"nav_button_publish_message" : "Publish notification" ,
2022-04-07 21:46:33 -04:00
"nav_button_subscribe" : "Subscribe to topic" ,
2022-05-03 15:09:20 -04:00
"nav_button_muted" : "Notifications muted" ,
"nav_button_connecting" : "connecting" ,
2022-04-07 21:46:33 -04:00
"alert_grant_title" : "Notifications are disabled" ,
"alert_grant_description" : "Grant your browser permission to display desktop notifications." ,
"alert_grant_button" : "Grant now" ,
"alert_not_supported_title" : "Notifications not supported" ,
"alert_not_supported_description" : "Notifications are not supported in your browser." ,
2022-06-12 16:38:33 -04:00
"alert_not_supported_context_description" : "Notifications are only supported over HTTPS. This is a limitation of the <mdnLink>Notifications API</mdnLink>." ,
2022-05-02 19:30:29 -04:00
"notifications_list" : "Notifications list" ,
"notifications_list_item" : "Notification" ,
2022-05-07 16:10:48 -06:00
"notifications_mark_read" : "Mark as read" ,
2022-05-07 19:16:08 -04:00
"notifications_delete" : "Delete" ,
2022-04-07 21:46:33 -04:00
"notifications_copied_to_clipboard" : "Copied to clipboard" ,
"notifications_tags" : "Tags" ,
2022-05-02 19:30:29 -04:00
"notifications_priority_x" : "Priority {{priority}}" ,
"notifications_new_indicator" : "New notification" ,
"notifications_attachment_image" : "Attachment image" ,
2022-04-07 21:46:33 -04:00
"notifications_attachment_copy_url_title" : "Copy attachment URL to clipboard" ,
"notifications_attachment_copy_url_button" : "Copy URL" ,
"notifications_attachment_open_title" : "Go to {{url}}" ,
"notifications_attachment_open_button" : "Open attachment" ,
"notifications_attachment_link_expires" : "link expires {{date}}" ,
"notifications_attachment_link_expired" : "download link expired" ,
2022-05-02 19:30:29 -04:00
"notifications_attachment_file_image" : "image file" ,
"notifications_attachment_file_video" : "video file" ,
"notifications_attachment_file_audio" : "audio file" ,
"notifications_attachment_file_app" : "Android app file" ,
"notifications_attachment_file_document" : "other document" ,
2022-04-07 21:46:33 -04:00
"notifications_click_copy_url_title" : "Copy link URL to clipboard" ,
"notifications_click_copy_url_button" : "Copy link" ,
"notifications_click_open_button" : "Open link" ,
2022-04-21 16:33:49 -04:00
"notifications_actions_open_url_title" : "Go to {{url}}" ,
"notifications_actions_not_supported" : "Action not supported in web app" ,
"notifications_actions_http_request_title" : "Send HTTP {{method}} to {{url}}" ,
2022-04-07 21:46:33 -04:00
"notifications_none_for_topic_title" : "You haven't received any notifications for this topic yet." ,
"notifications_none_for_topic_description" : "To send notifications to this topic, simply PUT or POST to the topic URL." ,
"notifications_none_for_any_title" : "You haven't received any notifications." ,
"notifications_none_for_any_description" : "To send notifications to a topic, simply PUT or POST to the topic URL. Here's an example using one of your topics." ,
"notifications_no_subscriptions_title" : "It looks like you don't have any subscriptions yet." ,
2022-04-10 15:13:12 -04:00
"notifications_no_subscriptions_description" : "Click the \"{{linktext}}\" link to create or subscribe to a topic. After that, you can send messages via PUT or POST and you'll receive notifications here." ,
2022-04-07 21:46:33 -04:00
"notifications_example" : "Example" ,
"notifications_more_details" : "For more information, check out the <websiteLink>website</websiteLink> or <docsLink>documentation</docsLink>." ,
2023-01-31 21:39:30 -05:00
"display_name_dialog_title" : "Change display name" ,
"display_name_dialog_description" : "Set an alternative name for a topic that is displayed in the subscription list. This helps identify topics with complicated names more easily." ,
"display_name_dialog_placeholder" : "Display name" ,
"reserve_dialog_checkbox_label" : "Reserve topic and configure access" ,
2022-04-08 12:45:41 -04:00
"notifications_loading" : "Loading notifications …" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"publish_dialog_title_topic" : "Publish to {{topic}}" ,
2022-04-08 12:45:41 -04:00
"publish_dialog_title_no_topic" : "Publish notification" ,
"publish_dialog_progress_uploading" : "Uploading …" ,
"publish_dialog_progress_uploading_detail" : "Uploading {{loaded}}/{{total}} ({{percent}}%) …" ,
"publish_dialog_message_published" : "Notification published" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"publish_dialog_attachment_limits_file_and_quota_reached" : "exceeds {{fileSizeLimit}} file limit and quota, {{remainingBytes}} remaining" ,
"publish_dialog_attachment_limits_file_reached" : "exceeds {{fileSizeLimit}} file limit" ,
2022-04-08 12:45:41 -04:00
"publish_dialog_attachment_limits_quota_reached" : "exceeds quota, {{remainingBytes}} remaining" ,
2022-05-02 19:30:29 -04:00
"publish_dialog_emoji_picker_show" : "Pick emoji" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"publish_dialog_priority_min" : "Min. priority" ,
"publish_dialog_priority_low" : "Low priority" ,
"publish_dialog_priority_default" : "Default priority" ,
"publish_dialog_priority_high" : "High priority" ,
"publish_dialog_priority_max" : "Max. priority" ,
2022-04-08 19:31:50 -04:00
"publish_dialog_base_url_label" : "Service URL" ,
"publish_dialog_base_url_placeholder" : "Service URL, e.g. https://example.com" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"publish_dialog_topic_label" : "Topic name" ,
"publish_dialog_topic_placeholder" : "Topic name, e.g. phil_alerts" ,
2022-05-02 20:02:21 -04:00
"publish_dialog_topic_reset" : "Reset topic" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"publish_dialog_title_label" : "Title" ,
"publish_dialog_title_placeholder" : "Notification title, e.g. Disk space alert" ,
"publish_dialog_message_label" : "Message" ,
"publish_dialog_message_placeholder" : "Type a message here" ,
"publish_dialog_tags_label" : "Tags" ,
"publish_dialog_tags_placeholder" : "Comma-separated list of tags, e.g. warning, srv1-backup" ,
"publish_dialog_priority_label" : "Priority" ,
"publish_dialog_click_label" : "Click URL" ,
"publish_dialog_click_placeholder" : "URL that is opened when notification is clicked" ,
2022-05-02 20:02:21 -04:00
"publish_dialog_click_reset" : "Remove click URL" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"publish_dialog_email_label" : "Email" ,
2022-04-08 12:45:41 -04:00
"publish_dialog_email_placeholder" : "Address to forward the notification to, e.g. phil@example.com" ,
2022-05-02 20:02:21 -04:00
"publish_dialog_email_reset" : "Remove email forward" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"publish_dialog_attach_label" : "Attachment URL" ,
"publish_dialog_attach_placeholder" : "Attach file by URL, e.g. https://f-droid.org/F-Droid.apk" ,
2022-05-02 20:02:21 -04:00
"publish_dialog_attach_reset" : "Remove attachment URL" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"publish_dialog_filename_label" : "Filename" ,
"publish_dialog_filename_placeholder" : "Attachment filename" ,
"publish_dialog_delay_label" : "Delay" ,
2022-04-08 15:21:22 -04:00
"publish_dialog_delay_placeholder" : "Delay delivery, e.g. {{unixTimestamp}}, {{relativeTime}}, or \"{{naturalLanguage}}\" (English only)" ,
2022-05-02 20:02:21 -04:00
"publish_dialog_delay_reset" : "Remove delayed delivery" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"publish_dialog_other_features" : "Other features:" ,
"publish_dialog_chip_click_label" : "Click URL" ,
"publish_dialog_chip_email_label" : "Forward to email" ,
"publish_dialog_chip_attach_url_label" : "Attach file by URL" ,
"publish_dialog_chip_attach_file_label" : "Attach local file" ,
"publish_dialog_chip_delay_label" : "Delay delivery" ,
"publish_dialog_chip_topic_label" : "Change topic" ,
"publish_dialog_details_examples_description" : "For examples and a detailed description of all send features, please refer to the <docsLink>documentation</docsLink>." ,
"publish_dialog_button_cancel_sending" : "Cancel sending" ,
"publish_dialog_button_cancel" : "Cancel" ,
"publish_dialog_button_send" : "Send" ,
"publish_dialog_checkbox_publish_another" : "Publish another" ,
"publish_dialog_attached_file_title" : "Attached file:" ,
"publish_dialog_attached_file_filename_placeholder" : "Attachment filename" ,
2022-05-02 20:02:21 -04:00
"publish_dialog_attached_file_remove" : "Remove attached file" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"publish_dialog_drop_file_here" : "Drop file here" ,
"emoji_picker_search_placeholder" : "Search emoji" ,
2022-05-02 19:30:29 -04:00
"emoji_picker_search_clear" : "Clear search" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_title" : "Subscribe to topic" ,
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_description" : "Topics may not be password-protected, so choose a name that's not easy to guess. Once subscribed, you can PUT/POST notifications." ,
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_topic_placeholder" : "Topic name, e.g. phil_alerts" ,
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_use_another_label" : "Use another server" ,
2022-05-03 14:53:07 -04:00
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_base_url_label" : "Service URL" ,
2022-12-08 09:16:59 -05:00
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_button_generate_topic_name" : "Generate name" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_button_cancel" : "Cancel" ,
"subscribe_dialog_subscribe_button_subscribe" : "Subscribe" ,
"subscribe_dialog_login_title" : "Login required" ,
"subscribe_dialog_login_description" : "This topic is password-protected. Please enter username and password to subscribe." ,
"subscribe_dialog_login_username_label" : "Username, e.g. phil" ,
"subscribe_dialog_login_password_label" : "Password" ,
"subscribe_dialog_login_button_back" : "Back" ,
"subscribe_dialog_login_button_login" : "Login" ,
"subscribe_dialog_error_user_not_authorized" : "User {{username}} not authorized" ,
2023-01-04 20:34:22 -05:00
"subscribe_dialog_error_topic_already_reserved" : "Topic already reserved" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"subscribe_dialog_error_user_anonymous" : "anonymous" ,
2022-12-29 02:32:05 -05:00
"account_basics_title" : "Account" ,
"account_basics_username_title" : "Username" ,
"account_basics_username_description" : "Hey, that's you ❤" ,
"account_basics_username_admin_tooltip" : "You are Admin" ,
"account_basics_password_title" : "Password" ,
"account_basics_password_description" : "Change your account password" ,
"account_basics_password_dialog_title" : "Change password" ,
2023-01-21 20:52:16 -05:00
"account_basics_password_dialog_current_password_label" : "Current password" ,
2022-12-29 02:32:05 -05:00
"account_basics_password_dialog_new_password_label" : "New password" ,
"account_basics_password_dialog_confirm_password_label" : "Confirm password" ,
"account_basics_password_dialog_button_cancel" : "Cancel" ,
"account_basics_password_dialog_button_submit" : "Change password" ,
2023-01-23 10:58:39 -05:00
"account_basics_password_dialog_current_password_incorrect" : "Password incorrect" ,
2022-12-29 02:32:05 -05:00
"account_usage_title" : "Usage" ,
"account_usage_of_limit" : "of {{limit}}" ,
"account_usage_unlimited" : "Unlimited" ,
2023-01-05 15:20:44 -05:00
"account_usage_limits_reset_daily" : "Usage limits are reset daily at midnight (UTC)" ,
2023-01-07 21:04:13 -05:00
"account_usage_tier_title" : "Account type" ,
2023-01-16 16:35:37 -05:00
"account_usage_tier_description" : "Your account's power level" ,
2023-01-09 15:40:46 -05:00
"account_usage_tier_admin" : "Admin" ,
2023-01-16 16:35:37 -05:00
"account_usage_tier_basic" : "Basic" ,
"account_usage_tier_free" : "Free" ,
2023-01-09 15:40:46 -05:00
"account_usage_tier_upgrade_button" : "Upgrade to Pro" ,
"account_usage_tier_change_button" : "Change" ,
2023-01-16 10:35:12 -05:00
"account_usage_tier_paid_until" : "Subscription paid until {{date}}, and will auto-renew" ,
2023-01-15 23:29:46 -05:00
"account_usage_tier_payment_overdue" : "Your payment is overdue. Please update your payment method, or your account will be downgraded soon." ,
2023-01-16 10:35:12 -05:00
"account_usage_tier_canceled_subscription" : "Your subscription was canceled and will be downgraded to a free account on {{date}}." ,
2023-01-15 23:29:46 -05:00
"account_usage_manage_billing_button" : "Manage billing" ,
2022-12-29 02:32:05 -05:00
"account_usage_messages_title" : "Published messages" ,
"account_usage_emails_title" : "Emails sent" ,
2023-01-09 15:40:46 -05:00
"account_usage_reservations_title" : "Reserved topics" ,
2023-02-02 15:19:37 -05:00
"account_usage_reservations_none" : "No reserved topics for this account" ,
2022-12-29 02:32:05 -05:00
"account_usage_attachment_storage_title" : "Attachment storage" ,
2023-01-09 15:40:46 -05:00
"account_usage_attachment_storage_description" : "{{filesize}} per file, deleted after {{expiry}}" ,
2023-01-05 15:20:44 -05:00
"account_usage_basis_ip_description" : "Usage stats and limits for this account are based on your IP address, so they may be shared with other users. Limits shown above are approximates based on the existing rate limits." ,
2023-02-02 15:19:37 -05:00
"account_usage_cannot_create_portal_session" : "Unable to open billing portal" ,
2022-12-29 02:32:05 -05:00
"account_delete_title" : "Delete account" ,
"account_delete_description" : "Permanently delete your account" ,
2023-01-23 10:58:39 -05:00
"account_delete_dialog_description" : "This will permanently delete your account, including all data that is stored on the server. If you really want to proceed, please confirm with your password in the box below." ,
"account_delete_dialog_label" : "Password" ,
2022-12-29 02:32:05 -05:00
"account_delete_dialog_button_cancel" : "Cancel" ,
"account_delete_dialog_button_submit" : "Permanently delete account" ,
2023-01-20 22:47:37 -05:00
"account_delete_dialog_billing_warning" : "Deleting your account also cancels your billing subscription immediately. You will not have access to the billing dashboard anymore." ,
2023-01-17 10:09:37 -05:00
"account_upgrade_dialog_title" : "Change account tier" ,
2023-01-17 19:40:03 -05:00
"account_upgrade_dialog_cancel_warning" : "This will <strong>cancel your subscription</strong>, and downgrade your account on {{date}}. On that date, topic reservations as well as messages cached on the server <strong>will be deleted</strong>." ,
"account_upgrade_dialog_proration_info" : "<strong>Proration</strong>: When switching between paid plans, the price difference will be charged or refunded in the next invoice. You will not receive another invoice until the end of the next billing period." ,
2023-01-20 22:47:37 -05:00
"account_upgrade_dialog_reservations_warning_one" : "The selected tier allows fewer reserved topics than your current tier. Before changing your tier, <strong>please delete at least one reservation</strong>. You can remove reservations in the <Link>Settings</Link>." ,
"account_upgrade_dialog_reservations_warning_other" : "The selected tier allows fewer reserved topics than your current tier. Before changing your tier, <strong>please delete at least {{count}} reservations</strong>. You can remove reservations in the <Link>Settings</Link>." ,
2023-01-17 19:40:03 -05:00
"account_upgrade_dialog_tier_features_reservations" : "{{reservations}} reserved topics" ,
"account_upgrade_dialog_tier_features_messages" : "{{messages}} daily messages" ,
"account_upgrade_dialog_tier_features_emails" : "{{emails}} daily emails" ,
"account_upgrade_dialog_tier_features_attachment_file_size" : "{{filesize}} per file" ,
"account_upgrade_dialog_tier_features_attachment_total_size" : "{{totalsize}} total storage" ,
"account_upgrade_dialog_tier_selected_label" : "Selected" ,
2023-01-20 22:47:37 -05:00
"account_upgrade_dialog_tier_current_label" : "Current" ,
2023-01-17 20:21:19 -05:00
"account_upgrade_dialog_button_cancel" : "Cancel" ,
2023-01-18 13:46:40 -05:00
"account_upgrade_dialog_button_redirect_signup" : "Sign up now" ,
2023-01-17 19:40:03 -05:00
"account_upgrade_dialog_button_pay_now" : "Pay now and subscribe" ,
"account_upgrade_dialog_button_cancel_subscription" : "Cancel subscription" ,
"account_upgrade_dialog_button_update_subscription" : "Update subscription" ,
2023-01-27 23:10:59 -05:00
"account_tokens_title" : "Access tokens" ,
"account_tokens_description" : "Use access tokens when publishing and subscribing via the ntfy API, so you don't have to send your account credentials. Check out the <Link>documentation</Link> to learn more." ,
"account_tokens_table_token_header" : "Token" ,
"account_tokens_table_label_header" : "Label" ,
2023-01-28 20:29:06 -05:00
"account_tokens_table_last_access_header" : "Last access" ,
2023-01-27 23:10:59 -05:00
"account_tokens_table_expires_header" : "Expires" ,
"account_tokens_table_never_expires" : "Never expires" ,
"account_tokens_table_current_session" : "Current browser session" ,
"account_tokens_table_copy_to_clipboard" : "Copy to clipboard" ,
"account_tokens_table_copied_to_clipboard" : "Access token copied" ,
"account_tokens_table_cannot_delete_or_edit" : "Cannot edit or delete current session token" ,
"account_tokens_table_create_token_button" : "Create access token" ,
2023-01-28 20:29:06 -05:00
"account_tokens_table_last_origin_tooltip" : "From IP address {{ip}}, click to lookup" ,
2023-01-27 23:10:59 -05:00
"account_tokens_dialog_title_create" : "Create access token" ,
"account_tokens_dialog_title_edit" : "Edit access token" ,
"account_tokens_dialog_title_delete" : "Delete access token" ,
"account_tokens_dialog_label" : "Label, e.g. Radarr notifications" ,
"account_tokens_dialog_button_create" : "Create token" ,
"account_tokens_dialog_button_update" : "Update token" ,
"account_tokens_dialog_button_cancel" : "Cancel" ,
"account_tokens_dialog_expires_label" : "Access token expires in" ,
"account_tokens_dialog_expires_unchanged" : "Leave expiry date unchanged" ,
"account_tokens_dialog_expires_x_hours" : "Token expires in {{hours}} hours" ,
"account_tokens_dialog_expires_x_days" : "Token expires in {{days}} days" ,
"account_tokens_dialog_expires_never" : "Token never expires" ,
"account_tokens_delete_dialog_title" : "Delete access token" ,
"account_tokens_delete_dialog_description" : "Before deleting an access token, be sure that no applications or scripts are actively using it. <strong>This action cannot be undone</strong>." ,
"account_tokens_delete_dialog_submit_button" : "Permanently delete token" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"prefs_notifications_title" : "Notifications" ,
"prefs_notifications_sound_title" : "Notification sound" ,
2022-04-10 15:13:12 -04:00
"prefs_notifications_sound_description_none" : "Notifications do not play any sound when they arrive" ,
"prefs_notifications_sound_description_some" : "Notifications play the {{sound}} sound when they arrive" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"prefs_notifications_sound_no_sound" : "No sound" ,
2022-05-02 19:30:29 -04:00
"prefs_notifications_sound_play" : "Play selected sound" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_title" : "Minimum priority" ,
2022-04-10 15:13:12 -04:00
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_description_any" : "Showing all notifications, regardless of priority" ,
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_description_x_or_higher" : "Show notifications if priority is {{number}} ({{name}}) or above" ,
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_description_max" : "Show notifications if priority is 5 (max)" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_any" : "Any priority" ,
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_low_and_higher" : "Low priority and higher" ,
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_default_and_higher" : "Default priority and higher" ,
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_high_and_higher" : "High priority and higher" ,
"prefs_notifications_min_priority_max_only" : "Only max priority" ,
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_title" : "Delete notifications" ,
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_never" : "Never" ,
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_three_hours" : "After three hours" ,
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_one_day" : "After one day" ,
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_one_week" : "After one week" ,
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_one_month" : "After one month" ,
2022-04-10 15:13:12 -04:00
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_never_description" : "Notifications are never auto-deleted" ,
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_three_hours_description" : "Notifications are auto-deleted after three hours" ,
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_one_day_description" : "Notifications are auto-deleted after one day" ,
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_one_week_description" : "Notifications are auto-deleted after one week" ,
"prefs_notifications_delete_after_one_month_description" : "Notifications are auto-deleted after one month" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"prefs_users_title" : "Manage users" ,
"prefs_users_description" : "Add/remove users for your protected topics here. Please note that username and password are stored in the browser's local storage." ,
2022-12-26 21:27:07 -05:00
"prefs_users_description_no_sync" : "Users and passwords are not synchronized to your account." ,
2022-05-02 19:30:29 -04:00
"prefs_users_table" : "Users table" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"prefs_users_add_button" : "Add user" ,
2022-05-02 19:30:29 -04:00
"prefs_users_edit_button" : "Edit user" ,
"prefs_users_delete_button" : "Delete user" ,
2022-12-30 14:20:48 -05:00
"prefs_users_table_cannot_delete_or_edit" : "Cannot delete or edit logged in user" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"prefs_users_table_user_header" : "User" ,
"prefs_users_table_base_url_header" : "Service URL" ,
"prefs_users_dialog_title_add" : "Add user" ,
"prefs_users_dialog_title_edit" : "Edit user" ,
"prefs_users_dialog_base_url_label" : "Service URL, e.g. https://ntfy.sh" ,
"prefs_users_dialog_username_label" : "Username, e.g. phil" ,
"prefs_users_dialog_password_label" : "Password" ,
"prefs_users_dialog_button_cancel" : "Cancel" ,
"prefs_users_dialog_button_add" : "Add" ,
"prefs_users_dialog_button_save" : "Save" ,
"prefs_appearance_title" : "Appearance" ,
"prefs_appearance_language_title" : "Language" ,
2023-01-02 20:08:37 -05:00
"prefs_reservations_title" : "Reserved topics" ,
2023-01-05 15:20:44 -05:00
"prefs_reservations_description" : "You can reserve topic names for personal use here. Reserving a topic gives you ownership over the topic, and allows you to define access permissions for other users over the topic." ,
2023-01-09 20:37:13 -05:00
"prefs_reservations_limit_reached" : "You reached your reserved topics limit." ,
2023-01-02 20:08:37 -05:00
"prefs_reservations_add_button" : "Add reserved topic" ,
"prefs_reservations_edit_button" : "Edit topic access" ,
"prefs_reservations_delete_button" : "Reset topic access" ,
"prefs_reservations_table" : "Reserved topics table" ,
"prefs_reservations_table_topic_header" : "Topic" ,
"prefs_reservations_table_access_header" : "Access" ,
"prefs_reservations_table_everyone_deny_all" : "Only I can publish and subscribe" ,
"prefs_reservations_table_everyone_read_only" : "I can publish and subscribe, everyone can subscribe" ,
"prefs_reservations_table_everyone_write_only" : "I can publish and subscribe, everyone can publish" ,
"prefs_reservations_table_everyone_read_write" : "Everyone can publish and subscribe" ,
2023-01-31 21:39:30 -05:00
"prefs_reservations_table_not_subscribed" : "Not subscribed" ,
2023-02-02 15:19:37 -05:00
"prefs_reservations_table_click_to_subscribe" : "Click to subscribe" ,
2023-01-02 20:08:37 -05:00
"prefs_reservations_dialog_title_add" : "Reserve topic" ,
"prefs_reservations_dialog_title_edit" : "Edit reserved topic" ,
2023-01-31 21:39:30 -05:00
"prefs_reservations_dialog_title_delete" : "Delete topic reservation" ,
2023-01-04 20:34:22 -05:00
"prefs_reservations_dialog_description" : "Reserving a topic gives you ownership over the topic, and allows you to define access permissions for other users over the topic." ,
2023-01-02 20:08:37 -05:00
"prefs_reservations_dialog_topic_label" : "Topic" ,
"prefs_reservations_dialog_access_label" : "Access" ,
2023-01-31 21:39:30 -05:00
"reservation_delete_dialog_description" : "Removing a reservation gives up ownership over the topic, and allows others to reserve it. You can keep, or delete existing messages and attachments." ,
"reservation_delete_dialog_action_keep_title" : "Keep cached messages and attachments" ,
"reservation_delete_dialog_action_keep_description" : "Messages and attachments that are cached on the server will become publicly visible for people with knowledge of the topic name." ,
"reservation_delete_dialog_action_delete_title" : "Delete cached messages and attachments" ,
"reservation_delete_dialog_action_delete_description" : "Cached messages and attachments will be permanently deleted. This action cannot be undone." ,
"reservation_delete_dialog_submit_button" : "Delete reservation" ,
2022-04-10 15:13:12 -04:00
"priority_min" : "min" ,
"priority_low" : "low" ,
"priority_default" : "default" ,
"priority_high" : "high" ,
"priority_max" : "max" ,
2022-04-08 10:44:35 -04:00
"error_boundary_title" : "Oh no, ntfy crashed" ,
"error_boundary_description" : "This should obviously not happen. Very sorry about this.<br/>If you have a minute, please <githubLink>report this on GitHub</githubLink>, or let us know via <discordLink>Discord</discordLink> or <matrixLink>Matrix</matrixLink>." ,
"error_boundary_button_copy_stack_trace" : "Copy stack trace" ,
"error_boundary_stack_trace" : "Stack trace" ,
2022-04-29 20:51:26 -04:00
"error_boundary_gathering_info" : "Gather more info …" ,
"error_boundary_unsupported_indexeddb_title" : "Private browsing not supported" ,
"error_boundary_unsupported_indexeddb_description" : "The ntfy web app needs IndexedDB to function, and your browser does not support IndexedDB in private browsing mode.<br/><br/>While this is unfortunate, it also doesn't really make a lot of sense to use the ntfy web app in private browsing mode anyway, because everything is stored in the browser storage. You can read more about it <githubLink>in this GitHub issue</githubLink>, or talk to us on <discordLink>Discord</discordLink> or <matrixLink>Matrix</matrixLink>."
2022-04-07 19:11:51 -04:00