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Issue templates

This commit is contained in:
binwiederhier 2023-03-02 22:28:46 -05:00
parent 250637cf92
commit 02a1e99db2
4 changed files with 94 additions and 0 deletions

.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/1_bug_report.md vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
name: 🐛 Bug Report
about: Report any errors and problems
title: ''
labels: 'bug'
assignees: ''
:lady_beetle: **Describe the bug**
<!-- A clear and concise description of the problem. -->
:computer: **Components impacted**
<!-- ntfy server, Android app, iOS app, web app -->
:bulb: **Screenshots and/or logs**
If applicable, add screenshots or share logs help explain your problem.
To get logs from the ...
- ntfy server: Enable "log-level: trace" in your server.yml file
- Android app: Go to "Settings" -> "Record logs", then eventually "Copy/upload logs"
- web app: Press "F12" and find the "Console" window
:crystal_ball: **Additional context**
<!-- Add any other context about the problem here. -->

View file

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
name: 💡 Feature/Enhancement Request
about: Got a great idea? Let us know!
title: ''
labels: 'enhancement'
assignees: ''
Before you submit, consider asking on Discord/Matrix instead. You'll usually get an answer
sooner, and there are more people there to help!
- Discord: https://discord.gg/cT7ECsZj9w
- Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#ntfy:matrix.org / https://matrix.to/#/#ntfy-space:matrix.org
:bulb: **Idea**
<!-- Share your thoughts; try to be detailed if you can -->
:computer: **Target components**
<!-- Where should this feature/enhancement be added? -->
<!-- e.g. ntfy server, Android app, iOS app, web app -->

View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
name: 🆘 I need help with ...
about: Installing ntfy, configuring the app, etc.
title: ''
labels: 'tech-support'
assignees: ''
This is not the right place to ask for help. Consider asking on Discord/Matrix instead.
You'll usually get an answer sooner, and there are more people there to help!
- Discord: https://discord.gg/cT7ECsZj9w
- Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#ntfy:matrix.org / https://matrix.to/#/#ntfy-space:matrix.org

.github/ISSUE_TEMPLATE/4_question.md vendored Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
name: ❓ Question
about: Ask a question about ntfy
title: ''
labels: 'question'
assignees: ''
Before you submit, consider asking on Discord/Matrix instead. You'll usually get an answer
sooner, and there are more people there to help!
- Discord: https://discord.gg/cT7ECsZj9w
- Matrix: https://matrix.to/#/#ntfy:matrix.org / https://matrix.to/#/#ntfy-space:matrix.org
:question: **Question**
<!-- Go ahead and ask your question here :) -->