Associate messages with a user
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 71 additions and 41 deletions
@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ const (
attachment_expires INT NOT NULL,
attachment_url TEXT NOT NULL,
encoding TEXT NOT NULL,
published INT NOT NULL
@ -49,46 +50,47 @@ const (
insertMessageQuery = `
INSERT INTO messages (mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, icon, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, sender, encoding, published)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
INSERT INTO messages (mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, icon, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, sender, user, encoding, published)
VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)
pruneMessagesQuery = `DELETE FROM messages WHERE time < ? AND published = 1`
selectRowIDFromMessageID = `SELECT id FROM messages WHERE mid = ?` // Do not include topic, see #336 and TestServer_PollSinceID_MultipleTopics
selectMessagesSinceTimeQuery = `
SELECT mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, icon, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, sender, encoding
SELECT mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, icon, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, sender, user, encoding
FROM messages
WHERE topic = ? AND time >= ? AND published = 1
ORDER BY time, id
selectMessagesSinceTimeIncludeScheduledQuery = `
SELECT mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, icon, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, sender, encoding
SELECT mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, icon, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, sender, user, encoding
FROM messages
WHERE topic = ? AND time >= ?
ORDER BY time, id
selectMessagesSinceIDQuery = `
SELECT mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, icon, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, sender, encoding
SELECT mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, icon, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, sender, user, encoding
FROM messages
WHERE topic = ? AND id > ? AND published = 1
ORDER BY time, id
selectMessagesSinceIDIncludeScheduledQuery = `
SELECT mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, icon, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, sender, encoding
SELECT mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, icon, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, sender, user, encoding
FROM messages
WHERE topic = ? AND (id > ? OR published = 0)
ORDER BY time, id
selectMessagesDueQuery = `
SELECT mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, icon, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, sender, encoding
SELECT mid, time, topic, message, title, priority, tags, click, icon, actions, attachment_name, attachment_type, attachment_size, attachment_expires, attachment_url, sender, user, encoding
FROM messages
WHERE time <= ? AND published = 0
ORDER BY time, id
updateMessagePublishedQuery = `UPDATE messages SET published = 1 WHERE mid = ?`
selectMessagesCountQuery = `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages`
selectMessageCountPerTopicQuery = `SELECT topic, COUNT(*) FROM messages GROUP BY topic`
selectTopicsQuery = `SELECT topic FROM messages GROUP BY topic`
selectAttachmentsSizeQuery = `SELECT IFNULL(SUM(attachment_size), 0) FROM messages WHERE sender = ? AND attachment_expires >= ?`
updateMessagePublishedQuery = `UPDATE messages SET published = 1 WHERE mid = ?`
selectMessagesCountQuery = `SELECT COUNT(*) FROM messages`
selectMessageCountPerTopicQuery = `SELECT topic, COUNT(*) FROM messages GROUP BY topic`
selectTopicsQuery = `SELECT topic FROM messages GROUP BY topic`
selectAttachmentsSizeBySenderQuery = `SELECT IFNULL(SUM(attachment_size), 0) FROM messages WHERE sender = ? AND attachment_expires >= ?`
selectAttachmentsSizeByUserQuery = `SELECT IFNULL(SUM(attachment_size), 0) FROM messages WHERE user = ? AND attachment_expires >= ?`
// Schema management queries
@ -316,6 +318,7 @@ func (c *messageCache) addMessages(ms []*message) error {
@ -442,11 +445,23 @@ func (c *messageCache) Prune(olderThan time.Time) error {
return nil
func (c *messageCache) AttachmentBytesUsed(sender string) (int64, error) {
rows, err := c.db.Query(selectAttachmentsSizeQuery, sender, time.Now().Unix())
func (c *messageCache) AttachmentBytesUsedBySender(sender string) (int64, error) {
rows, err := c.db.Query(selectAttachmentsSizeBySenderQuery, sender, time.Now().Unix())
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return c.readAttachmentBytesUsed(rows)
func (c *messageCache) AttachmentBytesUsedByUser(user string) (int64, error) {
rows, err := c.db.Query(selectAttachmentsSizeByUserQuery, user, time.Now().Unix())
if err != nil {
return 0, err
return c.readAttachmentBytesUsed(rows)
func (c *messageCache) readAttachmentBytesUsed(rows *sql.Rows) (int64, error) {
defer rows.Close()
var size int64
if !rows.Next() {
@ -477,7 +492,7 @@ func readMessages(rows *sql.Rows) ([]*message, error) {
for rows.Next() {
var timestamp, attachmentSize, attachmentExpires int64
var priority int
var id, topic, msg, title, tagsStr, click, icon, actionsStr, attachmentName, attachmentType, attachmentURL, sender, encoding string
var id, topic, msg, title, tagsStr, click, icon, actionsStr, attachmentName, attachmentType, attachmentURL, sender, user, encoding string
err := rows.Scan(
@ -495,6 +510,7 @@ func readMessages(rows *sql.Rows) ([]*message, error) {
if err != nil {
@ -538,6 +554,7 @@ func readMessages(rows *sql.Rows) ([]*message, error) {
Actions: actions,
Attachment: att,
Sender: senderIP, // Must parse assuming database must be correct
User: user,
Encoding: encoding,
@ -598,6 +615,7 @@ func setupCacheDB(db *sql.DB, startupQueries string) error {
} else if schemaVersion == 8 {
return migrateFrom8(db)
// TODO add user column
return fmt.Errorf("unexpected schema version found: %d", schemaVersion)
@ -343,11 +343,11 @@ func testCacheAttachments(t *testing.T, c *messageCache) {
require.Equal(t, "", messages[1].Attachment.URL)
require.Equal(t, "", messages[1].Sender.String())
size, err := c.AttachmentBytesUsed("")
size, err := c.AttachmentBytesUsedBySender("")
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Equal(t, int64(30000), size)
size, err = c.AttachmentBytesUsed("")
size, err = c.AttachmentBytesUsedBySender("")
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), size)
@ -495,6 +495,10 @@ func (s *Server) handlePublishWithoutResponse(r *http.Request, v *visitor) (*mes
if m.PollID != "" {
m = newPollRequestMessage(t.ID, m.PollID)
if v.user != nil {
log.Info("user is %s", v.user.Name)
m.User = v.user.Name
if err := s.handlePublishBody(r, v, m, body, unifiedpush); err != nil {
return nil, err
@ -502,8 +506,8 @@ func (s *Server) handlePublishWithoutResponse(r *http.Request, v *visitor) (*mes
m.Message = emptyMessageBody
delayed := m.Time > time.Now().Unix()
log.Debug("%s Received message: event=%s, body=%d byte(s), delayed=%t, firebase=%t, cache=%t, up=%t, email=%s",
logMessagePrefix(v, m), m.Event, len(m.Message), delayed, firebase, cache, unifiedpush, email)
log.Debug("%s Received message: event=%s, user=%s, body=%d byte(s), delayed=%t, firebase=%t, cache=%t, up=%t, email=%s",
logMessagePrefix(v, m), m.Event, m.User, len(m.Message), delayed, firebase, cache, unifiedpush, email)
if log.IsTrace() {
log.Trace("%s Message body: %s", logMessagePrefix(v, m), util.MaybeMarshalJSON(m))
@ -75,19 +75,18 @@ func (s *Server) handleAccountGet(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request, v *vis
Code: v.user.Plan.Code,
Upgradable: v.user.Plan.Upgradable,
} else if v.user.Role == auth.RoleAdmin {
response.Plan = &apiAccountPlan{
Code: string(auth.PlanUnlimited),
Upgradable: false,
} else {
if v.user.Role == auth.RoleAdmin {
response.Plan = &apiAccountPlan{
Code: string(auth.PlanUnlimited),
Upgradable: false,
} else {
response.Plan = &apiAccountPlan{
Code: string(auth.PlanDefault),
Upgradable: true,
response.Plan = &apiAccountPlan{
Code: string(auth.PlanDefault),
Upgradable: true,
} else {
response.Username = auth.Everyone
response.Role = string(auth.RoleAnonymous)
@ -1151,7 +1151,7 @@ func TestServer_PublishAttachment(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, "", response.Body.String())
// Slightly unrelated cross-test: make sure we add an owner for internal attachments
size, err := s.messageCache.AttachmentBytesUsed("") // See request()
size, err := s.messageCache.AttachmentBytesUsedBySender("") // See request()
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Equal(t, int64(5000), size)
@ -1180,7 +1180,7 @@ func TestServer_PublishAttachmentShortWithFilename(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, content, response.Body.String())
// Slightly unrelated cross-test: make sure we add an owner for internal attachments
size, err := s.messageCache.AttachmentBytesUsed("")
size, err := s.messageCache.AttachmentBytesUsedBySender("")
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Equal(t, int64(21), size)
@ -1200,7 +1200,7 @@ func TestServer_PublishAttachmentExternalWithoutFilename(t *testing.T) {
require.Equal(t, netip.Addr{}, msg.Sender)
// Slightly unrelated cross-test: make sure we don't add an owner for external attachments
size, err := s.messageCache.AttachmentBytesUsed("")
size, err := s.messageCache.AttachmentBytesUsedBySender("")
require.Nil(t, err)
require.Equal(t, int64(0), size)
@ -36,8 +36,9 @@ type message struct {
Actions []*action `json:"actions,omitempty"`
Attachment *attachment `json:"attachment,omitempty"`
PollID string `json:"poll_id,omitempty"`
Sender netip.Addr `json:"-"` // IP address of uploader, used for rate limiting
Encoding string `json:"encoding,omitempty"` // empty for raw UTF-8, or "base64" for encoded bytes
Sender netip.Addr `json:"-"` // IP address of uploader, used for rate limiting
User string `json:"-"` // Username of the uploader, used to associated attachments
type attachment struct {
@ -151,12 +151,10 @@ func (v *visitor) IncrEmails() {
func (v *visitor) Stats() (*visitorStats, error) {
attachmentsBytesUsed, err := v.messageCache.AttachmentBytesUsed(v.ip.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
messages := v.messages
emails := v.emails
stats := &visitorStats{}
if v.user != nil && v.user.Role == auth.RoleAdmin {
stats.Basis = "role"
@ -174,12 +172,22 @@ func (v *visitor) Stats() (*visitorStats, error) {
stats.Basis = "ip"
stats.MessagesLimit = replenishDurationToDailyLimit(v.config.VisitorRequestLimitReplenish)
stats.EmailsLimit = replenishDurationToDailyLimit(v.config.VisitorEmailLimitReplenish)
stats.AttachmentTotalSizeLimit = v.config.AttachmentTotalSizeLimit
stats.AttachmentTotalSizeLimit = v.config.VisitorAttachmentTotalSizeLimit
stats.AttachmentFileSizeLimit = v.config.AttachmentFileSizeLimit
stats.Messages = v.messages
var attachmentsBytesUsed int64
var err error
if v.user != nil {
attachmentsBytesUsed, err = v.messageCache.AttachmentBytesUsedByUser(v.user.Name)
} else {
attachmentsBytesUsed, err = v.messageCache.AttachmentBytesUsedBySender(v.ip.String())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
stats.Messages = messages
stats.MessagesRemaining = zeroIfNegative(stats.MessagesLimit - stats.MessagesLimit)
stats.Emails = v.emails
stats.Emails = emails
stats.EmailsRemaining = zeroIfNegative(stats.EmailsLimit - stats.EmailsRemaining)
stats.AttachmentTotalSize = attachmentsBytesUsed
stats.AttachmentTotalSizeRemaining = zeroIfNegative(stats.AttachmentTotalSizeLimit - stats.AttachmentTotalSize)
Add table
Reference in a new issue