Add --trace and --no-log-dates; add docs
This commit is contained in:
9 changed files with 286 additions and 217 deletions
@ -17,6 +17,8 @@ var commands = make([]*cli.Command, 0)
var flagsDefault = []cli.Flag{
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "debug", Aliases: []string{"d"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_DEBUG"}, Usage: "enable debug logging"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "trace", EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_TRACE"}, Usage: "enable tracing (very verbose, be careful)"},
&cli.BoolFlag{Name: "no-log-dates", Aliases: []string{"no_log_dates"}, EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_NO_LOG_DATES"}, Usage: "disable the date/time prefix"},
altsrc.NewStringFlag(&cli.StringFlag{Name: "log-level", Aliases: []string{"log_level"}, Value: log.InfoLevel.String(), EnvVars: []string{"NTFY_LOG_LEVEL"}, Usage: "set log level"}),
@ -38,10 +40,15 @@ func New() *cli.App {
func initLogFunc(c *cli.Context) error {
if c.Bool("debug") {
if c.Bool("trace") {
} else if c.Bool("debug") {
} else {
if c.Bool("no-log-dates") {
return nil
@ -10,6 +10,6 @@ var (
scriptLauncher = []string{"cmd.exe", "/Q", "/C"}
func defaultConfigFile() string {
func defaultClientConfigFile() string {
return defaultClientConfigFileWindows()
@ -708,6 +708,23 @@ are enabled):
* `visitor-email-limit-burst` is the initial bucket of emails each visitor has. This defaults to 16.
* `visitor-email-limit-replenish` is the rate at which the bucket is refilled (one email per x). Defaults to 1h.
### Firebase limits
If [Firebase is configured](#firebase-fcm), all messages are also published to a Firebase topic (unless `Firebase: no`
is set). Firebase enforces [its own limits](
on how many messages can be published. Unfortunately these limits are a little vague and can change depending on the time
of day. In practice, I have only ever observed `429 Quota exceeded` responses from Firebase if **too many messages are published to
the same topic**.
In ntfy, if Firebase responds with a 429 after publishing to a topic, the visitor (= IP address) who published the message
is **banned from publishing to Firebase for 10 minutes** (not configurable). Because publishing to Firebase happens asynchronously,
there is no indication of the user that this has happened. Non-Firebase subscribers (WebSocket or HTTP stream) are not affected.
After the 10 minutes are up, messages forwarding to Firebase is resumed for this visitor.
If this ever happens, there will be a log message that looks something like this:
WARN Firebase quota exceeded (likely for topic), temporarily denying Firebase access to visitor
## Tuning for scale
If you're running ntfy for your home server, you probably don't need to worry about scale at all. In its default config,
if it's not behind a proxy, the ntfy server can keep about **as many connections as the open file limit allows**.
@ -807,6 +824,26 @@ and [here](
maxretry = 10
## Debugging/tracing
If something's not working right, you can debug/trace through what the ntfy server is doing by setting the `log-level`
to `DEBUG` or `TRACE`. The `DEBUG` setting will output information about each published message, but not the message
contents. The `TRACE` setting will also print the message contents.
!!! warning
Both options are very verbose and should only be enabled in production for short periods of time. Otherwise,
you're going to run out of disk space pretty quickly.
You can also hot-reload the `log-level` by sending the `SIGHUP` signal to the process (or by calling
`systemctl reload ntfy` if it's running inside systemd). You can do so by calling `kill -HUP $(pidof ntfy)`.
If succesfull, you'll see something like this:
$ ntfy serve
2022/06/02 10:29:28 INFO Listening on :2586[http] :1025[smtp], log level is INFO
2022/06/02 10:29:34 INFO Partially hot reloading configuration ...
2022/06/02 10:29:34 INFO Log level is TRACE
## Config options
Each config option can be set in the config file `/etc/ntfy/server.yml` (e.g. `listen-http: :80`) or as a
CLI option (e.g. `--listen-http :80`. Here's a list of all available options. Alternatively, you can set an environment
@ -817,43 +854,44 @@ variable before running the `ntfy` command (e.g. `export NTFY_LISTEN_HTTP=:80`).
`cache_duration` and `cache-duration` are both supported. This is to support stricter YAML parsers that do
not support dashes.
| Config option | Env variable | Format | Default | Description |
| `base-url` | `NTFY_BASE_URL` | *URL* | - | Public facing base URL of the service (e.g. ``) |
| `listen-http` | `NTFY_LISTEN_HTTP` | `[host]:port` | `:80` | Listen address for the HTTP web server |
| `listen-https` | `NTFY_LISTEN_HTTPS` | `[host]:port` | - | Listen address for the HTTPS web server. If set, you also need to set `key-file` and `cert-file`. |
| `listen-unix` | `NTFY_LISTEN_UNIX` | *filename* | - | Path to a Unix socket to listen on |
| `key-file` | `NTFY_KEY_FILE` | *filename* | - | HTTPS/TLS private key file, only used if `listen-https` is set. |
| `cert-file` | `NTFY_CERT_FILE` | *filename* | - | HTTPS/TLS certificate file, only used if `listen-https` is set. |
| `firebase-key-file` | `NTFY_FIREBASE_KEY_FILE` | *filename* | - | If set, also publish messages to a Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) topic for your app. This is optional and only required to save battery when using the Android app. See [Firebase (FCM](#firebase-fcm). |
| `cache-file` | `NTFY_CACHE_FILE` | *filename* | - | If set, messages are cached in a local SQLite database instead of only in-memory. This allows for service restarts without losing messages in support of the since= parameter. See [message cache](#message-cache). |
| `cache-duration` | `NTFY_CACHE_DURATION` | *duration* | 12h | Duration for which messages will be buffered before they are deleted. This is required to support the `since=...` and `poll=1` parameter. Set this to `0` to disable the cache entirely. |
| `auth-file` | `NTFY_AUTH_FILE` | *filename* | - | Auth database file used for access control. If set, enables authentication and access control. See [access control](#access-control). |
| `auth-default-access` | `NTFY_AUTH_DEFAULT_ACCESS` | `read-write`, `read-only`, `write-only`, `deny-all` | `read-write` | Default permissions if no matching entries in the auth database are found. Default is `read-write`. |
| `behind-proxy` | `NTFY_BEHIND_PROXY` | *bool* | false | If set, the X-Forwarded-For header is used to determine the visitor IP address instead of the remote address of the connection. |
| `attachment-cache-dir` | `NTFY_ATTACHMENT_CACHE_DIR` | *directory* | - | Cache directory for attached files. To enable attachments, this has to be set. |
| `attachment-total-size-limit` | `NTFY_ATTACHMENT_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT` | *size* | 5G | Limit of the on-disk attachment cache directory. If the limits is exceeded, new attachments will be rejected. |
| `attachment-file-size-limit` | `NTFY_ATTACHMENT_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT` | *size* | 15M | Per-file attachment size limit (e.g. 300k, 2M, 100M). Larger attachment will be rejected. |
| `attachment-expiry-duration` | `NTFY_ATTACHMENT_EXPIRY_DURATION` | *duration* | 3h | Duration after which uploaded attachments will be deleted (e.g. 3h, 20h). Strongly affects `visitor-attachment-total-size-limit`. |
| `smtp-sender-addr` | `NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_ADDR` | `host:port` | - | SMTP server address to allow email sending |
| `smtp-sender-user` | `NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_USER` | *string* | - | SMTP user; only used if e-mail sending is enabled |
| `smtp-sender-pass` | `NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_PASS` | *string* | - | SMTP password; only used if e-mail sending is enabled |
| `smtp-sender-from` | `NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_FROM` | *e-mail address* | - | SMTP sender e-mail address; only used if e-mail sending is enabled |
| `smtp-server-listen` | `NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_LISTEN` | `[ip]:port` | - | Defines the IP address and port the SMTP server will listen on, e.g. `:25` or `` |
| `smtp-server-domain` | `NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_DOMAIN` | *domain name* | - | SMTP server e-mail domain, e.g. `` |
| `smtp-server-addr-prefix` | `NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_ADDR_PREFIX` | `[ip]:port` | - | Optional prefix for the e-mail addresses to prevent spam, e.g. `ntfy-` |
| `keepalive-interval` | `NTFY_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL` | *duration* | 45s | Interval in which keepalive messages are sent to the client. This is to prevent intermediaries closing the connection for inactivity. Note that the Android app has a hardcoded timeout at 77s, so it should be less than that. |
| `manager-interval` | `$NTFY_MANAGER_INTERVAL` | *duration* | 1m | Interval in which the manager prunes old messages, deletes topics and prints the stats. |
| `web-root` | `NTFY_WEB_ROOT` | `app`, `home` or `disable` | `app` | Sets web root to landing page (home), web app (app) or disables the web app entirely (disable) |
| `global-topic-limit` | `NTFY_GLOBAL_TOPIC_LIMIT` | *number* | 15,000 | Rate limiting: Total number of topics before the server rejects new topics. |
| `visitor-subscription-limit` | `NTFY_VISITOR_SUBSCRIPTION_LIMIT` | *number* | 30 | Rate limiting: Number of subscriptions per visitor (IP address) |
| `visitor-attachment-total-size-limit` | `NTFY_VISITOR_ATTACHMENT_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT` | *size* | 100M | Rate limiting: Total storage limit used for attachments per visitor, for all attachments combined. Storage is freed after attachments expire. See `attachment-expiry-duration`. |
| `visitor-attachment-daily-bandwidth-limit` | `NTFY_VISITOR_ATTACHMENT_DAILY_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT` | *size* | 500M | Rate limiting: Total daily attachment download/upload traffic limit per visitor. This is to protect your bandwidth costs from exploding. |
| `visitor-request-limit-burst` | `NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_BURST` | *number* | 60 | Rate limiting: Allowed GET/PUT/POST requests per second, per visitor. This setting is the initial bucket of requests each visitor has |
| `visitor-request-limit-replenish` | `NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_REPLENISH` | *duration* | 5s | Rate limiting: Strongly related to `visitor-request-limit-burst`: The rate at which the bucket is refilled |
| `visitor-request-limit-exempt-hosts` | `NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_EXEMPT_HOSTS` | *comma-separated host/IP list* | - | Rate limiting: List of hostnames and IPs to be exempt from request rate limiting |
| `visitor-email-limit-burst` | `NTFY_VISITOR_EMAIL_LIMIT_BURST` | *number* | 16 | Rate limiting:Initial limit of e-mails per visitor |
| `visitor-email-limit-replenish` | `NTFY_VISITOR_EMAIL_LIMIT_REPLENISH` | *duration* | 1h | Rate limiting: Strongly related to `visitor-email-limit-burst`: The rate at which the bucket is refilled |
| Config option | Env variable | Format | Default | Description |
| `base-url` | `NTFY_BASE_URL` | *URL* | - | Public facing base URL of the service (e.g. ``) |
| `listen-http` | `NTFY_LISTEN_HTTP` | `[host]:port` | `:80` | Listen address for the HTTP web server |
| `listen-https` | `NTFY_LISTEN_HTTPS` | `[host]:port` | - | Listen address for the HTTPS web server. If set, you also need to set `key-file` and `cert-file`. |
| `listen-unix` | `NTFY_LISTEN_UNIX` | *filename* | - | Path to a Unix socket to listen on |
| `key-file` | `NTFY_KEY_FILE` | *filename* | - | HTTPS/TLS private key file, only used if `listen-https` is set. |
| `cert-file` | `NTFY_CERT_FILE` | *filename* | - | HTTPS/TLS certificate file, only used if `listen-https` is set. |
| `firebase-key-file` | `NTFY_FIREBASE_KEY_FILE` | *filename* | - | If set, also publish messages to a Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM) topic for your app. This is optional and only required to save battery when using the Android app. See [Firebase (FCM](#firebase-fcm). |
| `cache-file` | `NTFY_CACHE_FILE` | *filename* | - | If set, messages are cached in a local SQLite database instead of only in-memory. This allows for service restarts without losing messages in support of the since= parameter. See [message cache](#message-cache). |
| `cache-duration` | `NTFY_CACHE_DURATION` | *duration* | 12h | Duration for which messages will be buffered before they are deleted. This is required to support the `since=...` and `poll=1` parameter. Set this to `0` to disable the cache entirely. |
| `auth-file` | `NTFY_AUTH_FILE` | *filename* | - | Auth database file used for access control. If set, enables authentication and access control. See [access control](#access-control). |
| `auth-default-access` | `NTFY_AUTH_DEFAULT_ACCESS` | `read-write`, `read-only`, `write-only`, `deny-all` | `read-write` | Default permissions if no matching entries in the auth database are found. Default is `read-write`. |
| `behind-proxy` | `NTFY_BEHIND_PROXY` | *bool* | false | If set, the X-Forwarded-For header is used to determine the visitor IP address instead of the remote address of the connection. |
| `attachment-cache-dir` | `NTFY_ATTACHMENT_CACHE_DIR` | *directory* | - | Cache directory for attached files. To enable attachments, this has to be set. |
| `attachment-total-size-limit` | `NTFY_ATTACHMENT_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT` | *size* | 5G | Limit of the on-disk attachment cache directory. If the limits is exceeded, new attachments will be rejected. |
| `attachment-file-size-limit` | `NTFY_ATTACHMENT_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT` | *size* | 15M | Per-file attachment size limit (e.g. 300k, 2M, 100M). Larger attachment will be rejected. |
| `attachment-expiry-duration` | `NTFY_ATTACHMENT_EXPIRY_DURATION` | *duration* | 3h | Duration after which uploaded attachments will be deleted (e.g. 3h, 20h). Strongly affects `visitor-attachment-total-size-limit`. |
| `smtp-sender-addr` | `NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_ADDR` | `host:port` | - | SMTP server address to allow email sending |
| `smtp-sender-user` | `NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_USER` | *string* | - | SMTP user; only used if e-mail sending is enabled |
| `smtp-sender-pass` | `NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_PASS` | *string* | - | SMTP password; only used if e-mail sending is enabled |
| `smtp-sender-from` | `NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_FROM` | *e-mail address* | - | SMTP sender e-mail address; only used if e-mail sending is enabled |
| `smtp-server-listen` | `NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_LISTEN` | `[ip]:port` | - | Defines the IP address and port the SMTP server will listen on, e.g. `:25` or `` |
| `smtp-server-domain` | `NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_DOMAIN` | *domain name* | - | SMTP server e-mail domain, e.g. `` |
| `smtp-server-addr-prefix` | `NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_ADDR_PREFIX` | `[ip]:port` | - | Optional prefix for the e-mail addresses to prevent spam, e.g. `ntfy-` |
| `keepalive-interval` | `NTFY_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL` | *duration* | 45s | Interval in which keepalive messages are sent to the client. This is to prevent intermediaries closing the connection for inactivity. Note that the Android app has a hardcoded timeout at 77s, so it should be less than that. |
| `manager-interval` | `$NTFY_MANAGER_INTERVAL` | *duration* | 1m | Interval in which the manager prunes old messages, deletes topics and prints the stats. |
| `global-topic-limit` | `NTFY_GLOBAL_TOPIC_LIMIT` | *number* | 15,000 | Rate limiting: Total number of topics before the server rejects new topics. |
| `upstream-base-url` | `NTFY_UPSTREAM_BASE_URL` | *URL* | `` | Forward poll request to an upstream server, this is needed for iOS push notifications for self-hosted servers |
| `visitor-attachment-total-size-limit` | `NTFY_VISITOR_ATTACHMENT_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT` | *size* | 100M | Rate limiting: Total storage limit used for attachments per visitor, for all attachments combined. Storage is freed after attachments expire. See `attachment-expiry-duration`. |
| `visitor-attachment-daily-bandwidth-limit` | `NTFY_VISITOR_ATTACHMENT_DAILY_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT` | *size* | 500M | Rate limiting: Total daily attachment download/upload traffic limit per visitor. This is to protect your bandwidth costs from exploding. |
| `visitor-email-limit-burst` | `NTFY_VISITOR_EMAIL_LIMIT_BURST` | *number* | 16 | Rate limiting:Initial limit of e-mails per visitor |
| `visitor-email-limit-replenish` | `NTFY_VISITOR_EMAIL_LIMIT_REPLENISH` | *duration* | 1h | Rate limiting: Strongly related to `visitor-email-limit-burst`: The rate at which the bucket is refilled |
| `visitor-request-limit-burst` | `NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_BURST` | *number* | 60 | Rate limiting: Allowed GET/PUT/POST requests per second, per visitor. This setting is the initial bucket of requests each visitor has |
| `visitor-request-limit-replenish` | `NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_REPLENISH` | *duration* | 5s | Rate limiting: Strongly related to `visitor-request-limit-burst`: The rate at which the bucket is refilled |
| `visitor-request-limit-exempt-hosts` | `NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_EXEMPT_HOSTS` | *comma-separated host/IP list* | - | Rate limiting: List of hostnames and IPs to be exempt from request rate limiting |
| `visitor-subscription-limit` | `NTFY_VISITOR_SUBSCRIPTION_LIMIT` | *number* | 30 | Rate limiting: Number of subscriptions per visitor (IP address) |
| `web-root` | `NTFY_WEB_ROOT` | `app`, `home` or `disable` | `app` | Sets web root to landing page (home), web app (app) or disables the web app entirely (disable) |
The format for a *duration* is: `<number>(smh)`, e.g. 30s, 20m or 1h.
The format for a *size* is: `<number>(GMK)`, e.g. 1G, 200M or 4000k.
@ -881,42 +919,46 @@ DESCRIPTION:
ntfy serve --listen-http :8080 # Starts server with alternate port
--config value, -c value config file (default: /etc/ntfy/server.yml) [$NTFY_CONFIG_FILE]
--attachment-cache-dir value, --attachment_cache_dir value cache directory for attached files [$NTFY_ATTACHMENT_CACHE_DIR]
--attachment-expiry-duration value, --attachment_expiry_duration value, -X value duration after which uploaded attachments will be deleted (e.g. 3h, 20h) (default: 3h) [$NTFY_ATTACHMENT_EXPIRY_DURATION]
--attachment-file-size-limit value, --attachment_file_size_limit value, -Y value per-file attachment size limit (e.g. 300k, 2M, 100M) (default: 15M) [$NTFY_ATTACHMENT_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT]
--attachment-total-size-limit value, --attachment_total_size_limit value, -A value limit of the on-disk attachment cache (default: 5G) [$NTFY_ATTACHMENT_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT]
--auth-default-access value, --auth_default_access value, -p value default permissions if no matching entries in the auth database are found (default: "read-write") [$NTFY_AUTH_DEFAULT_ACCESS]
--auth-file value, --auth_file value, -H value auth database file used for access control [$NTFY_AUTH_FILE]
--base-url value, --base_url value, -B value externally visible base URL for this host (e.g. [$NTFY_BASE_URL]
--behind-proxy, --behind_proxy, -P if set, use X-Forwarded-For header to determine visitor IP address (for rate limiting) (default: false) [$NTFY_BEHIND_PROXY]
--cache-duration since, --cache_duration since, -b since buffer messages for this time to allow since requests (default: 12h0m0s) [$NTFY_CACHE_DURATION]
--cache-file value, --cache_file value, -C value cache file used for message caching [$NTFY_CACHE_FILE]
--cert-file value, --cert_file value, -E value certificate file, if listen-https is set [$NTFY_CERT_FILE]
--config value, -c value config file (default: /etc/ntfy/server.yml) [$NTFY_CONFIG_FILE]
--debug, -d enable debug logging (default: false) [$NTFY_DEBUG]
--firebase-key-file value, --firebase_key_file value, -F value Firebase credentials file; if set additionally publish to FCM topic [$NTFY_FIREBASE_KEY_FILE]
--global-topic-limit value, --global_topic_limit value, -T value total number of topics allowed (default: 15000) [$NTFY_GLOBAL_TOPIC_LIMIT]
--keepalive-interval value, --keepalive_interval value, -k value interval of keepalive messages (default: 45s) [$NTFY_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL]
--key-file value, --key_file value, -K value private key file, if listen-https is set [$NTFY_KEY_FILE]
--listen-http value, --listen_http value, -l value ip:port used to as HTTP listen address (default: ":80") [$NTFY_LISTEN_HTTP]
--listen-https value, --listen_https value, -L value ip:port used to as HTTPS listen address [$NTFY_LISTEN_HTTPS]
--listen-unix value, --listen_unix value, -U value listen on unix socket path [$NTFY_LISTEN_UNIX]
--key-file value, --key_file value, -K value private key file, if listen-https is set [$NTFY_KEY_FILE]
--cert-file value, --cert_file value, -E value certificate file, if listen-https is set [$NTFY_CERT_FILE]
--firebase-key-file value, --firebase_key_file value, -F value Firebase credentials file; if set additionally publish to FCM topic [$NTFY_FIREBASE_KEY_FILE]
--cache-file value, --cache_file value, -C value cache file used for message caching [$NTFY_CACHE_FILE]
--cache-duration since, --cache_duration since, -b since buffer messages for this time to allow since requests (default: 12h0m0s) [$NTFY_CACHE_DURATION]
--auth-file value, --auth_file value, -H value auth database file used for access control [$NTFY_AUTH_FILE]
--auth-default-access value, --auth_default_access value, -p value default permissions if no matching entries in the auth database are found (default: "read-write") [$NTFY_AUTH_DEFAULT_ACCESS]
--attachment-cache-dir value, --attachment_cache_dir value cache directory for attached files [$NTFY_ATTACHMENT_CACHE_DIR]
--attachment-total-size-limit value, --attachment_total_size_limit value, -A value limit of the on-disk attachment cache (default: 5G) [$NTFY_ATTACHMENT_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT]
--attachment-file-size-limit value, --attachment_file_size_limit value, -Y value per-file attachment size limit (e.g. 300k, 2M, 100M) (default: 15M) [$NTFY_ATTACHMENT_FILE_SIZE_LIMIT]
--attachment-expiry-duration value, --attachment_expiry_duration value, -X value duration after which uploaded attachments will be deleted (e.g. 3h, 20h) (default: 3h) [$NTFY_ATTACHMENT_EXPIRY_DURATION]
--keepalive-interval value, --keepalive_interval value, -k value interval of keepalive messages (default: 45s) [$NTFY_KEEPALIVE_INTERVAL]
--log-level value, --log_level value set log level (default: "INFO") [$NTFY_LOG_LEVEL]
--manager-interval value, --manager_interval value, -m value interval of for message pruning and stats printing (default: 1m0s) [$NTFY_MANAGER_INTERVAL]
--web-root value, --web_root value sets web root to landing page (home), web app (app) or disabled (disable) (default: "app") [$NTFY_WEB_ROOT]
--no-log-dates, --no_log_dates disable the date/time prefix (default: false) [$NTFY_NO_LOG_DATES]
--smtp-sender-addr value, --smtp_sender_addr value SMTP server address (host:port) for outgoing emails [$NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_ADDR]
--smtp-sender-user value, --smtp_sender_user value SMTP user (if e-mail sending is enabled) [$NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_USER]
--smtp-sender-pass value, --smtp_sender_pass value SMTP password (if e-mail sending is enabled) [$NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_PASS]
--smtp-sender-from value, --smtp_sender_from value SMTP sender address (if e-mail sending is enabled) [$NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_FROM]
--smtp-server-listen value, --smtp_server_listen value SMTP server address (ip:port) for incoming emails, e.g. :25 [$NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_LISTEN]
--smtp-server-domain value, --smtp_server_domain value SMTP domain for incoming e-mail, e.g. [$NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_DOMAIN]
--smtp-sender-pass value, --smtp_sender_pass value SMTP password (if e-mail sending is enabled) [$NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_PASS]
--smtp-sender-user value, --smtp_sender_user value SMTP user (if e-mail sending is enabled) [$NTFY_SMTP_SENDER_USER]
--smtp-server-addr-prefix value, --smtp_server_addr_prefix value SMTP email address prefix for topics to prevent spam (e.g. 'ntfy-') [$NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_ADDR_PREFIX]
--global-topic-limit value, --global_topic_limit value, -T value total number of topics allowed (default: 15000) [$NTFY_GLOBAL_TOPIC_LIMIT]
--visitor-subscription-limit value, --visitor_subscription_limit value number of subscriptions per visitor (default: 30) [$NTFY_VISITOR_SUBSCRIPTION_LIMIT]
--visitor-attachment-total-size-limit value, --visitor_attachment_total_size_limit value total storage limit used for attachments per visitor (default: "100M") [$NTFY_VISITOR_ATTACHMENT_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT]
--smtp-server-domain value, --smtp_server_domain value SMTP domain for incoming e-mail, e.g. [$NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_DOMAIN]
--smtp-server-listen value, --smtp_server_listen value SMTP server address (ip:port) for incoming emails, e.g. :25 [$NTFY_SMTP_SERVER_LISTEN]
--trace enable tracing (very verbose, be careful) (default: false) [$NTFY_TRACE]
--upstream-base-url value, --upstream_base_url value forward poll request to an upstream server, this is needed for iOS push notifications for self-hosted servers [$NTFY_UPSTREAM_BASE_URL]
--visitor-attachment-daily-bandwidth-limit value, --visitor_attachment_daily_bandwidth_limit value total daily attachment download/upload bandwidth limit per visitor (default: "500M") [$NTFY_VISITOR_ATTACHMENT_DAILY_BANDWIDTH_LIMIT]
--visitor-request-limit-burst value, --visitor_request_limit_burst value initial limit of requests per visitor (default: 60) [$NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_BURST]
--visitor-request-limit-replenish value, --visitor_request_limit_replenish value interval at which burst limit is replenished (one per x) (default: 5s) [$NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_REPLENISH]
--visitor-request-limit-exempt-hosts value, --visitor_request_limit_exempt_hosts value hostnames and/or IP addresses of hosts that will be exempt from the visitor request limit [$NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_EXEMPT_HOSTS]
--visitor-attachment-total-size-limit value, --visitor_attachment_total_size_limit value total storage limit used for attachments per visitor (default: "100M") [$NTFY_VISITOR_ATTACHMENT_TOTAL_SIZE_LIMIT]
--visitor-email-limit-burst value, --visitor_email_limit_burst value initial limit of e-mails per visitor (default: 16) [$NTFY_VISITOR_EMAIL_LIMIT_BURST]
--visitor-email-limit-replenish value, --visitor_email_limit_replenish value interval at which burst limit is replenished (one per x) (default: 1h0m0s) [$NTFY_VISITOR_EMAIL_LIMIT_REPLENISH]
--behind-proxy, --behind_proxy, -P if set, use X-Forwarded-For header to determine visitor IP address (for rate limiting) (default: false) [$NTFY_BEHIND_PROXY]
--help, -h show help (default: false)
--visitor-request-limit-burst value, --visitor_request_limit_burst value initial limit of requests per visitor (default: 60) [$NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_BURST]
--visitor-request-limit-exempt-hosts value, --visitor_request_limit_exempt_hosts value hostnames and/or IP addresses of hosts that will be exempt from the visitor request limit [$NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_EXEMPT_HOSTS]
--visitor-request-limit-replenish value, --visitor_request_limit_replenish value interval at which burst limit is replenished (one per x) (default: 5s) [$NTFY_VISITOR_REQUEST_LIMIT_REPLENISH]
--visitor-subscription-limit value, --visitor_subscription_limit value number of subscriptions per visitor (default: 30) [$NTFY_VISITOR_SUBSCRIPTION_LIMIT]
--web-root value, --web_root value sets web root to landing page (home), web app (app) or disabled (disable) (default: "app") [$NTFY_WEB_ROOT]
@ -16,10 +16,10 @@ require (
||| v2.8.1
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@ -44,14 +44,14 @@ require (
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@ -83,6 +83,11 @@ func SetLevel(newLevel Level) {
level = newLevel
// DisableDates disables the date/time prefix
func DisableDates() {
// ToLevel converts a string to a Level. It returns InfoLevel if the string
// does not match any known log levels.
func ToLevel(s string) Level {
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
ExecStart=/usr/bin/ntfy serve
ExecStart=/usr/bin/ntfy serve --no-log-dates
ExecReload=/bin/kill --signal HUP $MAINPID
@ -490,7 +490,7 @@ func (s *Server) sendToFirebase(v *visitor, m *message) {
func (s *Server) sendEmail(v *visitor, m *message, email string) {
log.Debug("%s Sending email to %s", logMessagePrefix(v, m), email)
if err := s.smtpSender.Send(v, m, email); err != nil {
log.Warn("%s Unable to send email: %v", logMessagePrefix(v, m), err.Error())
log.Warn("%s Unable to send email to %s: %v", logMessagePrefix(v, m), email, err.Error())
@ -2004,6 +2004,24 @@
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Add table
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