package server

import (
	firebase ""

const (
	fcmMessageLimit = 4000

// maybeTruncateFCMMessage performs best-effort truncation of FCM messages.
// The docs say the limit is 4000 characters, but during testing it wasn't quite clear
// what fields matter; so we're just capping the serialized JSON to 4000 bytes.
func maybeTruncateFCMMessage(m *messaging.Message) *messaging.Message {
	s, err := json.Marshal(m)
	if err != nil {
		return m
	if len(s) > fcmMessageLimit {
		over := len(s) - fcmMessageLimit + 16 // = len("truncated":"1",), sigh ...
		message, ok := m.Data["message"]
		if ok && len(message) > over {
			m.Data["truncated"] = "1"
			m.Data["message"] = message[:len(message)-over]
	return m

func createFirebaseSubscriber(credentialsFile string, auther auth.Auther) (subscriber, error) {
	fb, err := firebase.NewApp(context.Background(), nil, option.WithCredentialsFile(credentialsFile))
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	msg, err := fb.Messaging(context.Background())
	if err != nil {
		return nil, err
	return func(m *message) error {
		fbm, err := toFirebaseMessage(m, auther)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		_, err = msg.Send(context.Background(), fbm)
		return err
	}, nil

func toFirebaseMessage(m *message, auther auth.Auther) (*messaging.Message, error) {
	var data map[string]string // Mostly matches
	switch m.Event {
	case keepaliveEvent, openEvent:
		data = map[string]string{
			"id":    m.ID,
			"time":  fmt.Sprintf("%d", m.Time),
			"event": m.Event,
			"topic": m.Topic,
	case messageEvent:
		allowForward := true
		if auther != nil {
			allowForward = auther.Authorize(nil, m.Topic, auth.PermissionRead) == nil
		if allowForward {
			data = map[string]string{
				"id":       m.ID,
				"time":     fmt.Sprintf("%d", m.Time),
				"event":    m.Event,
				"topic":    m.Topic,
				"priority": fmt.Sprintf("%d", m.Priority),
				"tags":     strings.Join(m.Tags, ","),
				"click":    m.Click,
				"title":    m.Title,
				"message":  m.Message,
				"encoding": m.Encoding,
			if len(m.Actions) > 0 {
				actions, err := json.Marshal(m.Actions)
				if err != nil {
					return nil, err
				data["actions"] = string(actions)
			if m.Attachment != nil {
				data["attachment_name"] = m.Attachment.Name
				data["attachment_type"] = m.Attachment.Type
				data["attachment_size"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", m.Attachment.Size)
				data["attachment_expires"] = fmt.Sprintf("%d", m.Attachment.Expires)
				data["attachment_url"] = m.Attachment.URL
		} else {
			// If anonymous read for a topic is not allowed, we cannot send the message along
			// via Firebase. Instead, we send a "poll_request" message, asking the client to poll.
			data = map[string]string{
				"id":    m.ID,
				"time":  fmt.Sprintf("%d", m.Time),
				"event": pollRequestEvent,
				"topic": m.Topic,
	var androidConfig *messaging.AndroidConfig
	if m.Priority >= 4 {
		androidConfig = &messaging.AndroidConfig{
			Priority: "high",
	return maybeTruncateFCMMessage(&messaging.Message{
		Topic:   m.Topic,
		Data:    data,
		Android: androidConfig,
	}), nil