import { topicUrlJsonPoll, fetchLinesIterator, topicUrl, topicUrlAuth, maybeWithBasicAuth, topicShortUrl, topicUrlJsonPollWithSince } from "./utils"; import db from "./db"; class Api { async poll(baseUrl, topic, since) { const user = await db.users.get(baseUrl); const shortUrl = topicShortUrl(baseUrl, topic); const url = (since) ? topicUrlJsonPollWithSince(baseUrl, topic, since) : topicUrlJsonPoll(baseUrl, topic); const messages = []; const headers = maybeWithBasicAuth({}, user); console.log(`[Api] Polling ${url}`); for await (let line of fetchLinesIterator(url, headers)) { console.log(`[Api, ${shortUrl}] Received message ${line}`); messages.push(JSON.parse(line)); } return messages; } async publish(baseUrl, topic, message) { const user = await db.users.get(baseUrl); const url = topicUrl(baseUrl, topic); console.log(`[Api] Publishing message to ${url}`); await fetch(url, { method: 'PUT', body: message, headers: maybeWithBasicAuth({}, user) }); } async auth(baseUrl, topic, user) { const url = topicUrlAuth(baseUrl, topic); console.log(`[Api] Checking auth for ${url}`); const response = await fetch(url, { headers: maybeWithBasicAuth({}, user) }); if (response.status >= 200 && response.status <= 299) { return true; } else if (!user && response.status === 404) { return true; // Special case: Anonymous login to old servers return 404 since //auth doesn't exist } else if (response.status === 401 || response.status === 403) { // See server/server.go return false; } throw new Error(`Unexpected server response ${response.status}`); } } const api = new Api(); export default api;