Merge pull request #16026 from vdemeester/integration-cli-utils-tests
Add unit tests for integration cli utils.go functions
This commit is contained in:
4 changed files with 936 additions and 0 deletions
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
// Package checker provide Docker specific implementations of the go-check.Checker interface.
package checker
import (
// As a commodity, we bring all check.Checker variables into the current namespace to avoid having
// to think about check.X versus checker.X.
var (
DeepEquals = check.DeepEquals
Equals = check.Equals
ErrorMatches = check.ErrorMatches
FitsTypeOf = check.FitsTypeOf
HasLen = check.HasLen
Implements = check.Implements
IsNil = check.IsNil
Matches = check.Matches
Not = check.Not
NotNil = check.NotNil
PanicMatches = check.PanicMatches
Panics = check.Panics
// Contains checker verifies that string value contains a substring.
var Contains check.Checker = &containsChecker{
Name: "Contains",
Params: []string{"value", "substring"},
type containsChecker struct {
func (checker *containsChecker) Check(params []interface{}, names []string) (bool, string) {
return contains(params[0], params[1])
func contains(value, substring interface{}) (bool, string) {
substringStr, ok := substring.(string)
if !ok {
return false, "Substring must be a string"
valueStr, valueIsStr := value.(string)
if !valueIsStr {
if valueWithStr, valueHasStr := value.(fmt.Stringer); valueHasStr {
valueStr, valueIsStr = valueWithStr.String(), true
if valueIsStr {
return strings.Contains(valueStr, substringStr), ""
return false, "Obtained value is not a string and has no .String()"
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package checker
import (
func Test(t *testing.T) {
func init() {
type CheckersS struct{}
var _ = check.Suite(&CheckersS{})
func testInfo(c *check.C, checker check.Checker, name string, paramNames []string) {
info := checker.Info()
if info.Name != name {
c.Fatalf("Got name %s, expected %s", info.Name, name)
if !reflect.DeepEqual(info.Params, paramNames) {
c.Fatalf("Got param names %#v, expected %#v", info.Params, paramNames)
func testCheck(c *check.C, checker check.Checker, expectedResult bool, expectedError string, params ...interface{}) ([]interface{}, []string) {
info := checker.Info()
if len(params) != len(info.Params) {
c.Fatalf("unexpected param count in test; expected %d got %d", len(info.Params), len(params))
names := append([]string{}, info.Params...)
result, error := checker.Check(params, names)
if result != expectedResult || error != expectedError {
c.Fatalf("%s.Check(%#v) returned (%#v, %#v) rather than (%#v, %#v)",
info.Name, params, result, error, expectedResult, expectedError)
return params, names
func (s *CheckersS) TestContains(c *check.C) {
testInfo(c, Contains, "Contains", []string{"value", "substring"})
testCheck(c, Contains, true, "", "abcd", "bc")
testCheck(c, Contains, false, "", "abcd", "efg")
testCheck(c, Contains, false, "", "", "bc")
testCheck(c, Contains, true, "", "abcd", "")
testCheck(c, Contains, true, "", "", "")
testCheck(c, Contains, false, "Obtained value is not a string and has no .String()", 12, "1")
testCheck(c, Contains, false, "Substring must be a string", "", 1)
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package integration
import (
// GetExitCode returns the ExitStatus of the specified error if its type is
// exec.ExitError, returns 0 and an error otherwise.
func GetExitCode(err error) (int, error) {
exitCode := 0
if exiterr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
if procExit, ok := exiterr.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus); ok {
return procExit.ExitStatus(), nil
return exitCode, fmt.Errorf("failed to get exit code")
// ProcessExitCode process the specified error and returns the exit status code
// if the error was of type exec.ExitError, returns nothing otherwise.
func ProcessExitCode(err error) (exitCode int) {
if err != nil {
var exiterr error
if exitCode, exiterr = GetExitCode(err); exiterr != nil {
// TODO: Fix this so we check the error's text.
// we've failed to retrieve exit code, so we set it to 127
exitCode = 127
// IsKilled process the specified error and returns whether the process was killed or not.
func IsKilled(err error) bool {
if exitErr, ok := err.(*exec.ExitError); ok {
status, ok := exitErr.Sys().(syscall.WaitStatus)
if !ok {
return false
// status.ExitStatus() is required on Windows because it does not
// implement Signal() nor Signaled(). Just check it had a bad exit
// status could mean it was killed (and in tests we do kill)
return (status.Signaled() && status.Signal() == os.Kill) || status.ExitStatus() != 0
return false
// RunCommandWithOutput runs the specified command and returns the combined output (stdout/stderr)
// with the exitCode different from 0 and the error if something bad happened
func RunCommandWithOutput(cmd *exec.Cmd) (output string, exitCode int, err error) {
exitCode = 0
out, err := cmd.CombinedOutput()
exitCode = ProcessExitCode(err)
output = string(out)
// RunCommandWithStdoutStderr runs the specified command and returns stdout and stderr separately
// with the exitCode different from 0 and the error if something bad happened
func RunCommandWithStdoutStderr(cmd *exec.Cmd) (stdout string, stderr string, exitCode int, err error) {
var (
stderrBuffer, stdoutBuffer bytes.Buffer
exitCode = 0
cmd.Stderr = &stderrBuffer
cmd.Stdout = &stdoutBuffer
err = cmd.Run()
exitCode = ProcessExitCode(err)
stdout = stdoutBuffer.String()
stderr = stderrBuffer.String()
// RunCommandWithOutputForDuration runs the specified command "timeboxed" by the specified duration.
// If the process is still running when the timebox is finished, the process will be killed and .
// It will returns the output with the exitCode different from 0 and the error if something bad happened
// and a boolean whether it has been killed or not.
func RunCommandWithOutputForDuration(cmd *exec.Cmd, duration time.Duration) (output string, exitCode int, timedOut bool, err error) {
var outputBuffer bytes.Buffer
if cmd.Stdout != nil {
err = errors.New("cmd.Stdout already set")
cmd.Stdout = &outputBuffer
if cmd.Stderr != nil {
err = errors.New("cmd.Stderr already set")
cmd.Stderr = &outputBuffer
done := make(chan error)
go func() {
exitErr := cmd.Run()
exitCode = ProcessExitCode(exitErr)
done <- exitErr
select {
case <-time.After(duration):
killErr := cmd.Process.Kill()
if killErr != nil {
fmt.Printf("failed to kill (pid=%d): %v\n", cmd.Process.Pid, killErr)
timedOut = true
case err = <-done:
output = outputBuffer.String()
var errCmdTimeout = fmt.Errorf("command timed out")
// RunCommandWithOutputAndTimeout runs the specified command "timeboxed" by the specified duration.
// It returns the output with the exitCode different from 0 and the error if something bad happened or
// if the process timed out (and has been killed).
func RunCommandWithOutputAndTimeout(cmd *exec.Cmd, timeout time.Duration) (output string, exitCode int, err error) {
var timedOut bool
output, exitCode, timedOut, err = RunCommandWithOutputForDuration(cmd, timeout)
if timedOut {
err = errCmdTimeout
// RunCommand runs the specified command and returns the exitCode different from 0
// and the error if something bad happened.
func RunCommand(cmd *exec.Cmd) (exitCode int, err error) {
exitCode = 0
err = cmd.Run()
exitCode = ProcessExitCode(err)
// RunCommandPipelineWithOutput runs the array of commands with the output
// of each pipelined with the following (like cmd1 | cmd2 | cmd3 would do).
// It returns the final output, the exitCode different from 0 and the error
// if something bad happened.
func RunCommandPipelineWithOutput(cmds ...*exec.Cmd) (output string, exitCode int, err error) {
if len(cmds) < 2 {
return "", 0, errors.New("pipeline does not have multiple cmds")
// connect stdin of each cmd to stdout pipe of previous cmd
for i, cmd := range cmds {
if i > 0 {
prevCmd := cmds[i-1]
cmd.Stdin, err = prevCmd.StdoutPipe()
if err != nil {
return "", 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot set stdout pipe for %s: %v", cmd.Path, err)
// start all cmds except the last
for _, cmd := range cmds[:len(cmds)-1] {
if err = cmd.Start(); err != nil {
return "", 0, fmt.Errorf("starting %s failed with error: %v", cmd.Path, err)
defer func() {
// wait all cmds except the last to release their resources
for _, cmd := range cmds[:len(cmds)-1] {
// wait on last cmd
return RunCommandWithOutput(cmds[len(cmds)-1])
// UnmarshalJSON deserialize a JSON in the given interface.
func UnmarshalJSON(data []byte, result interface{}) error {
if err := json.Unmarshal(data, result); err != nil {
return err
return nil
// ConvertSliceOfStringsToMap converts a slices of string in a map
// with the strings as key and an empty string as values.
func ConvertSliceOfStringsToMap(input []string) map[string]struct{} {
output := make(map[string]struct{})
for _, v := range input {
output[v] = struct{}{}
return output
// CompareDirectoryEntries compares two sets of FileInfo (usually taken from a directory)
// and returns an error if different.
func CompareDirectoryEntries(e1 []os.FileInfo, e2 []os.FileInfo) error {
var (
e1Entries = make(map[string]struct{})
e2Entries = make(map[string]struct{})
for _, e := range e1 {
e1Entries[e.Name()] = struct{}{}
for _, e := range e2 {
e2Entries[e.Name()] = struct{}{}
if !reflect.DeepEqual(e1Entries, e2Entries) {
return fmt.Errorf("entries differ")
return nil
// ListTar lists the entries of a tar.
func ListTar(f io.Reader) ([]string, error) {
tr := tar.NewReader(f)
var entries []string
for {
th, err := tr.Next()
if err == io.EOF {
// end of tar archive
return entries, nil
if err != nil {
return entries, err
entries = append(entries, th.Name)
// RandomUnixTmpDirPath provides a temporary unix path with rand string appended.
// does not create or checks if it exists.
func RandomUnixTmpDirPath(s string) string {
return path.Join("/tmp", fmt.Sprintf("%s.%s", s, stringutils.GenerateRandomAlphaOnlyString(10)))
// ConsumeWithSpeed reads chunkSize bytes from reader after every interval.
// Returns total read bytes.
func ConsumeWithSpeed(reader io.Reader, chunkSize int, interval time.Duration, stop chan bool) (n int, err error) {
buffer := make([]byte, chunkSize)
for {
select {
case <-stop:
var readBytes int
readBytes, err = reader.Read(buffer)
n += readBytes
if err != nil {
if err == io.EOF {
err = nil
// ParseCgroupPaths arses 'procCgroupData', which is output of '/proc/<pid>/cgroup', and returns
// a map which cgroup name as key and path as value.
func ParseCgroupPaths(procCgroupData string) map[string]string {
cgroupPaths := map[string]string{}
for _, line := range strings.Split(procCgroupData, "\n") {
parts := strings.Split(line, ":")
if len(parts) != 3 {
cgroupPaths[parts[1]] = parts[2]
return cgroupPaths
// ChannelBuffer holds a chan of byte array that can be populate in a goroutine.
type ChannelBuffer struct {
C chan []byte
// Write implements Writer.
func (c *ChannelBuffer) Write(b []byte) (int, error) {
c.C <- b
return len(b), nil
// Close closes the go channel.
func (c *ChannelBuffer) Close() error {
return nil
// ReadTimeout reads the content of the channel in the specified byte array with
// the specified duration as timeout.
func (c *ChannelBuffer) ReadTimeout(p []byte, n time.Duration) (int, error) {
select {
case b := <-c.C:
return copy(p[0:], b), nil
case <-time.After(n):
return -1, fmt.Errorf("timeout reading from channel")
// RunAtDifferentDate runs the specifed function with the given time.
// It changes the date of the system, which can led to weird behaviors.
func RunAtDifferentDate(date time.Time, block func()) {
// Layout for date. MMDDhhmmYYYY
const timeLayout = "010203042006"
// Ensure we bring time back to now
now := time.Now().Format(timeLayout)
dateReset := exec.Command("date", now)
defer RunCommand(dateReset)
dateChange := exec.Command("date", date.Format(timeLayout))
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@ -0,0 +1,488 @@
package integration
import (
func TestIsKilledFalseWithNonKilledProcess(t *testing.T) {
lsCmd := exec.Command("ls")
// Wait for it to finish
err := lsCmd.Wait()
if IsKilled(err) {
t.Fatalf("Expected the ls command to not be killed, was.")
func TestIsKilledTrueWithKilledProcess(t *testing.T) {
longCmd := exec.Command("top")
// Start a command
// Capture the error when *dying*
done := make(chan error, 1)
go func() {
done <- longCmd.Wait()
// Then kill it
// Get the error
err := <-done
if !IsKilled(err) {
t.Fatalf("Expected the command to be killed, was not.")
func TestRunCommandWithOutput(t *testing.T) {
echoHelloWorldCmd := exec.Command("echo", "hello", "world")
out, exitCode, err := RunCommandWithOutput(echoHelloWorldCmd)
expected := "hello world\n"
if out != expected || exitCode != 0 || err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected command to output %s, got %s, %v with exitCode %v", expected, out, err, exitCode)
func TestRunCommandWithOutputError(t *testing.T) {
cmd := exec.Command("doesnotexists")
out, exitCode, err := RunCommandWithOutput(cmd)
expectedError := `exec: "doesnotexists": executable file not found in $PATH`
if out != "" || exitCode != 127 || err == nil || err.Error() != expectedError {
t.Fatalf("Expected command to output %s, got %s, %v with exitCode %v", expectedError, out, err, exitCode)
wrongLsCmd := exec.Command("ls", "-z")
expected := `ls: invalid option -- 'z'
Try 'ls --help' for more information.
out, exitCode, err = RunCommandWithOutput(wrongLsCmd)
if out != expected || exitCode != 2 || err == nil || err.Error() != "exit status 2" {
t.Fatalf("Expected command to output %s, got out:%s, err:%v with exitCode %v", expected, out, err, exitCode)
func TestRunCommandWithStdoutStderr(t *testing.T) {
echoHelloWorldCmd := exec.Command("echo", "hello", "world")
stdout, stderr, exitCode, err := RunCommandWithStdoutStderr(echoHelloWorldCmd)
expected := "hello world\n"
if stdout != expected || stderr != "" || exitCode != 0 || err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected command to output %s, got stdout:%s, stderr:%s, err:%v with exitCode %v", expected, stdout, stderr, err, exitCode)
func TestRunCommandWithStdoutStderrError(t *testing.T) {
cmd := exec.Command("doesnotexists")
stdout, stderr, exitCode, err := RunCommandWithStdoutStderr(cmd)
expectedError := `exec: "doesnotexists": executable file not found in $PATH`
if stdout != "" || stderr != "" || exitCode != 127 || err == nil || err.Error() != expectedError {
t.Fatalf("Expected command to output out:%s, stderr:%s, got stdout:%s, stderr:%s, err:%v with exitCode %v", "", "", stdout, stderr, err, exitCode)
wrongLsCmd := exec.Command("ls", "-z")
expected := `ls: invalid option -- 'z'
Try 'ls --help' for more information.
stdout, stderr, exitCode, err = RunCommandWithStdoutStderr(wrongLsCmd)
if stdout != "" && stderr != expected || exitCode != 2 || err == nil || err.Error() != "exit status 2" {
t.Fatalf("Expected command to output out:%s, stderr:%s, got stdout:%s, stderr:%s, err:%v with exitCode %v", "", expectedError, stdout, stderr, err, exitCode)
func TestRunCommandWithOutputForDurationFinished(t *testing.T) {
cmd := exec.Command("ls")
out, exitCode, timedOut, err := RunCommandWithOutputForDuration(cmd, 50*time.Millisecond)
if out == "" || exitCode != 0 || timedOut || err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected the command to run for less 50 milliseconds and thus not time out, but did not : out:[%s], exitCode:[%d], timedOut:[%v], err:[%v]", out, exitCode, timedOut, err)
func TestRunCommandWithOutputForDurationKilled(t *testing.T) {
cmd := exec.Command("sh", "-c", "while true ; do echo 1 ; sleep .1 ; done")
out, exitCode, timedOut, err := RunCommandWithOutputForDuration(cmd, 500*time.Millisecond)
ones := strings.Split(out, "\n")
if len(ones) != 6 || exitCode != 0 || !timedOut || err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected the command to run for 500 milliseconds (and thus print six lines (five with 1, one empty) and time out, but did not : out:[%s], exitCode:%d, timedOut:%v, err:%v", out, exitCode, timedOut, err)
func TestRunCommandWithOutputForDurationErrors(t *testing.T) {
cmd := exec.Command("ls")
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
if _, _, _, err := RunCommandWithOutputForDuration(cmd, 1*time.Millisecond); err == nil || err.Error() != "cmd.Stdout already set" {
t.Fatalf("Expected an error as cmd.Stdout was already set, did not (err:%s).", err)
cmd = exec.Command("ls")
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
if _, _, _, err := RunCommandWithOutputForDuration(cmd, 1*time.Millisecond); err == nil || err.Error() != "cmd.Stderr already set" {
t.Fatalf("Expected an error as cmd.Stderr was already set, did not (err:%s).", err)
func TestRunCommandWithOutputAndTimeoutFinished(t *testing.T) {
cmd := exec.Command("ls")
out, exitCode, err := RunCommandWithOutputAndTimeout(cmd, 50*time.Millisecond)
if out == "" || exitCode != 0 || err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected the command to run for less 50 milliseconds and thus not time out, but did not : out:[%s], exitCode:[%d], err:[%v]", out, exitCode, err)
func TestRunCommandWithOutputAndTimeoutKilled(t *testing.T) {
cmd := exec.Command("sh", "-c", "while true ; do echo 1 ; sleep .1 ; done")
out, exitCode, err := RunCommandWithOutputAndTimeout(cmd, 500*time.Millisecond)
ones := strings.Split(out, "\n")
if len(ones) != 6 || exitCode != 0 || err == nil || err.Error() != "command timed out" {
t.Fatalf("Expected the command to run for 500 milliseconds (and thus print six lines (five with 1, one empty) and time out with an error 'command timed out', but did not : out:[%s], exitCode:%d, err:%v", out, exitCode, err)
func TestRunCommandWithOutputAndTimeoutErrors(t *testing.T) {
cmd := exec.Command("ls")
cmd.Stdout = os.Stdout
if _, _, err := RunCommandWithOutputAndTimeout(cmd, 1*time.Millisecond); err == nil || err.Error() != "cmd.Stdout already set" {
t.Fatalf("Expected an error as cmd.Stdout was already set, did not (err:%s).", err)
cmd = exec.Command("ls")
cmd.Stderr = os.Stderr
if _, _, err := RunCommandWithOutputAndTimeout(cmd, 1*time.Millisecond); err == nil || err.Error() != "cmd.Stderr already set" {
t.Fatalf("Expected an error as cmd.Stderr was already set, did not (err:%s).", err)
func TestRunCommand(t *testing.T) {
lsCmd := exec.Command("ls")
exitCode, err := RunCommand(lsCmd)
if exitCode != 0 || err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected runCommand to run the command successfully, got: exitCode:%d, err:%v", exitCode, err)
var expectedError string
exitCode, err = RunCommand(exec.Command("doesnotexists"))
expectedError = `exec: "doesnotexists": executable file not found in $PATH`
if exitCode != 127 || err == nil || err.Error() != expectedError {
t.Fatalf("Expected runCommand to run the command successfully, got: exitCode:%d, err:%v", exitCode, err)
wrongLsCmd := exec.Command("ls", "-z")
expected := 2
expectedError = `exit status 2`
exitCode, err = RunCommand(wrongLsCmd)
if exitCode != expected || err == nil || err.Error() != expectedError {
t.Fatalf("Expected runCommand to run the command successfully, got: exitCode:%d, err:%v", exitCode, err)
func TestRunCommandPipelineWithOutputWithNotEnoughCmds(t *testing.T) {
_, _, err := RunCommandPipelineWithOutput(exec.Command("ls"))
expectedError := "pipeline does not have multiple cmds"
if err == nil || err.Error() != expectedError {
t.Fatalf("Expected an error with %s, got err:%s", expectedError, err)
func TestRunCommandPipelineWithOutputErrors(t *testing.T) {
cmd1 := exec.Command("ls")
cmd1.Stdout = os.Stdout
cmd2 := exec.Command("anything really")
_, _, err := RunCommandPipelineWithOutput(cmd1, cmd2)
if err == nil || err.Error() != "cannot set stdout pipe for anything really: exec: Stdout already set" {
t.Fatalf("Expected an error, got %v", err)
cmdWithError := exec.Command("doesnotexists")
cmdCat := exec.Command("cat")
_, _, err = RunCommandPipelineWithOutput(cmdWithError, cmdCat)
if err == nil || err.Error() != `starting doesnotexists failed with error: exec: "doesnotexists": executable file not found in $PATH` {
t.Fatalf("Expected an error, got %v", err)
func TestRunCommandPipelineWithOutput(t *testing.T) {
cmds := []*exec.Cmd{
// Print 2 characters
exec.Command("echo", "-n", "11"),
// Count the number or char from stdin (previous command)
exec.Command("wc", "-m"),
out, exitCode, err := RunCommandPipelineWithOutput(cmds...)
expectedOutput := "2\n"
if out != expectedOutput || exitCode != 0 || err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected %s for commands %v, got out:%s, exitCode:%d, err:%v", expectedOutput, cmds, out, exitCode, err)
// Simple simple test as it is just a passthrough for json.Unmarshal
func TestUnmarshalJSON(t *testing.T) {
emptyResult := struct{}{}
if err := UnmarshalJSON([]byte(""), &emptyResult); err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Expected an error, got nothing")
result := struct{ Name string }{}
if err := UnmarshalJSON([]byte(`{"name": "name"}`), &result); err != nil {
if result.Name != "name" {
t.Fatalf("Expected to be 'name', was '%s'", result.Name)
func TestConvertSliceOfStringsToMap(t *testing.T) {
input := []string{"a", "b"}
actual := ConvertSliceOfStringsToMap(input)
for _, key := range input {
if _, ok := actual[key]; !ok {
t.Fatalf("Expected output to contains key %s, did not: %v", key, actual)
func TestCompareDirectoryEntries(t *testing.T) {
tmpFolder, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "integration-cli-utils-compare-directories")
if err != nil {
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpFolder)
file1 := path.Join(tmpFolder, "file1")
file2 := path.Join(tmpFolder, "file2")
fi1, err := os.Stat(file1)
if err != nil {
fi1bis, err := os.Stat(file1)
if err != nil {
fi2, err := os.Stat(file2)
if err != nil {
cases := []struct {
e1 []os.FileInfo
e2 []os.FileInfo
shouldError bool
// Empty directories
// Same FileInfos
// Different FileInfos but same names
// Different FileInfos, different names
for _, elt := range cases {
err := CompareDirectoryEntries(elt.e1, elt.e2)
if elt.shouldError && err == nil {
t.Fatalf("Should have return an error, did not with %v and %v", elt.e1, elt.e2)
if !elt.shouldError && err != nil {
t.Fatalf("Should have not returned an error, but did : %v with %v and %v", err, elt.e1, elt.e2)
// FIXME make an "unhappy path" test for ListTar without "panicing" :-)
func TestListTar(t *testing.T) {
tmpFolder, err := ioutil.TempDir("", "integration-cli-utils-list-tar")
if err != nil {
defer os.RemoveAll(tmpFolder)
// Let's create a Tar file
srcFile := path.Join(tmpFolder, "src")
tarFile := path.Join(tmpFolder, "src.tar")
cmd := exec.Command("/bin/sh", "-c", "tar cf "+tarFile+" "+srcFile)
_, err = cmd.CombinedOutput()
if err != nil {
reader, err := os.Open(tarFile)
if err != nil {
defer reader.Close()
entries, err := ListTar(reader)
if err != nil {
if len(entries) != 1 && entries[0] != "src" {
t.Fatalf("Expected a tar file with 1 entry (%s), got %v", srcFile, entries)
func TestRandomUnixTmpDirPath(t *testing.T) {
path := RandomUnixTmpDirPath("something")
prefix := "/tmp/something"
expectedSize := len(prefix) + 11
if !strings.HasPrefix(path, prefix) {
t.Fatalf("Expected generated path to have '%s' as prefix, got %s'", prefix, path)
if len(path) != expectedSize {
t.Fatalf("Expected generated path to be %d, got %d", expectedSize, len(path))
func TestConsumeWithSpeedWith(t *testing.T) {
reader := strings.NewReader("1234567890")
chunksize := 2
bytes1, err := ConsumeWithSpeed(reader, chunksize, 1*time.Millisecond, nil)
if err != nil {
if bytes1 != 10 {
t.Fatalf("Expected to have read 10 bytes, got %s", bytes1)
func TestConsumeWithSpeedWithStop(t *testing.T) {
reader := strings.NewReader("1234567890")
chunksize := 2
stopIt := make(chan bool)
go func() {
time.Sleep(1 * time.Millisecond)
stopIt <- true
bytes1, err := ConsumeWithSpeed(reader, chunksize, 2*time.Millisecond, stopIt)
if err != nil {
if bytes1 != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Expected to have read 2 bytes, got %s", bytes1)
func TestParseCgroupPathsEmpty(t *testing.T) {
cgroupMap := ParseCgroupPaths("")
if len(cgroupMap) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Expected an empty map, got %v", cgroupMap)
cgroupMap = ParseCgroupPaths("\n")
if len(cgroupMap) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Expected an empty map, got %v", cgroupMap)
cgroupMap = ParseCgroupPaths("something:else\nagain:here")
if len(cgroupMap) != 0 {
t.Fatalf("Expected an empty map, got %v", cgroupMap)
func TestParseCgroupPaths(t *testing.T) {
cgroupMap := ParseCgroupPaths("2:memory:/a\n1:cpuset:/b")
if len(cgroupMap) != 2 {
t.Fatalf("Expected a map with 2 entries, got %v", cgroupMap)
if value, ok := cgroupMap["memory"]; !ok || value != "/a" {
t.Fatalf("Expected cgroupMap to contains an entry for 'memory' with value '/a', got %v", cgroupMap)
if value, ok := cgroupMap["cpuset"]; !ok || value != "/b" {
t.Fatalf("Expected cgroupMap to contains an entry for 'cpuset' with value '/b', got %v", cgroupMap)
func TestChannelBufferTimeout(t *testing.T) {
expected := "11"
buf := &ChannelBuffer{make(chan []byte, 1)}
defer buf.Close()
go func() {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
io.Copy(buf, strings.NewReader(expected))
// Wait long enough
b := make([]byte, 2)
_, err := buf.ReadTimeout(b, 50*time.Millisecond)
if err == nil && err.Error() != "timeout reading from channel" {
t.Fatalf("Expected an error, got %s", err)
// Wait for the end :)
time.Sleep(150 * time.Millisecond)
func TestChannelBuffer(t *testing.T) {
expected := "11"
buf := &ChannelBuffer{make(chan []byte, 1)}
defer buf.Close()
go func() {
time.Sleep(100 * time.Millisecond)
io.Copy(buf, strings.NewReader(expected))
// Wait long enough
b := make([]byte, 2)
_, err := buf.ReadTimeout(b, 200*time.Millisecond)
if err != nil {
if string(b) != expected {
t.Fatalf("Expected '%s', got '%s'", expected, string(b))
// FIXME doesn't work
// func TestRunAtDifferentDate(t *testing.T) {
// var date string
// // Layout for date. MMDDhhmmYYYY
// const timeLayout = "20060102"
// expectedDate := "20100201"
// theDate, err := time.Parse(timeLayout, expectedDate)
// if err != nil {
// t.Fatal(err)
// }
// RunAtDifferentDate(theDate, func() {
// cmd := exec.Command("date", "+%Y%M%d")
// out, err := cmd.Output()
// if err != nil {
// t.Fatal(err)
// }
// date = string(out)
// })
// }
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