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import os
2017-03-31 14:21:01 -04:00
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
2017-02-23 13:48:06 -05:00
import pytest
from mock import patch
from data import model, database
from data.users.federated import FederatedUsers, UserInformation
from data.users.teamsync import sync_team, sync_teams_to_groups
2017-02-23 13:10:11 -05:00
from test.test_ldap import mock_ldap
from test.test_keystone_auth import fake_keystone
2017-02-23 13:48:06 -05:00
from util.names import parse_robot_username
2017-02-23 13:10:11 -05:00
from test.fixtures import *
_FAKE_AUTH = 'fake'
class FakeUsers(FederatedUsers):
def __init__(self, group_members):
super(FakeUsers, self).__init__(_FAKE_AUTH, False)
self.group_tuples = [(m, None) for m in group_members]
def iterate_group_members(self, group_lookup_args, page_size=None, disable_pagination=False):
return (self.group_tuples, None)
@pytest.fixture(params=[True, False])
def user_creation(request):
with patch('features.USER_CREATION', request.param):
@pytest.fixture(params=[True, False])
def invite_only_user_creation(request):
with patch('features.INVITE_ONLY_USER_CREATION', request.param):
@pytest.mark.skipif(os.environ.get('TEST_DATABASE_URI', '').find('postgres') >= 0,
reason="Postgres fails when existing members are added under the savepoint")
@pytest.mark.parametrize('starting_membership,group_membership,expected_membership', [
# Empty team + single member in group => Single member in team.
UserInformation('someuser', 'someuser', ''),
# Team with a Quay user + empty group => empty team.
([('someuser', None)],
# Team with an existing external user + user is in the group => no changes.
('someuser', 'someuser'),
UserInformation('someuser', 'someuser', ''),
# Team with an existing external user (with a different Quay username) + user is in the group.
# => no changes
('anotherquayname', 'someuser'),
UserInformation('someuser', 'someuser', ''),
# Team missing a few members that are in the group => members added.
([('someuser', 'someuser')],
UserInformation('anotheruser', 'anotheruser', ''),
UserInformation('someuser', 'someuser', ''),
UserInformation('thirduser', 'thirduser', ''),
['anotheruser', 'someuser', 'thirduser']),
# Team has a few extra members no longer in the group => members removed.
('anotheruser', 'anotheruser'),
('someuser', 'someuser'),
('thirduser', 'thirduser'),
('nontestuser', None),
UserInformation('thirduser', 'thirduser', ''),
# Team has different membership than the group => members added and removed.
('anotheruser', 'anotheruser'),
('someuser', 'someuser'),
('nontestuser', None),
UserInformation('anotheruser', 'anotheruser', ''),
UserInformation('missinguser', 'missinguser', ''),
['anotheruser', 'missinguser']),
# Team has same membership but some robots => robots remain and no other changes.
('someuser', 'someuser'),
('buynlarge+anotherbot', None),
('buynlarge+somerobot', None),
UserInformation('someuser', 'someuser', ''),
['someuser', 'buynlarge+somerobot', 'buynlarge+anotherbot']),
# Team has an extra member and some robots => member removed and robots remain.
('someuser', 'someuser'),
('buynlarge+anotherbot', None),
('buynlarge+somerobot', None),
# No members.
['buynlarge+somerobot', 'buynlarge+anotherbot']),
# Team has a different member and some robots => member changed and robots remain.
('someuser', 'someuser'),
('buynlarge+anotherbot', None),
('buynlarge+somerobot', None),
UserInformation('anotheruser', 'anotheruser', ''),
['anotheruser', 'buynlarge+somerobot', 'buynlarge+anotherbot']),
# Team with an existing external user (with a different Quay username) + user is in the group.
# => no changes and robots remain.
('anotherquayname', 'someuser'),
('buynlarge+anotherbot', None),
UserInformation('someuser', 'someuser', ''),
['someuser', 'buynlarge+anotherbot']),
# Team which returns the same member twice, as pagination in some engines (like LDAP) is not
# stable.
UserInformation('someuser', 'someuser', ''),
UserInformation('anotheruser', 'anotheruser', ''),
UserInformation('someuser', 'someuser', ''),
['anotheruser', 'someuser']),
def test_syncing(user_creation, invite_only_user_creation, starting_membership, group_membership,
expected_membership, app):
org = model.organization.get_organization('buynlarge')
# Necessary for the fake auth entries to be created in FederatedLogin.
# Assert the team is empty, so we have a clean slate.
sync_team_info ='buynlarge', 'synced')
assert len(list( == 0
# Add the existing starting members to the team.
for starting_member in starting_membership:
(quay_username, fakeauth_username) = starting_member
if '+' in quay_username:
# Add a robot.
(_, shortname) = parse_robot_username(quay_username)
robot, _ = model.user.create_robot(shortname, org),
email = quay_username + ''
if fakeauth_username is None:
quay_user = model.user.create_user_noverify(quay_username, email)
quay_user = model.user.create_federated_user(quay_username, email, _FAKE_AUTH,
fakeauth_username, False),
# Call syncing on the team.
fake_auth = FakeUsers(group_membership)
assert sync_team(fake_auth, sync_team_info)
# Ensure the last updated time and transaction_id's have changed.
updated_sync_info ='buynlarge', 'synced')
assert updated_sync_info.last_updated is not None
assert updated_sync_info.transaction_id != sync_team_info.transaction_id
users_expected = set([name for name in expected_membership if '+' not in name])
robots_expected = set([name for name in expected_membership if '+' in name])
assert len(users_expected) + len(robots_expected) == len(expected_membership)
# Check that the team's users match those expected.
service_user_map =,
assert set(service_user_map.keys()) == users_expected
quay_users =
assert len(quay_users) == len(users_expected)
for quay_user in quay_users:
fakeauth_record = model.user.lookup_federated_login(quay_user, _FAKE_AUTH)
assert fakeauth_record is not None
assert fakeauth_record.service_ident in users_expected
assert service_user_map[fakeauth_record.service_ident] ==
# Check that the team's robots match those expected.
robots_found = set([r.username for r in])
assert robots_expected == robots_found
def test_sync_teams_to_groups(user_creation, invite_only_user_creation, app):
# Necessary for the fake auth entries to be created in FederatedLogin.
# Assert the team has not yet been updated.
sync_team_info ='buynlarge', 'synced')
assert sync_team_info.last_updated is None
# Call to sync all teams.
fake_auth = FakeUsers([])
sync_teams_to_groups(fake_auth, timedelta(seconds=1))
# Ensure the team was synced.
updated_sync_info ='buynlarge', 'synced')
assert updated_sync_info.last_updated is not None
assert updated_sync_info.transaction_id != sync_team_info.transaction_id
# Set the stale threshold to a high amount and ensure the team is not resynced.
2017-03-31 14:21:01 -04:00
current_info ='buynlarge', 'synced')
current_info.last_updated = - timedelta(seconds=2)
sync_teams_to_groups(fake_auth, timedelta(seconds=120))
third_sync_info ='buynlarge', 'synced')
assert third_sync_info.transaction_id == updated_sync_info.transaction_id
2017-03-31 14:21:01 -04:00
# Set the stale threshold to 10 seconds, and ensure the team is resynced, after making it
# "updated" 20s ago.
current_info ='buynlarge', 'synced')
current_info.last_updated = - timedelta(seconds=20)
sync_teams_to_groups(fake_auth, timedelta(seconds=10))
fourth_sync_info ='buynlarge', 'synced')
assert fourth_sync_info.transaction_id != updated_sync_info.transaction_id
2017-02-23 13:10:11 -05:00
@pytest.mark.parametrize('auth_system_builder,config', [
(mock_ldap, {'group_dn': 'cn=AwesomeFolk'}),
(fake_keystone, {'group_id': 'somegroupid'}),
2017-02-23 13:10:11 -05:00
def test_teamsync_end_to_end(user_creation, invite_only_user_creation, auth_system_builder, config,
2017-02-23 13:10:11 -05:00
with auth_system_builder() as auth:
# Create an new team to sync.
org = model.organization.get_organization('buynlarge')
new_synced_team ='synced2', org, 'member', 'Some synced team.')
sync_team_info =, auth.federated_service, config)
# Sync the team.
2017-02-23 13:10:11 -05:00
assert sync_team(auth, sync_team_info)
# Ensure we now have members.
msg = 'Auth system: %s' % auth.federated_service
sync_team_info ='buynlarge', 'synced2')
team_members = list(
assert len(team_members) > 1, msg
it, _ = auth.iterate_group_members(config)
assert len(team_members) == len(list(it)), msg
sync_team_info.last_updated = - timedelta(hours=6)
# Remove one of the members and force a sync again to ensure we re-link the correct users.
first_member = team_members[0]'buynlarge', 'synced2', first_member.username, 'devtable')
team_members2 = list(
assert len(team_members2) == 1, msg
assert sync_team(auth, sync_team_info)
team_members3 = list(
assert len(team_members3) > 1, msg
assert set([ for m in team_members]) == set([ for m in team_members3])
@pytest.mark.parametrize('auth_system_builder,config', [
(mock_ldap, {'group_dn': 'cn=AwesomeFolk'}),
(fake_keystone, {'group_id': 'somegroupid'}),
def test_teamsync_existing_email(user_creation, invite_only_user_creation, auth_system_builder,
config, app):
with auth_system_builder() as auth:
# Create an new team to sync.
org = model.organization.get_organization('buynlarge')
new_synced_team ='synced2', org, 'member', 'Some synced team.')
sync_team_info =, auth.federated_service, config)
# Add a new *unlinked* user with the same email address as one of the team members.
it, _ = auth.iterate_group_members(config)
members = list(it)
model.user.create_user_noverify('someusername', members[0][0].email)
# Sync the team and ensure it doesn't fail.
assert sync_team(auth, sync_team_info)
team_members = list(
assert len(team_members) > 0