533 lines
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533 lines
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# pylint: disable=protected-access
import json
import logging
import uuid
from time import time
from datetime import timedelta, datetime, date
from dateutil.parser import parse as parse_datetime
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from six import add_metaclass
from elasticsearch.exceptions import ConnectionTimeout, NotFoundError
from data import model
from data.database import CloseForLongOperation
from data.model import config
from data.model.log import (_json_serialize, ACTIONS_ALLOWED_WITHOUT_AUDIT_LOGGING,
from data.logs_model.elastic_logs import LogEntry, configure_es
from data.logs_model.datatypes import Log, AggregatedLogCount, LogEntriesPage
from data.logs_model.interface import (ActionLogsDataInterface, LogRotationContextInterface,
from data.logs_model.shared import SharedModel, epoch_ms
from data.logs_model.logs_producer import LogProducerProxy, LogSendException
from data.logs_model.logs_producer.kafka_logs_producer import KafkaLogsProducer
from data.logs_model.logs_producer.elasticsearch_logs_producer import ElasticsearchLogsProducer
from data.logs_model.logs_producer.kinesis_stream_logs_producer import KinesisStreamLogsProducer
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# DATE_RANGE_LIMIT is to limit the query date time range to at most 1 month.
# Timeout for count_repository_actions
def _date_range_descending(start_datetime, end_datetime, includes_end_datetime=False):
""" Generate the dates between `end_datetime` and `start_datetime`.
If `includes_end_datetime` is set, the generator starts at `end_datetime`,
otherwise, starts the generator at `end_datetime` minus 1 second.
assert end_datetime >= start_datetime
start_date = start_datetime.date()
if includes_end_datetime:
current_date = end_datetime.date()
current_date = (end_datetime - timedelta(seconds=1)).date()
while current_date >= start_date:
yield current_date
current_date = current_date - timedelta(days=1)
def _date_range_in_single_index(dt1, dt2):
""" Determine whether a single index can be searched given a range
of dates or datetimes. If date instances are given, difference should be 1 day.
NOTE: dt2 is exclusive to the search result set.
i.e. The date range is larger or equal to dt1 and strictly smaller than dt2
assert isinstance(dt1, date) and isinstance(dt2, date)
dt = dt2 - dt1
# Check if date or datetime
if not isinstance(dt1, datetime) and not isinstance(dt2, datetime):
return dt == timedelta(days=1)
if dt < timedelta(days=1) and dt >= timedelta(days=0):
return dt2.day == dt1.day
# Check if datetime can be interpreted as a date: hour, minutes, seconds or microseconds set to 0
if dt == timedelta(days=1):
return dt1.hour == 0 and dt1.minute == 0 and dt1.second == 0 and dt1.microsecond == 0
return False
def _for_elasticsearch_logs(logs, repository_id=None, namespace_id=None):
namespace_ids = set()
for log in logs:
assert namespace_id is None or log.account_id == namespace_id
assert repository_id is None or log.repository_id == repository_id
id_user_map = model.user.get_user_map_by_ids(namespace_ids)
return [Log.for_elasticsearch_log(log, id_user_map) for log in logs]
def _random_id():
""" Generates a unique uuid4 string for the random_id field in LogEntry.
It is used as tie-breaker for sorting logs based on datetime:
return str(uuid.uuid4())
class ElasticsearchLogsModelInterface(object):
Interface for Elasticsearch specific operations with the logs model.
These operations are usually index based.
def can_delete_index(self, index, cutoff_date):
""" Return whether the given index is older than the given cutoff date. """
def list_indices(self):
""" List the logs model's indices. """
class DocumentLogsModel(SharedModel, ActionLogsDataInterface, ElasticsearchLogsModelInterface):
DocumentLogsModel implements the data model for the logs API backed by an
elasticsearch service.
def __init__(self, should_skip_logging=None, elasticsearch_config=None, producer=None, **kwargs):
self._should_skip_logging = should_skip_logging
self._logs_producer = LogProducerProxy()
self._es_client = configure_es(**elasticsearch_config)
if producer == 'kafka':
kafka_config = kwargs['kafka_config']
elif producer == 'elasticsearch':
elif producer == 'kinesis_stream':
kinesis_stream_config = kwargs['kinesis_stream_config']
raise Exception('Invalid log producer: %s' % producer)
def _get_ids_by_names(repository_name, namespace_name, performer_name):
""" Retrieve repository/namespace/performer ids based on their names.
throws DataModelException when the namespace_name does not match any
user in the database.
returns database ID or None if not exists.
repository_id = None
account_id = None
performer_id = None
if repository_name and namespace_name:
repository = model.repository.get_repository(namespace_name, repository_name)
if repository:
repository_id = repository.id
account_id = repository.namespace_user.id
if namespace_name and account_id is None:
account = model.user.get_user_or_org(namespace_name)
if account is None:
raise DataModelException('Invalid namespace requested')
account_id = account.id
if performer_name:
performer = model.user.get_user(performer_name)
if performer:
performer_id = performer.id
return repository_id, account_id, performer_id
def _base_query(self, performer_id=None, repository_id=None, account_id=None, filter_kinds=None,
if filter_kinds is not None:
assert all(isinstance(kind_name, str) for kind_name in filter_kinds)
if index is not None:
search = LogEntry.search(index=index)
search = LogEntry.search()
if performer_id is not None:
assert isinstance(performer_id, int)
search = search.filter('term', performer_id=performer_id)
if repository_id is not None:
assert isinstance(repository_id, int)
search = search.filter('term', repository_id=repository_id)
if account_id is not None and repository_id is None:
assert isinstance(account_id, int)
search = search.filter('term', account_id=account_id)
if filter_kinds is not None:
kind_map = model.log.get_log_entry_kinds()
ignore_ids = [kind_map[kind_name] for kind_name in filter_kinds]
search = search.exclude('terms', kind_id=ignore_ids)
return search
def _base_query_date_range(self, start_datetime, end_datetime, performer_id, repository_id,
account_id, filter_kinds, index=None):
skip_datetime_check = False
if _date_range_in_single_index(start_datetime, end_datetime):
index = self._es_client.index_name(start_datetime)
skip_datetime_check = self._es_client.index_exists(index)
if index and (skip_datetime_check or self._es_client.index_exists(index)):
search = self._base_query(performer_id, repository_id, account_id, filter_kinds,
search = self._base_query(performer_id, repository_id, account_id, filter_kinds)
if not skip_datetime_check:
search = search.query('range', datetime={'gte': start_datetime, 'lt': end_datetime})
return search
def _load_logs_for_day(self, logs_date, performer_id, repository_id, account_id, filter_kinds,
after_datetime=None, after_random_id=None, size=PAGE_SIZE):
index = self._es_client.index_name(logs_date)
if not self._es_client.index_exists(index):
return []
search = self._base_query(performer_id, repository_id, account_id, filter_kinds,
search = search.sort({'datetime': 'desc'}, {'random_id.keyword': 'desc'})
search = search.extra(size=size)
if after_datetime is not None and after_random_id is not None:
after_datetime_epoch_ms = epoch_ms(after_datetime)
search = search.extra(search_after=[after_datetime_epoch_ms, after_random_id])
return search.execute()
def _load_latest_logs(self, performer_id, repository_id, account_id, filter_kinds, size):
""" Return the latest logs from Elasticsearch.
Look at indices up to theset logrotateworker threshold, or up to 30 days if not defined.
# Set the last index to check to be the logrotateworker threshold, or 30 days
end_datetime = datetime.now()
start_datetime = end_datetime - timedelta(days=DATE_RANGE_LIMIT)
latest_logs = []
for day in _date_range_descending(start_datetime, end_datetime, includes_end_datetime=True):
logs = self._load_logs_for_day(day, performer_id, repository_id, account_id, filter_kinds,
except NotFoundError:
if len(latest_logs) >= size:
return _for_elasticsearch_logs(latest_logs[:size], repository_id, account_id)
def lookup_logs(self, start_datetime, end_datetime, performer_name=None, repository_name=None,
namespace_name=None, filter_kinds=None, page_token=None, max_page_count=None):
assert start_datetime is not None and end_datetime is not None
# Check for a valid combined model token when migrating online from a combined model
if page_token is not None and page_token.get('readwrite_page_token') is not None:
page_token = page_token.get('readwrite_page_token')
if page_token is not None and max_page_count is not None:
page_number = page_token.get('page_number')
if page_number is not None and page_number + 1 > max_page_count:
return LogEntriesPage([], None)
repository_id, account_id, performer_id = DocumentLogsModel._get_ids_by_names(
repository_name, namespace_name, performer_name)
after_datetime = None
after_random_id = None
if page_token is not None:
after_datetime = parse_datetime(page_token['datetime'])
after_random_id = page_token['random_id']
if after_datetime is not None:
end_datetime = min(end_datetime, after_datetime)
all_logs = []
with CloseForLongOperation(config.app_config):
for current_date in _date_range_descending(start_datetime, end_datetime):
logs = self._load_logs_for_day(current_date, performer_id, repository_id, account_id,
filter_kinds, after_datetime, after_random_id,
except NotFoundError:
if len(all_logs) > PAGE_SIZE:
next_page_token = None
all_logs = all_logs[0:PAGE_SIZE+1]
if len(all_logs) == PAGE_SIZE + 1:
# The last element in the response is used to check if there's more elements.
# The second element in the response is used as the pagination token because search_after does
# not include the exact match, and so the next page will start with the last element.
# This keeps the behavior exactly the same as table_logs_model, so that
# the caller can expect when a pagination token is non-empty, there must be
# at least 1 log to be retrieved.
next_page_token = {
'datetime': all_logs[-2].datetime.isoformat(),
'random_id': all_logs[-2].random_id,
'page_number': page_token['page_number'] + 1 if page_token else 1,
return LogEntriesPage(_for_elasticsearch_logs(all_logs[:PAGE_SIZE], repository_id, account_id),
def lookup_latest_logs(self, performer_name=None, repository_name=None, namespace_name=None,
filter_kinds=None, size=20):
repository_id, account_id, performer_id = DocumentLogsModel._get_ids_by_names(
repository_name, namespace_name, performer_name)
with CloseForLongOperation(config.app_config):
latest_logs = self._load_latest_logs(performer_id, repository_id, account_id, filter_kinds,
return latest_logs
def get_aggregated_log_counts(self, start_datetime, end_datetime, performer_name=None,
repository_name=None, namespace_name=None, filter_kinds=None):
if end_datetime - start_datetime >= timedelta(days=DATE_RANGE_LIMIT):
raise Exception('Cannot lookup aggregated logs over a period longer than a month')
repository_id, account_id, performer_id = DocumentLogsModel._get_ids_by_names(
repository_name, namespace_name, performer_name)
with CloseForLongOperation(config.app_config):
search = self._base_query_date_range(start_datetime, end_datetime, performer_id,
repository_id, account_id, filter_kinds)
search.aggs.bucket('by_id', 'terms', field='kind_id').bucket('by_date', 'date_histogram',
field='datetime', interval='day')
# es returns all buckets when size=0
search = search.extra(size=0)
resp = search.execute()
if not resp.aggregations:
return []
counts = []
by_id = resp.aggregations['by_id']
for id_bucket in by_id.buckets:
for date_bucket in id_bucket.by_date.buckets:
if date_bucket.doc_count > 0:
counts.append(AggregatedLogCount(id_bucket.key, date_bucket.doc_count, date_bucket.key))
return counts
def count_repository_actions(self, repository, day):
index = self._es_client.index_name(day)
search = self._base_query_date_range(day, day + timedelta(days=1),
search = search.params(request_timeout=COUNT_REPOSITORY_ACTION_TIMEOUT)
return search.count()
except NotFoundError:
return 0
def log_action(self, kind_name, namespace_name=None, performer=None, ip=None, metadata=None,
repository=None, repository_name=None, timestamp=None, is_free_namespace=False):
if self._should_skip_logging and self._should_skip_logging(kind_name, namespace_name,
if repository_name is not None:
assert repository is None
assert namespace_name is not None
repository = model.repository.get_repository(namespace_name, repository_name)
if timestamp is None:
timestamp = datetime.today()
account_id = None
performer_id = None
repository_id = None
if namespace_name is not None:
account_id = model.user.get_namespace_user(namespace_name).id
if performer is not None:
performer_id = performer.id
if repository is not None:
repository_id = repository.id
metadata_json = json.dumps(metadata or {}, default=_json_serialize)
kind_id = model.log._get_log_entry_kind(kind_name)
log = LogEntry(random_id=_random_id(), kind_id=kind_id, account_id=account_id,
performer_id=performer_id, ip=ip, metadata_json=metadata_json,
repository_id=repository_id, datetime=timestamp)
except LogSendException as lse:
strict_logging_disabled = config.app_config.get('ALLOW_PULLS_WITHOUT_STRICT_LOGGING')
logger.exception('log_action failed', extra=({'exception': lse}).update(log.to_dict()))
if not (strict_logging_disabled and kind_name in ACTIONS_ALLOWED_WITHOUT_AUDIT_LOGGING):
def yield_logs_for_export(self, start_datetime, end_datetime, repository_id=None,
namespace_id=None, max_query_time=None):
max_query_time = max_query_time.total_seconds() if max_query_time is not None else 300
search = self._base_query_date_range(start_datetime, end_datetime, None, repository_id,
namespace_id, None)
def raise_on_timeout(batch_generator):
start = time()
for batch in batch_generator:
elapsed = time() - start
if elapsed > max_query_time:
logger.error('Retrieval of logs `%s/%s` timed out with time of `%s`', namespace_id,
repository_id, elapsed)
raise LogsIterationTimeout()
yield batch
start = time()
def read_batch(scroll):
batch = []
for log in scroll:
if len(batch) == DEFAULT_RESULT_WINDOW:
yield _for_elasticsearch_logs(batch, repository_id=repository_id,
batch = []
if batch:
yield _for_elasticsearch_logs(batch, repository_id=repository_id, namespace_id=namespace_id)
search = search.params(size=DEFAULT_RESULT_WINDOW, request_timeout=max_query_time)
with CloseForLongOperation(config.app_config):
for batch in raise_on_timeout(read_batch(search.scan())):
yield batch
except ConnectionTimeout:
raise LogsIterationTimeout()
def can_delete_index(self, index, cutoff_date):
return self._es_client.can_delete_index(index, cutoff_date)
def list_indices(self):
return self._es_client.list_indices()
def yield_log_rotation_context(self, cutoff_date, min_logs_per_rotation):
""" Yield a context manager for a group of outdated logs. """
all_indices = self.list_indices()
for index in all_indices:
if not self.can_delete_index(index, cutoff_date):
context = ElasticsearchLogRotationContext(index, min_logs_per_rotation, self._es_client)
yield context
class ElasticsearchLogRotationContext(LogRotationContextInterface):
ElasticsearchLogRotationContext yield batch of logs from an index.
When completed without exceptions, this context will delete its associated
Elasticsearch index.
def __init__(self, index, min_logs_per_rotation, es_client):
self._es_client = es_client
self.min_logs_per_rotation = min_logs_per_rotation
self.index = index
self.start_pos = 0
self.end_pos = 0
self.scroll = None
def __enter__(self):
search = self._base_query()
self.scroll = search.scan()
return self
def __exit__(self, ex_type, ex_value, ex_traceback):
if ex_type is None and ex_value is None and ex_traceback is None:
logger.debug('Deleting index %s', self.index)
def yield_logs_batch(self):
def batched_logs(gen, size):
batch = []
for log in gen:
if len(batch) == size:
yield batch
batch = []
if batch:
yield batch
for batch in batched_logs(self.scroll, self.min_logs_per_rotation):
self.end_pos = self.start_pos + len(batch) - 1
yield batch, self._generate_filename()
self.start_pos = self.end_pos + 1
def _base_query(self):
search = LogEntry.search(index=self.index)
return search
def _generate_filename(self):
""" Generate the filenames used to archive the action logs. """
filename = '%s_%d-%d' % (self.index, self.start_pos, self.end_pos)
filename = '.'.join((filename, 'txt.gz'))
return filename