389 lines
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389 lines
14 KiB
import json
import logging
import urlparse
from functools import wraps
from flask import request, make_response, jsonify, session
from app import userevents, metric_queue, storage, docker_v2_signing_key
from auth.auth_context import get_authenticated_context, get_authenticated_user
from auth.credentials import validate_credentials, CredentialKind
from auth.decorators import process_auth
from auth.permissions import (
ModifyRepositoryPermission, UserAdminPermission, ReadRepositoryPermission,
CreateRepositoryPermission, repository_read_grant, repository_write_grant)
from auth.signedgrant import generate_signed_token
from data import model
from data.registry_model import registry_model
from data.registry_model.manifestbuilder import create_manifest_builder, lookup_manifest_builder
from endpoints.decorators import (anon_protect, anon_allowed, parse_repository_name,
check_repository_state, check_readonly)
from endpoints.v1 import v1_bp, check_v1_push_enabled
from notifications import spawn_notification
from util.audit import track_and_log
from util.http import abort
from util.names import REPOSITORY_NAME_REGEX
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class GrantType(object):
def ensure_namespace_enabled(f):
def wrapper(namespace_name, repo_name, *args, **kwargs):
namespace = model.user.get_namespace_user(namespace_name)
is_namespace_enabled = namespace is not None and namespace.enabled
if not is_namespace_enabled:
abort(400, message='Namespace is disabled. Please contact your system administrator.')
return f(namespace_name, repo_name, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
def generate_headers(scope=GrantType.READ_REPOSITORY, add_grant_for_status=None):
def decorator_method(f):
def wrapper(namespace_name, repo_name, *args, **kwargs):
response = f(namespace_name, repo_name, *args, **kwargs)
# Setting session namespace and repository
session['namespace'] = namespace_name
session['repository'] = repo_name
# We run our index and registry on the same hosts for now
registry_server = urlparse.urlparse(request.url).netloc
response.headers['X-Docker-Endpoints'] = registry_server
has_token_request = request.headers.get('X-Docker-Token', '')
force_grant = (add_grant_for_status == response.status_code)
if has_token_request or force_grant:
grants = []
if scope == GrantType.READ_REPOSITORY:
if force_grant or ReadRepositoryPermission(namespace_name, repo_name).can():
grants.append(repository_read_grant(namespace_name, repo_name))
elif scope == GrantType.WRITE_REPOSITORY:
if force_grant or ModifyRepositoryPermission(namespace_name, repo_name).can():
grants.append(repository_write_grant(namespace_name, repo_name))
# Generate a signed token for the user (if any) and the grants (if any)
if grants or get_authenticated_user():
user_context = get_authenticated_user() and get_authenticated_user().username
signature = generate_signed_token(grants, user_context)
response.headers['WWW-Authenticate'] = signature
response.headers['X-Docker-Token'] = signature
return response
return wrapper
return decorator_method
@v1_bp.route('/users', methods=['POST'])
@v1_bp.route('/users/', methods=['POST'])
def create_user():
user_data = request.get_json()
if not user_data or not 'username' in user_data:
abort(400, 'Missing username')
username = user_data['username']
password = user_data.get('password', '')
# UGH! we have to use this response when the login actually worked, in order
# to get the CLI to try again with a get, and then tell us login succeeded.
success = make_response('"Username or email already exists"', 400)
result, kind = validate_credentials(username, password)
if not result.auth_valid:
if kind == CredentialKind.token:
abort(400, 'Invalid access token.', issue='invalid-access-token')
if kind == CredentialKind.robot:
abort(400, 'Invalid robot account or password.', issue='robot-login-failure')
if kind == CredentialKind.oauth_token:
abort(400, 'Invalid oauth access token.', issue='invalid-oauth-access-token')
if kind == CredentialKind.user:
# Mark that the login failed.
event = userevents.get_event(username)
event.publish_event_data('docker-cli', {'action': 'loginfailure'})
abort(400, result.error_message, issue='login-failure')
# Default case: Just fail.
abort(400, result.error_message, issue='login-failure')
if result.has_nonrobot_user:
# Mark that the user was logged in.
event = userevents.get_event(username)
event.publish_event_data('docker-cli', {'action': 'login'})
return success
@v1_bp.route('/users', methods=['GET'])
@v1_bp.route('/users/', methods=['GET'])
def get_user():
context = get_authenticated_context()
if not context or context.is_anonymous:
return jsonify({
'username': context.credential_username,
'email': None,
@v1_bp.route('/users/<username>/', methods=['PUT'])
def update_user(username):
permission = UserAdminPermission(username)
if permission.can():
update_request = request.get_json()
if 'password' in update_request:
logger.debug('Updating user password')
model.user.change_password(get_authenticated_user(), update_request['password'])
return jsonify({
'username': get_authenticated_user().username,
'email': get_authenticated_user().email,
@v1_bp.route('/repositories/<repopath:repository>/', methods=['PUT'])
@generate_headers(scope=GrantType.WRITE_REPOSITORY, add_grant_for_status=201)
def create_repository(namespace_name, repo_name):
# Verify that the repository name is valid.
if not REPOSITORY_NAME_REGEX.match(repo_name):
abort(400, message='Invalid repository name. Repository names cannot contain slashes.')
logger.debug('Looking up repository %s/%s', namespace_name, repo_name)
repository_ref = registry_model.lookup_repository(namespace_name, repo_name)
if repository_ref is None and get_authenticated_user() is None:
logger.debug('Attempt to create repository %s/%s without user auth', namespace_name, repo_name)
message='Cannot create a repository as a guest. Please login via "docker login" first.',
elif repository_ref:
modify_perm = ModifyRepositoryPermission(namespace_name, repo_name)
if not modify_perm.can():
message='You do not have permission to modify repository %(namespace)s/%(repository)s',
issue='no-repo-write-permission', namespace=namespace_name, repository=repo_name)
elif repository_ref.kind != 'image':
msg = ('This repository is for managing %s resources and not container images.' %
abort(405, message=msg, namespace=namespace_name)
create_perm = CreateRepositoryPermission(namespace_name)
if not create_perm.can():
logger.warning('Attempt to create a new repo %s/%s with insufficient perms', namespace_name,
msg = 'You do not have permission to create repositories in namespace "%(namespace)s"'
abort(403, message=msg, issue='no-create-permission', namespace=namespace_name)
# Attempt to create the new repository.
logger.debug('Creating repository %s/%s with owner: %s', namespace_name, repo_name,
repository_ref = model.repository.create_repository(namespace_name, repo_name,
if get_authenticated_user():
user_event_data = {
'action': 'push_start',
'repository': repo_name,
'namespace': namespace_name,
event = userevents.get_event(get_authenticated_user().username)
event.publish_event_data('docker-cli', user_event_data)
# Start a new builder for the repository and save its ID in the session.
assert repository_ref
builder = create_manifest_builder(repository_ref, storage, docker_v2_signing_key)
logger.debug('Started repo push with manifest builder %s', builder)
if builder is None:
abort(404, message='Unknown repository', issue='unknown-repo')
session['manifest_builder'] = builder.builder_id
return make_response('Created', 201)
@v1_bp.route('/repositories/<repopath:repository>/images', methods=['PUT'])
def update_images(namespace_name, repo_name):
permission = ModifyRepositoryPermission(namespace_name, repo_name)
if permission.can():
logger.debug('Looking up repository')
repository_ref = registry_model.lookup_repository(namespace_name, repo_name,
if repository_ref is None:
# Make sure the repo actually exists.
abort(404, message='Unknown repository', issue='unknown-repo')
builder = lookup_manifest_builder(repository_ref, session.get('manifest_builder'), storage,
if builder is None:
# Generate a job for each notification that has been added to this repo
logger.debug('Adding notifications for repository')
event_data = {
'updated_tags': [tag.name for tag in builder.committed_tags],
track_and_log('push_repo', repository_ref)
spawn_notification(repository_ref, 'repo_push', event_data)
metric_queue.repository_push.Inc(labelvalues=[namespace_name, repo_name, 'v1', True])
return make_response('Updated', 204)
@v1_bp.route('/repositories/<repopath:repository>/images', methods=['GET'])
def get_repository_images(namespace_name, repo_name):
repository_ref = registry_model.lookup_repository(namespace_name, repo_name,
permission = ReadRepositoryPermission(namespace_name, repo_name)
if permission.can() or (repository_ref and repository_ref.is_public):
# We can't rely on permissions to tell us if a repo exists anymore
if repository_ref is None:
abort(404, message='Unknown repository', issue='unknown-repo')
logger.debug('Building repository image response')
resp = make_response(json.dumps([]), 200)
resp.mimetype = 'application/json'
track_and_log('pull_repo', repository_ref,
metric_queue.repository_pull.Inc(labelvalues=[namespace_name, repo_name, 'v1', True])
return resp
@v1_bp.route('/repositories/<repopath:repository>/images', methods=['DELETE'])
def delete_repository_images(namespace_name, repo_name):
abort(501, 'Not Implemented', issue='not-implemented')
@v1_bp.route('/repositories/<repopath:repository>/auth', methods=['PUT'])
def put_repository_auth(namespace_name, repo_name):
abort(501, 'Not Implemented', issue='not-implemented')
@v1_bp.route('/search', methods=['GET'])
def get_search():
query = request.args.get('q') or ''
limit = min(100, max(1, int(request.args.get('n', 25))))
except ValueError:
limit = 25
page = max(0, int(request.args.get('page', 1)))
except ValueError:
page = 1
username = None
user = get_authenticated_user()
if user is not None:
username = user.username
data = _conduct_repo_search(username, query, limit, page)
resp = make_response(json.dumps(data), 200)
resp.mimetype = 'application/json'
return resp
def _conduct_repo_search(username, query, limit=25, page=1):
""" Finds matching repositories. """
# Note that we put a maximum limit of five pages here, because this API should only really ever
# be used by the Docker CLI, and it doesn't even paginate.
page = min(page, 5)
offset = (page - 1) * limit
if query:
matching_repos = model.repository.get_filtered_matching_repositories(query,
limit=limit + 1)
matching_repos = []
results = []
for repo in matching_repos[0:limit]:
'name': repo.namespace_user.username + '/' + repo.name,
'description': repo.description,
'is_public': model.repository.is_repository_public(repo),
'href': '/repository/' + repo.namespace_user.username + '/' + repo.name
# Defined: https://docs.docker.com/v1.6/reference/api/registry_api/
return {
'query': query,
'num_results': len(results),
'num_pages': page + 1 if len(matching_repos) > limit else page,
'page': page,
'page_size': limit,
'results': results,