2017-06-13 05:55:12 +02:00
local utils = import '.gitlab-ci/utils.libsonnet';
local vars = import '.gitlab-ci/vars.libsonnet';
local mergeJob = utils.ci.mergeJob;
local images = vars.images;
local baseJob = (import '.gitlab-ci/base_jobs.libsonnet')(vars);
local stages_list = [
// gitlab-ci stages
2017-06-26 15:21:59 +02:00
2017-06-13 05:55:12 +02:00
local stages = utils.set(stages_list);
// List CI jobs
local jobs = {
// Helpers
local onlyMaster = {
only: ['master', 'tags'],
local onlyBranch = {
only: ['branches'],
'container-base-build': baseJob.dockerBuild + onlyMaster {
// ! Only master/tags
// Update the base container
stage: stages.docker_base,
script: [
'docker build --cache-from quay.io/quay/quay-base:latest' +
' -t %s -f quay-base.dockerfile .' % images.base.name,
'docker push %s' % images.base.name,
'container-build': baseJob.dockerBuild {
// Build and push the quay container.
// Docker Tag is the branch/tag name
stage: stages.docker_build,
script: [
2017-07-06 23:50:38 +02:00
'docker build -t %s -f Dockerfile .' % images.quayci.name,
2017-06-13 05:55:12 +02:00
'docker push %s' % images.quayci.name],
'container-release': baseJob.dockerBuild + onlyMaster {
// ! Only master/tags
// push the container to the 'prod' repository
local repo_with_sha = images.release.name,
stage: stages.docker_release,
script: [
'docker pull %s' % images.quayci.name,
'docker tag %s %s' % [images.quayci.name, repo_with_sha],
'docker push %s' % [repo_with_sha], # @TODO(ant31) add signing
// Unit-tests
local unittest_stage = baseJob.QuayTest {
stage: stages.unit_tests },
'unit-tests': unittest_stage {
script: [
'py.test --timeout=7200 --verbose --show-count ./ --color=no -x'] },
'registry-tests': unittest_stage {
script: [
'py.test --timeout=7200 --verbose --show-count ./test/registry_tests.py --color=no -x'] },
// UI tests
'karma-tests': unittest_stage {
script: [
'curl -Ss https://dl-ssl.google.com/linux/linux_signing_key.pub | apt-key add -',
'echo "deb http://dl.google.com/linux/chrome/deb/ stable main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/google.list',
'apt-get update -yqqq',
'apt-get install -y google-chrome-stable',
'yarn test'
] },
// Unit-tests with real databases
local db_stage = { stage: stages.unit_tests },
local dbname = 'quay',
postgres: db_stage + baseJob.dbTest('postgresql',
env={ POSTGRES_PASSWORD: dbname, POSTGRES_USER: dbname }),
mysql: db_stage + baseJob.dbTest('mysql+pymysql',
env={ [key]: dbname for key in ['MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD', 'MYSQL_DATABASE',
stages: stages_list,
variables: vars.global,
} + jobs