import { Input, Output, Component } from 'angular-ts-decorators';
* A component that lets the user set up a build trigger for a custom Git repository.
selector: 'manageTriggerCustomGit',
templateUrl: '/static/js/directives/ui/manage-trigger-custom-git/manage-trigger-custom-git.component.html'
export class ManageTriggerCustomGitComponent implements ng.IComponentController {
// FIXME: Use one-way data binding
@Input('=') public trigger: {config: any};
@Output() public activateTrigger: any;
private config: any = {};
private currentState: any | null;
public $onChanges(changes: ng.IOnChangesObject): void {
if (changes['trigger'] !== undefined) {
this.config = Object.assign({}, changes['trigger'].currentValue.config);