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import pytest
from data import model
from storage.distributedstorage import DistributedStorage
from storage.fakestorage import FakeStorage
from test.fixtures import *
NO_ACCESS_USER = 'freshuser'
ADMIN_ACCESS_USER = 'devtable'
PUBLIC_USER = 'public'
RANDOM_USER = 'randomuser'
OUTSIDE_ORG_USER = 'outsideorg'
ADMIN_ROBOT_USER = 'devtable+dtrobot'
ORGANIZATION = 'buynlarge'
REPO = 'devtable/simple'
PUBLIC_REPO = 'public/publicrepo'
RANDOM_REPO = 'randomuser/randomrepo'
OUTSIDE_ORG_REPO = 'outsideorg/coolrepo'
ORG_REPO = 'buynlarge/orgrepo'
ANOTHER_ORG_REPO = 'buynlarge/anotherorgrepo'
# Note: The shared repo has devtable as admin, public as a writer and reader as a reader.
SHARED_REPO = 'devtable/shared'
def storage(app):
return DistributedStorage({'local_us': FakeStorage(None)}, preferred_locations=['local_us'])
def createStorage(storage, docker_image_id, repository=REPO, username=ADMIN_ACCESS_USER):
repository_obj = model.repository.get_repository(repository.split('/')[0],
preferred = storage.preferred_locations[0]
image = model.image.find_create_or_link_image(docker_image_id, repository_obj, username, {},
preferred) = False
def assertSameStorage(storage, docker_image_id, existing_storage, repository=REPO,
new_storage = createStorage(storage, docker_image_id, repository, username)
assert ==
def assertDifferentStorage(storage, docker_image_id, existing_storage, repository=REPO,
new_storage = createStorage(storage, docker_image_id, repository, username)
assert !=
def test_same_user(storage, initialized_db):
""" The same user creates two images, each which should be shared in the same repo. This is a
sanity check. """
# Create a reference to a new docker ID => new image.
first_storage_id = createStorage(storage, 'first-image')
# Create a reference to the same docker ID => same image.
assertSameStorage(storage, 'first-image', first_storage_id)
# Create a reference to another new docker ID => new image.
second_storage_id = createStorage(storage, 'second-image')
# Create a reference to that same docker ID => same image.
assertSameStorage(storage, 'second-image', second_storage_id)
# Make sure the images are different.
assert first_storage_id != second_storage_id
def test_no_user_private_repo(storage, initialized_db):
""" If no user is specified (token case usually), then no sharing can occur on a private repo. """
# Create a reference to a new docker ID => new image.
first_storage = createStorage(storage, 'the-image', username=None, repository=SHARED_REPO)
# Create a areference to the same docker ID, but since no username => new image.
assertDifferentStorage(storage, 'the-image', first_storage, username=None, repository=RANDOM_REPO)
def test_no_user_public_repo(storage, initialized_db):
""" If no user is specified (token case usually), then no sharing can occur on a private repo except when the image is first public. """
# Create a reference to a new docker ID => new image.
first_storage = createStorage(storage, 'the-image', username=None, repository=PUBLIC_REPO)
# Create a areference to the same docker ID. Since no username, we'd expect different but the first image is public so => shaed image.
assertSameStorage(storage, 'the-image', first_storage, username=None, repository=RANDOM_REPO)
def test_different_user_same_repo(storage, initialized_db):
""" Two different users create the same image in the same repo. """
# Create a reference to a new docker ID under the first user => new image.
first_storage = createStorage(storage, 'the-image', username=PUBLIC_USER, repository=SHARED_REPO)
# Create a reference to the *same* docker ID under the second user => same image.
assertSameStorage(storage, 'the-image', first_storage, username=ADMIN_ACCESS_USER, repository=SHARED_REPO)
def test_different_repo_no_shared_access(storage, initialized_db):
""" Neither user has access to the other user's repository. """
# Create a reference to a new docker ID under the first user => new image.
first_storage_id = createStorage(storage, 'the-image', username=RANDOM_USER, repository=RANDOM_REPO)
# Create a reference to the *same* docker ID under the second user => new image.
second_storage_id = createStorage(storage, 'the-image', username=ADMIN_ACCESS_USER, repository=REPO)
# Verify that the users do not share storage.
assert first_storage_id != second_storage_id
def test_public_than_private(storage, initialized_db):
""" An image is created publicly then used privately, so it should be shared. """
# Create a reference to a new docker ID under the first user => new image.
first_storage = createStorage(storage, 'the-image', username=PUBLIC_USER, repository=PUBLIC_REPO)
# Create a reference to the *same* docker ID under the second user => same image, since the first was public.
assertSameStorage(storage, 'the-image', first_storage, username=ADMIN_ACCESS_USER, repository=REPO)
def test_private_than_public(storage, initialized_db):
""" An image is created privately then used publicly, so it should *not* be shared. """
# Create a reference to a new docker ID under the first user => new image.
first_storage = createStorage(storage, 'the-image', username=ADMIN_ACCESS_USER, repository=REPO)
# Create a reference to the *same* docker ID under the second user => new image, since the first was private.
assertDifferentStorage(storage, 'the-image', first_storage, username=PUBLIC_USER, repository=PUBLIC_REPO)
def test_different_repo_with_access(storage, initialized_db):
""" An image is created in one repo (SHARED_REPO) which the user (PUBLIC_USER) has access to. Later, the
image is created in another repo (PUBLIC_REPO) that the user also has access to. The image should
be shared since the user has access.
# Create the image in the shared repo => new image.
first_storage = createStorage(storage, 'the-image', username=ADMIN_ACCESS_USER, repository=SHARED_REPO)
# Create the image in the other user's repo, but since the user (PUBLIC) still has access to the shared
# repository, they should reuse the storage.
assertSameStorage(storage, 'the-image', first_storage, username=PUBLIC_USER, repository=PUBLIC_REPO)
def test_org_access(storage, initialized_db):
""" An image is accessible by being a member of the organization. """
# Create the new image under the org's repo => new image.
first_storage = createStorage(storage, 'the-image', username=ADMIN_ACCESS_USER, repository=ORG_REPO)
# Create an image under the user's repo, but since the user has access to the organization => shared image.
assertSameStorage(storage, 'the-image', first_storage, username=ADMIN_ACCESS_USER, repository=REPO)
# Ensure that the user's robot does not have access, since it is not on the permissions list for the repo.
assertDifferentStorage(storage, 'the-image', first_storage, username=ADMIN_ROBOT_USER, repository=SHARED_REPO)
def test_org_access_different_user(storage, initialized_db):
""" An image is accessible by being a member of the organization. """
# Create the new image under the org's repo => new image.
first_storage = createStorage(storage, 'the-image', username=ADMIN_ACCESS_USER, repository=ORG_REPO)
# Create an image under a user's repo, but since the user has access to the organization => shared image.
assertSameStorage(storage, 'the-image', first_storage, username=PUBLIC_USER, repository=PUBLIC_REPO)
# Also verify for reader.
assertSameStorage(storage, 'the-image', first_storage, username=READ_ACCESS_USER, repository=PUBLIC_REPO)
def test_org_no_access(storage, initialized_db):
""" An image is not accessible if not a member of the organization. """
# Create the new image under the org's repo => new image.
first_storage = createStorage(storage, 'the-image', username=ADMIN_ACCESS_USER, repository=ORG_REPO)
# Create an image under a user's repo. Since the user is not a member of the organization => new image.
assertDifferentStorage(storage, 'the-image', first_storage, username=RANDOM_USER, repository=RANDOM_REPO)
def test_org_not_team_member_with_access(storage, initialized_db):
""" An image is accessible to a user specifically listed as having permission on the org repo. """
# Create the new image under the org's repo => new image.
first_storage = createStorage(storage, 'the-image', username=ADMIN_ACCESS_USER, repository=ORG_REPO)
# Create an image under a user's repo. Since the user has read access on that repo, they can see the image => shared image.
assertSameStorage(storage, 'the-image', first_storage, username=OUTSIDE_ORG_USER, repository=OUTSIDE_ORG_REPO)
def test_org_not_team_member_with_no_access(storage, initialized_db):
""" A user that has access to one org repo but not another and is not a team member. """
# Create the new image under the org's repo => new image.
first_storage = createStorage(storage, 'the-image', username=ADMIN_ACCESS_USER, repository=ANOTHER_ORG_REPO)
# Create an image under a user's repo. The user doesn't have access to the repo (ANOTHER_ORG_REPO) so => new image.
assertDifferentStorage(storage, 'the-image', first_storage, username=OUTSIDE_ORG_USER, repository=OUTSIDE_ORG_REPO)
def test_no_link_to_uploading(storage, initialized_db):
still_uploading = createStorage(storage, 'an-image', repository=PUBLIC_REPO)
still_uploading.uploading = True
assertDifferentStorage(storage, 'an-image', still_uploading)