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2015-02-05 13:06:56 -05:00
import logging
import subprocess
import time
from StringIO import StringIO
2015-02-05 13:06:56 -05:00
from fnmatch import fnmatch
import OpenSSL
import ldap
import peewee
import redis
from flask import Flask
from flask_mail import Mail, Message
from app import app, config_provider, get_app_url, OVERRIDE_CONFIG_DIRECTORY
from auth.auth_context import get_authenticated_user
from bitbucket import BitBucket
from boot import setup_jwt_proxy
from data.database import validate_database_url
from data.users import LDAP_CERT_FILENAME
from data.users.externaljwt import ExternalJWTAuthN
from data.users.externalldap import LDAPConnection, LDAPUsers
from data.users.keystone import get_keystone_users
from storage import get_storage_driver
from util.config.oauth import GoogleOAuthConfig, GithubOAuthConfig, GitLabOAuthConfig
from util.secscan.api import SecurityScannerAPI
2015-02-05 13:06:56 -05:00
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Note: Only add files required for HTTPS to the SSL_FILESNAMES list.
SSL_FILENAMES = ['ssl.cert', 'ssl.key']
DB_SSL_FILENAMES = ['database.pem']
JWT_FILENAMES = ['jwt-authn.cert']
ACI_CERT_FILENAMES = ['signing-public.gpg', 'signing-private.gpg']
def get_storage_providers(config):
storage_config = config.get('DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_CONFIG', {})
drivers = {}
for name, parameters in storage_config.items():
2016-01-29 20:01:17 +02:00
drivers[name] = (parameters[0], get_storage_driver(None, parameters))
except TypeError:
2016-01-29 20:01:17 +02:00
logger.exception('Missing required storage configuration provider')
raise Exception('Missing required storage configuration parameter(s): %s' % name)
return drivers
def validate_service_for_config(service, config, password=None):
""" Attempts to validate the configuration for the given service. """
if not service in _VALIDATORS:
return {
'status': False
_VALIDATORS[service](config, password)
return {
'status': True
except Exception as ex:
2015-02-05 13:06:56 -05:00
logger.exception('Validation exception')
return {
'status': False,
'reason': str(ex)
def _validate_database(config, _):
""" Validates connecting to the database. """
validate_database_url(config['DB_URI'], config.get('DB_CONNECTION_ARGS', {}))
except peewee.OperationalError as ex:
if ex.args and len(ex.args) > 1:
raise Exception(ex.args[1])
raise ex
def _validate_redis(config, _):
""" Validates connecting to redis. """
redis_config = config.get('BUILDLOGS_REDIS', {})
if not 'host' in redis_config:
raise Exception('Missing redis hostname')
client = redis.StrictRedis(socket_connect_timeout=5, **redis_config)
def _validate_registry_storage(config, _):
""" Validates registry storage. """
replication_enabled = config.get('FEATURE_STORAGE_REPLICATION', False)
providers = get_storage_providers(config).items()
if not providers:
raise Exception('Storage configuration required')
for name, (storage_type, driver) in providers:
if replication_enabled and storage_type == 'LocalStorage':
raise Exception('Locally mounted directory not supported with storage replication')
# Run validation on the driver.
# Run setup on the driver if the read/write succeeded.
except Exception as ex:
raise Exception('Invalid storage configuration: %s: %s' % (name, str(ex)))
def _validate_mailing(config, _):
""" Validates sending email. """
test_app = Flask("mail-test-app")
'TESTING': False
test_mail = Mail(test_app)
test_msg = Message("Test e-mail from %s" % app.config['REGISTRY_TITLE'],
def _validate_gitlab(config, _):
""" Validates the OAuth credentials and API endpoint for a GitLab service. """
github_config = config.get('GITLAB_TRIGGER_CONFIG')
if not github_config:
raise Exception('Missing GitLab client id and client secret')
endpoint = github_config.get('GITLAB_ENDPOINT')
if not endpoint:
raise Exception('Missing GitLab Endpoint')
if endpoint.find('http://') != 0 and endpoint.find('https://') != 0:
raise Exception('GitLab Endpoint must start with http:// or https://')
if not github_config.get('CLIENT_ID'):
raise Exception('Missing Client ID')
if not github_config.get('CLIENT_SECRET'):
raise Exception('Missing Client Secret')
client = app.config['HTTPCLIENT']
oauth = GitLabOAuthConfig(config, 'GITLAB_TRIGGER_CONFIG')
result = oauth.validate_client_id_and_secret(client, app.config)
if not result:
raise Exception('Invalid client id or client secret')
def _validate_github(config_key):
return lambda config, _: _validate_github_with_key(config_key, config)
def _validate_github_with_key(config_key, config):
""" Validates the OAuth credentials and API endpoint for a Github service. """
github_config = config.get(config_key)
if not github_config:
raise Exception('Missing GitHub client id and client secret')
endpoint = github_config.get('GITHUB_ENDPOINT')
if not endpoint:
raise Exception('Missing GitHub Endpoint')
if endpoint.find('http://') != 0 and endpoint.find('https://') != 0:
raise Exception('Github Endpoint must start with http:// or https://')
if not github_config.get('CLIENT_ID'):
raise Exception('Missing Client ID')
if not github_config.get('CLIENT_SECRET'):
raise Exception('Missing Client Secret')
if github_config.get('ORG_RESTRICT') and not github_config.get('ALLOWED_ORGANIZATIONS'):
raise Exception('Organization restriction must have at least one allowed organization')
client = app.config['HTTPCLIENT']
oauth = GithubOAuthConfig(config, config_key)
result = oauth.validate_client_id_and_secret(client, app.config)
if not result:
raise Exception('Invalid client id or client secret')
if github_config.get('ALLOWED_ORGANIZATIONS'):
for org_id in github_config.get('ALLOWED_ORGANIZATIONS'):
if not oauth.validate_organization(org_id, client):
raise Exception('Invalid organization: %s' % org_id)
def _validate_bitbucket(config, _):
""" Validates the config for BitBucket. """
trigger_config = config.get('BITBUCKET_TRIGGER_CONFIG')
if not trigger_config:
raise Exception('Missing client ID and client secret')
if not trigger_config.get('CONSUMER_KEY'):
raise Exception('Missing Consumer Key')
if not trigger_config.get('CONSUMER_SECRET'):
raise Exception('Missing Consumer Secret')
key = trigger_config['CONSUMER_KEY']
secret = trigger_config['CONSUMER_SECRET']
callback_url = '%s/oauth1/bitbucket/callback/trigger/' % (get_app_url())
bitbucket_client = BitBucket(key, secret, callback_url)
(result, _, _) = bitbucket_client.get_authorization_url()
if not result:
raise Exception('Invaid consumer key or secret')
def _validate_google_login(config, _):
""" Validates the Google Login client ID and secret. """
google_login_config = config.get('GOOGLE_LOGIN_CONFIG')
if not google_login_config:
raise Exception('Missing client ID and client secret')
if not google_login_config.get('CLIENT_ID'):
raise Exception('Missing Client ID')
if not google_login_config.get('CLIENT_SECRET'):
raise Exception('Missing Client Secret')
client = app.config['HTTPCLIENT']
oauth = GoogleOAuthConfig(config, 'GOOGLE_LOGIN_CONFIG')
result = oauth.validate_client_id_and_secret(client, app.config)
if not result:
raise Exception('Invalid client id or client secret')
def _validate_ssl(config, _):
""" Validates the SSL configuration (if enabled). """
# Skip if non-SSL.
if config.get('PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME', 'http') != 'https':
# Skip if externally terminated.
if config.get('EXTERNAL_TLS_TERMINATION', False) == True:
for filename in SSL_FILENAMES:
if not config_provider.volume_file_exists(filename):
raise Exception('Missing required SSL file: %s' % filename)
with config_provider.get_volume_file(SSL_FILENAMES[0]) as f:
2015-02-05 13:06:56 -05:00
cert_contents =
# Validate the certificate.
cert = OpenSSL.crypto.load_certificate(OpenSSL.crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, cert_contents)
raise Exception('Could not parse certificate file. Is it a valid PEM certificate?')
if cert.has_expired():
raise Exception('The specified SSL certificate has expired.')
private_key_path = None
with config_provider.get_volume_file(SSL_FILENAMES[1]) as f:
2015-02-05 13:06:56 -05:00
private_key_path =
if not private_key_path:
# Only in testing.
# Validate the private key with the certificate.
context = OpenSSL.SSL.Context(OpenSSL.SSL.TLSv1_METHOD)
raise Exception('Could not parse key file. Is it a valid PEM private key?')
except OpenSSL.SSL.Error as e:
raise Exception('SSL key failed to validate: %s' % str(e))
# Verify the hostname matches the name in the certificate.
common_name = cert.get_subject().commonName
if common_name is None:
raise Exception('Missing CommonName (CN) from SSL certificate')
# Build the list of allowed host patterns.
hosts = set([common_name])
# Find the DNS extension, if any.
for i in range(0, cert.get_extension_count()):
ext = cert.get_extension(i)
if ext.get_short_name() == 'subjectAltName':
value = str(ext)
hosts.update([host.strip()[4:] for host in value.split(',')])
# Check each host.
for host in hosts:
if fnmatch(config['SERVER_HOSTNAME'], host):
raise Exception('Supported names "%s" in SSL cert do not match server hostname "%s"' %
(', '.join(list(hosts)), config['SERVER_HOSTNAME']))
2015-02-05 13:06:56 -05:00
def _validate_ldap(config, password):
""" Validates the LDAP connection. """
if config.get('AUTHENTICATION_TYPE', 'Database') != 'LDAP':
# If there is a custom LDAP certificate, then reinstall the certificates for the container.
if config_provider.volume_file_exists(LDAP_CERT_FILENAME):
# Note: raises ldap.INVALID_CREDENTIALS on failure
admin_dn = config.get('LDAP_ADMIN_DN')
admin_passwd = config.get('LDAP_ADMIN_PASSWD')
if not admin_dn:
raise Exception('Missing Admin DN for LDAP configuration')
if not admin_passwd:
raise Exception('Missing Admin Password for LDAP configuration')
ldap_uri = config.get('LDAP_URI', 'ldap://localhost')
if not ldap_uri.startswith('ldap://') and not ldap_uri.startswith('ldaps://'):
raise Exception('LDAP URI must start with ldap:// or ldaps://')
allow_tls_fallback = config.get('LDAP_ALLOW_INSECURE_FALLBACK', False)
with LDAPConnection(ldap_uri, admin_dn, admin_passwd, allow_tls_fallback):
except ldap.LDAPError as ex:
values = ex.args[0] if ex.args else {}
if not isinstance(values, dict):
raise Exception(str(ex.args))
raise Exception(values.get('desc', 'Unknown error'))
# Verify that the superuser exists. If not, raise an exception.
base_dn = config.get('LDAP_BASE_DN')
user_rdn = config.get('LDAP_USER_RDN', [])
uid_attr = config.get('LDAP_UID_ATTR', 'uid')
email_attr = config.get('LDAP_EMAIL_ATTR', 'mail')
requires_email = config.get('FEATURE_MAILING', True)
users = LDAPUsers(ldap_uri, base_dn, admin_dn, admin_passwd, user_rdn, uid_attr, email_attr,
allow_tls_fallback, requires_email=requires_email)
username = get_authenticated_user().username
(result, err_msg) = users.verify_credentials(username, password)
if not result:
raise Exception(('Verification of superuser %s failed: %s. \n\nThe user either does not exist ' +
'in the remote authentication system ' +
'OR LDAP auth is misconfigured.') % (username, err_msg))
def _validate_jwt(config, password):
""" Validates the JWT authentication system. """
if config.get('AUTHENTICATION_TYPE', 'Database') != 'JWT':
verify_endpoint = config.get('JWT_VERIFY_ENDPOINT')
query_endpoint = config.get('JWT_QUERY_ENDPOINT', None)
getuser_endpoint = config.get('JWT_GETUSER_ENDPOINT', None)
issuer = config.get('JWT_AUTH_ISSUER')
if not verify_endpoint:
raise Exception('Missing JWT Verification endpoint')
if not issuer:
raise Exception('Missing JWT Issuer ID')
# Try to instatiate the JWT authentication mechanism. This will raise an exception if
# the key cannot be found.
users = ExternalJWTAuthN(verify_endpoint, query_endpoint, getuser_endpoint, issuer,
app.config.get('JWT_AUTH_MAX_FRESH_S', 300),
requires_email=config.get('FEATURE_MAILING', True))
# Verify that the superuser exists. If not, raise an exception.
username = get_authenticated_user().username
(result, err_msg) = users.verify_credentials(username, password)
if not result:
raise Exception(('Verification of superuser %s failed: %s. \n\nThe user either does not ' +
'exist in the remote authentication system ' +
'OR JWT auth is misconfigured') % (username, err_msg))
# If the query endpoint exists, ensure we can query to find the current user and that we can
# look up users directly.
if query_endpoint:
(results, err_msg) = users.query_users(username)
if not results:
err_msg = err_msg or ('Could not find users matching query: %s' % username)
raise Exception('Query endpoint is misconfigured or not returning proper users: %s' % err_msg)
# Make sure the get user endpoint is also configured.
if not getuser_endpoint:
raise Exception('The lookup user endpoint must be configured if the query endpoint is set')
(result, err_msg) = users.get_user(username)
if not result:
err_msg = err_msg or ('Could not find user %s' % username)
raise Exception('Lookup endpoint is misconfigured or not returning properly: %s' % err_msg)
def _validate_keystone(config, password):
""" Validates the Keystone authentication system. """
if config.get('AUTHENTICATION_TYPE', 'Database') != 'Keystone':
auth_url = config.get('KEYSTONE_AUTH_URL')
auth_version = int(config.get('KEYSTONE_AUTH_VERSION', 2))
admin_username = config.get('KEYSTONE_ADMIN_USERNAME')
admin_password = config.get('KEYSTONE_ADMIN_PASSWORD')
admin_tenant = config.get('KEYSTONE_ADMIN_TENANT')
if not auth_url:
raise Exception('Missing authentication URL')
if not admin_username:
raise Exception('Missing admin username')
if not admin_password:
raise Exception('Missing admin password')
if not admin_tenant:
raise Exception('Missing admin tenant')
requires_email = config.get('FEATURE_MAILING', True)
users = get_keystone_users(auth_version, auth_url, admin_username, admin_password, admin_tenant,
# Verify that the superuser exists. If not, raise an exception.
username = get_authenticated_user().username
(result, err_msg) = users.verify_credentials(username, password)
if not result:
raise Exception(('Verification of superuser %s failed: %s \n\nThe user either does not ' +
'exist in the remote authentication system ' +
'OR Keystone auth is misconfigured.') % (username, err_msg))
def _validate_signer(config, _):
""" Validates the GPG public+private key pair used for signing converted ACIs. """
if config.get('SIGNING_ENGINE') is None:
raise Exception('Unknown signing engine: %s' % config['SIGNING_ENGINE'])
engine = SIGNING_ENGINES[config['SIGNING_ENGINE']](config, config_provider)
engine.detached_sign(StringIO('test string'))
def _validate_security_scanner(config, _):
""" Validates the configuration for talking to a Quay Security Scanner. """
# Generate a temporary Quay key to use for signing the outgoing requests.
# Wait a few seconds for the JWT proxy to startup.
# Make a ping request to the security service.
client = app.config['HTTPCLIENT']
api = SecurityScannerAPI(app, config, None, client=client, skip_validation=True)
response =
if response.status_code != 200:
message = 'Expected 200 status code, got %s: %s' % (response.status_code, response.text)
raise Exception('Could not ping security scanner: %s' % message)
'database': _validate_database,
'redis': _validate_redis,
'registry-storage': _validate_registry_storage,
'mail': _validate_mailing,
'github-login': _validate_github('GITHUB_LOGIN_CONFIG'),
'github-trigger': _validate_github('GITHUB_TRIGGER_CONFIG'),
'gitlab-trigger': _validate_gitlab,
'bitbucket-trigger': _validate_bitbucket,
'google-login': _validate_google_login,
'ssl': _validate_ssl,
'ldap': _validate_ldap,
'jwt': _validate_jwt,
'keystone': _validate_keystone,
'signer': _validate_signer,
'security-scanner': _validate_security_scanner,