2018-09-24 15:32:09 -04:00
import subprocess
import sys
import time
import unicodedata
from threading import Thread
from termcolor import colored
def remove_control_characters(s):
return "".join(ch for ch in unicode(s) if unicodedata.category(ch)[0]!="C")
2018-11-08 13:21:23 -05:00
# These tuples are the box&version and whether it requires V1 registry protocol
2018-09-24 15:32:09 -04:00
2018-09-25 18:21:39 -04:00
("AntonioMeireles/coreos-stable --box-version=835.8.0", False),
("AntonioMeireles/coreos-stable --box-version=766.3.0", False),
("AntonioMeireles/coreos-stable --box-version=681.0.0", False),
("AntonioMeireles/coreos-stable --box-version=607.0.0", False),
("AntonioMeireles/coreos-stable --box-version=557.2.0", False),
("yungsang/coreos --box-version=1.3.8", False),
("yungsang/coreos --box-version=1.3.7", False),
("yungsang/coreos --box-version=1.2.9", False),
("yungsang/coreos --box-version=1.1.5", False),
("yungsang/coreos --box-version=1.0.0", False),
("yungsang/coreos --box-version=1.0.0", False),
("yungsang/coreos --box-version=0.9.10", False),
("yungsang/coreos --box-version=0.9.6", False),
2018-09-26 13:27:49 -04:00
("yungsang/coreos --box-version=0.9.1", True),
2018-09-25 18:21:39 -04:00
("yungsang/coreos --box-version=0.3.1", True),
2018-09-24 15:32:09 -04:00
class CommandFailedException(Exception):
class SpinOutputter(Thread):
def __init__(self, initial_message):
super(SpinOutputter, self).__init__()
self.previous_line = ''
self.next_line = initial_message
self.running = True
self.daemon = True
def spinning_cursor():
while 1:
for cursor in '|/-\\':
yield cursor
def set_next(self, text):
first_line = text.split('\n')[0].strip()
first_line = remove_control_characters(first_line)
self.next_line = first_line[:80]
def _clear_line(self):
sys.stdout.write(' ' * (len(self.previous_line) + 2))
self.previous_line = ''
def stop(self):
self.running = False
def run(self):
spinner = SpinOutputter.spinning_cursor()
while self.running:
sys.stdout.write(" ")
sys.stdout.write(colored(self.next_line, attrs=['dark']))
self.previous_line = self.next_line
def _run_and_wait(command, error_allowed=False):
# Run the command itself.
outputter = SpinOutputter('Running command %s' % command)
output = ''
process = subprocess.Popen(command, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
for line in iter(process.stdout.readline, ''):
output += line
result = process.wait()
if result != 0 and not error_allowed:
print colored('>>> Command `%s` Failed:' % command, 'red')
print output
raise CommandFailedException()
2018-09-25 18:21:39 -04:00
return output
2018-09-24 15:32:09 -04:00
2018-09-25 18:21:39 -04:00
def _indent(text, amount):
return ''.join((' ' * amount) + line for line in text.splitlines(True))
def _run_box(box, requires_v1, registry):
print colored('>>> Box: %s' % box, attrs=['bold'])
2018-09-24 15:32:09 -04:00
print colored('>>> Starting box', 'yellow')
_run_and_wait(['vagrant', 'destroy', '-f'], error_allowed=True)
_run_and_wait(['rm', 'Vagrantfile'], error_allowed=True)
_run_and_wait(['vagrant', 'init'] + box.split(' '))
_run_and_wait(['vagrant', 'up', '--provider', 'virtualbox'])
print colored('>>> Setting up Docker', 'yellow')
_run_and_wait(['vagrant', 'ssh', '-c', 'sudo mkdir -p /etc/systemd/system/docker.service.d/'])
_run_and_wait(['vagrant', 'scp', '50-insecure-registry.conf', '/home/core'])
_run_and_wait(['vagrant', 'scp', 'Dockerfile.test', '/home/core/Dockerfile'])
2018-09-25 18:21:39 -04:00
cp_command = ('sudo cp /home/core/50-insecure-registry.conf ' +
2018-09-24 15:32:09 -04:00
_run_and_wait(['vagrant', 'ssh', '-c', cp_command])
_run_and_wait(['vagrant', 'ssh', '-c', 'sudo systemctl daemon-reload'])
2018-09-25 18:21:39 -04:00
print colored('>>> Docker version', 'cyan')
docker_version = _run_and_wait(['vagrant', 'ssh', '-c', 'docker version'])
print _indent(docker_version, 4)
2018-09-24 15:32:09 -04:00
print colored('>>> Building test image', 'yellow')
2018-09-25 18:21:39 -04:00
if requires_v1:
# These versions of Docker don't support the new TLS cert on quay.io, so we need to pull
# from v1.quay.io and then retag so the build works.
_run_and_wait(['vagrant', 'ssh', '-c', 'docker pull v1.quay.io/quay/busybox'])
_run_and_wait(['vagrant', 'ssh', '-c',
'docker tag v1.quay.io/quay/busybox quay.io/quay/busybox'])
2018-09-24 15:32:09 -04:00
_run_and_wait(['vagrant', 'ssh', '-c', 'docker build -t %s/devtable/testrepo .' % registry])
print colored('>>> Testing login', 'cyan')
_run_and_wait(['vagrant', 'ssh', '-c',
'docker login --username=devtable --password=password --email=foo %s' % registry])
print colored('>>> Testing push', 'cyan')
_run_and_wait(['vagrant', 'ssh', '-c', 'docker push %s/devtable/testrepo' % registry])
print colored('>>> Removing all images', 'yellow')
2018-09-25 18:21:39 -04:00
prefix = 'v1.' if requires_v1 else ''
2018-09-24 15:32:09 -04:00
_run_and_wait(['vagrant', 'ssh', '-c', 'docker rmi -f %s/devtable/testrepo' % registry])
2018-09-25 18:21:39 -04:00
_run_and_wait(['vagrant', 'ssh', '-c', 'docker rmi -f %squay.io/quay/busybox' % prefix])
2018-09-24 15:32:09 -04:00
print colored('>>> Testing pull', 'cyan')
_run_and_wait(['vagrant', 'ssh', '-c', 'docker pull %s/devtable/testrepo' % registry])
print colored('>>> Tearing down box', 'magenta')
_run_and_wait(['vagrant', 'destroy', '-f'], error_allowed=True)
print colored('>>> Successfully tested box %s' % box, 'green')
print ""
def test_clients(registry=''):
print colored('>>> Running against registry ', attrs=['bold']) + colored(registry, 'cyan')
2018-09-25 18:21:39 -04:00
for box, requires_v1 in BOXES:
2018-09-24 15:32:09 -04:00
2018-09-25 18:21:39 -04:00
_run_box(box, requires_v1, registry)
2018-09-24 15:32:09 -04:00
except CommandFailedException:
if __name__ == "__main__":
test_clients(sys.argv[1] if len(sys.argv) > 1 else '')