This repository has been archived on 2020-03-24. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

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from collections import defaultdict
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from auth.permissions import ReadRepositoryPermission
from data import model, oci_model
from endpoints.api.repository_models_interface import RepositoryDataInterface, RepositoryBaseElement, Repository, \
ApplicationRepository, ImageRepositoryRepository, Tag, Channel, Release, Count
def create_channel(channel, releases_channels_map):
return Channel(,, channel.linked_tag.lifetime_start)
class PreOCIModel(RepositoryDataInterface):
PreOCIModel implements the data model for the Repo Email using a database schema
before it was changed to support the OCI specification.
def check_repository_usage(self, username, plan_found):
private_repos = model.user.get_private_repo_count(username)
if plan_found is None:
repos_allowed = 0
repos_allowed = plan_found['privateRepos']
user_or_org = model.user.get_namespace_user(username)
if private_repos > repos_allowed:
model.notification.create_unique_notification('over_private_usage', user_or_org,
{'namespace': username})
model.notification.delete_notifications_by_kind(user_or_org, 'over_private_usage')
def purge_repository(self, namespace_name, repository_name):
model.repository.purge_repository(namespace_name, repository_name)
user = model.user.get_namespace_user(namespace_name)
return user.username
def set_description(self, namespace_name, repository_name, description):
repo = model.repository.get_repository(namespace_name, repository_name)
model.repository.set_description(repo, description)
def set_trust(self, namespace_name, repository_name, trust):
repo = model.repository.get_repository(namespace_name, repository_name)
model.repository.set_trust(repo, trust)
def set_repository_visibility(self, namespace_name, repository_name, visibility):
repo = model.repository.get_repository(namespace_name, repository_name)
model.repository.set_repository_visibility(repo, visibility)
def get_repo_list(self, starred, user, repo_kind, namespace, username, public, page_token,
last_modified, popularity):
next_page_token = None
# Lookup the requested repositories (either starred or non-starred.)
if starred:
# Return the full list of repos starred by the current user that are still visible to them.
def can_view_repo(repo):
return ReadRepositoryPermission(repo.namespace_user.username,
unfiltered_repos = model.repository.get_user_starred_repositories(user,
repos = [repo for repo in unfiltered_repos if can_view_repo(repo)]
elif namespace:
# Repositories filtered by namespace do not need pagination (their results are fairly small),
# so we just do the lookup directly.
repos = list(
model.repository.get_visible_repositories(username=username, include_public=public,
namespace=namespace, kind_filter=repo_kind))
# Determine the starting offset for pagination. Note that we don't use the normal
# model.modelutil.paginate method here, as that does not operate over UNION queries, which
# get_visible_repositories will return if there is a logged-in user (for performance reasons).
# Also note the +1 on the limit, as paginate_query uses the extra result to determine whether
# there is a next page.
start_id = model.modelutil.pagination_start(page_token)
repo_query = model.repository.get_visible_repositories(
username=username, include_public=public, start_id=start_id, limit=REPOS_PER_PAGE + 1,
repos, next_page_token = model.modelutil.paginate_query(repo_query, limit=REPOS_PER_PAGE,
# Collect the IDs of the repositories found for subequent lookup of popularity
# and/or last modified.
last_modified_map = {}
action_sum_map = {}
if last_modified or popularity:
repository_ids = [repo.rid for repo in repos]
if last_modified:
last_modified_map = model.repository.get_when_last_modified(repository_ids)
if popularity:
action_sum_map = model.log.get_repositories_action_sums(repository_ids)
# Collect the IDs of the repositories that are starred for the user, so we can mark them
# in the returned results.
star_set = set()
if username:
starred_repos = model.repository.get_user_starred_repositories(user)
star_set = { for starred in starred_repos}
return [
RepositoryBaseElement(repo.namespace_user.username,, in star_set,
repo.visibility_id == model.repository.get_public_repo_visibility().id,
repo_kind, repo.description, repo.namespace_user.organization,
action_sum_map.get(repo.rid), last_modified, popularity, username)
for repo in repos
], next_page_token
def repo_exists(self, namespace_name, repository_name):
repo = model.repository.get_repository(namespace_name, repository_name)
if repo is None:
return False
return True
def create_repo(self, namespace_name, repository_name, owner, description, visibility='private',
repo = model.repository.create_repository(namespace_name, repository_name, owner, visibility,
model.repository.set_description(repo, description)
return Repository(namespace_name, repository_name)
def get_repo(self, namespace_name, repository_name, user):
repo = model.repository.get_repository(namespace_name, repository_name)
if repo is None:
return None
is_starred = model.repository.repository_is_starred(user, repo) if user else False
is_public = model.repository.is_repository_public(repo)
base = RepositoryBaseElement(
namespace_name, repository_name, is_starred, is_public,, repo.description,
repo.namespace_user.organization, repo.namespace_user.removed_tag_expiration_s, None, None,
False, False, False)
# Note: This is *temporary* code for the new OCI model stuff.
if base.kind_name == 'application':
channels =
releases = oci_model.release.get_release_objs(repo)
releases_channels_map = defaultdict(list)
return ApplicationRepository(
base, [create_channel(channel, releases_channels_map) for channel in channels], [
Release(, release.lifetime_start, releases_channels_map)
for release in releases
tags = model.tag.list_active_repo_tags(repo)
start_date = - timedelta(days=MAX_DAYS_IN_3_MONTHS)
counts = model.log.get_repository_action_counts(repo, start_date)
return ImageRepositoryRepository(base, [
Tag(, tag.image.docker_image_id, tag.image.aggregate_size, tag.lifetime_start_ts,
tag.tagmanifest.digest, tag.lifetime_end_ts) for tag in tags
], [Count(, count.count) for count in counts], repo.badge_token, repo.trust_enabled)
pre_oci_model = PreOCIModel()