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2014-10-28 12:10:44 -04:00
import logging
import traceback
from flask.ext.mail import Message
from app import mail, app, get_app_url
from data import model
from util.gravatar import compute_hash
from util.jinjautil import get_template_env
2014-10-28 12:10:44 -04:00
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
template_env = get_template_env("emails")
2014-10-28 12:10:44 -04:00
class CannotSendEmailException(Exception):
def send_email(recipient, subject, template_file, parameters):
app_title = app.config['REGISTRY_TITLE_SHORT']
app_url = get_app_url()
def app_link_handler(url=None, title=None):
real_url = app_url + '/' + url if url else app_url
if not title:
title = real_url if url else app_title
return '<a href="%s">%s</a>' % (real_url, title)
2014-11-24 16:07:38 -05:00
'subject': subject,
'app_logo': '', # TODO: make this pull from config
'app_url': app_url,
'app_title': app_title,
'app_link': app_link_handler
rendered_html = template_env.get_template(template_file + '.html').render(parameters)
msg = Message('[%s] %s' % (app_title, subject), recipients=[recipient])
msg.html = rendered_html
2014-10-28 12:10:44 -04:00
except Exception as ex:
logger.exception('Error while trying to send email to %s', recipient)
2014-10-28 12:10:44 -04:00
raise CannotSendEmailException(ex.message)
def send_password_changed(username, email):
send_email(email, 'Account password changed', 'passwordchanged', {
'username': username
def send_email_changed(username, old_email, new_email):
send_email(old_email, 'Account e-mail address changed', 'emailchanged', {
'username': username,
'new_email': new_email
2014-11-24 16:07:38 -05:00
def send_change_email(username, email, token):
send_email(email, 'E-mail address change requested', 'changeemail', {
'username': username,
'token': token
def send_confirmation_email(username, email, token):
send_email(email, 'Please confirm your e-mail address', 'confirmemail', {
'username': username,
'token': token
def send_repo_authorization_email(namespace, repository, email, token):
subject = 'Please verify your e-mail address for repository %s/%s' % (namespace, repository)
send_email(email, subject, 'repoauthorizeemail', {
'namespace': namespace,
'repository': repository,
'token': token
def send_recovery_email(email, token):
subject = 'Account recovery'
send_email(email, subject, 'recovery', {
'email': email,
'token': token
def send_payment_failed(email, username):
send_email(email, 'Subscription Payment Failure', 'paymentfailure', {
'username': username
def send_org_invite_email(member_name, member_email, orgname, team, adder, code):
send_email(member_email, 'Invitation to join team', 'teaminvite', {
'inviter': adder,
'token': code,
'organization': orgname,
'teamname': team
def send_invoice_email(email, contents):
# Note: This completely generates the contents of the email, so we don't use the
# normal template here.
msg = Message(' payment received - Thank you!', recipients=[email])
msg.html = contents
def send_subscription_change(change_description, customer_id, customer_email, quay_username):
SUBSCRIPTION_CHANGE_TITLE = 'Subscription Change - {0} {1}'
Change: {0}<br>
Customer id: <a href="{1}">{1}</a><br>
Customer email: <a href="mailto:{2}">{2}</a><br>
Quay user or org name: {3}<br>
2014-11-24 16:07:38 -05:00
title = SUBSCRIPTION_CHANGE_TITLE.format(quay_username, change_description)
msg = Message(title, recipients=[''])
msg.html = SUBSCRIPTION_CHANGE.format(change_description, customer_id, customer_email,