This repository has been archived on 2020-03-24. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

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import logging
import re
from flask import make_response, url_for, request, redirect, Response, abort as flask_abort
from app import storage, app
from data import model, database
from digest import digest_tools
from endpoints.v2 import v2_bp, require_repo_read, require_repo_write, get_input_stream
from endpoints.v2.errors import (BlobUnknown, BlobUploadInvalid, BlobUploadUnknown, Unsupported,
from auth.jwt_auth import process_jwt_auth
from endpoints.decorators import anon_protect
from util.cache import cache_control
from util.registry.filelike import wrap_with_handler, StreamSlice
from storage.basestorage import InvalidChunkException
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
BASE_BLOB_ROUTE = '/<namespace>/<repo_name>/blobs/<regex("{0}"):digest>'
RANGE_HEADER_REGEX = re.compile(r'^bytes=([0-9]+)-([0-9]+)$')
2015-11-30 15:45:45 -05:00
BLOB_CONTENT_TYPE = 'application/octet-stream'
class _InvalidRangeHeader(Exception):
def _base_blob_fetch(namespace, repo_name, digest):
""" Some work that is common to both GET and HEAD requests. Callers MUST check for proper
authorization before calling this method.
found = model.blob.get_repo_blob_by_digest(namespace, repo_name, digest)
except model.BlobDoesNotExist:
raise BlobUnknown()
headers = {
'Docker-Content-Digest': digest,
# Add the Accept-Ranges header if the storage engine supports resumable
# downloads.
2015-08-27 14:55:33 -04:00
if storage.get_supports_resumable_downloads(found.locations):
logger.debug('Storage supports resumable downloads')
headers['Accept-Ranges'] = 'bytes'
return found, headers
@v2_bp.route(BLOB_DIGEST_ROUTE, methods=['HEAD'])
def check_blob_exists(namespace, repo_name, digest):
found, headers = _base_blob_fetch(namespace, repo_name, digest)
response = make_response('')
response.headers['Content-Length'] = found.image_size
2015-11-30 15:45:45 -05:00
response.headers['Content-Type'] = BLOB_CONTENT_TYPE
return response
@v2_bp.route(BLOB_DIGEST_ROUTE, methods=['GET'])
def download_blob(namespace, repo_name, digest):
found, headers = _base_blob_fetch(namespace, repo_name, digest)
path =
logger.debug('Looking up the direct download URL for path: %s', path)
direct_download_url = storage.get_direct_download_url(found.locations, path)
if direct_download_url:
logger.debug('Returning direct download URL')
resp = redirect(direct_download_url)
return resp
logger.debug('Streaming layer data')
# Close the database handle here for this process before we send the long download.
headers['Content-Length'] = found.image_size
2015-11-30 15:45:45 -05:00
headers['Content-Type'] = BLOB_CONTENT_TYPE
return Response(storage.stream_read(found.locations, path), headers=headers)
2015-08-13 15:43:49 -04:00
def _render_range(num_uploaded_bytes, with_bytes_prefix=True):
return '{0}0-{1}'.format('bytes=' if with_bytes_prefix else '', num_uploaded_bytes - 1)
@v2_bp.route('/<namespace>/<repo_name>/blobs/uploads/', methods=['POST'])
def start_blob_upload(namespace, repo_name):
location_name = storage.preferred_locations[0]
new_upload_uuid, upload_metadata = storage.initiate_chunked_upload(location_name)
model.blob.initiate_upload(namespace, repo_name, new_upload_uuid, location_name,
except database.Repository.DoesNotExist:
raise NameUnknown()
digest = request.args.get('digest', None)
if digest is None:
# The user will send the blob data in another request
accepted = make_response('', 202)
accepted.headers['Location'] = url_for('v2.upload_chunk', namespace=namespace,
repo_name=repo_name, upload_uuid=new_upload_uuid)
accepted.headers['Range'] = _render_range(0)
accepted.headers['Docker-Upload-UUID'] = new_upload_uuid
return accepted
# The user plans to send us the entire body right now
2015-08-13 15:43:49 -04:00
uploaded = _upload_chunk(namespace, repo_name, new_upload_uuid)
return _finish_upload(namespace, repo_name, uploaded, digest)
@v2_bp.route('/<namespace>/<repo_name>/blobs/uploads/<upload_uuid>', methods=['GET'])
def fetch_existing_upload(namespace, repo_name, upload_uuid):
found = model.blob.get_blob_upload(namespace, repo_name, upload_uuid)
except model.InvalidBlobUpload:
raise BlobUploadUnknown()
# Note: Docker byte ranges are exclusive so we have to add one to the byte count.
accepted = make_response('', 204)
accepted.headers['Range'] = _render_range(found.byte_count + 1)
accepted.headers['Docker-Upload-UUID'] = upload_uuid
return accepted
def _current_request_path():
return '{0}{1}'.format(request.script_root, request.path)
def _range_not_satisfiable(valid_end):
invalid_range = make_response('', 416)
invalid_range.headers['Location'] = _current_request_path()
invalid_range.headers['Range'] = '0-{0}'.format(valid_end)
invalid_range.headers['Docker-Upload-UUID'] = request.view_args['upload_uuid']
def _parse_range_header(range_header_text):
""" Parses the range header, and returns a tuple of the start offset and the length,
or raises an _InvalidRangeHeader exception.
found = RANGE_HEADER_REGEX.match(range_header_text)
if found is None:
raise _InvalidRangeHeader()
start = int(
length = int( - start
if length <= 0:
raise _InvalidRangeHeader()
return (start, length)
2015-08-13 15:43:49 -04:00
def _upload_chunk(namespace, repo_name, upload_uuid):
""" Common code among the various uploading paths for appending data to blobs.
Callers MUST call .save() or .delete_instance() on the returned database object.
found = model.blob.get_blob_upload(namespace, repo_name, upload_uuid)
except model.InvalidBlobUpload:
raise BlobUploadUnknown()
start_offset, length = 0, -1
range_header = request.headers.get('range', None)
if range_header is not None:
start_offset, length = _parse_range_header(range_header)
except _InvalidRangeHeader:
if start_offset > 0 and start_offset > found.byte_count:
location_set = {}
with database.CloseForLongOperation(app.config):
input_fp = get_input_stream(request)
if start_offset > 0 and start_offset < found.byte_count:
# Skip the bytes which were received on a previous push, which are already stored and
# included in the sha calculation
overlap_size = found.byte_count - start_offset
input_fp = StreamSlice(input_fp, overlap_size)
# Update our upload bounds to reflect the skipped portion of the overlap
start_offset = found.byte_count
length = max(length - overlap_size, 0)
# We use this to escape early in case we have already processed all of the bytes the user
# wants to upload
if length == 0:
return found
input_fp = wrap_with_handler(input_fp, found.sha_state.update)
length_written, new_metadata = storage.stream_upload_chunk(location_set, upload_uuid,
start_offset, length, input_fp,
except InvalidChunkException:
found.storage_metadata = new_metadata
found.byte_count += length_written
return found
def _finish_upload(namespace, repo_name, upload_obj, expected_digest):
# Verify that the digest's SHA matches that of the uploaded data.
computed_digest = digest_tools.sha256_digest_from_hashlib(upload_obj.sha_state)
if not digest_tools.digests_equal(computed_digest, expected_digest):
raise BlobUploadInvalid()
final_blob_location = digest_tools.content_path(expected_digest)
# Move the storage into place, or if this was a re-upload, cancel it
with database.CloseForLongOperation(app.config):
if storage.exists({}, final_blob_location):
# It already existed, clean up our upload which served as proof that we had the file
storage.cancel_chunked_upload({}, upload_obj.uuid,
# We were the first ones to upload this image (at least to this location)
# Let's copy it into place
storage.complete_chunked_upload({}, upload_obj.uuid,
final_blob_location, upload_obj.storage_metadata)
# Mark the blob as uploaded.
model.blob.store_blob_record_and_temp_link(namespace, repo_name, expected_digest,
upload_obj.location, upload_obj.byte_count,
# Delete the upload tracking row.
response = make_response('', 201)
response.headers['Docker-Content-Digest'] = expected_digest
response.headers['Location'] = url_for('v2.download_blob', namespace=namespace,
repo_name=repo_name, digest=expected_digest)
return response
@v2_bp.route('/<namespace>/<repo_name>/blobs/uploads/<upload_uuid>', methods=['PATCH'])
def upload_chunk(namespace, repo_name, upload_uuid):
2015-08-13 15:43:49 -04:00
upload = _upload_chunk(namespace, repo_name, upload_uuid)
accepted = make_response('', 204)
accepted.headers['Location'] = _current_request_path()
accepted.headers['Range'] = _render_range(upload.byte_count, with_bytes_prefix=False)
accepted.headers['Docker-Upload-UUID'] = upload_uuid
return accepted
@v2_bp.route('/<namespace>/<repo_name>/blobs/uploads/<upload_uuid>', methods=['PUT'])
def monolithic_upload_or_last_chunk(namespace, repo_name, upload_uuid):
digest = request.args.get('digest', None)
if digest is None:
raise BlobUploadInvalid()
2015-08-13 15:43:49 -04:00
found = _upload_chunk(namespace, repo_name, upload_uuid)
return _finish_upload(namespace, repo_name, found, digest)
@v2_bp.route('/<namespace>/<repo_name>/blobs/uploads/<upload_uuid>', methods=['DELETE'])
def cancel_upload(namespace, repo_name, upload_uuid):
found = model.blob.get_blob_upload(namespace, repo_name, upload_uuid)
except model.InvalidBlobUpload:
raise BlobUploadUnknown()
# We delete the record for the upload first, since if the partial upload in
# storage fails to delete, it doesn't break anything
storage.cancel_chunked_upload({}, found.uuid, found.storage_metadata)
return make_response('', 204)
@v2_bp.route('/<namespace>/<repo_name>/blobs/<digest>', methods=['DELETE'])
def delete_digest(namespace, repo_name, upload_uuid):
# We do not support deleting arbitrary digests, as they break repo images.
raise Unsupported()