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import time
import pytest
import jwt
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from jwkest.jwk import RSAKey
from import (decode, exp_max_s_option, jwk_dict_to_public_key,
InvalidTokenError, InvalidAlgorithmError)
def private_key():
return RSA.generate(2048)
def private_key_pem(private_key):
return private_key.exportKey('PEM')
def public_key(private_key):
return private_key.publickey().exportKey('PEM')
def _token_data(audience, subject, iss, iat=None, exp=None, nbf=None):
return {
'iss': iss,
'aud': audience,
'nbf': nbf() if nbf is not None else int(time.time()),
'iat': iat() if iat is not None else int(time.time()),
'exp': exp() if exp is not None else int(time.time() + 3600),
'sub': subject,
@pytest.mark.parametrize('aud, iss, nbf, iat, exp, expected_exception', [
pytest.param('invalidaudience', 'someissuer', None, None, None, 'Invalid audience',
id='invalid audience'),
pytest.param('someaudience', 'invalidissuer', None, None, None, 'Invalid issuer',
id='invalid issuer'),
pytest.param('someaudience', 'someissuer', lambda: time.time() + 120, None, None,
'The token is not yet valid',
id='invalid not before'),
pytest.param('someaudience', 'someissuer', None, lambda: time.time() + 120, None,
'Issued At claim',
id='issued at in future'),
pytest.param('someaudience', 'someissuer', None, None, lambda: time.time() - 100,
'Signature has expired',
id='already expired'),
pytest.param('someaudience', 'someissuer', None, None, lambda: time.time() + 10000,
'Token was signed for more than',
id='expiration too far in future'),
pytest.param('someaudience', 'someissuer', lambda: time.time() + 10, None, None,
id='not before in future by within leeway'),
pytest.param('someaudience', 'someissuer', None, lambda: time.time() + 10, None,
id='issued at in future but within leeway'),
pytest.param('someaudience', 'someissuer', None, None, lambda: time.time() - 10,
id='expiration in past but within leeway'),
def test_decode_jwt_validation(aud, iss, nbf, iat, exp, expected_exception, private_key_pem,
token = jwt.encode(_token_data(aud, 'subject', iss, iat, exp, nbf), private_key_pem, 'RS256')
if expected_exception is not None:
with pytest.raises(InvalidTokenError) as ite:
max_exp = exp_max_s_option(3600)
decode(token, public_key, algorithms=['RS256'], audience='someaudience',
issuer='someissuer', options=max_exp, leeway=60)
assert ite.match(expected_exception)
max_exp = exp_max_s_option(3600)
decode(token, public_key, algorithms=['RS256'], audience='someaudience',
issuer='someissuer', options=max_exp, leeway=60)
def test_decode_jwt_invalid_key(private_key_pem):
# Encode with the test private key.
token = jwt.encode(_token_data('aud', 'subject', 'someissuer'), private_key_pem, 'RS256')
# Try to decode with a different public key.
another_public_key = RSA.generate(2048).publickey().exportKey('PEM')
with pytest.raises(InvalidTokenError) as ite:
max_exp = exp_max_s_option(3600)
decode(token, another_public_key, algorithms=['RS256'], audience='aud',
issuer='someissuer', options=max_exp, leeway=60)
assert ite.match('Signature verification failed')
def test_decode_jwt_invalid_algorithm(private_key_pem, public_key):
# Encode with the test private key.
token = jwt.encode(_token_data('aud', 'subject', 'someissuer'), private_key_pem, 'RS256')
# Attempt to decode but only with a different algorithm than that used.
with pytest.raises(InvalidAlgorithmError) as ite:
max_exp = exp_max_s_option(3600)
decode(token, public_key, algorithms=['ES256'], audience='aud',
issuer='someissuer', options=max_exp, leeway=60)
assert ite.match('are not whitelisted')
def test_jwk_dict_to_public_key(private_key, private_key_pem):
public_key = private_key.publickey()
jwk = RSAKey(key=private_key.publickey()).serialize()
converted = jwk_dict_to_public_key(jwk)
# Encode with the test private key.
token = jwt.encode(_token_data('aud', 'subject', 'someissuer'), private_key_pem, 'RS256')
# Decode with the converted key.
max_exp = exp_max_s_option(3600)
decode(token, converted, algorithms=['RS256'], audience='aud',
issuer='someissuer', options=max_exp, leeway=60)