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import time
import jwt
import pytest
from app import app, instance_keys
from auth.auth_context_type import ValidatedAuthContext
from auth.registry_jwt_auth import identity_from_bearer_token, InvalidJWTException
from data import model # TODO(jzelinskie): remove this after service keys are decoupled
from data.database import ServiceKeyApprovalType
from initdb import setup_database_for_testing, finished_database_for_testing
from util.morecollections import AttrDict
from import ANONYMOUS_SUB, build_context_and_subject
TEST_USER = AttrDict({'username': 'joeuser', 'uuid': 'foobar', 'enabled': True})
TOKEN_VALIDITY_LIFETIME_S = 60 * 60 # 1 hour
ANONYMOUS_SUB = '(anonymous)'
# This import has to come below any references to "app".
from test.fixtures import *
2017-07-06 18:09:02 +00:00
def _access(typ='repository', name='somens/somerepo', actions=None):
actions = [] if actions is None else actions
return [{
'type': typ,
'name': name,
'actions': actions,
def _delete_field(token_data, field_name):
return token_data
2017-07-05 19:45:07 +00:00
def _token_data(access=[], context=None, audience=TEST_AUDIENCE, user=TEST_USER, iat=None,
exp=None, nbf=None, iss=None, subject=None):
if subject is None:
_, subject = build_context_and_subject(ValidatedAuthContext(user=user))
return {
'iss': iss or instance_keys.service_name,
'aud': audience,
'nbf': nbf if nbf is not None else int(time.time()),
'iat': iat if iat is not None else int(time.time()),
'exp': exp if exp is not None else int(time.time() + TOKEN_VALIDITY_LIFETIME_S),
'sub': subject,
'access': access,
'context': context,
def _token(token_data, key_id=None, private_key=None, skip_header=False, alg=None):
key_id = key_id or instance_keys.local_key_id
private_key = private_key or instance_keys.local_private_key
if alg == "none":
private_key = None
token_headers = {'kid': key_id}
if skip_header:
token_headers = {}
token_data = jwt.encode(token_data, private_key, alg or 'RS256', headers=token_headers)
return 'Bearer {0}'.format(token_data)
def _parse_token(token):
return identity_from_bearer_token(token)[0]
def test_accepted_token(initialized_db):
token = _token(_token_data())
identity = _parse_token(token)
2017-07-05 19:45:07 +00:00
assert == TEST_USER.username, 'should be %s, but was %s' % (TEST_USER.username,
assert len(identity.provides) == 0
anon_token = _token(_token_data(user=None))
anon_identity = _parse_token(anon_token)
2017-07-05 19:45:07 +00:00
assert == ANONYMOUS_SUB, 'should be %s, but was %s' % (ANONYMOUS_SUB,
assert len(identity.provides) == 0
@pytest.mark.parametrize('access', [
(_access(actions=['pull', 'push'])),
(_access(actions=['pull', '*'])),
(_access(actions=['*', 'push'])),
2017-07-05 19:45:07 +00:00
(_access(actions=['pull', '*', 'push'])),])
def test_token_with_access(access, initialized_db):
token = _token(_token_data(access=access))
identity = _parse_token(token)
2017-07-05 19:45:07 +00:00
assert == TEST_USER.username, 'should be %s, but was %s' % (TEST_USER.username,
assert len(identity.provides) == 1
role = list(identity.provides)[0][3]
if "*" in access[0]['actions']:
assert role == 'admin'
elif "push" in access[0]['actions']:
assert role == 'write'
elif "pull" in access[0]['actions']:
assert role == 'read'
@pytest.mark.parametrize('token', [
2017-07-05 19:45:07 +00:00
'toipe': 'repository',
'namesies': 'somens/somerepo',
'akshuns': ['pull', 'push', '*']}])), id='bad access'),
pytest.param(_token(_token_data(audience='someotherapp')), id='bad aud'),
pytest.param(_token(_delete_field(_token_data(), 'aud')), id='no aud'),
pytest.param(_token(_token_data(nbf=int(time.time()) + 600)), id='future nbf'),
pytest.param(_token(_delete_field(_token_data(), 'nbf')), id='no nbf'),
pytest.param(_token(_token_data(iat=int(time.time()) + 600)), id='future iat'),
pytest.param(_token(_delete_field(_token_data(), 'iat')), id='no iat'),
pytest.param(_token(_token_data(exp=int(time.time()) + MAX_SIGNED_S * 2)), id='exp too long'),
pytest.param(_token(_token_data(exp=int(time.time()) - 60)), id='expired'),
pytest.param(_token(_delete_field(_token_data(), 'exp')), id='no exp'),
pytest.param(_token(_delete_field(_token_data(), 'sub')), id='no sub'),
pytest.param(_token(_token_data(iss='badissuer')), id='bad iss'),
pytest.param(_token(_delete_field(_token_data(), 'iss')), id='no iss'),
pytest.param(_token(_token_data(), skip_header=True), id='no header'),
pytest.param(_token(_token_data(), key_id='someunknownkey'), id='bad key'),
pytest.param(_token(_token_data(), key_id='kid7'), id='bad key :: kid7'),
pytest.param(_token(_token_data(), alg='none', private_key=None), id='none alg'),
pytest.param('some random token', id='random token'),
pytest.param('Bearer: sometokenhere', id='extra bearer'),
pytest.param('\nBearer: dGVzdA', id='leading newline'),
def test_invalid_jwt(token, initialized_db):
with pytest.raises(InvalidJWTException):
def test_mixing_keys_e2e(initialized_db):
token_data = _token_data()
# Create a new key for testing.
p, key = model.service_keys.generate_service_key(instance_keys.service_name, None, kid='newkey',
name='newkey', metadata={})
private_key = p.exportKey('PEM')
# Test first with the new valid, but unapproved key.
unapproved_key_token = _token(token_data, key_id='newkey', private_key=private_key)
with pytest.raises(InvalidJWTException):
# Approve the key and try again.
admin_user = model.user.get_user('devtable')
model.service_keys.approve_service_key(key.kid, admin_user, ServiceKeyApprovalType.SUPERUSER)
valid_token = _token(token_data, key_id='newkey', private_key=private_key)
identity = _parse_token(valid_token)
assert == TEST_USER.username
assert len(identity.provides) == 0
# Try using a different private key with the existing key ID.
bad_private_token = _token(token_data, key_id='newkey',
with pytest.raises(InvalidJWTException):
# Try using a different key ID with the existing private key.
kid_mismatch_token = _token(token_data, key_id=instance_keys.local_key_id,
with pytest.raises(InvalidJWTException):
# Delete the new key.
# Ensure it still works (via the cache.)
deleted_key_token = _token(token_data, key_id='newkey', private_key=private_key)
identity = _parse_token(deleted_key_token)
assert == TEST_USER.username
assert len(identity.provides) == 0
# Break the cache.
# Ensure the key no longer works.
with pytest.raises(InvalidJWTException):