This repository has been archived on 2020-03-24. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

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Raw Normal View History

import logging
from uuid import uuid4
from peewee import IntegrityError
from data.model import (image, db_transaction, DataModelException, _basequery,
InvalidManifestException, TagAlreadyCreatedException, StaleTagException)
from data.database import (RepositoryTag, Repository, Image, ImageStorage, Namespace, TagManifest,
RepositoryNotification, Label, TagManifestLabel, get_epoch_timestamp,
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _tag_alive(query, now_ts=None):
if now_ts is None:
now_ts = get_epoch_timestamp()
return query.where((RepositoryTag.lifetime_end_ts >> None) |
(RepositoryTag.lifetime_end_ts > now_ts))
def get_matching_tags(docker_image_id, storage_uuid, *args):
""" Returns a query pointing to all tags that contain the image with the
given docker_image_id and storage_uuid. """
image_query = image.get_repository_image_and_deriving(docker_image_id, storage_uuid)
2015-11-17 17:42:52 -05:00
return _tag_alive(RepositoryTag
.where( << image_query, RepositoryTag.hidden == False))
2015-10-27 17:38:48 -04:00
2015-11-17 17:42:52 -05:00
def get_tags_for_image(image_id, *args):
return _tag_alive(RepositoryTag
.where(RepositoryTag.image == image_id,
RepositoryTag.hidden == False))
def filter_tags_have_repository_event(query, event):
return (query
.where(RepositoryNotification.event == event)
2015-11-17 17:42:52 -05:00
def list_repository_tags(namespace_name, repository_name, include_hidden=False,
to_select = (RepositoryTag, Image)
if include_storage:
to_select = (RepositoryTag, Image, ImageStorage)
query = _tag_alive(RepositoryTag
.join(Namespace, on=(Repository.namespace_user ==
.where( == repository_name,
Namespace.username == namespace_name))
if not include_hidden:
query = query.where(RepositoryTag.hidden == False)
if include_storage:
query = query.switch(Image).join(ImageStorage)
return query
def create_or_update_tag(namespace_name, repository_name, tag_name, tag_docker_image_id,
repo = _basequery.get_existing_repository(namespace_name, repository_name)
except Repository.DoesNotExist:
raise DataModelException('Invalid repository %s/%s' % (namespace_name, repository_name))
now_ts = get_epoch_timestamp()
with db_transaction():
tag = db_for_update(_tag_alive(RepositoryTag
.where(RepositoryTag.repository == repo, == tag_name), now_ts)).get()
tag.lifetime_end_ts = now_ts
except RepositoryTag.DoesNotExist:
except IntegrityError:
msg = 'Tag with name %s was stale when we tried to update it; Please retry the push'
raise StaleTagException(msg % tag_name)
image_obj = Image.get(Image.docker_image_id == tag_docker_image_id, Image.repository == repo)
except Image.DoesNotExist:
raise DataModelException('Invalid image with id: %s' % tag_docker_image_id)
return RepositoryTag.create(repository=repo, image=image_obj, name=tag_name,
lifetime_start_ts=now_ts, reversion=reversion)
except IntegrityError:
msg = 'Tag with name %s and lifetime start %s under repository %s/%s already exists'
raise TagAlreadyCreatedException(msg % (tag_name, now_ts, namespace_name, repository_name))
def create_temporary_hidden_tag(repo, image_obj, expiration_s):
""" Create a tag with a defined timeline, that will not appear in the UI or CLI. Returns the name
of the temporary tag. """
now_ts = get_epoch_timestamp()
expire_ts = now_ts + expiration_s
tag_name = str(uuid4())
RepositoryTag.create(repository=repo, image=image_obj, name=tag_name, lifetime_start_ts=now_ts,
lifetime_end_ts=expire_ts, hidden=True)
return tag_name
def delete_tag(namespace_name, repository_name, tag_name):
now_ts = get_epoch_timestamp()
with db_transaction():
query = _tag_alive(RepositoryTag
.select(RepositoryTag, Repository)
.join(Namespace, on=(Repository.namespace_user ==
.where( == repository_name,
Namespace.username == namespace_name, == tag_name), now_ts)
found = db_for_update(query).get()
except RepositoryTag.DoesNotExist:
msg = ('Invalid repository tag \'%s\' on repository \'%s/%s\'' %
(tag_name, namespace_name, repository_name))
raise DataModelException(msg)
found.lifetime_end_ts = now_ts
def garbage_collect_tags(repo):
""" Remove all of the tags that have gone past their garbage collection
expiration window, and return a set of image ids which *may* have been
def add_expiration_data(base_query):
expired_clause = get_epoch_timestamp() - Namespace.removed_tag_expiration_s
return (base_query
.join(Namespace, on=(Repository.namespace_user ==
.where(~(RepositoryTag.lifetime_end_ts >> None),
RepositoryTag.lifetime_end_ts <= expired_clause))
return _delete_tags(repo, add_expiration_data)
def purge_all_tags(repo):
""" Remove all tags from the repository, and return a set of all of the images
ids which are now orphaned.
return _delete_tags(repo)
def _delete_tags(repo, query_modifier=None):
""" Garbage collect the tags for a repository and return a set of the image
ids which may now be orphaned.
tags_to_delete_q = (RepositoryTag
.select(, Image.ancestors,
.where(RepositoryTag.repository == repo))
if query_modifier is not None:
tags_to_delete_q = query_modifier(tags_to_delete_q)
tags_to_delete = list(tags_to_delete_q)
if len(tags_to_delete) == 0:
return set()
with db_transaction():
manifests_to_delete = list(TagManifest
.where( << tags_to_delete))
num_deleted_manifests = 0
if len(manifests_to_delete) > 0:
# Find the set of IDs for all the labels to delete.
manifest_labels_query = (TagManifestLabel
.where(TagManifestLabel.repository == repo,
TagManifestLabel.annotated << manifests_to_delete))
label_ids = [manifest_label.label_id for manifest_label in manifest_labels_query]
if label_ids:
# Delete all the mapping entries.
.where(TagManifestLabel.repository == repo,
TagManifestLabel.annotated << manifests_to_delete)
# Delete all the matching labels.
Label.delete().where( << label_ids).execute()
num_deleted_manifests = (TagManifest
.where( << manifests_to_delete)
num_deleted_tags = (RepositoryTag
.where( << tags_to_delete)
logger.debug('Removed %s tags with %s manifests', num_deleted_tags, num_deleted_manifests)
ancestors = reduce(lambda r, l: r | l,
(set(tag.image.ancestor_id_list()) for tag in tags_to_delete))
direct_referenced = { for tag in tags_to_delete}
return ancestors | direct_referenced
def _get_repo_tag_image(tag_name, include_storage, modifier):
query =
if include_storage:
2016-08-26 14:47:59 -04:00
query = (Image
.select(Image, ImageStorage)
images = _tag_alive(modifier(query.where( == tag_name)))
if not images:
raise DataModelException('Unable to find image for tag.')
return images[0]
def get_repo_tag_image(repo, tag_name, include_storage=False):
def modifier(query):
return query.where(RepositoryTag.repository == repo)
return _get_repo_tag_image(tag_name, include_storage, modifier)
def get_tag_image(namespace_name, repository_name, tag_name, include_storage=False):
def modifier(query):
2016-08-26 14:47:59 -04:00
return (query
.where(Namespace.username == namespace_name, == repository_name))
return _get_repo_tag_image(tag_name, include_storage, modifier)
def list_repository_tag_history(repo_obj, page=1, size=100, specific_tag=None):
query = (RepositoryTag
.select(RepositoryTag, Image)
.where(RepositoryTag.repository == repo_obj)
.where(RepositoryTag.hidden == False)
.limit(size + 1)
.offset(size * (page - 1)))
if specific_tag:
query = query.where( == specific_tag)
tags = list(query)
return tags[0:size], len(tags) > size
def revert_tag(repo_obj, tag_name, docker_image_id):
""" Reverts a tag to a specific image ID. """
# Verify that the image ID already existed under this repository under the
# tag.
.where(RepositoryTag.repository == repo_obj)
.where( == tag_name)
.where(Image.docker_image_id == docker_image_id)
except RepositoryTag.DoesNotExist:
raise DataModelException('Cannot revert to unknown or invalid image')
return create_or_update_tag(repo_obj.namespace_user.username,, tag_name,
docker_image_id, reversion=True)
def store_tag_manifest(namespace, repo_name, tag_name, docker_image_id, manifest_digest,
""" Stores a tag manifest for a specific tag name in the database. Returns the TagManifest
object, as well as a boolean indicating whether the TagManifest was created.
with db_transaction():
tag = create_or_update_tag(namespace, repo_name, tag_name, docker_image_id)
manifest = TagManifest.get(digest=manifest_digest)
manifest.tag = tag
return manifest, False
except TagManifest.DoesNotExist:
return TagManifest.create(tag=tag, digest=manifest_digest, json_data=manifest_data), True
def get_active_tag(namespace, repo_name, tag_name):
return _tag_alive(RepositoryTag
.join(Namespace, on=(Repository.namespace_user ==
.where( == tag_name, == repo_name,
Namespace.username == namespace)).get()
def associate_generated_tag_manifest(namespace, repo_name, tag_name, manifest_digest,
tag = get_active_tag(namespace, repo_name, tag_name)
return TagManifest.create(tag=tag, digest=manifest_digest, json_data=manifest_data)
def load_tag_manifest(namespace, repo_name, tag_name):
return (_load_repo_manifests(namespace, repo_name)
.where( == tag_name)
except TagManifest.DoesNotExist:
msg = 'Manifest not found for tag {0} in repo {1}/{2}'.format(tag_name, namespace, repo_name)
raise InvalidManifestException(msg)
def delete_manifest_by_digest(namespace, repo_name, digest):
tag_manifests = list(_load_repo_manifests(namespace, repo_name)
.where(TagManifest.digest == digest))
for tag_manifest in tag_manifests:
delete_tag(namespace, repo_name,
return [tag_manifest.tag for tag_manifest in tag_manifests]
def load_manifest_by_digest(namespace, repo_name, digest):
return (_load_repo_manifests(namespace, repo_name)
.where(TagManifest.digest == digest)
except TagManifest.DoesNotExist:
msg = 'Manifest not found with digest {0} in repo {1}/{2}'.format(digest, namespace, repo_name)
raise InvalidManifestException(msg)
def _load_repo_manifests(namespace, repo_name):
2016-06-15 14:49:03 -04:00
return _tag_alive(TagManifest
.select(TagManifest, RepositoryTag)
.join(Namespace, on=( == Repository.namespace_user))
.where( == repo_name, Namespace.username == namespace))