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import logging
import json
import base64
import datetime
from requests import Request, Session
from config_app.config_util.k8sconfig import KubernetesConfig
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
QE_DEPLOYMENT_LABEL = 'quay-enterprise-component'
class KubernetesAccessorSingleton(object):
""" Singleton allowing access to kubernetes operations """
_instance = None
def __init__(self, kube_config=None):
self.kube_config = kube_config
if kube_config is None:
self.kube_config = KubernetesConfig.from_env()
KubernetesAccessorSingleton._instance = self
def get_instance(cls, kube_config=None):
Singleton getter implementation, returns the instance if one exists, otherwise creates the
instance and ties it to the class.
:return: KubernetesAccessorSingleton
if cls._instance is None:
return cls(kube_config)
return cls._instance
def save_file_as_secret(self, name, file_pointer):
value =
self._update_secret_file(name, value)
def replace_qe_secret(self, new_secret_data):
Removes the old config and replaces it with the new_secret_data as one action
# Check first that the namespace for Quay Enterprise exists. If it does not, report that
# as an error, as it seems to be a common issue.
namespace_url = 'namespaces/%s' % (self.kube_config.qe_namespace)
response = self._execute_k8s_api('GET', namespace_url)
if response.status_code // 100 != 2:
msg = 'A Kubernetes namespace with name `%s` must be created to save config' % self.kube_config.qe_namespace
raise Exception(msg)
# Check if the secret exists. If not, then we create an empty secret and then update the file
# inside.
secret_url = 'namespaces/%s/secrets/%s' % (self.kube_config.qe_namespace, self.kube_config.qe_config_secret)
secret = self._lookup_secret()
if secret is None:
self._assert_success(self._execute_k8s_api('POST', secret_url, {
"kind": "Secret",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": self.kube_config.qe_config_secret
"data": {}
# Update the secret to reflect the file change.
secret['data'] = new_secret_data
self._assert_success(self._execute_k8s_api('PUT', secret_url, secret))
def get_qe_deployments(self):
Returns all deployments matching the label selector provided in the KubeConfig
deployment_selector_url = 'namespaces/%s/deployments?labelSelector=%s%%3D%s' % (
self.kube_config.qe_namespace, QE_DEPLOYMENT_LABEL, self.kube_config.qe_deployment_selector
response = self._execute_k8s_api('GET', deployment_selector_url, api_prefix='apis/extensions/v1beta1')
if response.status_code != 200:
return None
return json.loads(response.text)
def cycle_qe_deployments(self, deployment_names):
Triggers a rollout of all desired deployments in the qe namespace
for name in deployment_names:
logger.debug('Cycling deployment %s', name)
deployment_url = 'namespaces/%s/deployments/%s' % (self.kube_config.qe_namespace, name)
# There is currently no command to simply rolling restart all the pods:
# Instead, we modify the template of the deployment with a dummy env variable to trigger a cycle of the pods
# (based off this comment:
self._assert_success(self._execute_k8s_api('PATCH', deployment_url, {
'spec': {
'template': {
'spec': {
'containers': [{
'name': 'quay-enterprise-app', 'env': [{
'name': 'RESTART_TIME',
'value': str(
}, api_prefix='apis/extensions/v1beta1', content_type='application/strategic-merge-patch+json'))
def _assert_success(self, response):
if response.status_code != 200:
logger.error('Kubernetes API call failed with response: %s => %s', response.status_code,
raise Exception('Kubernetes API call failed: %s' % response.text)
def _update_secret_file(self, relative_file_path, value=None):
if '/' in relative_file_path:
raise Exception('Expected path from get_volume_path, but found slashes')
# Check first that the namespace for Quay Enterprise exists. If it does not, report that
# as an error, as it seems to be a common issue.
namespace_url = 'namespaces/%s' % (self.kube_config.qe_namespace)
response = self._execute_k8s_api('GET', namespace_url)
if response.status_code // 100 != 2:
msg = 'A Kubernetes namespace with name `%s` must be created to save config' % self.kube_config.qe_namespace
raise Exception(msg)
# Check if the secret exists. If not, then we create an empty secret and then update the file
# inside.
secret_url = 'namespaces/%s/secrets/%s' % (self.kube_config.qe_namespace, self.kube_config.qe_config_secret)
secret = self._lookup_secret()
if secret is None:
self._assert_success(self._execute_k8s_api('POST', secret_url, {
"kind": "Secret",
"apiVersion": "v1",
"metadata": {
"name": self.kube_config.qe_config_secret
"data": {}
# Update the secret to reflect the file change.
secret['data'] = secret.get('data', {})
if value is not None:
secret['data'][relative_file_path] = base64.b64encode(value)
self._assert_success(self._execute_k8s_api('PUT', secret_url, secret))
def _lookup_secret(self):
secret_url = 'namespaces/%s/secrets/%s' % (self.kube_config.qe_namespace, self.kube_config.qe_config_secret)
response = self._execute_k8s_api('GET', secret_url)
if response.status_code != 200:
return None
return json.loads(response.text)
def _execute_k8s_api(self, method, relative_url, data=None, api_prefix='api/v1', content_type='application/json'):
headers = {
'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + self.kube_config.service_account_token
if data:
headers['Content-Type'] = content_type
data = json.dumps(data) if data else None
session = Session()
url = 'https://%s/%s/%s' % (self.kube_config.api_host, api_prefix, relative_url)
request = Request(method, url, data=data, headers=headers)
return session.send(request.prepare(), verify=False, timeout=2)