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2019-11-12 11:09:47 -05:00
import { Input, Component, Inject } from 'ng-metadata/core';
import * as moment from "moment";
* A component that allows for selecting a time duration.
selector: 'duration-input',
templateUrl: '/static/js/directives/ui/duration-input/duration-input.component.html'
export class DurationInputComponent implements ng.IComponentController {
@Input('<') public min: string;
@Input('<') public max: string;
@Input('=?') public value: string;
@Input('=?') public seconds: number;
private min_s: number;
private max_s: number;
constructor(@Inject('$scope') private $scope: ng.IScope) {
public $onInit(): void {
// TODO: replace this.
this.$scope.$watch(() => this.seconds, this.updateValue.bind(this));
public $onChanges(changes: ng.IOnChangesObject): void {
private updateValue(): void {
this.value = `${this.seconds}s`;
private refresh(): void {
this.min_s = this.toSeconds(this.min || '0s');
this.max_s = this.toSeconds(this.max || '1h');
if (this.value) {
this.seconds = this.toSeconds(this.value || '0s');
private durationExplanation(durationSeconds: string): string {
return moment.duration(parseInt(durationSeconds), 's').humanize();
private toSeconds(durationStr: string): number {
var number = durationStr.substring(0, durationStr.length - 1);
var suffix = durationStr.substring(durationStr.length - 1);
return moment.duration(parseInt(number), <moment.unitOfTime.Base>suffix).asSeconds();