2017-02-13 17:42:37 -05:00
from datetime import datetime
from mock import Mock
from buildtrigger.gitlabhandler import GitLabBuildTrigger
from util.morecollections import AttrDict
2017-03-21 17:24:11 -04:00
def get_gitlab_trigger(dockerfile_path=''):
2017-02-13 17:42:37 -05:00
trigger_obj = AttrDict(dict(auth_token='foobar', id='sometrigger'))
trigger = GitLabBuildTrigger(trigger_obj, {
'build_source': 'foo/bar',
2017-03-21 17:24:11 -04:00
'dockerfile_path': dockerfile_path,
2017-02-13 17:42:37 -05:00
'username': 'knownuser'
2017-04-21 17:37:00 -04:00
trigger._get_authorized_client = get_mock_gitlab(with_nullavatar=False)
2017-02-13 17:42:37 -05:00
return trigger
def adddeploykey_mock(project_id, name, public_key):
return {'id': 'foo'}
def addprojecthook_mock(project_id, webhook_url, push=False):
return {'id': 'foo'}
def get_currentuser_mock():
return {
'username': 'knownuser'
2017-04-11 15:00:20 -04:00
def project(namespace, name, is_org=False):
2017-05-01 20:00:52 -04:00
project_access = None
if namespace == 'knownuser':
project_access = {
'access_level': 50,
2017-04-11 15:00:20 -04:00
data = {
2017-02-13 17:42:37 -05:00
'id': '%s/%s' % (namespace, name),
'default_branch': 'master',
'namespace': {
'id': namespace,
'path': namespace,
'name': namespace,
'path': name,
'path_with_namespace': '%s/%s' % (namespace, name),
'description': 'some %s repo' % name,
'last_activity_at': str(datetime.utcfromtimestamp(0)),
'web_url': 'https://bitbucket.org/%s/%s' % (namespace, name),
'ssh_url_to_repo': 'git://%s/%s' % (namespace, name),
'public': name != 'somerepo',
'permissions': {
2017-05-01 20:00:52 -04:00
'project_access': project_access,
2017-02-13 17:42:37 -05:00
'owner': {
'avatar_url': 'avatarurl',
2017-04-21 17:37:00 -04:00
if name == 'nullavatar':
del data['owner']['avatar_url']
data['namespace']['avatar'] = None
elif is_org:
2017-04-11 15:00:20 -04:00
del data['owner']['avatar_url']
data['namespace']['avatar'] = {'url': 'avatarurl'}
return data
2017-04-21 17:37:00 -04:00
def getprojects_mock(with_nullavatar=False):
if with_nullavatar:
def _getprojs(page=1, per_page=100):
return [
project('someorg', 'nullavatar', is_org=True),
return _getprojs
def _getprojs(page=1, per_page=100):
return [
project('knownuser', 'somerepo'),
project('someorg', 'somerepo', is_org=True),
project('someorg', 'anotherrepo', is_org=True),
return _getprojs
2017-02-13 17:42:37 -05:00
def getproject_mock(project_name):
if project_name == 'knownuser/somerepo':
return project('knownuser', 'somerepo')
if project_name == 'foo/bar':
2017-04-11 15:00:20 -04:00
return project('foo', 'bar', is_org=True)
2017-02-13 17:42:37 -05:00
return False
def getbranches_mock(project_id):
return [
'name': 'master',
'commit': {
'id': 'aaaaaaa',
'name': 'otherbranch',
'commit': {
'id': 'aaaaaaa',
def getrepositorytags_mock(project_id):
return [
'name': 'sometag',
'commit': {
'id': 'aaaaaaa',
'name': 'someothertag',
'commit': {
'id': 'aaaaaaa',
def getrepositorytree_mock(project_id, ref_name='master'):
return [
{'name': 'README'},
{'name': 'Dockerfile'},
def getrepositorycommit_mock(project_id, commit_sha):
if commit_sha != 'aaaaaaa':
return False
return {
'id': 'aaaaaaa',
'message': 'some message',
'committed_date': 'now',
def getusers_mock(search=None):
if search == 'knownuser':
return [
'username': 'knownuser',
'avatar_url': 'avatarurl',
return False
def getbranch_mock(repo_id, branch):
if branch != 'master' and branch != 'otherbranch':
return False
return {
'name': branch,
'commit': {
'id': 'aaaaaaa',
def gettag_mock(repo_id, tag):
if tag != 'sometag' and tag != 'someothertag':
return False
return {
'name': tag,
'commit': {
'id': 'aaaaaaa',
def getrawfile_mock(repo_id, branch_name, path):
2017-03-07 18:58:28 -05:00
if path == 'Dockerfile':
2017-02-13 17:42:37 -05:00
return 'hello world'
if path == 'somesubdir/Dockerfile':
return 'hi universe'
return False
2017-04-21 17:37:00 -04:00
def get_mock_gitlab(with_nullavatar=False):
def _get_mock():
mock_gitlab = Mock()
mock_gitlab.host = 'https://bitbucket.org'
mock_gitlab.currentuser = Mock(side_effect=get_currentuser_mock)
mock_gitlab.getusers = Mock(side_effect=getusers_mock)
2017-02-13 17:42:37 -05:00
2017-04-21 17:37:00 -04:00
mock_gitlab.getprojects = Mock(side_effect=getprojects_mock(with_nullavatar))
mock_gitlab.getproject = Mock(side_effect=getproject_mock)
mock_gitlab.getbranches = Mock(side_effect=getbranches_mock)
2017-02-13 17:42:37 -05:00
2017-04-21 17:37:00 -04:00
mock_gitlab.getbranch = Mock(side_effect=getbranch_mock)
mock_gitlab.gettag = Mock(side_effect=gettag_mock)
2017-02-13 17:42:37 -05:00
2017-04-21 17:37:00 -04:00
mock_gitlab.getrepositorytags = Mock(side_effect=getrepositorytags_mock)
mock_gitlab.getrepositorytree = Mock(side_effect=getrepositorytree_mock)
mock_gitlab.getrepositorycommit = Mock(side_effect=getrepositorycommit_mock)
2017-02-13 17:42:37 -05:00
2017-04-21 17:37:00 -04:00
mock_gitlab.getrawfile = Mock(side_effect=getrawfile_mock)
2017-02-13 17:42:37 -05:00
2017-04-21 17:37:00 -04:00
mock_gitlab.adddeploykey = Mock(side_effect=adddeploykey_mock)
mock_gitlab.addprojecthook = Mock(side_effect=addprojecthook_mock)
mock_gitlab.deletedeploykey = Mock(return_value=True)
mock_gitlab.deleteprojecthook = Mock(return_value=True)
return mock_gitlab
2017-02-13 17:42:37 -05:00
2017-04-21 17:37:00 -04:00
return _get_mock