import logging
import boto
from Queue import Queue
from threading import Thread
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def send_cloudwatch(metrics, app):
Starts sending from metrics to a new CloudWatchSender.
access_key = app.config['CLOUDWATCH_AWS_ACCESS_KEY']
secret_key = app.config['CLOUDWATCH_AWS_SECRET_KEY']
namespace = app.config['CLOUDWATCH_NAMESPACE']
sender = CloudWatchSender(metrics, access_key, secret_key, namespace)
class CloudWatchSender(Thread):
CloudWatchSender loops indefinitely and pulls metrics off of a queue then sends it to CloudWatch.
def __init__(self, metrics, aws_access_key, aws_secret_key, namespace):
self.daemon = True
self._aws_access_key = aws_access_key
self._aws_secret_key = aws_secret_key
self._metrics = metrics
self._namespace = namespace
def run(self):
logger.debug('Starting CloudWatch sender process.')
connection = boto.connect_cloudwatch(self._aws_access_key, self._aws_secret_key)
logger.exception('Failed to connect to CloudWatch.')
while True:
put_metric_args, kwargs = self._metrics.get()
logger.debug('Got queued put metrics request.')
connection.put_metric_data(self._namespace, *put_metric_args, **kwargs)
logger.exception('Failed to write to CloudWatch')