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2019-11-12 11:09:47 -05:00
import pytest
from httmock import urlmatch, HTTMock, response
from config_app.config_util.k8saccessor import KubernetesAccessorSingleton, _deployment_rollout_status_message
from config_app.config_util.k8sconfig import KubernetesConfig
@pytest.mark.parametrize('deployment_object, expected_status, expected_message', [
({'metadata': {'generation': 1},
'status': {'observedGeneration': 0, 'conditions': []},
'spec': {'replicas': 0}},
'Waiting for deployment spec to be updated...'),
({'metadata': {'generation': 0},
'status': {'observedGeneration': 0, 'conditions': [{'type': 'Progressing', 'reason': 'ProgressDeadlineExceeded'}]},
'spec': {'replicas': 0}},
"Deployment my-deployment's rollout failed. Please try again later."),
({'metadata': {'generation': 0},
'status': {'observedGeneration': 0, 'conditions': []},
'spec': {'replicas': 0}},
'Deployment my-deployment updated (no replicas, so nothing to roll out)'),
({'metadata': {'generation': 0},
'status': {'observedGeneration': 0, 'conditions': [], 'replicas': 1},
'spec': {'replicas': 2}},
'Waiting for rollout to finish: 0 out of 2 new replicas have been updated...'),
({'metadata': {'generation': 0},
'status': {'observedGeneration': 0, 'conditions': [], 'replicas': 1, 'updatedReplicas': 1},
'spec': {'replicas': 2}},
'Waiting for rollout to finish: 1 out of 2 new replicas have been updated...'),
({'metadata': {'generation': 0},
'status': {'observedGeneration': 0, 'conditions': [], 'replicas': 2, 'updatedReplicas': 1},
'spec': {'replicas': 1}},
'Waiting for rollout to finish: 1 old replicas are pending termination...'),
({'metadata': {'generation': 0},
'status': {'observedGeneration': 0, 'conditions': [], 'replicas': 1, 'updatedReplicas': 2, 'availableReplicas': 0},
'spec': {'replicas': 0}},
'Waiting for rollout to finish: 0 of 2 updated replicas are available...'),
({'metadata': {'generation': 0},
'status': {'observedGeneration': 0, 'conditions': [], 'replicas': 1, 'updatedReplicas': 2, 'availableReplicas': 2},
'spec': {'replicas': 0}},
'Deployment my-deployment successfully rolled out.'),
def test_deployment_rollout_status_message(deployment_object, expected_status, expected_message):
deployment_status = _deployment_rollout_status_message(deployment_object, 'my-deployment')
assert deployment_status.status == expected_status
assert deployment_status.message == expected_message
@pytest.mark.parametrize('kube_config, expected_api, expected_query', [
({'api_host': ''},
'/apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/quay-enterprise/deployments', 'labelSelector=quay-enterprise-component%3Dapp'),
({'api_host': '', 'qe_deployment_selector': 'custom-selector'},
({'api_host': '', 'qe_namespace': 'custom-namespace'},
'/apis/extensions/v1beta1/namespaces/custom-namespace/deployments', 'labelSelector=quay-enterprise-component%3Dapp'),
({'api_host': '', 'qe_namespace': 'custom-namespace', 'qe_deployment_selector': 'custom-selector'},
def test_get_qe_deployments(kube_config, expected_api, expected_query):
config = KubernetesConfig(**kube_config)
url_hit = [False]
def handler(request, _):
assert request.path == expected_api
assert request.query == expected_query
url_hit[0] = True
return response(200, '{}')
with HTTMock(handler):
KubernetesAccessorSingleton._instance = None
assert KubernetesAccessorSingleton.get_instance(config).get_qe_deployments() is not None
assert url_hit[0]
@pytest.mark.parametrize('kube_config, deployment_names, expected_api_hits', [
({'api_host': ''}, [], []),
({'api_host': ''}, ['myDeployment'],
({'api_host': '', 'qe_namespace': 'custom-namespace'},
['myDeployment', 'otherDeployment'],
def test_cycle_qe_deployments(kube_config, deployment_names, expected_api_hits):
KubernetesAccessorSingleton._instance = None
config = KubernetesConfig(**kube_config)
url_hit = [False] * len(expected_api_hits)
i = [0]
@urlmatch(netloc=r'', method='PATCH')
def handler(request, _):
assert request.path == expected_api_hits[i[0]]
url_hit[i[0]] = True
i[0] += 1
return response(200, '{}')
with HTTMock(handler):
assert all(url_hit)