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2019-11-12 11:09:47 -05:00
import pytest
from mock import patch, Mock
from httmock import urlmatch, HTTMock
from notifications.notificationmethod import (QuayNotificationMethod, EmailMethod, WebhookMethod,
FlowdockMethod, HipchatMethod, SlackMethod,
from notifications.notificationevent import RepoPushEvent
from notifications.models_interface import Repository
from workers.notificationworker.notificationworker import NotificationWorker
from test.fixtures import *
from workers.notificationworker.models_pre_oci import pre_oci_model as model
def test_basic_notification_endtoend(initialized_db):
# Ensure the public user doesn't have any notifications.
assert not model.user_has_local_notifications('public')
# Add a basic build notification.
notification_uuid = model.create_notification_for_testing('public')
event_data = {}
# Fire off the queue processing.
worker = NotificationWorker(None)
'notification_uuid': notification_uuid,
'event_data': event_data,
# Ensure the notification was handled.
assert model.user_has_local_notifications('public')
@pytest.mark.parametrize('method,method_config,netloc', [
(QuayNotificationMethod, {'target': {'name': 'devtable', 'kind': 'user'}}, None),
(EmailMethod, {'email': ''}, None),
(WebhookMethod, {'url': ''}, ''),
(FlowdockMethod, {'flow_api_token': 'sometoken'}, ''),
(HipchatMethod, {'notification_token': 'token', 'room_id': 'foo'}, ''),
(SlackMethod, {'url': ''}, ''),
def test_notifications(method, method_config, netloc, initialized_db):
url_hit = [False]
def url_handler(_, __):
url_hit[0] = True
return ''
mock = Mock()
def get_mock(*args, **kwargs):
return mock
with patch('notifications.notificationmethod.Message', get_mock):
with HTTMock(url_handler):
# Add a basic build notification.
notification_uuid = model.create_notification_for_testing('public',
event_data = RepoPushEvent().get_sample_data('devtable', 'simple', {})
# Fire off the queue processing.
worker = NotificationWorker(None)
'notification_uuid': notification_uuid,
'event_data': event_data,
'performer_data': {},
if netloc is not None:
assert url_hit[0]