2015-02-20 18:15:48 -05:00
(function() {
* User admin/settings page.
angular.module('quayPages').config(['pages', function(pages) {
2015-02-23 14:23:54 -05:00
pages.create('user-admin', 'user-admin.html', UserAdminCtrl, {
'title': 'User Settings'
2015-02-20 18:15:48 -05:00
function UserAdminCtrl($scope, $timeout, $location, ApiService, PlanService, UserService, CookieService, KeyService,
$routeParams, $http, UIService, Features, Config) {
$scope.Features = Features;
if ($routeParams['migrate']) {
UserService.updateUserIn($scope, function(user) {
$scope.cuser = jQuery.extend({}, user);
if ($scope.cuser.logins) {
for (var i = 0; i < $scope.cuser.logins.length; i++) {
var login = $scope.cuser.logins[i];
login.metadata = login.metadata || {};
if (login.service == 'github') {
$scope.hasGithubLogin = true;
$scope.githubLogin = login.metadata['service_username'];
$scope.githubEndpoint = KeyService['githubEndpoint'];
if (login.service == 'google') {
$scope.hasGoogleLogin = true;
$scope.googleLogin = login.metadata['service_username'];
$scope.readyForPlan = function() {
// Show the subscribe dialog if a plan was requested.
return $routeParams['plan'];
$scope.loading = true;
$scope.updatingUser = false;
$scope.changePasswordSuccess = false;
$scope.changeEmailSent = false;
$scope.convertStep = 0;
$scope.org = {};
$scope.githubRedirectUri = KeyService.githubRedirectUri;
$scope.authorizedApps = null;
$scope.logsShown = 0;
$scope.invoicesShown = 0;
$scope.loadAuthedApps = function() {
if ($scope.authorizedApps) { return; }
ApiService.listUserAuthorizations().then(function(resp) {
$scope.authorizedApps = resp['authorizations'];
$scope.deleteAccess = function(accessTokenInfo) {
var params = {
'access_token_uuid': accessTokenInfo['uuid']
ApiService.deleteUserAuthorization(null, params).then(function(resp) {
$scope.authorizedApps.splice($scope.authorizedApps.indexOf(accessTokenInfo), 1);
}, ApiService.errorDisplay('Could not revoke authorization'));
$scope.loadLogs = function() {
if (!$scope.hasPaidBusinessPlan) { return; }
$scope.loadInvoices = function() {
$scope.planChanged = function(plan) {
$scope.hasPaidPlan = plan && plan.price > 0;
$scope.hasPaidBusinessPlan = PlanService.isOrgCompatible(plan) && plan.price > 0;
$scope.showConvertForm = function() {
if (Features.BILLING) {
PlanService.getMatchingBusinessPlan(function(plan) {
$scope.org.plan = plan;
PlanService.getPlans(function(plans) {
$scope.orgPlans = plans;
$scope.convertStep = 1;
$scope.convertToOrg = function() {
$scope.reallyConvert = function() {
if (Config.AUTHENTICATION_TYPE != 'Database') { return; }
$scope.loading = true;
var data = {
'adminUser': $scope.org.adminUser,
'adminPassword': $scope.org.adminPassword,
'plan': $scope.org.plan ? $scope.org.plan.stripeId : ''
ApiService.convertUserToOrganization(data).then(function(resp) {
CookieService.putPermanent('quay.namespace', $scope.cuser.username);
}, function(resp) {
$scope.loading = false;
if (resp.data.reason == 'invaliduser') {
} else {
$scope.changeUsername = function() {
$scope.updatingUser = true;
ApiService.changeUserDetails($scope.cuser).then(function() {
$scope.updatingUser = false;
// Reset the form.
delete $scope.cuser['username'];
}, function(result) {
$scope.updatingUser = false;
UIService.showFormError('#changeUsernameForm', result);
$scope.changeEmail = function() {
$scope.updatingUser = true;
$scope.changeEmailSent = false;
ApiService.changeUserDetails($scope.cuser).then(function() {
$scope.updatingUser = false;
$scope.changeEmailSent = true;
$scope.sentEmail = $scope.cuser.email;
// Reset the form.
delete $scope.cuser['email'];
}, function(result) {
$scope.updatingUser = false;
UIService.showFormError('#changeEmailForm', result);
$scope.changePassword = function() {
$scope.updatingUser = true;
$scope.changePasswordSuccess = false;
ApiService.changeUserDetails($scope.cuser).then(function(resp) {
$scope.updatingUser = false;
$scope.changePasswordSuccess = true;
// Reset the form
delete $scope.cuser['password']
delete $scope.cuser['repeatPassword']
// Reload the user.
}, function(result) {
$scope.updatingUser = false;
UIService.showFormError('#changePasswordForm', result);
$scope.detachExternalLogin = function(kind) {
var params = {
'servicename': kind
ApiService.detachExternalLogin(null, params).then(function() {
$scope.hasGithubLogin = false;
$scope.hasGoogleLogin = false;
}, ApiService.errorDisplay('Count not detach service'));