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import json
import logging
import uuid
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from six import add_metaclass
from alembic import op
from sqlalchemy import text
from util.abchelpers import nooper
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def escape_table_name(table_name):
if op.get_bind() == 'postgresql':
# Needed for the `user` table.
return '"%s"' % table_name
return table_name
class DataTypes(object):
def DateTime():
def Date():
def String():
return 'somestringvalue'
def UTF8Char():
return 'some other value'
def UUID():
return str(uuid.uuid4())
def JSON():
return json.dumps(dict(foo='bar', baz='meh'))
def Boolean():
if op.get_bind() == 'postgresql':
return True
return 1
def BigInteger():
return 21474836470
def Integer():
return 42
def Foreign(table_name):
def get_index():
result = op.get_bind().execute("SELECT id FROM %s LIMIT 1" % escape_table_name(table_name))
return list(result)[0][0]
except IndexError:
raise Exception('Could not find row for table %s' % table_name)
return get_index
class MigrationTester(object):
""" Implements an interface for adding testing capabilities to the
data model migration system in Alembic.
TestDataType = DataTypes
def populate_table(self, table_name, fields):
""" Called to populate a table with the given fields filled in with testing data. """
def populate_column(self, table_name, col_name, field_type):
""" Called to populate a column in a table to be filled in with testing data. """
class NoopTester(MigrationTester):
""" No-op version of the tester, designed for production workloads. """
class PopulateTestDataTester(MigrationTester):
def populate_table(self, table_name, fields):
columns = {field_name: field_type() for field_name, field_type in fields}
field_name_vars = [':' + field_name for field_name, _ in fields]
if op.get_bind() == 'postgresql':
field_names = ["%s" % field_name for field_name, _ in fields]
field_names = ["`%s`" % field_name for field_name, _ in fields]
table_name = escape_table_name(table_name)
query = text('INSERT INTO %s (%s) VALUES (%s)' % (table_name, ', '.join(field_names),
', '.join(field_name_vars)))"Executing test query %s with values %s", query, columns.values())
op.get_bind().execute(query, **columns)
def populate_column(self, table_name, col_name, field_type):
col_value = field_type()
row_id = DataTypes.Foreign(table_name)()
table_name = escape_table_name(table_name)
update_text = text("UPDATE %s SET %s=:col_value where ID=:row_id" % (table_name, col_name))"Executing test query %s with value %s on row %s", update_text, col_value, row_id)
op.get_bind().execute(update_text, col_value=col_value, row_id=row_id)