2019-11-12 16:09:47 +00:00
import os
import re
import traceback
import fnmatch
import logging.config
2019-11-13 19:50:33 +00:00
from prometheus_client import Gauge
2019-11-12 16:09:47 +00:00
import features
2019-11-13 19:50:33 +00:00
from app import app
2019-11-12 16:09:47 +00:00
from data import database
from data.model.repo_mirror import claim_mirror, release_mirror
from data.logs_model import logs_model
from data.registry_model import registry_model
from data.database import RepoMirrorStatus
from data.model.oci.tag import delete_tag, retarget_tag, lookup_alive_tags_shallow
from notifications import spawn_notification
from util.audit import wrap_repository
from workers.repomirrorworker.repo_mirror_model import repo_mirror_model as model
2019-11-13 19:50:33 +00:00
2019-11-12 16:09:47 +00:00
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
2019-11-13 19:50:33 +00:00
unmirrored_repositories = Gauge('quay_repository_rows_unmirrored',
'number of repositories in the database that have not yet been mirrored')
2019-11-12 16:09:47 +00:00
class PreemptedException(Exception):
""" Exception raised if another worker analyzed the image before this worker was able to do so.
class RepoMirrorSkopeoException(Exception):
""" Exception from skopeo
def __init__(self, message, stdout, stderr):
self.message = message
self.stdout = stdout
self.stderr = stderr
def process_mirrors(skopeo, token=None):
""" Performs mirroring of repositories whose last sync time is greater than sync interval.
If a token is provided, scanning will begin where the token indicates it previously completed.
if not features.REPO_MIRROR:
logger.debug('Repository mirror disabled; skipping RepoMirrorWorker process_mirrors')
return None
iterator, next_token = model.repositories_to_mirror(start_token=token)
if iterator is None:
logger.debug('Found no additional repositories to mirror')
return next_token
with database.UseThenDisconnect(app.config):
for mirror, abt, num_remaining in iterator:
perform_mirror(skopeo, mirror)
except PreemptedException:
logger.info('Another repository mirror worker pre-empted us for repository: %s', mirror.id)
except Exception as e: # TODO: define exceptions
logger.exception('Repository Mirror service unavailable')
return None
2019-11-13 19:50:33 +00:00
2019-11-12 16:09:47 +00:00
return next_token
def perform_mirror(skopeo, mirror):
"""Run mirror on all matching tags of remote repository."""
if os.getenv('DEBUGLOG', 'false').lower() == 'true':
verbose_logs = True
verbose_logs = False
mirror = claim_mirror(mirror)
if (mirror == None):
raise PreemptedException
emit_log(mirror, "repo_mirror_sync_started", "start", "'%s' with tag pattern '%s'" % (mirror.external_reference,
# Fetch the tags to mirror, being careful to handle exceptions. The 'Exception' is safety net only, allowing
# easy communication by user through bug report.
tags = []
tags = tags_to_mirror(skopeo, mirror)
except RepoMirrorSkopeoException as e:
emit_log(mirror, "repo_mirror_sync_failed", "end",
"'%s' with tag pattern '%s': %s" % (mirror.external_reference, ",".join(mirror.root_rule.rule_value), e.message),
tags=", ".join(tags), stdout=e.stdout, stderr=e.stderr)
release_mirror(mirror, RepoMirrorStatus.FAIL)
except Exception as e:
emit_log(mirror, "repo_mirror_sync_failed", "end",
"'%s' with tag pattern '%s': INTERNAL ERROR" % (mirror.external_reference, ",".join(mirror.root_rule.rule_value)),
tags=", ".join(tags), stdout="Not applicable", stderr=traceback.format_exc(e))
release_mirror(mirror, RepoMirrorStatus.FAIL)
if tags == []:
emit_log(mirror, "repo_mirror_sync_success", "end",
"'%s' with tag pattern '%s'" % (mirror.external_reference, ",".join(mirror.root_rule.rule_value)),
tags="No tags matched")
release_mirror(mirror, RepoMirrorStatus.SUCCESS)
# Sync tags
now_ms = database.get_epoch_timestamp_ms()
overall_status = RepoMirrorStatus.SUCCESS
delete_obsolete_tags(mirror, tags)
username = (mirror.external_registry_username.decrypt()
if mirror.external_registry_username else None)
password = (mirror.external_registry_password.decrypt()
if mirror.external_registry_password else None)
dest_server = app.config.get('REPO_MIRROR_SERVER_HOSTNAME', None) or app.config['SERVER_HOSTNAME']
for tag in tags:
src_image = "docker://%s:%s" % (mirror.external_reference, tag)
dest_image = "docker://%s/%s/%s:%s" % (dest_server,
mirror.repository.name, tag)
with database.CloseForLongOperation(app.config):
result = skopeo.copy(src_image, dest_image,
src_tls_verify=mirror.external_registry_config.get('tls_verify', True),
dest_tls_verify=app.config.get('REPO_MIRROR_TLS_VERIFY', True), # TODO: is this a config choice or something else?
proxy=mirror.external_registry_config.get('proxy', {}),
if not result.success:
overall_status = RepoMirrorStatus.FAIL
emit_log(mirror, "repo_mirror_sync_tag_failed", "finish", "Source '%s' failed to sync" % src_image,
tag=tag, stdout=result.stdout, stderr=result.stderr)
logger.info("Source '%s' failed to sync." % src_image)
emit_log(mirror, "repo_mirror_sync_tag_success", "finish", "Source '%s' successful sync" % src_image,
tag=tag, stdout=result.stdout, stderr=result.stderr)
logger.info("Source '%s' successful sync." % src_image)
mirror = claim_mirror(mirror)
if mirror is None:
emit_log(mirror, "repo_mirror_sync_failed", "lost",
"'%s' with tag pattern '%s'" % (mirror.external_reference, ",".join(mirror.root_rule.rule_value)))
except Exception as e:
overall_status = RepoMirrorStatus.FAIL
emit_log(mirror, "repo_mirror_sync_failed", "end",
"'%s' with tag pattern '%s': INTERNAL ERROR" % (mirror.external_reference, ",".join(mirror.root_rule.rule_value)),
tags=", ".join(tags), stdout="Not applicable", stderr=traceback.format_exc(e))
release_mirror(mirror, overall_status)
if overall_status == RepoMirrorStatus.FAIL:
emit_log(mirror, "repo_mirror_sync_failed", "lost",
"'%s' with tag pattern '%s'" % (mirror.external_reference, ",".join(mirror.root_rule.rule_value)))
rollback(mirror, now_ms)
emit_log(mirror, "repo_mirror_sync_success", "end",
"'%s' with tag pattern '%s'" % (mirror.external_reference, ",".join(mirror.root_rule.rule_value)),
tags=", ".join(tags))
release_mirror(mirror, overall_status)
return overall_status
def tags_to_mirror(skopeo, mirror):
all_tags = get_all_tags(skopeo, mirror)
if all_tags == []:
return []
matching_tags = []
for pattern in mirror.root_rule.rule_value:
matching_tags = matching_tags + filter(lambda tag: fnmatch.fnmatch(tag, pattern), all_tags)
matching_tags = list(set(matching_tags))
return matching_tags
def get_all_tags(skopeo, mirror):
verbose_logs = os.getenv('DEBUGLOG', 'false').lower() == 'true'
username = (mirror.external_registry_username.decrypt()
if mirror.external_registry_username else None)
password = (mirror.external_registry_password.decrypt()
if mirror.external_registry_password else None)
with database.CloseForLongOperation(app.config):
result = skopeo.tags("docker://%s" % (mirror.external_reference),
tls_verify=mirror.external_registry_config.get('tls_verify', True),
proxy=mirror.external_registry_config.get('proxy', {}))
if not result.success:
raise RepoMirrorSkopeoException("skopeo inspect failed: %s" % _skopeo_inspect_failure(result),
result.stdout, result.stderr)
return result.tags
def _skopeo_inspect_failure(result):
Custom processing of skopeo error messages for user friendly description
:param result: SkopeoResults object
:return: Message to display
lines = result.stderr.split("\n")
for line in lines:
if re.match('.*Error reading manifest.*', line):
return "No matching tags, including 'latest', to inspect for tags list"
return "See output"
def rollback(mirror, since_ms):
:param mirror: Mirror to perform rollback on
:param start_time: Time mirror was started; all changes after will be undone
repository_ref = registry_model.lookup_repository(mirror.repository.namespace_user.username,
tags, has_more = registry_model.list_repository_tag_history(repository_ref, 1, 100, since_time_ms=since_ms)
for tag in tags:
logger.debug("Repo mirroring rollback tag '%s'" % tag)
# If the tag has an end time, it was either deleted or moved.
if tag.lifetime_end_ms:
# If a future entry exists with a start time equal to the end time for this tag,
# then the action was a move, rather than a delete and a create.
newer_tag = filter(lambda t: tag != t and tag.name == t.name and tag.lifetime_end_ms and
t.lifetime_start_ms == tag.lifetime_end_ms, tags)[0]
if (newer_tag):
logger.debug("Repo mirroring rollback revert tag '%s'" % tag)
retarget_tag(tag.name, tag.manifest._db_id, is_reversion=True)
logger.debug("Repo mirroring recreate tag '%s'" % tag)
retarget_tag(tag.name, tag.manifest._db_id, is_reversion=True)
# If the tag has a start time, it was created.
elif tag.lifetime_start_ms:
logger.debug("Repo mirroring rollback delete tag '%s'" % tag)
delete_tag(mirror.repository, tag.name)
def delete_obsolete_tags(mirror, tags):
existing_tags = lookup_alive_tags_shallow(mirror.repository.id)
obsolete_tags = list(filter(lambda tag: tag.name not in tags, existing_tags))
for tag in obsolete_tags:
delete_tag(mirror.repository, tag.name)
return obsolete_tags
# TODO: better to call 'track_and_log()' https://jira.coreos.com/browse/QUAY-1821
def emit_log(mirror, log_kind, verb, message, tag=None, tags=None, stdout=None, stderr=None):
logs_model.log_action(log_kind, namespace_name=mirror.repository.namespace_user.username,
metadata={"verb": verb,
"namespace": mirror.repository.namespace_user.username,
"repo": mirror.repository.name,
"message": message,
"tag": tag,
"tags": tags,
"stdout": stdout, "stderr": stderr})
if log_kind in ("repo_mirror_sync_started", "repo_mirror_sync_failed", "repo_mirror_sync_success"):
spawn_notification(wrap_repository(mirror.repository), log_kind, {'message': message})