This repository has been archived on 2020-03-24. You can view files and clone it, but cannot push or open issues or pull requests.

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2019-11-12 11:09:47 -05:00
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import logging
from email.utils import parsedate_tz, mktime_tz
from datetime import datetime
from jsonschema import ValidationError
from flask import request
import features
from auth.auth_context import get_authenticated_user
from data import model
from endpoints.api import (RepositoryParamResource, nickname, path_param, require_repo_admin,
resource, validate_json_request, define_json_response, show_if,
from endpoints.exception import NotFound
from util.audit import track_and_log, wrap_repository
from util.names import parse_robot_username
common_properties = {
'is_enabled': {
'type': 'boolean',
'description': 'Used to enable or disable synchronizations.',
'external_reference': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Location of the external repository.'
'external_registry_username': {
'type': ['string', 'null'],
'description': 'Username used to authenticate with external registry.',
'external_registry_password': {
'type': ['string', 'null'],
'description': 'Password used to authenticate with external registry.',
'sync_start_date': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Determines the next time this repository is ready for synchronization.',
'sync_interval': {
'type': 'integer',
'minimum': 0,
'description': 'Number of seconds after next_start_date to begin synchronizing.'
'robot_username': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Username of robot which will be used for image pushes.'
'root_rule': {
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Tag mirror rule',
'required': [
'properties': {
'rule_type': {
'type': 'string',
'description': 'Rule type must be "TAG_GLOB_CSV"'
'rule_value': {
'type': 'array',
'description': 'Array of tag patterns',
'items': {
'type': 'string'
'description': 'A list of glob-patterns used to determine which tags should be synchronized.'
'external_registry_config': {
'type': 'object',
'properties': {
'verify_tls': {
'type': 'boolean',
'description': (
'Determines whether HTTPs is required and the certificate is verified when '
'communicating with the external repository.'
'proxy': {
'type': 'object',
'description': 'Proxy configuration for use during synchronization.',
'properties': {
'https_proxy': {
'type': ['string', 'null'],
'description': 'Value for HTTPS_PROXY environment variable during sync.'
'http_proxy': {
'type': ['string', 'null'],
'description': 'Value for HTTP_PROXY environment variable during sync.'
'no_proxy': {
'type': ['string', 'null'],
'description': 'Value for NO_PROXY environment variable during sync.'
@path_param('repository', 'The full path of the repository. e.g. namespace/name')
class RepoMirrorSyncNowResource(RepositoryParamResource):
""" A resource for managing RepoMirrorConfig.sync_status """
def post(self, namespace_name, repository_name):
""" Update the sync_status for a given Repository's mirroring configuration. """
repo = model.repository.get_repository(namespace_name, repository_name)
if not repo:
raise NotFound()
mirror = model.repo_mirror.get_mirror(repository=repo)
if not mirror:
raise NotFound()
if mirror and model.repo_mirror.update_sync_status_to_sync_now(mirror):
track_and_log('repo_mirror_config_changed', wrap_repository(repo), changed="sync_status", to="SYNC_NOW")
return '', 204
raise NotFound()
@path_param('repository', 'The full path of the repository. e.g. namespace/name')
class RepoMirrorSyncCancelResource(RepositoryParamResource):
""" A resource for managing RepoMirrorConfig.sync_status """
def post(self, namespace_name, repository_name):
""" Update the sync_status for a given Repository's mirroring configuration. """
repo = model.repository.get_repository(namespace_name, repository_name)
if not repo:
raise NotFound()
mirror = model.repo_mirror.get_mirror(repository=repo)
if not mirror:
raise NotFound()
if mirror and model.repo_mirror.update_sync_status_to_cancel(mirror):
track_and_log('repo_mirror_config_changed', wrap_repository(repo), changed="sync_status", to="SYNC_CANCEL")
return '', 204
raise NotFound()
@path_param('repository', 'The full path of the repository. e.g. namespace/name')
class RepoMirrorResource(RepositoryParamResource):
Resource for managing repository mirroring.
schemas = {
'CreateMirrorConfig': {
'description': 'Create the repository mirroring configuration.',
'type': 'object',
'required': [
'properties': common_properties
'UpdateMirrorConfig': {
'description': 'Update the repository mirroring configuration.',
'type': 'object',
'properties': common_properties
'ViewMirrorConfig': {
'description': 'View the repository mirroring configuration.',
'type': 'object',
'required': [
'properties': common_properties
def get(self, namespace_name, repository_name):
""" Return the Mirror configuration for a given Repository. """
repo = model.repository.get_repository(namespace_name, repository_name)
if not repo:
raise NotFound()
mirror = model.repo_mirror.get_mirror(repo)
if not mirror:
raise NotFound()
# Transformations
rules = mirror.root_rule.rule_value
username = self._decrypt_username(mirror.external_registry_username)
sync_start_date = self._dt_to_string(mirror.sync_start_date)
sync_expiration_date = self._dt_to_string(mirror.sync_expiration_date)
robot = mirror.internal_robot.username if mirror.internal_robot is not None else None
return {
'is_enabled': mirror.is_enabled,
'external_reference': mirror.external_reference,
'external_registry_username': username,
'external_registry_config': mirror.external_registry_config or {},
'sync_interval': mirror.sync_interval,
'sync_start_date': sync_start_date,
'sync_expiration_date': sync_expiration_date,
'sync_retries_remaining': mirror.sync_retries_remaining,
'root_rule': {
'rule_type': 'TAG_GLOB_CSV',
'rule_value': rules
'robot_username': robot,
def post(self, namespace_name, repository_name):
""" Create a RepoMirrorConfig for a given Repository. """
# TODO: Tidy up this function
# TODO: Specify only the data we want to pass on when creating the RepoMirrorConfig. Avoid
# the possibility of data injection.
repo = model.repository.get_repository(namespace_name, repository_name)
if not repo:
raise NotFound()
if model.repo_mirror.get_mirror(repo):
return {'detail': 'Mirror configuration already exits for repository %s/%s' % (
namespace_name, repository_name)}, 409
data = request.get_json()
data['sync_start_date'] = self._string_to_dt(data['sync_start_date'])
rule = model.repo_mirror.create_rule(repo, data['root_rule']['rule_value'])
del data['root_rule']
# Verify the robot is part of the Repository's namespace
robot = self._setup_robot_for_mirroring(namespace_name, repository_name, data['robot_username'])
del data['robot_username']
mirror = model.repo_mirror.enable_mirroring_for_repository(repo, root_rule=rule,
internal_robot=robot, **data)
if mirror:
track_and_log('repo_mirror_config_changed', wrap_repository(repo), changed='external_reference', to=data['external_reference'])
return '', 201
# TODO: Determine appropriate Response
return {'detail': 'RepoMirrorConfig already exists for this repository.'}, 409
def put(self, namespace_name, repository_name):
""" Allow users to modifying the repository's mirroring configuration. """
values = request.get_json()
repo = model.repository.get_repository(namespace_name, repository_name)
if not repo:
raise NotFound()
mirror = model.repo_mirror.get_mirror(repo)
if not mirror:
raise NotFound()
if 'is_enabled' in values:
if values['is_enabled'] == True:
if model.repo_mirror.enable_mirror(repo):
track_and_log('repo_mirror_config_changed', wrap_repository(repo), changed='is_enabled', to=True)
if values['is_enabled'] == False:
if model.repo_mirror.disable_mirror(repo):
track_and_log('repo_mirror_config_changed', wrap_repository(repo), changed='is_enabled', to=False)
if 'external_reference' in values:
if values['external_reference'] == '':
return {'detail': 'Empty string is an invalid repository location.'}, 400
if model.repo_mirror.change_remote(repo, values['external_reference']):
track_and_log('repo_mirror_config_changed', wrap_repository(repo), changed='external_reference', to=values['external_reference'])
if 'robot_username' in values:
robot_username = values['robot_username']
robot = self._setup_robot_for_mirroring(namespace_name, repository_name, robot_username)
if model.repo_mirror.set_mirroring_robot(repo, robot):
track_and_log('repo_mirror_config_changed', wrap_repository(repo), changed='robot_username', to=robot_username)
if 'sync_start_date' in values:
sync_start_date = self._string_to_dt(values['sync_start_date'])
except ValueError as e:
return {'detail': 'Incorrect DateTime format for sync_start_date.'}, 400
if model.repo_mirror.change_sync_start_date(repo, sync_start_date):
track_and_log('repo_mirror_config_changed', wrap_repository(repo), changed='sync_start_date', to=sync_start_date)
if 'sync_interval' in values:
if model.repo_mirror.change_sync_interval(repo, values['sync_interval']):
track_and_log('repo_mirror_config_changed', wrap_repository(repo), changed='sync_interval', to=values['sync_interval'])
if 'external_registry_username' in values and 'external_registry_password' in values:
username = values['external_registry_username']
password = values['external_registry_password']
if username is None and password is not None:
return {'detail': 'Unable to delete username while setting a password.'}, 400
if model.repo_mirror.change_credentials(repo, username, password):
track_and_log('repo_mirror_config_changed', wrap_repository(repo), changed='external_registry_username', to=username)
if password is None:
track_and_log('repo_mirror_config_changed', wrap_repository(repo), changed='external_registry_password', to=None)
track_and_log('repo_mirror_config_changed', wrap_repository(repo), changed='external_registry_password', to="********")
elif 'external_registry_username' in values:
username = values['external_registry_username']
if model.repo_mirror.change_username(repo, username):
track_and_log('repo_mirror_config_changed', wrap_repository(repo), changed='external_registry_username', to=username)
# Do not allow specifying a password without setting a username
if 'external_registry_password' in values and 'external_registry_username' not in values:
return {'detail': 'Unable to set a new password without also specifying a username.'}, 400
if 'external_registry_config' in values:
external_registry_config = values.get('external_registry_config', {})
if 'verify_tls' in external_registry_config:
updates = {'verify_tls': external_registry_config['verify_tls']}
if model.repo_mirror.change_external_registry_config(repo, updates):
track_and_log('repo_mirror_config_changed', wrap_repository(repo), changed='verify_tls', to=external_registry_config['verify_tls'])
if 'proxy' in external_registry_config:
proxy_values = external_registry_config.get('proxy', {})
if 'http_proxy' in proxy_values:
updates = {'proxy': {'http_proxy': proxy_values['http_proxy']}}
if model.repo_mirror.change_external_registry_config(repo, updates):
track_and_log('repo_mirror_config_changed', wrap_repository(repo), changed='http_proxy', to=proxy_values['http_proxy'])
if 'https_proxy' in proxy_values:
updates = {'proxy': {'https_proxy': proxy_values['https_proxy']}}
if model.repo_mirror.change_external_registry_config(repo, updates):
track_and_log('repo_mirror_config_changed', wrap_repository(repo), changed='https_proxy', to=proxy_values['https_proxy'])
if 'no_proxy' in proxy_values:
updates = {'proxy': {'no_proxy': proxy_values['no_proxy']}}
if model.repo_mirror.change_external_registry_config(repo, updates):
track_and_log('repo_mirror_config_changed', wrap_repository(repo), changed='no_proxy', to=proxy_values['no_proxy'])
return '', 201
def _setup_robot_for_mirroring(self, namespace_name, repo_name, robot_username):
""" Validate robot exists and give write permissions. """
robot = model.user.lookup_robot(robot_username)
assert robot.robot
namespace, _ = parse_robot_username(robot_username)
if namespace != namespace_name:
raise model.DataModelException('Invalid robot')
# Ensure the robot specified has access to the repository. If not, grant it.
permissions = model.permission.get_user_repository_permissions(robot, namespace_name, repo_name)
if not permissions or permissions[0] == 'read':
model.permission.set_user_repo_permission(robot.username, namespace_name, repo_name, 'write')
return robot
def _string_to_dt(self, string):
""" Convert String to correct DateTime format. """
if string is None:
return None
# TODO: Use RFC2822. This doesn't work consistently.
# TODO: Move this to same module as `format_date` once fixed.
tup = parsedate_tz(string)
if len(tup) == 8:
tup = tup + (0,) # If TimeZone is omitted, assume UTC
ts = mktime_tz(tup)
dt = datetime.fromtimestamp(ts, pytz.UTC)
return dt
assert isinstance(string, (str, unicode))
dt = datetime.strptime(string, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
return dt
def _dt_to_string(self, dt):
""" Convert DateTime to correctly formatted String."""
if dt is None:
return None
# TODO: Use RFC2822. Need to make it work bi-directionally.
return format_date(dt)
assert isinstance(dt, datetime)
string = dt.isoformat() + 'Z'
return string
def _decrypt_username(self, username):
if username is None:
return None
return username.decrypt()
class ManageRepoMirrorRule(RepositoryParamResource):
Operations to manage a single Repository Mirroring Rule.
TODO: At the moment, we are only dealing with a single rule associated with the mirror.
This should change to update the rule and address it using its UUID.
schemas = {
'MirrorRule': {
'type': 'object',
'description': 'A rule used to define how a repository is mirrored.',
'required': ['root_rule'],
'properties': {
'root_rule': common_properties['root_rule']
def put(self, namespace_name, repository_name):
Update an existing RepoMirrorRule
repo = model.repository.get_repository(namespace_name, repository_name)
if not repo:
raise NotFound()
rule = model.repo_mirror.get_root_rule(repo)
if not rule:
return {'detail': 'The rule appears to be missing.'}, 400
data = request.get_json()
if model.repo_mirror.change_rule_value(rule, data['root_rule']['rule_value']):
track_and_log('repo_mirror_config_changed', wrap_repository(repo), changed="mirror_rule", to=data['root_rule']['rule_value'])
return 200
return {'detail': 'Unable to update rule.'}, 400