2019-11-12 11:09:47 -05:00
import hashlib
import json
import logging
import os
from functools import partial
from Crypto.PublicKey import RSA
from flask import Flask, request, Request
from flask_login import LoginManager
from flask_mail import Mail
from flask_principal import Principal
from jwkest.jwk import RSAKey
from werkzeug.contrib.fixers import ProxyFix
from werkzeug.exceptions import HTTPException
import features
from avatars.avatars import Avatar
from buildman.manager.buildcanceller import BuildCanceller
from data import database
from data import model
from data import logs_model
from data.archivedlogs import LogArchive
from data.billing import Billing
from data.buildlogs import BuildLogs
from data.cache import get_model_cache
from data.model.user import LoginWrappedDBUser
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from data.queue import WorkQueue
2019-11-12 11:09:47 -05:00
from data.userevent import UserEventsBuilderModule
from data.userfiles import Userfiles
from data.users import UserAuthentication
from data.registry_model import registry_model
from path_converters import RegexConverter, RepositoryPathConverter, APIRepositoryPathConverter
from oauth.services.github import GithubOAuthService
from oauth.services.gitlab import GitLabOAuthService
from oauth.loginmanager import OAuthLoginManager
from storage import Storage
from util.config import URLSchemeAndHostname
from util.log import filter_logs
from util import get_app_url
from util.secscan.secscan_util import get_blob_download_uri_getter
from util.ipresolver import IPResolver
from util.saas.analytics import Analytics
from util.saas.useranalytics import UserAnalytics
from util.saas.exceptionlog import Sentry
from util.names import urn_generator
from util.config.configutil import generate_secret_key
from util.config.superusermanager import SuperUserManager
from util.label_validator import LabelValidator
from util.metrics.prometheus import PrometheusPlugin
from util.secscan.api import SecurityScannerAPI
from util.repomirror.api import RepoMirrorAPI
from util.tufmetadata.api import TUFMetadataAPI
from util.security.instancekeys import InstanceKeys
from util.security.signing import Signer
2019-11-13 14:50:33 -05:00
from util.greenlet_tracing import enable_tracing
2019-11-12 11:09:47 -05:00
OVERRIDE_CONFIG_YAML_FILENAME = os.path.join(CONF_DIR, 'stack/config.yaml')
OVERRIDE_CONFIG_PY_FILENAME = os.path.join(CONF_DIR, 'stack/config.py')
app = Flask(__name__)
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# Instantiate the configuration.
is_testing = IS_TESTING
is_kubernetes = IS_KUBERNETES
is_building = IS_BUILDING
if is_testing:
from test.testconfig import TestConfig
logger.debug('Loading test config.')
from config import DefaultConfig
logger.debug('Loading default config.')
# Load the override config via the provider.
# Update any configuration found in the override environment variable.
environ_config = json.loads(os.environ.get(OVERRIDE_CONFIG_KEY, '{}'))
# Fix remote address handling for Flask.
if app.config.get('PROXY_COUNT', 1):
app.wsgi_app = ProxyFix(app.wsgi_app, num_proxies=app.config.get('PROXY_COUNT', 1))
# Ensure the V3 upgrade key is specified correctly. If not, simply fail.
# TODO: Remove for V3.1.
if not is_testing and not is_building and app.config.get('SETUP_COMPLETE', False):
v3_upgrade_mode = app.config.get('V3_UPGRADE_MODE')
if v3_upgrade_mode is None:
raise Exception('Configuration flag `V3_UPGRADE_MODE` must be set. Please check the upgrade docs')
if (v3_upgrade_mode != 'background'
and v3_upgrade_mode != 'complete'
and v3_upgrade_mode != 'production-transition'
and v3_upgrade_mode != 'post-oci-rollout'
and v3_upgrade_mode != 'post-oci-roll-back-compat'):
raise Exception('Invalid value for config `V3_UPGRADE_MODE`. Please check the upgrade docs')
# Split the registry model based on config.
# TODO: Remove once we are fully on the OCI data model.
registry_model.setup_split(app.config.get('OCI_NAMESPACE_PROPORTION') or 0,
app.config.get('OCI_NAMESPACE_WHITELIST') or set(),
app.config.get('V22_NAMESPACE_WHITELIST') or set(),
# Allow user to define a custom storage preference for the local instance.
_distributed_storage_preference = os.environ.get('QUAY_DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_PREFERENCE', '').split()
if _distributed_storage_preference:
app.config['DISTRIBUTED_STORAGE_PREFERENCE'] = _distributed_storage_preference
# Generate a secret key if none was specified.
if app.config['SECRET_KEY'] is None:
logger.debug('Generating in-memory secret key')
app.config['SECRET_KEY'] = generate_secret_key()
# If the "preferred" scheme is https, then http is not allowed. Therefore, ensure we have a secure
# session cookie.
if (app.config['PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME'] == 'https' and
not app.config.get('FORCE_NONSECURE_SESSION_COOKIE', False)):
app.config['SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE'] = True
# Load features from config.
CONFIG_DIGEST = hashlib.sha256(json.dumps(app.config, default=str)).hexdigest()[0:8]
logger.debug("Loaded config", extra={"config": app.config})
class RequestWithId(Request):
request_gen = staticmethod(urn_generator(['request']))
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super(RequestWithId, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.request_id = self.request_gen()
def _request_start():
if os.getenv('PYDEV_DEBUG', None):
import pydevd
host, port = os.getenv('PYDEV_DEBUG').split(':')
pydevd.settrace(host, port=int(port), stdoutToServer=True, stderrToServer=True, suspend=False)
logger.debug('Starting request: %s (%s)', request.request_id, request.path,
extra={"request_id": request.request_id})
{'key': ['password'], 'fn': DEFAULT_FILTER},
{'key': ['user', 'password'], 'fn': DEFAULT_FILTER},
{'key': ['blob'], 'fn': lambda x: x[0:8]}
def _request_end(resp):
jsonbody = request.get_json(force=True, silent=True)
except HTTPException:
jsonbody = None
values = request.values.to_dict()
if jsonbody and not isinstance(jsonbody, dict):
jsonbody = {'_parsererror': jsonbody}
if isinstance(values, dict):
filter_logs(values, FILTERED_VALUES)
extra = {
"endpoint": request.endpoint,
"request_id" : request.request_id,
"remote_addr": request.remote_addr,
"http_method": request.method,
"original_url": request.url,
"path": request.path,
"parameters": values,
"json_body": jsonbody,
"confsha": CONFIG_DIGEST,
if request.user_agent is not None:
extra["user-agent"] = request.user_agent.string
logger.debug('Ending request: %s (%s)', request.request_id, request.path, extra=extra)
return resp
2019-11-13 14:50:33 -05:00
if app.config.get('GREENLET_TRACING', True):
2019-11-12 11:09:47 -05:00
root_logger = logging.getLogger()
app.request_class = RequestWithId
# Register custom converters.
app.url_map.converters['regex'] = RegexConverter
app.url_map.converters['repopath'] = RepositoryPathConverter
app.url_map.converters['apirepopath'] = APIRepositoryPathConverter
Principal(app, use_sessions=False)
tf = app.config['DB_TRANSACTION_FACTORY']
model_cache = get_model_cache(app.config)
avatar = Avatar(app)
login_manager = LoginManager(app)
mail = Mail(app)
prometheus = PrometheusPlugin(app)
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chunk_cleanup_queue = WorkQueue(app.config['CHUNK_CLEANUP_QUEUE_NAME'], tf)
2019-11-12 11:09:47 -05:00
instance_keys = InstanceKeys(app)
ip_resolver = IPResolver(app)
2019-11-13 14:50:33 -05:00
storage = Storage(app, chunk_cleanup_queue, instance_keys, config_provider, ip_resolver)
2019-11-12 11:09:47 -05:00
userfiles = Userfiles(app, storage)
log_archive = LogArchive(app, storage)
analytics = Analytics(app)
user_analytics = UserAnalytics(app)
billing = Billing(app)
sentry = Sentry(app)
build_logs = BuildLogs(app)
authentication = UserAuthentication(app, config_provider, OVERRIDE_CONFIG_DIRECTORY)
userevents = UserEventsBuilderModule(app)
superusers = SuperUserManager(app)
signer = Signer(app, config_provider)
instance_keys = InstanceKeys(app)
label_validator = LabelValidator(app)
build_canceller = BuildCanceller(app)
github_trigger = GithubOAuthService(app.config, 'GITHUB_TRIGGER_CONFIG')
gitlab_trigger = GitLabOAuthService(app.config, 'GITLAB_TRIGGER_CONFIG')
oauth_login = OAuthLoginManager(app.config)
oauth_apps = [github_trigger, gitlab_trigger]
image_replication_queue = WorkQueue(app.config['REPLICATION_QUEUE_NAME'], tf,
2019-11-13 14:50:33 -05:00
2019-11-12 11:09:47 -05:00
dockerfile_build_queue = WorkQueue(app.config['DOCKERFILE_BUILD_QUEUE_NAME'], tf,
2019-11-13 14:50:33 -05:00
notification_queue = WorkQueue(app.config['NOTIFICATION_QUEUE_NAME'], tf, has_namespace=True)
2019-11-12 11:09:47 -05:00
secscan_notification_queue = WorkQueue(app.config['SECSCAN_NOTIFICATION_QUEUE_NAME'], tf,
2019-11-13 14:50:33 -05:00
2019-11-12 11:09:47 -05:00
export_action_logs_queue = WorkQueue(app.config['EXPORT_ACTION_LOGS_QUEUE_NAME'], tf,
2019-11-13 14:50:33 -05:00
2019-11-12 11:09:47 -05:00
# Note: We set `has_namespace` to `False` here, as we explicitly want this queue to not be emptied
# when a namespace is marked for deletion.
2019-11-13 14:50:33 -05:00
namespace_gc_queue = WorkQueue(app.config['NAMESPACE_GC_QUEUE_NAME'], tf, has_namespace=False)
2019-11-12 11:09:47 -05:00
all_queues = [image_replication_queue, dockerfile_build_queue, notification_queue,
secscan_notification_queue, chunk_cleanup_queue, namespace_gc_queue]
2019-11-13 14:50:33 -05:00
url_scheme_and_hostname = URLSchemeAndHostname(app.config['PREFERRED_URL_SCHEME'],
2019-11-12 11:09:47 -05:00
secscan_api = SecurityScannerAPI(app.config, storage, app.config['SERVER_HOSTNAME'], app.config['HTTPCLIENT'],
uri_creator=get_blob_download_uri_getter(app.test_request_context('/'), url_scheme_and_hostname),
repo_mirror_api = RepoMirrorAPI(app.config, app.config['SERVER_HOSTNAME'], app.config['HTTPCLIENT'],
tuf_metadata_api = TUFMetadataAPI(app, app.config)
# Check for a key in config. If none found, generate a new signing key for Docker V2 manifests.
if os.path.exists(_v2_key_path):
docker_v2_signing_key = RSAKey().load(_v2_key_path)
docker_v2_signing_key = RSAKey(key=RSA.generate(2048))
# Configure the database.
if app.config.get('DATABASE_SECRET_KEY') is None and app.config.get('SETUP_COMPLETE', False):
raise Exception('Missing DATABASE_SECRET_KEY in config; did you perhaps forget to add it?')
2019-11-13 14:50:33 -05:00
2019-11-12 11:09:47 -05:00
model.config.app_config = app.config
model.config.store = storage
def load_user(user_uuid):
logger.debug('User loader loading deferred user with uuid: %s', user_uuid)
return LoginWrappedDBUser(user_uuid)
get_app_url = partial(get_app_url, app.config)