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import json
import uuid
from datetime import datetime
from peewee import fn
from data.database import (Team, TeamMember, TeamRole, User, TeamMemberInvite, RepositoryPermission,
TeamSync, LoginService, FederatedLogin, db_random_func, db_transaction)
from data.model import (DataModelException, InvalidTeamException, UserAlreadyInTeam,
InvalidTeamMemberException, _basequery)
from data.text import prefix_search
from util.validation import validate_username
from util.morecollections import AttrDict
def create_team(name, org_obj, team_role_name, description=''):
(username_valid, username_issue) = validate_username(name)
if not username_valid:
raise InvalidTeamException('Invalid team name %s: %s' % (name, username_issue))
if not org_obj.organization:
raise InvalidTeamException('Specified organization %s was not an organization' %
team_role = TeamRole.get( == team_role_name)
return Team.create(name=name, organization=org_obj, role=team_role,
def add_user_to_team(user_obj, team):
return TeamMember.create(user=user_obj, team=team)
except Exception:
raise UserAlreadyInTeam('User %s is already a member of team %s' %
def remove_user_from_team(org_name, team_name, username, removed_by_username):
Org = User.alias()
joined =
with_role = joined.join(TeamRole)
with_org = with_role.switch(Team).join(Org,
on=( == Team.organization))
found = list(with_org.where(User.username == username,
Org.username == org_name, == team_name))
if not found:
raise DataModelException('User %s does not belong to team %s' %
(username, team_name))
if username == removed_by_username:
admin_team_query = __get_user_admin_teams(org_name, username)
admin_team_names = { for team in admin_team_query}
if team_name in admin_team_names and len(admin_team_names) <= 1:
msg = 'User cannot remove themselves from their only admin team.'
raise DataModelException(msg)
user_in_team = found[0]
def get_team_org_role(team):
return TeamRole.get( ==
def set_team_org_permission(team, team_role_name, set_by_username):
if == 'admin' and team_role_name != 'admin':
# We need to make sure we're not removing the users only admin role
user_admin_teams = __get_user_admin_teams(team.organization.username, set_by_username)
admin_team_set = { for admin_team in user_admin_teams}
if in admin_team_set and len(admin_team_set) <= 1:
msg = (('Cannot remove admin from team \'%s\' because calling user ' +
'would no longer have admin on org \'%s\'') %
(, team.organization.username))
raise DataModelException(msg)
new_role = TeamRole.get( == team_role_name)
team.role = new_role
return team
def __get_user_admin_teams(org_name, username):
Org = User.alias()
user_teams =
with_org = user_teams.switch(Team).join(Org,
on=( == Team.organization))
with_role = with_org.switch(Team).join(TeamRole)
admin_teams = with_role.where(User.username == username,
Org.username == org_name, == 'admin')
return admin_teams
def remove_team(org_name, team_name, removed_by_username):
joined =, TeamRole).join(User).switch(Team).join(TeamRole)
found = list(joined.where(User.organization == True,
User.username == org_name, == team_name))
if not found:
raise InvalidTeamException('Team \'%s\' is not a team in org \'%s\'' %
(team_name, org_name))
team = found[0]
if == 'admin':
admin_teams = list(__get_user_admin_teams(org_name, removed_by_username))
if len(admin_teams) <= 1:
# The team we are trying to remove is the only admin team containing this user.
msg = "Deleting team '%s' would remove admin ability for user '%s' in organization '%s'"
raise DataModelException(msg % (team_name, removed_by_username, org_name))
team.delete_instance(recursive=True, delete_nullable=True)
def add_or_invite_to_team(inviter, team, user_obj=None, email=None, requires_invite=True):
# If the user is a member of the organization, then we simply add the
# user directly to the team. Otherwise, an invite is created for the user/email.
# We return None if the user was directly added and the invite object if the user was invited.
if user_obj and requires_invite:
orgname = team.organization.username
# If the user is part of the organization (or a robot), then no invite is required.
if user_obj.robot:
requires_invite = False
if not user_obj.username.startswith(orgname + '+'):
raise InvalidTeamMemberException('Cannot add the specified robot to this team, ' +
'as it is not a member of the organization')
query = (TeamMember
.where(TeamMember.user == user_obj)
.where(User.username == orgname, User.organization == True))
requires_invite = not any(query)
# If we have a valid user and no invite is required, simply add the user to the team.
if user_obj and not requires_invite:
add_user_to_team(user_obj, team)
return None
email_address = email if not user_obj else None
return TeamMemberInvite.create(user=user_obj, email=email_address, team=team, inviter=inviter)
def get_matching_user_teams(team_prefix, user_obj, limit=10):
team_prefix_search = prefix_search(, team_prefix)
query = (Team
.where(TeamMember.user == user_obj, team_prefix_search)
return query
def get_organization_team(orgname, teamname):
joined =
query = joined.where( == teamname, User.organization == True,
User.username == orgname).limit(1)
result = list(query)
if not result:
raise InvalidTeamException('Team does not exist: %s/%s', orgname,
return result[0]
def get_matching_admined_teams(team_prefix, user_obj, limit=10):
team_prefix_search = prefix_search(, team_prefix)
admined_orgs = (_basequery.get_user_organizations(user_obj.username)
.where( == 'admin'))
query = (Team
.where(team_prefix_search, Team.organization << (admined_orgs))
return query
def get_matching_teams(team_prefix, organization):
team_prefix_search = prefix_search(, team_prefix)
query =, Team.organization == organization)
return query.limit(10)
def get_teams_within_org(organization, has_external_auth=False):
""" Returns a AttrDict of team info (id, name, description), its role under the org,
the number of repositories on which it has permission, and the number of members.
query = (
.where(Team.organization == organization)
def _team_view(team):
return {
'description': team.description,
'repo_count': 0,
'member_count': 0,
'is_synced': False,
teams = { _team_view(team) for team in query}
if not teams:
# Just in case. Should ideally never happen.
return []
# Add repository permissions count.
permission_tuples = (,
.where( << teams.keys())
for perm_tuple in permission_tuples:
teams[perm_tuple[0]]['repo_count'] = perm_tuple[1]
# Add the member count.
members_tuples = (,
.where( << teams.keys())
for member_tuple in members_tuples:
teams[member_tuple[0]]['member_count'] = member_tuple[1]
# Add syncing information.
if has_external_auth:
sync_query = << teams.keys())
for team_sync in sync_query:
teams[team_sync.team_id]['is_synced'] = True
return [AttrDict(team_info) for team_info in teams.values()]
def get_user_teams_within_org(username, organization):
joined =
return joined.where(Team.organization == organization,
User.username == username)
def list_organization_members_by_teams(organization):
query = (TeamMember
.select(Team, User)
.where(Team.organization == organization))
return query
def get_organization_team_member_invites(teamid):
joined =
query = joined.where( == teamid)
return query
def delete_team_email_invite(team, email):
found = TeamMemberInvite.get( == email, == team)
except TeamMemberInvite.DoesNotExist:
return False
return True
def delete_team_user_invite(team, user_obj):
found = TeamMemberInvite.get(TeamMemberInvite.user == user_obj, == team)
except TeamMemberInvite.DoesNotExist:
return False
return True
def lookup_team_invites_by_email(email):
return == email)
def lookup_team_invites(user_obj):
return == user_obj)
def lookup_team_invite(code, user_obj=None):
# Lookup the invite code.
found = TeamMemberInvite.get(TeamMemberInvite.invite_token == code)
except TeamMemberInvite.DoesNotExist:
raise DataModelException('Invalid confirmation code.')
if user_obj and found.user != user_obj:
raise DataModelException('Invalid confirmation code.')
return found
def delete_team_invite(code, user_obj=None):
found = lookup_team_invite(code, user_obj)
team =
inviter = found.inviter
return (team, inviter)
def find_matching_team_invite(code, user_obj):
""" Finds a team invite with the given code that applies to the given user and returns it or
raises a DataModelException if not found. """
found = lookup_team_invite(code)
# If the invite is for a specific user, we have to confirm that here.
if found.user is not None and found.user != user_obj:
message = """This invite is intended for user "%s".
Please login to that account and try again.""" % found.user.username
raise DataModelException(message)
return found
def find_organization_invites(organization, user_obj):
""" Finds all organization team invites for the given user under the given organization. """
invite_check = (TeamMemberInvite.user == user_obj)
if user_obj.verified:
invite_check = invite_check | ( ==
query = (TeamMemberInvite
.where(invite_check, Team.organization == organization))
return query
def confirm_team_invite(code, user_obj):
""" Confirms the given team invite code for the given user by adding the user to the team
and deleting the code. Raises a DataModelException if the code was not found or does
not apply to the given user. If the user is invited to two or more teams under the
same organization, they are automatically confirmed for all of them. """
found = find_matching_team_invite(code, user_obj)
# Find all matching invitations for the user under the organization.
code_found = False
for invite in find_organization_invites(, user_obj):
# Add the user to the team.
code_found = True
except UserAlreadyInTeam:
# Ignore.
# Delete the invite and return the team.
if not code_found:
if found.user:
message = """This invite is intended for user "%s".
Please login to that account and try again.""" % found.user.username
raise DataModelException(message)
message = """This invite is intended for email "%s".
Please login to that account and try again.""" %
raise DataModelException(message)
team =
inviter = found.inviter
return (team, inviter)
def get_federated_team_member_mapping(team, login_service_name):
""" Returns a dict of all federated IDs for all team members in the team whose users are
bound to the login service within the given name. The dictionary is from federated service
identifier (username) to their Quay User table ID.
login_service = LoginService.get(name=login_service_name)
query = (FederatedLogin
.where( == team, User.robot == False, FederatedLogin.service == login_service))
return dict(query.tuples())
def list_team_users(team):
""" Returns an iterator of all the *users* found in a team. Does not include robots. """
return (User
.where( == team, User.robot == False))
def list_team_robots(team):
""" Returns an iterator of all the *robots* found in a team. Does not include users. """
return (User
.where( == team, User.robot == True))
def set_team_syncing(team, login_service_name, config):
""" Sets the given team to sync to the given service using the given config. """
login_service = LoginService.get(name=login_service_name)
return TeamSync.create(team=team, transaction_id='', service=login_service,
def remove_team_syncing(orgname, teamname):
""" Removes syncing on the team matching the given organization name and team name. """
existing = get_team_sync_information(orgname, teamname)
if existing:
def get_stale_team(stale_timespan):
""" Returns a team that is setup to sync to an external group, and who has not been synced in
now - stale_timespan. Returns None if none found.
stale_at = - stale_timespan
candidates = (TeamSync
2017-02-23 13:04:03 -05:00
.where((TeamSync.last_updated <= stale_at) | (TeamSync.last_updated >> None))
found = (TeamSync
if found is None:
return, Team).join(Team).where( ==
except TeamSync.DoesNotExist:
return None
def get_team_sync_information(orgname, teamname):
""" Returns the team syncing information for the team with the given name under the organization
with the given name or None if none.
query = (TeamSync
.select(TeamSync, LoginService)
.where( == teamname, User.organization == True, User.username == orgname))
return query.get()
except TeamSync.DoesNotExist:
return None
def update_sync_status(team_sync_info):
""" Attempts to update the transaction ID and last updated time on a TeamSync object. If the
transaction ID on the entry in the DB does not match that found on the object, this method
returns False, which indicates another caller updated it first.
new_transaction_id = str(uuid.uuid4())
query = (TeamSync
.where( ==,
TeamSync.transaction_id == team_sync_info.transaction_id))
return query.execute() == 1
def delete_members_not_present(team, member_id_set):
""" Deletes all members of the given team that are not found in the member ID set. """
with db_transaction():
user_ids = set([ for u in list_team_users(team)])
to_delete = list(user_ids - member_id_set)
if to_delete:
query = TeamMember.delete().where( == team, TeamMember.user << to_delete)
return query.execute()
return 0