This commit is contained in:
Joseph Schorr 2014-01-30 17:24:13 -05:00
commit 1af43735d0
16 changed files with 247 additions and 124 deletions

View file

@ -37,6 +37,7 @@ route_data = None
api = Blueprint('api', __name__)
def csrf_protect():
if request.method != "GET" and request.method != "HEAD":
@ -45,7 +46,45 @@ def csrf_protect():
# TODO: add if not token here, once we are sure all sessions have a token.
if token != found_token:
msg = 'CSRF Failure. Session token was %s and request token was %s'
logger.error(msg, token, found_token)
if not token:
req_user = current_user.db_user().username if current_user else None
logger.warning('No CSRF token in session for current user: %s' %
def endpoint_not_found(e):
return jsonify({
'error_code': 404,
'message': 'Resource not found'
def endpoint_forbidden(e):
return jsonify({
'error_code': 403,
'message': 'Permission Denied'
def endpoint_invalid_request(e):
return jsonify({
'error_code': 400,
'message': 'Invalid Request'
def request_error(exception=None, **kwargs):
data = kwargs.copy()
if exception:
data['message'] = exception.message
return make_response(jsonify(data), 400)
def get_route_data():
@ -132,7 +171,7 @@ def discovery():
def welcome():
return make_response('welcome', 200)
return jsonify({'version': '0.5'})
@ -222,20 +261,14 @@ def convert_user_to_organization():
# Ensure that the new admin user is the not user being converted.
admin_username = convert_data['adminUser']
if admin_username == user.username:
error_resp = jsonify({
'reason': 'invaliduser'
error_resp.status_code = 400
return error_resp
return request_error(reason='invaliduser',
message='The admin user is not valid')
# Ensure that the sign in credentials work.
admin_password = convert_data['adminPassword']
if not model.verify_user(admin_username, admin_password):
error_resp = jsonify({
'reason': 'invaliduser'
error_resp.status_code = 400
return error_resp
return request_error(reason='invaliduser',
message='The admin user credentials are not valid')
# Subscribe the organization to the new plan.
plan = convert_data['plan']
@ -271,22 +304,15 @@ def change_user_details():
new_email = user_data['email']
if model.find_user_by_email(new_email):
# Email already used.
error_resp = jsonify({
'message': 'E-mail address already used'
error_resp.status_code = 400
return error_resp
return request_error(message='E-mail address already used')
logger.debug('Sending email to change email address for user: %s', user.username)
logger.debug('Sending email to change email address for user: %s',
code = model.create_confirm_email_code(user, new_email=new_email)
send_change_email(user.username, user_data['email'], code.code)
except model.InvalidPasswordException, ex:
error_resp = jsonify({
'message': ex.message,
error_resp.status_code = 400
return error_resp
return request_error(exception=ex)
return jsonify(user_view(user))
@ -298,11 +324,7 @@ def create_new_user():
existing_user = model.get_user(user_data['username'])
if existing_user:
error_resp = jsonify({
'message': 'The username already exists'
error_resp.status_code = 400
return error_resp
return request_error(message='The username already exists')
new_user = model.create_user(user_data['username'], user_data['password'],
@ -311,11 +333,7 @@ def create_new_user():
send_confirmation_email(new_user.username,, code.code)
return make_response('Created', 201)
except model.DataModelException as ex:
error_resp = jsonify({
'message': ex.message,
error_resp.status_code = 400
return error_resp
return request_error(exception=ex)
@api.route('/signin', methods=['POST'])
@ -336,7 +354,7 @@ def conduct_signin(username_or_email, password):
verified = model.verify_user(username_or_email, password)
if verified:
if common_login(verified):
return make_response('Success', 200)
return jsonify({'success': True})
needs_email_verification = True
@ -357,7 +375,7 @@ def conduct_signin(username_or_email, password):
def logout():
identity_changed.send(app, identity=AnonymousIdentity())
return make_response('Success', 200)
return jsonify({'success': True})
@api.route("/recovery", methods=['POST'])
@ -459,22 +477,15 @@ def create_organization():
if existing:
error_resp = jsonify({
'message': 'A user or organization with this name already exists'
error_resp.status_code = 400
return error_resp
msg = 'A user or organization with this name already exists'
return request_error(message=msg)
model.create_organization(org_data['name'], org_data['email'],
return make_response('Created', 201)
except model.DataModelException as ex:
error_resp = jsonify({
'message': ex.message,
error_resp.status_code = 400
return error_resp
return request_error(exception=ex)
def org_view(o, teams):
@ -529,12 +540,7 @@ def change_organization_details(orgname):
if 'email' in org_data and org_data['email'] !=
new_email = org_data['email']
if model.find_user_by_email(new_email):
# Email already used.
error_resp = jsonify({
'message': 'E-mail address already used'
error_resp.status_code = 400
return error_resp
return request_error(message='E-mail address already used')
logger.debug('Changing email address for organization: %s', org.username)
model.update_email(org, new_email)
@ -619,7 +625,8 @@ def create_organization_prototype_permission(orgname):
details = request.get_json()
activating_username = None
if 'activating_user' in details and details['activating_user'] and 'name' in details['activating_user']:
if ('activating_user' in details and details['activating_user'] and
'name' in details['activating_user']):
activating_username = details['activating_user']['name']
delegate = details['delegate']
@ -637,10 +644,10 @@ def create_organization_prototype_permission(orgname):
if delegate_teamname else None)
if activating_username and not activating_user:
return request_error(message='Unknown activating user')
if not delegate_user and not delegate_team:
return request_error(message='Missing delagate user or team')
role_name = details['role']
@ -898,7 +905,7 @@ def update_organization_team_member(orgname, teamname, membername):
# Find the user.
user = model.get_user(membername)
if not user:
return request_error(message='Unknown user')
# Add the user to the team.
model.add_user_to_team(user, team)
@ -939,7 +946,7 @@ def create_repo():
existing = model.get_repository(namespace_name, repository_name)
if existing:
return make_response('Repository already exists', 400)
return request_error(message='Repository already exists')
visibility = req['visibility']
@ -1012,7 +1019,7 @@ def list_repos():
if page:
page = int(page)
except Exception:
page = None
username = None
@ -1242,7 +1249,8 @@ def create_webhook(namespace, repository):
webhook = model.create_webhook(repo, request.get_json())
resp = jsonify(webhook_view(webhook))
repo_string = '%s/%s' % (namespace, repository)
resp.headers['Location'] = url_for('api.get_webhook', repository=repo_string,
resp.headers['Location'] = url_for('api.get_webhook',
log_action('add_repo_webhook', namespace,
{'repo': repository, 'webhook_id': webhook.public_id},
@ -1543,11 +1551,7 @@ def change_user_permissions(namespace, repository, username):
# This repository is not part of an organization
except model.DataModelException as ex:
error_resp = jsonify({
'message': ex.message,
error_resp.status_code = 400
return error_resp
return request_error(exception=ex)
log_action('change_repo_permission', namespace,
{'username': username, 'repo': repository,
@ -1600,11 +1604,7 @@ def delete_user_permissions(namespace, repository, username):
model.delete_user_permission(username, namespace, repository)
except model.DataModelException as ex:
error_resp = jsonify({
'message': ex.message,
error_resp.status_code = 400
return error_resp
return request_error(exception=ex)
log_action('delete_repo_permission', namespace,
{'username': username, 'repo': repository},
@ -1860,7 +1860,7 @@ def subscribe(user, plan, token, require_business_plan):
plan_found['price'] == 0):
logger.warning('Business attempting to subscribe to personal plan: %s',
return request_error(message='No matching plan found')
private_repos = model.get_private_repo_count(user.username)
@ -2090,7 +2090,7 @@ def delete_user_robot(robot_shortname):
parent = current_user.db_user()
model.delete_robot(format_robot_username(parent.username, robot_shortname))
log_action('delete_robot', parent.username, {'robot': robot_shortname})
return make_response('No Content', 204)
return make_response('Deleted', 204)
@ -2102,7 +2102,7 @@ def delete_org_robot(orgname, robot_shortname):
if permission.can():
model.delete_robot(format_robot_username(orgname, robot_shortname))
log_action('delete_robot', orgname, {'robot': robot_shortname})
return make_response('No Content', 204)
return make_response('Deleted', 204)

View file

@ -2,12 +2,12 @@ import json
import logging
import urlparse
from flask import request, make_response, jsonify, abort, session, Blueprint
from flask import request, make_response, jsonify, session, Blueprint
from functools import wraps
from data import model
from data.queue import webhook_queue
from app import app, mixpanel
from app import mixpanel
from auth.auth import (process_auth, get_authenticated_user,
from util.names import parse_repository_name
@ -16,6 +16,9 @@ from auth.permissions import (ModifyRepositoryPermission, UserPermission,
from util.http import abort
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
index = Blueprint('index', __name__)
@ -52,6 +55,19 @@ def generate_headers(role='read'):
return decorator_method
def fallback_not_found(e):
return make_response('Not Found', 404)
def fallback_forbidden(e):
return make_response('Forbidden', 403)
def fallback_invalid_request(e):
return make_response('Invalid Request', 400)
@index.route('/users', methods=['POST'])
@index.route('/users/', methods=['POST'])
def create_user():
@ -64,14 +80,14 @@ def create_user():
return make_response('Verified', 201)
except model.InvalidTokenException:
return make_response('Invalid access token.', 400)
abort(400, 'Invalid access token.', issue='invalid-access-token')
elif '+' in username:
model.verify_robot(username, password)
return make_response('Verified', 201)
except model.InvalidRobotException:
return make_response('Invalid robot account or password.', 400)
abort(400, 'Invalid robot account or password.', issue='robot-login-failure')
existing_user = model.get_user(username)
if existing_user:
@ -79,7 +95,8 @@ def create_user():
if verified:
return make_response('Verified', 201)
return make_response('Invalid password.', 400)
abort(400, 'Invalid password.', issue='login-failure')
# New user case
new_user = model.create_user(username, password, user_data['email'])
@ -131,23 +148,30 @@ def update_user(username):
def create_repository(namespace, repository):
image_descriptions = json.loads(
repo = model.get_repository(namespace, repository)
if not repo and get_authenticated_user() is None:
logger.debug('Attempt to create new repository without user auth.')
message='Cannot create a repository as a guest. Please login via "docker login" first.',
elif repo:
permission = ModifyRepositoryPermission(namespace, repository)
if not permission.can():
message='You do not have permission to modify repository %(namespace)s/%(repository)s',
namespace=namespace, repository=repository)
permission = CreateRepositoryPermission(namespace)
if not permission.can():'Attempt to create a new repo with insufficient perms.')
message='You do not have permission to create repositories in namespace "%(namespace)s"',
logger.debug('Creaing repository with owner: %s' %
@ -200,7 +224,7 @@ def update_images(namespace, repository):
repo = model.get_repository(namespace, repository)
if not repo:
# Make sure the repo actually exists.
abort(404, message='Unknown repository', issue='unknown-repo')
image_with_checksums = json.loads(
@ -248,7 +272,7 @@ def get_repository_images(namespace, repository):
# We can't rely on permissions to tell us if a repo exists anymore
repo = model.get_repository(namespace, repository)
if not repo:
abort(404, message='Unknown repository', issue='unknown-repo')
all_images = []
for image in model.get_repository_images(namespace, repository):
@ -296,18 +320,18 @@ def get_repository_images(namespace, repository):
def delete_repository_images(namespace, repository):
return make_response('Not Implemented', 501)
abort(501, 'Not Implemented', issue='not-implemented')
@index.route('/repositories/<path:repository>/auth', methods=['PUT'])
def put_repository_auth(namespace, repository):
return make_response('Not Implemented', 501)
abort(501, 'Not Implemented', issue='not-implemented')
@index.route('/search', methods=['GET'])
def get_search():
return make_response('Not Implemented', 501)
abort(501, 'Not Implemented', issue='not-implemented')

View file

@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
import logging
import json
from flask import (make_response, request, session, Response, abort,
redirect, Blueprint)
from flask import (make_response, request, session, Response, redirect,
from functools import wraps
from datetime import datetime
from time import time
@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ from data.queue import image_diff_queue
from app import app
from auth.auth import process_auth, extract_namespace_repo_from_session
from util import checksums, changes
from util.http import abort
from auth.permissions import (ReadRepositoryPermission,
from data import model
@ -22,6 +23,19 @@ store = app.config['STORAGE']
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def fallback_not_found(e):
return make_response('Not Found', 404)
def fallback_forbidden(e):
return make_response('Forbidden', 403)
def fallback_invalid_request(e):
return make_response('Invalid Request', 400)
class SocketReader(object):
def __init__(self, fp):
self._fp = fp
@ -45,8 +59,9 @@ def require_completion(f):
def wrapper(namespace, repository, *args, **kwargs):
if store.exists(store.image_mark_path(namespace, repository,
logger.warning('Image is already being uploaded: %s', kwargs['image_id'])
abort(400) # 'Image is being uploaded, retry later')
abort(400, 'Image %(image_id)s is being uploaded, retry later',
issue='upload-in-progress', image_id=kwargs['image_id'])
return f(namespace, repository, *args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
@ -90,8 +105,7 @@ def get_image_layer(namespace, repository, image_id, headers):
return Response(store.stream_read(path), headers=headers)
except IOError:
logger.warning('Image not found: %s', image_id)
abort(404) # 'Image not found', 404)
abort(404, 'Image %(image_id)s not found', issue='unknown-image', image_id=image_id)
@ -108,16 +122,20 @@ def put_image_layer(namespace, repository, image_id):
json_data = store.get_content(store.image_json_path(namespace, repository,
except IOError:
abort(404) # 'Image not found', 404)
abort(404, 'Image %(image_id)s not found', issue='unknown-image', image_id=image_id)
layer_path = store.image_layer_path(namespace, repository, image_id)
mark_path = store.image_mark_path(namespace, repository, image_id)
if store.exists(layer_path) and not store.exists(mark_path):
abort(409) # 'Image already exists', 409)
abort(409, 'Image already exists', issue='image-exists', image_id=image_id)
input_stream =
if request.headers.get('transfer-encoding') == 'chunked':
# Careful, might work only with WSGI servers supporting chunked
# encoding (Gunicorn)
input_stream = request.environ['wsgi.input']
# compute checksums
csums = []
sr = SocketReader(input_stream)
@ -127,6 +145,7 @@ def put_image_layer(namespace, repository, image_id):
store.stream_write(layer_path, sr)
image_size = tmp.tell()
@ -139,6 +158,7 @@ def put_image_layer(namespace, repository, image_id):
except (IOError, checksums.TarError) as e:
logger.debug('put_image_layer: Error when computing tarsum '
checksum = store.get_content(store.image_checksum_path(namespace,
@ -148,10 +168,13 @@ def put_image_layer(namespace, repository, image_id):
# Not removing the mark though, image is not downloadable yet.
session['checksum'] = csums
return make_response('true', 200)
# We check if the checksums provided matches one the one we computed
if checksum not in csums:
logger.warning('put_image_layer: Wrong checksum')
abort(400) # 'Checksum mismatch, ignoring the layer')
abort(400, 'Checksum mismatch; ignoring the layer for image %(image_id)s',
issue='checksum-mismatch', image_id=image_id)
# Checksum is ok, we remove the marker
@ -177,24 +200,31 @@ def put_image_checksum(namespace, repository, image_id):
checksum = request.headers.get('X-Docker-Checksum')
if not checksum:
logger.warning('Missing Image\'s checksum: %s', image_id)
abort(400) # 'Missing Image\'s checksum')
abort(400, "Missing checksum for image %(image_id)s", issue='missing-checksum', image_id=image_id)
if not session.get('checksum'):
logger.warning('Checksum not found in Cookie for image: %s', image_id)
abort(400) # 'Checksum not found in Cookie')
abort(400, 'Checksum not found in Cookie for image %(imaage_id)s',
issue='missing-checksum-cookie', image_id=image_id)
if not store.exists(store.image_json_path(namespace, repository, image_id)):
abort(404) # 'Image not found', 404)
abort(404, 'Image not found: %(image_id)s', issue='unknown-image', image_id=image_id)
mark_path = store.image_mark_path(namespace, repository, image_id)
if not store.exists(mark_path):
abort(409) # 'Cannot set this image checksum', 409)
abort(409, 'Cannot set checksum for image %(image_id)s',
issue='image-write-error', image_id=image_id)
err = store_checksum(namespace, repository, image_id, checksum)
if err:
abort(400, err)
if checksum not in session.get('checksum', []):
logger.debug('session checksums: %s' % session.get('checksum', []))
logger.debug('client supplied checksum: %s' % checksum)
logger.debug('put_image_layer: Wrong checksum')
abort(400) # 'Checksum mismatch')
abort(400, 'Checksum mismatch for image: %(image_id)s',
issue='checksum-mismatch', image_id=image_id)
# Checksum is ok, we remove the marker
@ -225,16 +255,19 @@ def get_image_json(namespace, repository, image_id, headers):
data = store.get_content(store.image_json_path(namespace, repository,
except IOError:
abort(404) # 'Image not found', 404)
abort(404, 'Image %(image_id)%s not found', issue='unknown-image', image_id=image_id)
size = store.get_size(store.image_layer_path(namespace, repository,
headers['X-Docker-Size'] = str(size)
except OSError:
checksum_path = store.image_checksum_path(namespace, repository, image_id)
if store.exists(checksum_path):
headers['X-Docker-Checksum'] = store.get_content(checksum_path)
response = make_response(data, 200)
return response
@ -255,7 +288,8 @@ def get_image_ancestry(namespace, repository, image_id, headers):
data = store.get_content(store.image_ancestry_path(namespace, repository,
except IOError:
abort(404) # 'Image not found', 404)
abort(404, 'Image %(image_id)s not found', issue='unknown-image', image_id=image_id)
response = make_response(json.dumps(json.loads(data)), 200)
return response
@ -280,6 +314,7 @@ def store_checksum(namespace, repository, image_id, checksum):
checksum_parts = checksum.split(':')
if len(checksum_parts) != 2:
return 'Invalid checksum format'
# We store the checksum
checksum_path = store.image_checksum_path(namespace, repository, image_id)
store.put_content(checksum_path, checksum)
@ -298,36 +333,39 @@ def put_image_json(namespace, repository, image_id):
except json.JSONDecodeError:
if not data or not isinstance(data, dict):
logger.warning('Invalid JSON for image: %s json: %s', image_id,
abort(400) # 'Invalid JSON')
abort(400, 'Invalid JSON for image: %(image_id)s\nJSON: %(json)s',
issue='invalid-request', image_id=image_id,
if 'id' not in data:
logger.warning('Missing key `id\' in JSON for image: %s', image_id)
abort(400) # 'Missing key `id\' in JSON')
abort(400, 'Missing key `id` in JSON for image: %(image_id)s',
issue='invalid-request', image_id=image_id)
# Read the checksum
checksum = request.headers.get('X-Docker-Checksum')
if checksum:
# Storing the checksum is optional at this stage
err = store_checksum(namespace, repository, image_id, checksum)
if err:
abort(400, err, issue='write-error')
# We cleanup any old checksum in case it's a retry after a fail
store.remove(store.image_checksum_path(namespace, repository, image_id))
if image_id != data['id']:
logger.warning('JSON data contains invalid id for image: %s', image_id)
abort(400) # 'JSON data contains invalid id')
abort(400, 'JSON data contains invalid id for image: %(image_id)s',
issue='invalid-request', image_id=image_id)
parent_id = data.get('parent')
if parent_id and not store.exists(store.image_json_path(namespace,
logger.warning('Image depends on a non existing parent image: %s',
abort(400) # 'Image depends on a non existing parent')
if (parent_id and not
store.exists(store.image_json_path(namespace, repository, parent_id))):
abort(400, 'Image %(image_id)s depends on non existing parent image %(parent_id)s',
issue='invalid-request', image_id=image_id, parent_id=parent_id)
json_path = store.image_json_path(namespace, repository, image_id)
mark_path = store.image_mark_path(namespace, repository, image_id)
if store.exists(json_path) and not store.exists(mark_path):
abort(409) # 'Image already exists', 409)
abort(409, 'Image already exists', issue='image-exists', image_id=image_id)
# If we reach that point, it means that this is a new image or a retry
# on a failed push
# save the metadata

View file

@ -271,7 +271,8 @@ def confirm_email():
return redirect(url_for('web.user', tab='email') if new_email else url_for('web.index'))
return redirect(url_for('web.user', tab='email')
if new_email else url_for('web.index'))
@web.route('/recovery', methods=['GET'])

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View file

@ -1242,7 +1242,7 @@ function NewRepoCtrl($scope, $location, $http, $timeout, UserService, ApiService
$location.path('/repository/' + created.namespace + '/' +;
}, function(result) {
$scope.creating = false;
$scope.createError =;
$scope.createError = ? : 'Cannot create repository';
$timeout(function() {

View file

@ -186,8 +186,9 @@
<input id="adminPassword" name="adminPassword" type="password" class="form-control" placeholder="Admin Password"
ng-model="org.adminPassword" required>
<span class="description">
The username and password for the account that will become administrator of the organization.
Note that this account <b>must already exist</b>.
The username and password for the account that will become an administrator of the organization.
Note that this account <b>must be a separate account</b> from the account that you are
trying to convert, and <b>must already exist</b>.

util/ Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
import logging
from app import mixpanel
from flask import request, abort as flask_abort, jsonify
from auth.auth import get_authenticated_user, get_validated_token
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
DEFAULT_MESSAGE[400] = 'Invalid Request'
DEFAULT_MESSAGE[401] = 'Unauthorized'
DEFAULT_MESSAGE[403] = 'Permission Denied'
DEFAULT_MESSAGE[404] = 'Not Found'
DEFAULT_MESSAGE[409] = 'Conflict'
DEFAULT_MESSAGE[501] = 'Not Implemented'
def abort(status_code, message=None, issue=None, **kwargs):
message = (str(message) % kwargs if message else
DEFAULT_MESSAGE.get(status_code, ''))
params = dict(request.view_args)
params['url'] = request.url
params['status_code'] = status_code
params['message'] = message
# Add the user information.
auth_user = get_authenticated_user()
auth_token = get_validated_token()
if auth_user:
mixpanel.track(auth_user.username, 'http_error', params)
message = '%s (user: %s)' % (message, auth_user.username)
elif auth_token:
mixpanel.track(auth_token.code, 'http_error', params)
message = '%s (token: %s)' % (message,
auth_token.friendly_name or auth_token.code)
# Log the abort.
logger.error('Error %s: %s; Arguments: %s' % (status_code, message, params))
# Calculate the issue URL (if the issue ID was supplied).
issue_url = None
if issue:
issue_url = '' % (issue)
# Create the final response data and message.
data = {}
data['error'] = message
if issue_url:
data['info_url'] = issue_url
resp = jsonify(data)
resp.status_code = status_code
# Report the abort to the user.