Fix queue handling to remove the dependency from repobuild, and have a cancel method
This commit is contained in:
7 changed files with 95 additions and 24 deletions
@ -512,7 +512,7 @@ class RepositoryBuild(BaseModel):
trigger = ForeignKeyField(RepositoryBuildTrigger, null=True, index=True)
pull_robot = QuayUserField(null=True, related_name='buildpullrobot')
logs_archived = BooleanField(default=False)
queue_item = ForeignKeyField(QueueItem, null=True, index=True)
queue_id = CharField(null=True, index=True)
class LogEntryKind(BaseModel):
@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
"""Change build queue reference from foreign key to an id.
Revision ID: 707d5191eda
Revises: 4ef04c61fcf9
Create Date: 2015-02-23 12:36:33.814528
# revision identifiers, used by Alembic.
revision = '707d5191eda'
down_revision = '4ef04c61fcf9'
from alembic import op
import sqlalchemy as sa
from sqlalchemy.dialects import mysql
def upgrade(tables):
### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
op.add_column('repositorybuild', sa.Column('queue_id', sa.String(length=255), nullable=True))
op.create_index('repositorybuild_queue_id', 'repositorybuild', ['queue_id'], unique=False)
op.drop_constraint(u'fk_repositorybuild_queue_item_id_queueitem', 'repositorybuild', type_='foreignkey')
op.drop_index('repositorybuild_queue_item_id', table_name='repositorybuild')
op.drop_column('repositorybuild', 'queue_item_id')
### end Alembic commands ###
def downgrade(tables):
### commands auto generated by Alembic - please adjust! ###
op.add_column('repositorybuild', sa.Column('queue_item_id', mysql.INTEGER(display_width=11), autoincrement=False, nullable=True))
op.create_foreign_key(u'fk_repositorybuild_queue_item_id_queueitem', 'repositorybuild', 'queueitem', ['queue_item_id'], ['id'])
op.create_index('repositorybuild_queue_item_id', 'repositorybuild', ['queue_item_id'], unique=False)
op.drop_index('repositorybuild_queue_id', table_name='repositorybuild')
op.drop_column('repositorybuild', 'queue_id')
### end Alembic commands ###
@ -2496,7 +2496,7 @@ def confirm_team_invite(code, user):
return (team, inviter)
def cancel_repository_build(build):
def cancel_repository_build(build, work_queue):
with config.app_config['DB_TRANSACTION_FACTORY'](db):
# Reload the build for update.
@ -2504,22 +2504,14 @@ def cancel_repository_build(build):
except RepositoryBuild.DoesNotExist:
return False
if build.phase != BUILD_PHASE.WAITING or not build.queue_item:
if build.phase != BUILD_PHASE.WAITING or not build.queue_id:
return False
# Load the build queue item for update.
queue_item = db_for_update(
.where( ==
except QueueItem.DoesNotExist:
# Try to cancel the queue item.
if not work_queue.cancel(build.queue_id):
return False
# Check the queue item.
if not queue_item.available or queue_item.retries_remaining == 0:
return False
# Delete the queue item and build.
# Delete the build row.
return True
@ -82,10 +82,19 @@ class WorkQueue(object):
self._reporter(self._currently_processing, running_count,
running_count + available_not_running_count)
def has_retries_remaining(self, item_id):
""" Returns whether the queue item with the given id has any retries remaining. If the
queue item does not exist, returns False. """
with self._transaction_factory(db):
return QueueItem.get(id=item_id).retries_remaining > 0
except QueueItem.DoesNotExist:
return False
def put(self, canonical_name_list, message, available_after=0, retries_remaining=5):
Put an item, if it shouldn't be processed for some number of seconds,
specify that amount as available_after.
specify that amount as available_after. Returns the ID of the queue item added.
params = {
@ -98,7 +107,7 @@ class WorkQueue(object):
params['available_after'] = available_date
with self._transaction_factory(db):
return QueueItem.create(**params)
return str(QueueItem.create(**params).id)
def get(self, processing_time=300):
@ -141,10 +150,32 @@ class WorkQueue(object):
# Return a view of the queue item rather than an active db object
return item
def cancel(self, item_id):
""" Attempts to cancel the queue item with the given ID from the queue. Returns true on success
and false if the queue item could not be canceled. A queue item can only be canceled if
if is available and has retries remaining.
with self._transaction_factory(db):
# Load the build queue item for update.
queue_item = db_for_update(
.where( == item_id)).get()
except QueueItem.DoesNotExist:
return False
# Check the queue item.
if not queue_item.available or queue_item.retries_remaining == 0:
return False
# Delete the queue item.
return True
def complete(self, completed_item):
with self._transaction_factory(db):
completed_item_obj = self._item_by_id_for_update(
self._currently_processing = False
def incomplete(self, incomplete_item, retry_after=300, restore_retry=False):
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ import datetime
from flask import request, redirect
from app import app, userfiles as user_files, build_logs, log_archive
from app import app, userfiles as user_files, build_logs, log_archive, dockerfile_build_queue
from endpoints.api import (RepositoryParamResource, parse_args, query_param, nickname, resource,
require_repo_read, require_repo_write, validate_json_request,
ApiResource, internal_only, format_date, api, Unauthorized, NotFound,
@ -79,7 +79,8 @@ def build_status_view(build_obj, can_write=False):
# If the phase is internal error, return 'error' instead of the number if retries
# on the queue item is 0.
if phase == database.BUILD_PHASE.INTERNAL_ERROR:
if build_obj.queue_item is None or build_obj.queue_item.retries_remaining == 0:
retry = build_obj.queue_id and dockerfile_build_queue.has_retries_remaining(build_obj.queue_id)
if not retry:
phase = database.BUILD_PHASE.ERROR
logger.debug('Can write: %s job_config: %s', can_write, build_obj.job_config)
@ -226,7 +227,7 @@ class RepositoryBuildResource(RepositoryParamResource):
if != repository or build.repository.namespace_user.username != namespace:
raise NotFound()
if model.cancel_repository_build(build):
if model.cancel_repository_build(build, dockerfile_build_queue):
return 'Okay', 201
raise InvalidRequest('Build is currently running or has finished')
@ -237,11 +237,11 @@ def start_build(repository, dockerfile_id, tags, build_name, subdir, manual,
'pull_credentials': model.get_pull_credentials(pull_robot_name) if pull_robot_name else None
queue_item = dockerfile_build_queue.put([repository.namespace_user.username,],
queue_id = dockerfile_build_queue.put([repository.namespace_user.username,],
build_request.queue_item = queue_item
build_request.queue_id = queue_id
# Add the build to the repo's log.
@ -1331,6 +1331,13 @@ class TestRepositoryBuildResource(ApiTestCase):
self.assertEquals(1, len(json['builds']))
self.assertEquals(uuid, json['builds'][0]['id'])
# Find the build's queue item.
build_ref = database.RepositoryBuild.get(uuid=uuid)
queue_item = database.QueueItem.get(id=build_ref.queue_id)
self.assertTrue(queue_item.retries_remaining > 0)
# Cancel the build.
params=dict(repository=ADMIN_ACCESS_USER + '/simple', build_uuid=uuid),
@ -1342,6 +1349,12 @@ class TestRepositoryBuildResource(ApiTestCase):
self.assertEquals(0, len(json['builds']))
# Check for the build's queue item.
||||'QueueItem still exists for build')
except database.QueueItem.DoesNotExist:
def test_attemptcancel_scheduledbuild(self):
Reference in a new issue