Merge pull request #443 from jakedt/python-registry-v2

Checkpoint implementing PATCH according to Docker
This commit is contained in:
Jake Moshenko 2015-09-03 16:26:32 -04:00
commit 6cf13c72ed
5 changed files with 223 additions and 60 deletions

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@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ from endpoints.v2.errors import BlobUnknown, BlobUploadInvalid, BlobUploadUnknow
from auth.jwt_auth import process_jwt_auth
from endpoints.decorators import anon_protect
from util.cache import cache_control
from util.registry.filelike import wrap_with_handler
from util.registry.filelike import wrap_with_handler, StreamSlice
from storage.basestorage import InvalidChunkException
@ -201,7 +201,15 @@ def _upload_chunk(namespace, repo_name, upload_uuid):
except _InvalidRangeHeader:
if start_offset > 0 and start_offset > found.byte_count:
input_fp = get_input_stream(request)
if start_offset > 0 and start_offset < found.byte_count:
# Skip the bytes which were received on a previous push, which are already stored and
# included in the sha calculation
input_fp = StreamSlice(input_fp, found.byte_count - start_offset)
input_fp = wrap_with_handler(input_fp, found.sha_state.update)
@ -222,10 +230,21 @@ def _finish_upload(namespace, repo_name, upload_obj, expected_digest):
if not digest_tools.digests_equal(computed_digest, expected_digest):
raise BlobUploadInvalid()
# Mark the blob as uploaded.
# Move the storage into place, or if this was a re-upload, cancel it
final_blob_location = digest_tools.content_path(expected_digest)
storage.complete_chunked_upload({}, upload_obj.uuid, final_blob_location,
if storage.exists({}, final_blob_location):
# It already existed, clean up our upload which served as proof that we had the file
storage.cancel_chunked_upload({}, upload_obj.uuid,
# We were the first ones to upload this image (at least to this location)
# Let's copy it into place
storage.complete_chunked_upload({}, upload_obj.uuid,
final_blob_location, upload_obj.storage_metadata)
# Mark the blob as uploaded.
model.blob.store_blob_record_and_temp_link(namespace, repo_name, expected_digest,
upload_obj.location, upload_obj.byte_count,

View file

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import tempfile
from digest.digest_tools import content_path
from util.registry.filelike import READ_UNTIL_END
class StoragePaths(object):
shared_images = 'sharedimages'
@ -90,12 +90,12 @@ class BaseStorage(StoragePaths):
def get_checksum(self, path):
raise NotImplementedError
def stream_write_to_fp(self, in_fp, out_fp, num_bytes=-1):
def stream_write_to_fp(self, in_fp, out_fp, num_bytes=READ_UNTIL_END):
""" Copy the specified number of bytes from the input file stream to the output stream. If
num_bytes < 0 copy until the stream ends.
bytes_copied = 0
while bytes_copied < num_bytes or num_bytes == -1:
while bytes_copied < num_bytes or num_bytes == READ_UNTIL_END:
size_to_read = min(num_bytes - bytes_copied, self.buffer_size)
if size_to_read < 0:
size_to_read = self.buffer_size
@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ class BaseStorageV2(BaseStorage):
""" Upload the specified amount of data from the given file pointer to the chunked destination
specified, starting at the given offset. Returns the number of bytes uploaded, and a new
version of the storage_metadata. Raises InvalidChunkException if the offset or length can
not be accepted.
not be accepted. Pass length as -1 to upload as much data from the in_fp as possible.
raise NotImplementedError

View file

@ -1,6 +1,7 @@
import cStringIO as StringIO
import os
import logging
import copy
import boto.s3.connection
import boto.s3.multipart
@ -10,6 +11,9 @@ import
from io import BufferedIOBase
from uuid import uuid4
from collections import namedtuple
from util.registry import filelike
from storage.basestorage import BaseStorageV2, InvalidChunkException
@ -17,9 +21,8 @@ from storage.basestorage import BaseStorageV2, InvalidChunkException
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
_LAST_PART_KEY = 'last_part_num'
_LAST_CHUNK_ENCOUNTERED = 'last_chunk_encountered'
_PartUploadMetadata = namedtuple('_PartUploadMetadata', ['path', 'offset', 'length'])
_CHUNKS_KEY = 'chunks'
class StreamReadKeyAsFile(BufferedIOBase):
@ -49,7 +52,7 @@ class _CloudStorage(BaseStorageV2):
access_key, secret_key, bucket_name):
super(_CloudStorage, self).__init__()
self.upload_chunk_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024
self.automatic_chunk_size = 5 * 1024 * 1024
self._initialized = False
self._bucket_name = bucket_name
@ -162,21 +165,42 @@ class _CloudStorage(BaseStorageV2):
def stream_write(self, path, fp, content_type=None, content_encoding=None):
return self._stream_write_internal(path, fp, content_type, content_encoding)
def _stream_write_internal(self, path, fp, content_type=None, content_encoding=None,
cancel_on_error=True, size=filelike.READ_UNTIL_END):
mp = self.__initiate_multipart_upload(path, content_type, content_encoding)
# We are going to reuse this but be VERY careful to only read the number of bytes written to it
buf = StringIO.StringIO()
num_part = 1
while True:
total_bytes_written = 0
while size == filelike.READ_UNTIL_END or total_bytes_written < size:
bytes_to_copy = self.automatic_chunk_size
if size != filelike.READ_UNTIL_END:
# We never want to ask for more bytes than our caller has indicated to copy
bytes_to_copy = min(bytes_to_copy, size - total_bytes_written)
buf = StringIO.StringIO()
bytes_written = self.stream_write_to_fp(fp, buf, self.upload_chunk_size)
if bytes_written == 0:
# Stage the bytes into the buffer for use with the multipart upload file API
bytes_staged = self.stream_write_to_fp(fp, buf, bytes_to_copy)
if bytes_staged == 0:
mp.upload_part_from_file(buf, num_part)
mp.upload_part_from_file(buf, num_part, size=bytes_staged)
total_bytes_written += bytes_staged
num_part += 1
except IOError:
if cancel_on_error:
return 0
if total_bytes_written > 0:
return total_bytes_written
def list_directory(self, path=None):
@ -235,50 +259,87 @@ class _CloudStorage(BaseStorageV2):
def initiate_chunked_upload(self):
random_uuid = str(uuid4())
path = self._init_path(self._rel_upload_path(random_uuid))
mpu = self.__initiate_multipart_upload(path, content_type=None, content_encoding=None)
metadata = {
return, metadata
def _get_multipart_upload_key(self, uuid, storage_metadata):
mpu = boto.s3.multipart.MultiPartUpload(self._cloud_bucket) = storage_metadata[_MULTIPART_UPLOAD_ID_KEY]
mpu.key = self._init_path(self._rel_upload_path(uuid))
return mpu
return random_uuid, metadata
def stream_upload_chunk(self, uuid, offset, length, in_fp, storage_metadata):
mpu = self._get_multipart_upload_key(uuid, storage_metadata)
last_part_num = storage_metadata[_LAST_PART_KEY]
if storage_metadata[_LAST_CHUNK_ENCOUNTERED] and length != 0:
msg = 'Length must be at least the the upload chunk size: %s' % self.upload_chunk_size
raise InvalidChunkException(msg)
# We are going to upload each chunk to a separate key
chunk_path = self._rel_upload_path(str(uuid4()))
bytes_written = self._stream_write_internal(chunk_path, in_fp, cancel_on_error=False,
part_num = last_part_num + 1
mpu.upload_part_from_file(in_fp, part_num, length)
new_metadata = copy.deepcopy(storage_metadata)
new_metadata = {
_LAST_PART_KEY: part_num,
# We are only going to track keys to which data was confirmed written
if bytes_written > 0:
new_metadata[_CHUNKS_KEY].append(_PartUploadMetadata(chunk_path, offset, bytes_written))
return length, new_metadata
return bytes_written, new_metadata
def _chunk_generator(self, chunk_list):
for chunk in chunk_list:
yield filelike.StreamSlice(self.stream_read_file(chunk.path), 0, chunk.length)
def _chunk_list_from_metadata(storage_metadata):
return [_PartUploadMetadata(*chunk_args) for chunk_args in storage_metadata[_CHUNKS_KEY]]
def complete_chunked_upload(self, uuid, final_path, storage_metadata):
mpu = self._get_multipart_upload_key(uuid, storage_metadata)
# Here is where things get interesting: we are going to try to assemble this server side
# In order to be a candidate all parts (after offsets have been computed) must be at least 5MB
server_side_assembly = True
chunk_list = self._chunk_list_from_metadata(storage_metadata)
for chunk_offset, chunk in enumerate(chunk_list):
# If the chunk is both too small, and not the last chunk, we rule out server side assembly
if chunk.length < self.automatic_chunk_size and (chunk_offset + 1) < len(chunk_list):
server_side_assembly = False
if server_side_assembly:
logger.debug('Performing server side assembly of multi-part upload for: %s', final_path)
# Awesome, we can do this completely server side, now we have to start a new multipart
# upload and use copy_part_from_key to set all of the chunks.
mpu = self.__initiate_multipart_upload(final_path, content_type=None, content_encoding=None)
for chunk_offset, chunk in enumerate(chunk_list):
abs_chunk_path = self._init_path(chunk.path)
part_num = chunk_offset + 1
chunk_end_offset_inclusive = chunk.length - 1
mpu.copy_part_from_key(self.get_cloud_bucket().name, abs_chunk_path, part_num, 0,
except IOError as ioe:
# Something bad happened, log it and then give up
msg = 'Exception when attempting server-side assembly for: %s'
logger.exception(msg, final_path)
raise ioe
logger.warning('Performing client side assmebly of multi-part upload for: %s', final_path)
# We are going to turn all of the server side objects into a single file-like stream, and
# pass that to stream_write to chunk and upload the final object.
concatenated = filelike.FilelikeStreamConcat(self._chunk_generator(chunk_list))
self.stream_write(final_path, concatenated)
def cancel_chunked_upload(self, uuid, storage_metadata):
mpu = self._get_multipart_upload_key(uuid, storage_metadata)
# We have to go through and delete all of the uploaded chunks
for chunk in self._chunk_list_from_metadata(storage_metadata):
class S3Storage(_CloudStorage):
@ -337,7 +398,8 @@ class GoogleCloudStorage(_CloudStorage):
def stream_write(self, path, fp, content_type=None, content_encoding=None):
def _stream_write_internal(self, path, fp, content_type=None, content_encoding=None,
cancel_on_error=True, size=filelike.READ_UNTIL_END):
# Minimum size of upload part size on S3 is 5MB
path = self._init_path(path)
@ -349,6 +411,10 @@ class GoogleCloudStorage(_CloudStorage):
if content_encoding is not None:
key.set_metadata('Content-Encoding', content_encoding)
if size != filelike.READ_UNTIL_END:
fp = filelike.StreamSlice(fp, 0, size)
# TODO figure out how to handle cancel_on_error=False

View file

@ -295,7 +295,6 @@ class RegistryTestCaseMixin(object):
def create_app(self):
app.config['TESTING'] = True
app.config['DEBUG'] = True
return app
def setUp(self):

View file

@ -1,24 +1,103 @@
class SocketReader(object):
def __init__(self, fp):
self._fp = fp
class BaseStreamFilelike(object):
def __init__(self, fileobj):
self._fileobj = fileobj
self._cursor_position = 0
def read(self, size=READ_UNTIL_END):
buf =
self._cursor_position += len(buf)
return buf
def tell(self):
return self._cursor_position
def seek(self, index, whence=WHENCE_ABSOLUTE):
num_bytes_to_ff = 0
if whence == WHENCE_ABSOLUTE:
if index < self._cursor_position:
raise IOError('Cannot seek backwards')
num_bytes_to_ff = index - self._cursor_position
elif whence == WHENCE_RELATIVE:
if index < 0:
raise IOError('Cannnot seek backwards')
num_bytes_to_ff = index
elif whence == WHENCE_RELATIVE_END:
raise IOError('Stream does not have a known end point')
while num_bytes_to_ff > 0:
buf =
if not buf:
raise IOError('Seek past end of file')
num_bytes_to_ff -= len(buf)
class SocketReader(BaseStreamFilelike):
def __init__(self, fileobj):
super(SocketReader, self).__init__(fileobj)
self.handlers = []
def add_handler(self, handler):
def read(self, n=-1):
buf =
if not buf:
return ''
def read(self, size=READ_UNTIL_END):
buf = super(SocketReader, self).read(size)
for handler in self.handlers:
return buf
def tell(self):
raise IOError('Stream is not seekable.')
def wrap_with_handler(in_fp, handler):
wrapper = SocketReader(in_fp)
return wrapper
class FilelikeStreamConcat(BaseStreamFilelike):
def __init__(self, file_generator):
super(FilelikeStreamConcat, self).__init__(self)
self._file_generator = file_generator
self._current_file =
def read(self, size=READ_UNTIL_END):
buf =
if buf:
self._cursor_position += len(buf)
return buf
# That file was out of data, prime a new one
self._current_file =
except StopIteration:
return ''
class StreamSlice(BaseStreamFilelike):
def __init__(self, fileobj, start_offset=0, end_offset_exclusive=READ_UNTIL_END):
super(StreamSlice, self).__init__(fileobj)
self._end_offset_exclusive = end_offset_exclusive
if start_offset > 0:
def read(self, size=READ_UNTIL_END):
if self._end_offset_exclusive == READ_UNTIL_END:
# We weren't asked to limit the end of the stream
return super(StreamSlice, self).read(size)
# Compute the max bytes to read until the end or until we reach the user requested max
max_bytes_to_read = self._end_offset_exclusive - self.tell()
if size != READ_UNTIL_END:
max_bytes_to_read = min(max_bytes_to_read, size)
return super(StreamSlice, self).read(max_bytes_to_read)