Merge pull request #2442 from coreos-inc/manual-robot-select
Always allow robot accounts to be selected by admins in trigger setup
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 122 additions and 116 deletions
@ -280,9 +280,44 @@ class BuildTriggerAnalyze(RepositoryParamResource):
except model.InvalidBuildTriggerException:
raise NotFound()
if trigger.repository.namespace_user.username != namespace_name:
raise NotFound()
if != repo_name:
raise NotFound()
new_config_dict = request.get_json()['config']
handler = BuildTriggerHandler.get_handler(trigger, new_config_dict)
def analyze_view(image_namespace, image_repository, status, message=None):
# Retrieve the list of robots and mark whether they have read access already.
robots = []
if AdministerOrganizationPermission(image_namespace).can():
if image_repository is not None:
perm_query = model.user.get_all_repo_users_transitive(image_namespace, image_repository)
user_ids_with_permission = set([ for user in perm_query])
user_ids_with_permission = set()
def robot_view(robot):
return {
'name': robot.username,
'kind': 'user',
'is_robot': True,
'can_read': in user_ids_with_permission,
robots = [robot_view(robot) for robot in model.user.list_namespace_robots(image_namespace)]
return {
'namespace': image_namespace,
'name': image_repository,
'robots': robots,
'status': status,
'message': message,
'is_admin': AdministerOrganizationPermission(image_namespace).can(),
# Load the contents of the Dockerfile.
contents = handler.load_dockerfile_contents()
@ -301,29 +336,26 @@ class BuildTriggerAnalyze(RepositoryParamResource):
'message': 'Could not parse the Dockerfile specified'
# Default to the current namespace.
base_namespace = namespace_name
base_repository = None
# Determine the base image (i.e. the FROM) for the Dockerfile.
base_image = parsed.get_base_image()
if not base_image:
return {
'status': 'warning',
'message': 'No FROM line found in the Dockerfile'
return analyze_view(base_namespace, base_repository, 'warning',
message='No FROM line found in the Dockerfile')
# Check to see if the base image lives in Quay.
quay_registry_prefix = '%s/' % (app.config['SERVER_HOSTNAME'])
if not base_image.startswith(quay_registry_prefix):
return {
'status': 'publicbase'
return analyze_view(base_namespace, base_repository, 'publicbase')
# Lookup the repository in Quay.
result = base_image[len(quay_registry_prefix):].split('/', 2)
result = str(base_image)[len(quay_registry_prefix):].split('/', 2)
if len(result) != 2:
return {
'status': 'warning',
'message': '"%s" is not a valid Quay repository path' % (base_image)
msg = '"%s" is not a valid Quay repository path' % (base_image)
return analyze_view(base_namespace, base_repository, 'warning', message=msg)
(base_namespace, base_repository) = result
found_repository = model.repository.get_repository(base_namespace, base_repository)
@ -342,35 +374,10 @@ class BuildTriggerAnalyze(RepositoryParamResource):
'message': 'Repository "%s" referenced by the Dockerfile was not found' % (base_image)
# If the base image is public, mark it as such.
if == 'public':
return {
'status': 'publicbase'
# Otherwise, retrieve the list of robots and mark whether they have read access already.
robots = []
if AdministerOrganizationPermission(base_namespace).can():
perm_query = model.user.get_all_repo_users_transitive(base_namespace, base_repository)
user_ids_with_permission = set([ for user in perm_query])
def robot_view(robot):
return {
'name': robot.username,
'kind': 'user',
'is_robot': True,
'can_read': in user_ids_with_permission,
robots = [robot_view(robot) for robot in model.user.list_namespace_robots(base_namespace)]
return {
'namespace': base_namespace,
'name': base_repository,
'robots': robots,
'status': 'requiresrobot',
'is_admin': AdministerOrganizationPermission(base_namespace).can(),
return analyze_view(base_namespace, base_repository, 'publicbase')
return analyze_view(base_namespace, base_repository, 'requiresrobot')
except RepositoryReadException as rre:
return {
@ -272,10 +272,10 @@
</linear-workflow-section><!-- /Section: Dockerfile Location -->
<!-- Section: Verification and Robot Account -->
<!-- Section: Robot Account -->
<linear-workflow-section class="row"
section-title="Robot Account"
section-valid="$ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.status != 'error' && ($ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.status != 'requiresrobot' || $ctrl.local.robotAccount != null)">
<!-- Error -->
<div class="col-lg-7 col-md-7 col-sm-12 main-col"
@ -289,88 +289,87 @@
{{ $ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.message }}
<!-- Warning -->
<!-- Robot display for non-error cases -->
<div class="col-lg-7 col-md-7 col-sm-12 main-col"
ng-if="$ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.status == 'warning'">
<h3 class="warning"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> Verification Warning</h3>
{{ $ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.message }}
ng-if="$ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.status != 'error'">
<!-- Warning -->
<div ng-if="$ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.status == 'warning'">
<h3 class="warning"><i class="fa fa-exclamation-triangle"></i> Verification Warning</h3>
{{ $ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.message }}
<!-- Public base -->
<div class="col-lg-7 col-md-7 col-sm-12 main-col"
ng-if="$ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.status == 'publicbase'">
<h3 class="success"><i class="fa fa-check-circle"></i> Ready to go!</h3>
<strong>Click "Create Trigger" to complete setup of this build trigger</strong>
<!-- Public base -->
<div ng-if="$ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.status == 'publicbase'">
<h3 class="success"><i class="fa fa-check-circle"></i> Ready to go!</h3>
<span ng-if="$ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.is_admin">Choose an optional robot account below or click "Continue" to complete setup of this build trigger</span>
<span ng-if="!$ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.is_admin">Click "Continue" to complete setup of this build trigger</span>
<!-- Requires robot and is not admin -->
<div class="col-lg-7 col-md-7 col-sm-12 main-col"
ng-if="$ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.status == 'requiresrobot' && !$ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.is_admin">
<h3>Robot Account Required</h3>
<p>The selected Dockerfile in the selected repository depends upon a private base image</p>
<p>A robot account with access to the base image is required to setup this trigger, but you are not the administrator of this namespace.</p>
<p>Administrative access is required to continue to ensure security of the robot credentials.</p>
<!-- Requires robot and is not admin -->
<div ng-if="$ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.status == 'requiresrobot' && !$ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.is_admin">
<h3>Robot Account Required</h3>
<p>The selected Dockerfile in the selected repository depends upon a private base image</p>
<p>A robot account with access to the base image is required to setup this trigger, but you are not the administrator of this namespace.</p>
<p>Administrative access is required to continue to ensure security of the robot credentials.</p>
<!-- Requires robot and is admin -->
<div class="col-lg-7 col-md-7 col-sm-12 main-col"
ng-if="$ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.status == 'requiresrobot' && $ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.is_admin">
<h3>Select Robot Account</h3>
The selected Dockerfile in the selected repository depends upon a private base image. Select a robot account with access:
<div class="co-top-bar">
<div class="co-filter-box">
<span class="page-controls"
<input class="form-control" type="text" ng-model="$ctrl.local.robotOptions.filter" placeholder="Filter robot accounts...">
<!-- Robots view -->
<div ng-if="$ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.is_admin">
<div class="co-top-bar">
<div class="co-filter-box">
<span class="page-controls"
<input class="form-control" type="text" ng-model="$ctrl.local.robotOptions.filter" placeholder="Filter robot accounts...">
<table class="co-table" style="margin-top: 20px;">
<td class="checkbox-col"></td>
<td ng-class="$ctrl.TableService.tablePredicateClass('name', $ctrl.local.robotOptions.predicate, $ctrl.local.robotOptions.reverse)">
<a ng-click="$ctrl.TableService.orderBy('name', $ctrl.local.robotOptions)">Robot Account</a>
<td ng-class="$ctrl.TableService.tablePredicateClass('can_read', $ctrl.local.robotOptions.predicate, $ctrl.local.robotOptions.reverse)">
<a ng-click="$ctrl.TableService.orderBy('can_read', $ctrl.local.robotOptions)">Has Read Access</a>
<table class="co-table" style="margin-top: 20px;">
<td class="checkbox-col"></td>
<td ng-class="$ctrl.TableService.tablePredicateClass('name', $ctrl.local.robotOptions.predicate, $ctrl.local.robotOptions.reverse)">
<a ng-click="$ctrl.TableService.orderBy('name', $ctrl.local.robotOptions)">Robot Account</a>
<td ng-class="$ctrl.TableService.tablePredicateClass('can_read', $ctrl.local.robotOptions.predicate, $ctrl.local.robotOptions.reverse)"
ng-if="$ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.status == 'requiresrobot'">
<a ng-click="$ctrl.TableService.orderBy('can_read', $ctrl.local.robotOptions)">Has Read Access</a>
<tr class="co-checkable-row"
ng-repeat="robot in $ctrl.local.orderedRobotAccounts.visibleEntries | slice:($ctrl.robotsPerPage * $$ctrl.robotsPerPage * ($ + 1))"
ng-class="$ctrl.local.robotAccount == robot ? 'checked' : ''"
<input type="radio"
<span class="entity-reference" entity="robot"></span>
<span ng-if="robot.can_read" class="success">Can Read</span>
<span ng-if="!robot.can_read">Read access will be added if selected</span>
<div class="empty" style="margin-top: 20px;"
ng-if="$ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.robots.length && !$ctrl.local.orderedRobotAccounts.entries.length">
<div class="empty-primary-msg">No matching robot accounts found.</div>
<div class="empty-secondary-msg">Try expanding your filtering terms.</div>
<tr class="co-checkable-row"
ng-repeat="robot in $ctrl.local.orderedRobotAccounts.visibleEntries | slice:($ctrl.robotsPerPage * $$ctrl.robotsPerPage * ($ + 1))"
ng-class="$ctrl.local.robotAccount == robot ? 'checked' : ''"
<input type="radio"
<span class="entity-reference" entity="robot"></span>
<td ng-if="$ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.status == 'requiresrobot'">
<span ng-if="robot.can_read" class="success">Can Read</span>
<span ng-if="!robot.can_read">Read access will be added if selected</span>
<div class="empty" style="margin-top: 20px;"
ng-if="$ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.robots.length && !$ctrl.local.orderedRobotAccounts.entries.length">
<div class="empty-primary-msg">No matching robot accounts found.</div>
<div class="empty-secondary-msg">Try expanding your filtering terms.</div>
</div> <!-- /Robots view -->
<div class="col-lg-4 col-md-4 hidden-sm hidden-xs help-col"
ng-if="$ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.status == 'requiresrobot' && $ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.is_admin">
<p>The Dockerfile you selected utilizes a private base image.</p>
<p>In order for the <span class="registry-name"></span> to pull the base image during the build process, a robot account with access must be selected.</p>
<p>Robot accounts that already have access to this base image are listed first. If you select a robot account that does not currently have access, read permission will be granted to that robot account on trigger creation.</p>
<p>In order for the <span class="registry-name"></span> to pull a <b>private base image</b> during the build process, a robot account with access must be selected.</p>
<p ng-if="$ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.status != 'requiresrobot'">If you know that a private base image is not used, you can skip this step.</p>
<p ng-if="$ctrl.local.triggerAnalysis.status == 'requiresrobot'">Robot accounts that already have access to this base image are listed first. If you select a robot account that does not currently have access, read permission will be granted to that robot account on trigger creation.</p>
</linear-workflow-section><!-- /Section: Robot Account -->
@ -129,7 +129,7 @@ export class ManageTriggerGithostComponent implements ng.IComponentController {
this.activateTrigger({'config': config, 'pull_robot': this.local.robotAccount});
if (this.local.robotAccount) {
if (this.local.robotAccount && this.local.triggerAnalysis.status == 'requiresrobot') {
if (this.local.robotAccount.can_read) {
} else {
Reference in a new issue