\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/directives/image-vulnerability-view.html b/static/directives/image-vulnerability-view.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..919dd1966
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/directives/image-vulnerability-view.html
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
This image has not been indexed yet
+ Please try again in a few minutes.
This image could not be indexed
+ Our security scanner was unable to index this image.
Quay Security Scanner has detected {{ securityVulnerabilities.length }} vulnerabilities.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/directives/nvd-vectors-display.html b/static/directives/nvd-vectors-display.html
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..973f14a0f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/directives/nvd-vectors-display.html
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+ {{ option.title }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/directives/repo-view/repo-panel-tags.html b/static/directives/repo-view/repo-panel-tags.html
index 1b7c04726..b582f0521 100644
--- a/static/directives/repo-view/repo-panel-tags.html
+++ b/static/directives/repo-view/repo-panel-tags.html
@@ -152,7 +152,7 @@
data-title="The image for this tag has no vulnerabilities as found in our database"
@@ -162,7 +162,7 @@
@@ -176,7 +176,7 @@
+ {{ getTagVulnerabilities(tag).vulnerabilities.length - getTagVulnerabilities(tag).highestVulnerability.Count }} others
More Info
diff --git a/static/js/directives/ui/image-feature-view.js b/static/js/directives/ui/image-feature-view.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..f0b02a6cd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/js/directives/ui/image-feature-view.js
@@ -0,0 +1,311 @@
+ * An element which displays the features of an image.
+ */
+angular.module('quay').directive('imageFeatureView', function () {
+ var directiveDefinitionObject = {
+ priority: 0,
+ templateUrl: '/static/directives/image-feature-view.html',
+ replace: false,
+ transclude: true,
+ restrict: 'C',
+ scope: {
+ 'repository': '=repository',
+ 'image': '=image',
+ 'isEnabled': '=isEnabled'
+ },
+ controller: function($scope, $element, Config, ApiService, VulnerabilityService, AngularViewArray, ImageMetadataService) {
+ var imageMap = null;
+ $scope.securityFeatures = [];
+ $scope.featureBreakdown = [];
+ $scope.options = {
+ 'featureFilter': null,
+ 'predicate': 'fixableScore',
+ 'reverse': false,
+ };
+ $scope.tablePredicateClass = function(name, predicate, reverse) {
+ if (name != predicate) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ return 'current ' + (reverse ? 'reversed' : '');
+ };
+ $scope.orderBy = function(predicate) {
+ if (predicate == $scope.options.predicate) {
+ $scope.options.reverse = !$scope.options.reverse;
+ return;
+ }
+ $scope.options.reverse = false;
+ $scope.options.predicate = predicate;
+ };
+ var buildOrderedFeatures = function() {
+ var features = $scope.securityFeatures.slice(0);
+ $scope.orderedFeatures = AngularViewArray.create();
+ features.forEach(function(v) {
+ var featureFilter = $scope.options.featureFilter;
+ if (featureFilter) {
+ if ((v['name'].indexOf(featureFilter) < 0) &&
+ (v['version'].indexOf(featureFilter) < 0) &&
+ (v['imageId'].indexOf(featureFilter) < 0)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ $scope.orderedFeatures.push(v);
+ });
+ $scope.orderedFeatures.entries.sort(function(a, b) {
+ var left = a[$scope.options['predicate']];
+ var right = b[$scope.options['predicate']];
+ if ($scope.options['predicate'] == 'score' ||
+ $scope.options['predicate'] == 'fixableScore' ||
+ $scope.options['predicate'] == 'leftoverScore') {
+ left = left * 1;
+ right = right * 1;
+ }
+ if (left == null) {
+ left = '0.00';
+ }
+ if (right == null) {
+ right = '0.00';
+ }
+ if (left == right) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return left > right ? -1 : 1;
+ });
+ if ($scope.options['reverse']) {
+ $scope.orderedFeatures.entries.reverse();
+ }
+ $scope.orderedFeatures.setVisible(true);
+ };
+ var buildChart = function() {
+ var chartData = $scope.featureBreakdown;
+ var colors = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < chartData.length; ++i) {
+ colors.push(chartData[i].color);
+ }
+ nv.addGraph(function() {
+ var chart = nv.models.pieChart()
+ .x(function(d) { return d.label })
+ .y(function(d) { return d.value })
+ .margin({left: -10, right: -10, top: -10, bottom: -10})
+ .showLegend(false)
+ .showLabels(true)
+ .labelThreshold(.05)
+ .labelType("percent")
+ .donut(true)
+ .color(colors)
+ .donutRatio(0.5);
+ d3.select("#featureDonutChart svg")
+ .datum(chartData)
+ .transition()
+ .duration(350)
+ .call(chart);
+ return chart;
+ });
+ };
+ var buildFeatures = function(data) {
+ $scope.securityFeatures = [];
+ $scope.featureBreakdown = [];
+ $scope.highestFixableScore = -10000;
+ var severityMap = {};
+ var levels = VulnerabilityService.getLevels();
+ if (data && data.Layer && data.Layer.Features) {
+ data.Layer.Features.forEach(function(feature) {
+ var imageId = feature.AddedBy.split('.')[0];
+ feature_obj = {
+ 'name': feature.Name,
+ 'namespace': feature.Namespace,
+ 'version': feature.Version,
+ 'addedBy': feature.AddedBy,
+ 'imageId': imageId,
+ 'imageCommand': ImageMetadataService.getImageCommand($scope.image, imageId),
+ 'vulnCount': 0,
+ 'severityBreakdown': [],
+ 'fixableBreakdown': [],
+ 'score': 0,
+ 'fixableCount': 0,
+ 'leftoverCount': 0,
+ 'fixableScore': 0,
+ 'leftoverScore': 0,
+ 'unfixableCount': 0
+ }
+ if (feature.Vulnerabilities) {
+ var highestSeverity = null;
+ var localSeverityMap = {};
+ var localLeftoverMap = {};
+ feature.Vulnerabilities.forEach(function(vuln) {
+ var severity = VulnerabilityService.LEVELS[vuln['Severity']];
+ var score = severity.score;
+ if (vuln.Metadata && vuln.Metadata.NVD && vuln.Metadata.NVD.CVSSv2 && vuln.Metadata.NVD.CVSSv2.Score) {
+ score = vuln.Metadata.NVD.CVSSv2.Score;
+ severity = VulnerabilityService.getSeverityForCVSS(score);
+ }
+ var logScore = (Math.pow(2, score) + 0.1);
+ feature_obj['score'] += logScore;
+ if (vuln.FixedBy) {
+ feature_obj['fixableScore'] += logScore;
+ feature_obj['fixableCount']++;
+ } else {
+ feature_obj['leftoverCount']++;
+ feature_obj['leftoverScore'] += logScore;
+ }
+ if (highestSeverity == null) {
+ highestSeverity = severity;
+ } else {
+ var index = severity['index'];
+ if (index < highestSeverity) {
+ highestSeverity = severity;
+ }
+ }
+ if (!localSeverityMap[severity['index']]) {
+ localSeverityMap[severity['index']] = 0;
+ }
+ if (!localLeftoverMap[severity['index']]) {
+ localLeftoverMap[severity['index']] = 0;
+ }
+ localSeverityMap[severity['index']]++;
+ if (!vuln.FixedBy) {
+ localLeftoverMap[severity['index']]++;
+ }
+ });
+ if (!severityMap[highestSeverity['index']]) {
+ severityMap[highestSeverity['index']] = 0;
+ }
+ severityMap[highestSeverity['index']]++;
+ var localSeverityBreakdown = [];
+ var localLeftoverBreakdown = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < levels.length; ++i) {
+ var level = levels[i];
+ if (localSeverityMap[level['index']]) {
+ localSeverityBreakdown.push({
+ 'title': level['title'],
+ 'color': level['color'],
+ 'count': localSeverityMap[level['index']]
+ })
+ }
+ if (localLeftoverMap[level['index']]) {
+ localLeftoverBreakdown.push({
+ 'title': level['title'],
+ 'color': level['color'],
+ 'count': localLeftoverMap[level['index']]
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ feature_obj['vulnCount'] = feature.Vulnerabilities.length;
+ feature_obj['severityBreakdown'] = localSeverityBreakdown;
+ feature_obj['leftoverBreakdown'] = localLeftoverBreakdown;
+ if (localSeverityBreakdown) {
+ feature_obj['primarySeverity'] = localSeverityBreakdown[0];
+ }
+ if (localLeftoverBreakdown) {
+ feature_obj['primaryLeftover'] = localLeftoverBreakdown[0];
+ }
+ if (feature.Vulnerabilities.length > 0) {
+ feature_obj['score'] = feature_obj['score'] / feature.Vulnerabilities.length;
+ }
+ if (feature_obj['fixableScore'] > $scope.highestFixableScore) {
+ $scope.highestFixableScore = feature_obj['fixableScore'];
+ }
+ } else {
+ feature_obj['fixableScore'] = -1;
+ }
+ $scope.securityFeatures.push(feature_obj);
+ });
+ }
+ var greenCount = $scope.securityFeatures.length;
+ for (var i = 0; i < levels.length; ++i) {
+ var level = levels[i];
+ if (!severityMap[level['index']]) {
+ continue
+ }
+ greenCount -= severityMap[level['index']];
+ $scope.featureBreakdown.push({
+ 'label': levels[i].title,
+ 'value': severityMap[level['index']],
+ 'color': levels[i].color,
+ });
+ }
+ $scope.featureBreakdown.push({
+ 'label': 'None',
+ 'value': greenCount,
+ 'color': '#2FC98E'
+ });
+ buildOrderedFeatures();
+ };
+ var loadImageVulnerabilities = function() {
+ if ($scope.securityResource) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var params = {
+ 'repository': $scope.repository.namespace + '/' + $scope.repository.name,
+ 'imageid': $scope.image.id,
+ 'vulnerabilities': true,
+ };
+ $scope.securityResource = ApiService.getRepoImageSecurityAsResource(params).get(function(resp) {
+ $scope.securityStatus = resp.status;
+ buildFeatures(resp.data);
+ buildChart();
+ return resp;
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.$watch('options.predicate', buildOrderedFeatures);
+ $scope.$watch('options.reverse', buildOrderedFeatures);
+ $scope.$watch('options.featureFilter', buildOrderedFeatures);
+ $scope.$watch('isEnabled', function(isEnabled) {
+ if ($scope.isEnabled && $scope.repository && $scope.image) {
+ loadImageVulnerabilities();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ return directiveDefinitionObject;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/js/directives/ui/image-vulnerability-view.js b/static/js/directives/ui/image-vulnerability-view.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..2932b8c4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/js/directives/ui/image-vulnerability-view.js
@@ -0,0 +1,252 @@
+ * An element which displays the vulnerabilities in an image.
+ */
+angular.module('quay').directive('imageVulnerabilityView', function () {
+ var directiveDefinitionObject = {
+ priority: 0,
+ templateUrl: '/static/directives/image-vulnerability-view.html',
+ replace: false,
+ transclude: true,
+ restrict: 'C',
+ scope: {
+ 'repository': '=repository',
+ 'image': '=image',
+ 'isEnabled': '=isEnabled'
+ },
+ controller: function($scope, $element, Config, ApiService, VulnerabilityService, AngularViewArray, ImageMetadataService) {
+ var imageMap = null;
+ $scope.securityVulnerabilities = [];
+ $scope.options = {
+ 'vulnFilter': null,
+ 'fixableVulns': false,
+ 'predicate': 'score',
+ 'reverse': false,
+ };
+ $scope.tablePredicateClass = function(name, predicate, reverse) {
+ if (name != predicate) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ return 'current ' + (reverse ? 'reversed' : '');
+ };
+ $scope.orderBy = function(predicate) {
+ if (predicate == $scope.options.predicate) {
+ $scope.options.reverse = !$scope.options.reverse;
+ return;
+ }
+ $scope.options.reverse = false;
+ $scope.options.predicate = predicate;
+ };
+ $scope.getCVSSColor = function(score) {
+ return VulnerabilityService.getCVSSColor(score);
+ };
+ $scope.toggleDetails = function(vuln) {
+ vuln.expanded = !vuln.expanded;
+ };
+ var buildOrderedVulnerabilities = function() {
+ var vulnerabilities = $scope.securityVulnerabilities.slice(0);
+ $scope.orderedVulnerabilities = AngularViewArray.create();
+ vulnerabilities.forEach(function(v) {
+ var vulnFilter = $scope.options.vulnFilter;
+ if (vulnFilter) {
+ if ((v['name'].indexOf(vulnFilter) < 0) &&
+ (v['featureName'].indexOf(vulnFilter) < 0) &&
+ (v['imageCommand'].indexOf(vulnFilter) < 0)) {
+ return;
+ }
+ }
+ if ($scope.options.fixableVulns && !v['fixedInVersion']) {
+ return;
+ }
+ $scope.orderedVulnerabilities.push(v);
+ });
+ $scope.orderedVulnerabilities.entries.sort(function(a, b) {
+ var left = a[$scope.options['predicate']];
+ var right = b[$scope.options['predicate']];
+ if ($scope.options['predicate'] == 'score') {
+ left = left * 1;
+ right = right * 1;
+ }
+ if (left == null) {
+ left = '0.00';
+ }
+ if (right == null) {
+ right = '0.00';
+ }
+ if (left == right) {
+ return 0;
+ }
+ return left > right ? -1 : 1;
+ });
+ if ($scope.options['reverse']) {
+ $scope.orderedVulnerabilities.entries.reverse();
+ }
+ $scope.orderedVulnerabilities.setVisible(true);
+ };
+ var buildChart = function() {
+ var chartData = $scope.priorityBreakdown;
+ if ($scope.priorityBreakdown.length == 0) {
+ chartData = [{
+ 'label': 'None',
+ 'value': 1,
+ 'color': '#2FC98E'
+ }];
+ }
+ var colors = [];
+ for (var i = 0; i < chartData.length; ++i) {
+ colors.push(chartData[i].color);
+ }
+ nv.addGraph(function() {
+ var chart = nv.models.pieChart()
+ .x(function(d) { return d.label })
+ .y(function(d) { return d.value })
+ .margin({left: -10, right: -10, top: -10, bottom: -10})
+ .showLegend(false)
+ .showLabels(true)
+ .labelThreshold(.05)
+ .labelType("percent")
+ .donut(true)
+ .color(colors)
+ .donutRatio(0.5);
+ d3.select("#vulnDonutChart svg")
+ .datum(chartData)
+ .transition()
+ .duration(350)
+ .call(chart);
+ return chart;
+ });
+ };
+ var buildFeaturesAndVulns = function(data) {
+ $scope.securityFeatures = [];
+ $scope.securityVulnerabilities = [];
+ $scope.priorityBreakdown = [];
+ var severityMap = {};
+ if (data && data.Layer && data.Layer.Features) {
+ data.Layer.Features.forEach(function(feature) {
+ feature_obj = {
+ 'name': feature.Name,
+ 'namespace': feature.Namespace,
+ 'version': feature.Version,
+ 'addedBy': feature.AddedBy
+ }
+ feature_vulnerabilities = []
+ if (feature.Vulnerabilities) {
+ feature.Vulnerabilities.forEach(function(vuln) {
+ var score = VulnerabilityService.LEVELS[vuln['Severity']]['score'];
+ if (vuln.Metadata && vuln.Metadata.NVD && vuln.Metadata.NVD.CVSSv2 && vuln.Metadata.NVD.CVSSv2.Score) {
+ score = vuln.Metadata.NVD.CVSSv2.Score;
+ }
+ var imageId = feature.AddedBy.split('.')[0];
+ vuln_obj = {
+ 'name': vuln.Name,
+ 'namespace': vuln.Namespace,
+ 'description': vuln.Description,
+ 'link': vuln.Link,
+ 'severity': vuln.Severity,
+ 'metadata': vuln.Metadata,
+ 'feature': jQuery.extend({}, feature_obj),
+ 'featureName': feature.Name,
+ 'fixedInVersion': vuln.FixedBy,
+ 'introducedInVersion': feature.Version,
+ 'imageId': imageId,
+ 'imageCommand': ImageMetadataService.getImageCommand($scope.image, imageId),
+ 'score': score,
+ 'expanded': false,
+ }
+ feature_vulnerabilities.push(vuln_obj)
+ $scope.securityVulnerabilities.push(vuln_obj);
+ if (severityMap[vuln.Severity] == undefined) {
+ severityMap[vuln.Severity] = 0;
+ }
+ severityMap[vuln.Severity]++;
+ });
+ }
+ feature_obj['vulnerabilities'] = feature_vulnerabilities
+ $scope.securityFeatures.push(feature_obj);
+ });
+ var levels = VulnerabilityService.getLevels();
+ for (var i = 0; i < levels.length; ++i) {
+ if (severityMap[levels[i].title]) {
+ $scope.priorityBreakdown.push({
+ 'label': levels[i].title,
+ 'value': severityMap[levels[i].title],
+ 'color': levels[i].color,
+ })
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ buildOrderedVulnerabilities();
+ };
+ var loadImageVulnerabilities = function() {
+ if ($scope.securityResource) {
+ return;
+ }
+ var params = {
+ 'repository': $scope.repository.namespace + '/' + $scope.repository.name,
+ 'imageid': $scope.image.id,
+ 'vulnerabilities': true,
+ };
+ $scope.securityResource = ApiService.getRepoImageSecurityAsResource(params).get(function(resp) {
+ $scope.securityStatus = resp.status;
+ buildFeaturesAndVulns(resp.data);
+ buildChart();
+ return resp;
+ });
+ };
+ $scope.$watch('options.predicate', buildOrderedVulnerabilities);
+ $scope.$watch('options.reverse', buildOrderedVulnerabilities);
+ $scope.$watch('options.vulnFilter', buildOrderedVulnerabilities);
+ $scope.$watch('options.fixableVulns', buildOrderedVulnerabilities);
+ $scope.$watch('isEnabled', function(isEnabled) {
+ if ($scope.isEnabled && $scope.repository && $scope.image) {
+ loadImageVulnerabilities();
+ }
+ });
+ }
+ };
+ return directiveDefinitionObject;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/js/directives/ui/nvd-vectors-display.js b/static/js/directives/ui/nvd-vectors-display.js
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..c23f3bfcd
--- /dev/null
+++ b/static/js/directives/ui/nvd-vectors-display.js
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ * An element which displays NVD vectors is an expanded format.
+ */
+angular.module('quay').directive('nvdVectorsDisplay', function () {
+ var directiveDefinitionObject = {
+ priority: 0,
+ templateUrl: '/static/directives/nvd-vectors-display.html',
+ replace: false,
+ transclude: true,
+ restrict: 'C',
+ scope: {
+ 'vectors': '@vectors',
+ },
+ controller: function($scope, $element, VulnerabilityService) {
+ $scope.parsedVectors = VulnerabilityService.parseVectorsString($scope.vectors);
+ $scope.getVectorTitle = function(vector) {
+ return VulnerabilityService.getVectorTitle(vector);
+ };
+ $scope.getVectorDescription = function(vector) {
+ return VulnerabilityService.getVectorDescription(vector);
+ };
+ $scope.getVectorOptions = function(vectorString) {
+ return VulnerabilityService.getVectorOptions(vectorString);
+ };
+ $scope.getVectorClasses = function(option, vectorString) {
+ return VulnerabilityService.getVectorClasses(option, vectorString);
+ };
+ }
+ };
+ return directiveDefinitionObject;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/js/pages/image-view.js b/static/js/pages/image-view.js
index 5e377eac0..5db5f31d5 100644
--- a/static/js/pages/image-view.js
+++ b/static/js/pages/image-view.js
@@ -10,14 +10,15 @@
- function ImageViewCtrl($scope, $routeParams, $rootScope, $timeout, ApiService, ImageMetadataService, VulnerabilityService, Features) {
+ function ImageViewCtrl($scope, $routeParams, $rootScope, $timeout, ApiService, ImageMetadataService, Features) {
var namespace = $routeParams.namespace;
var name = $routeParams.name;
var imageid = $routeParams.image;
+ $scope.imageSecurityCounter = 0;
+ $scope.imagePackageCounter = 0;
$scope.options = {
- 'vulnFilter': '',
- 'packageFilter': ''
+ 'vulnFilter': ''
var loadImage = function() {
@@ -46,57 +47,13 @@
$scope.loadImageSecurity = function() {
- if (!Features.SECURITY_SCANNER || $scope.securityResource) { return; }
+ if (!Features.SECURITY_SCANNER) { return; }
+ $scope.imageSecurityCounter++;
+ };
- $scope.VulnerabilityLevels = VulnerabilityService.getLevels();
- var params = {
- 'repository': namespace + '/' + name,
- 'imageid': imageid,
- 'vulnerabilities': true,
- };
- $scope.securityResource = ApiService.getRepoImageSecurityAsResource(params).get(function(resp) {
- $scope.securityStatus = resp.status;
- $scope.securityFeatures = [];
- $scope.securityVulnerabilities = [];
- if (resp.data && resp.data.Layer && resp.data.Layer.Features) {
- resp.data.Layer.Features.forEach(function(feature) {
- feature_obj = {
- 'name': feature.Name,
- 'namespace': feature.Namespace,
- 'version': feature.Version,
- 'addedBy': feature.AddedBy,
- }
- feature_vulnerabilities = []
- if (feature.Vulnerabilities) {
- feature.Vulnerabilities.forEach(function(vuln) {
- vuln_obj = {
- 'name': vuln.Name,
- 'namespace': vuln.Namespace,
- 'description': vuln.Description,
- 'link': vuln.Link,
- 'severity': vuln.Severity,
- 'metadata': vuln.Metadata,
- 'feature': jQuery.extend({}, feature_obj),
- 'fixedBy': vuln.FixedBy,
- 'index': VulnerabilityService.LEVELS[vuln['Severity']]['index'],
- }
- feature_vulnerabilities.push(vuln_obj)
- $scope.securityVulnerabilities.push(vuln_obj);
- });
- }
- feature_obj['vulnerabilities'] = feature_vulnerabilities
- $scope.securityFeatures.push(feature_obj);
- });
- }
- return resp;
- });
+ $scope.loadImagePackages = function() {
+ if (!Features.SECURITY_SCANNER) { return; }
+ $scope.imagePackageCounter++;
$scope.initializeTree = function() {
diff --git a/static/js/services/image-metadata-service.js b/static/js/services/image-metadata-service.js
index 819d12a2b..f8a1e1a33 100644
--- a/static/js/services/image-metadata-service.js
+++ b/static/js/services/image-metadata-service.js
@@ -24,5 +24,34 @@ angular.module('quay').factory('ImageMetadataService', ['UtilService', function(
return UtilService.textToSafeHtml(metadataService.getFormattedCommand(image));
+ metadataService.getImageCommand = function(image, imageId) {
+ if (!image.__imageMap) {
+ image.__imageMap = {};
+ for (var i = 0; i < image.history.length; ++i) {
+ var cimage = image.history[i];
+ image.__imageMap[cimage.id] = cimage;
+ }
+ }
+ return getDockerfileCommand(image.__imageMap[imageId].command);
+ };
+ var getDockerfileCommand = function(command) {
+ if (!command) { return ''; }
+ // ["/bin/sh", "-c", "#(nop) RUN foo"]
+ var commandPrefix = '#(nop)'
+ if (command.length != 3) { return ''; }
+ if (command[0] != '/bin/sh' || command[1] != '-c') { return ''; }
+ var cmd = command[2];
+ if (cmd.substring(0, commandPrefix.length) != commandPrefix) {
+ return 'RUN ' + cmd;
+ }
+ return command[2].substr(commandPrefix.length + 1);
+ };
return metadataService;
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/static/js/services/vulnerability-service.js b/static/js/services/vulnerability-service.js
index 12c1a172f..b6cf51f6f 100644
--- a/static/js/services/vulnerability-service.js
+++ b/static/js/services/vulnerability-service.js
@@ -5,10 +5,234 @@ angular.module('quay').factory('VulnerabilityService', ['Config', function(Confi
var vulnService = {};
vulnService.LEVELS = window.__vuln_priority;
+ var cvssSeverityMap = {};
+ vulnService.getSeverityForCVSS = function(score) {
+ if (cvssSeverityMap[score]) {
+ return cvssSeverityMap[score];
+ }
+ var levels = vulnService.getLevels();
+ for (var i = 0; i < levels.length; ++i) {
+ if (score >= levels[i].score) {
+ cvssSeverityMap[score] = levels[i];
+ return levels[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return vulnService.LEVELS['Unknown'];
+ };
+ vulnService.getCVSSColor = function(score) {
+ return vulnService.getSeverityForCVSS(score).color;
+ };
vulnService.getLevels = function() {
- return Object.keys(vulnService.LEVELS).map(function(key) {
+ var levels = Object.keys(vulnService.LEVELS).map(function(key) {
return vulnService.LEVELS[key];
+ return levels.sort(function(a, b) {
+ return a.index - b.index;
+ });
+ };
+ vulnService.parseVectorsString = function(vectorsString) {
+ return vectorsString.split('/');
+ };
+ vulnService.getVectorTitle = function(vectorString) {
+ var parts = vectorString.split(':');
+ var vector = vulnService.NVD_VECTORS[parts[0]];
+ if (!vector) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ return vector.title;
+ };
+ vulnService.getVectorDescription = function(vectorString) {
+ var parts = vectorString.split(':');
+ var vector = vulnService.NVD_VECTORS[parts[0]];
+ if (!vector) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ return vector.description;
+ };
+ vulnService.getVectorClasses = function(option, vectorString) {
+ var parts = vectorString.split(':');
+ var vector = vulnService.NVD_VECTORS[parts[0]];
+ if (!vector) {
+ return '';
+ }
+ var classes = '';
+ if (option.id == parts[1]) {
+ classes += 'current-vector ';
+ } else {
+ classes += 'not-current-vector ';
+ }
+ classes += option.severity;
+ return classes
+ };
+ vulnService.getVectorOptions = function(vectorString) {
+ var parts = vectorString.split(':');
+ return vulnService.NVD_VECTORS[parts[0]].values;
+ };
+ vulnService.NVD_VECTORS = {
+ 'AV': {
+ 'title': 'Access Vector',
+ 'description': 'This metric reflects how the vulnerability is exploited. The more remote an attacker can be to attack a host, the greater the vulnerability score.',
+ 'values': [
+ {
+ 'id': 'N',
+ 'title': 'Network',
+ 'description': 'A vulnerability exploitable with network access means the vulnerable software is bound to the network stack and the attacker does not require local network access or local access. Such a vulnerability is often termed "remotely exploitable". An example of a network attack is an RPC buffer overflow.',
+ 'severity': 'high'
+ },
+ {
+ 'id': 'A',
+ 'title': 'Adjacent Network',
+ 'description': 'A vulnerability exploitable with adjacent network access requires the attacker to have access to either the broadcast or collision domain of the vulnerable software. Examples of local networks include local IP subnet, Bluetooth, IEEE 802.11, and local Ethernet segment.',
+ 'severity': 'medium'
+ },
+ {
+ 'id': 'L',
+ 'title': 'Local',
+ 'description': 'A vulnerability exploitable with only local access requires the attacker to have either physical access to the vulnerable system or a local (shell) account. Examples of locally exploitable vulnerabilities are peripheral attacks such as Firewire/USB DMA attacks, and local privilege escalations (e.g., sudo).',
+ 'severity': 'low'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'AC': {
+ 'title': 'Access Complexity',
+ 'description': 'This metric measures the complexity of the attack required to exploit the vulnerability once an attacker has gained access to the target system. For example, consider a buffer overflow in an Internet service: once the target system is located, the attacker can launch an exploit at will.',
+ 'values': [
+ {
+ 'id': 'L',
+ 'title': 'Low',
+ 'description': 'Specialized access conditions or extenuating circumstances do not exist making this easy to exploit',
+ 'severity': 'high'
+ },
+ {
+ 'id': 'M',
+ 'title': 'Medium',
+ 'description': 'The access conditions are somewhat specialized making this somewhat difficult to exploit',
+ 'severity': 'medium'
+ },
+ {
+ 'id': 'H',
+ 'title': 'High',
+ 'description': 'Specialized access conditions exist making this harder to exploit',
+ 'severity': 'low'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'Au': {
+ 'title': 'Authentication',
+ 'description': 'This metric measures the number of times an attacker must authenticate to a target in order to exploit a vulnerability. This metric does not gauge the strength or complexity of the authentication process, only that an attacker is required to provide credentials before an exploit may occur. The fewer authentication instances that are required, the higher the vulnerability score.',
+ 'values': [
+ {
+ 'id': 'N',
+ 'title': 'None',
+ 'description': 'Authentication is not required to exploit the vulnerability.',
+ 'severity': 'high'
+ },
+ {
+ 'id': 'S',
+ 'title': 'Single',
+ 'description': 'The vulnerability requires an attacker to be logged into the system (such as at a command line or via a desktop session or web interface).',
+ 'severity': 'medium'
+ },
+ {
+ 'id': 'M',
+ 'title': 'Multiple',
+ 'description': 'Exploiting the vulnerability requires that the attacker authenticate two or more times, even if the same credentials are used each time. An example is an attacker authenticating to an operating system in addition to providing credentials to access an application hosted on that system.',
+ 'severity': 'low'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'C': {
+ 'title': 'Confidentiality Impact',
+ 'description': 'This metric measures the impact on confidentiality of a successfully exploited vulnerability. Confidentiality refers to limiting information access and disclosure to only authorized users, as well as preventing access by, or disclosure to, unauthorized ones. Increased confidentiality impact increases the vulnerability score.',
+ 'values': [
+ {
+ 'id': 'C',
+ 'title': 'Complete',
+ 'description': 'There is total information disclosure, resulting in all system files being revealed. The attacker is able to read all of the system\'s data (memory, files, etc.)',
+ 'severity': 'high'
+ },
+ {
+ 'id': 'P',
+ 'title': 'Partial',
+ 'description': 'There is considerable informational disclosure. Access to some system files is possible, but the attacker does not have control over what is obtained, or the scope of the loss is constrained. An example is a vulnerability that divulges only certain tables in a database.',
+ 'severity': 'medium'
+ },
+ {
+ 'id': 'N',
+ 'title': 'None',
+ 'description': 'There is no impact to the confidentiality of the system.',
+ 'severity': 'low'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'I': {
+ 'title': 'Integrity Impact',
+ 'description': 'This metric measures the impact to integrity of a successfully exploited vulnerability. Integrity refers to the trustworthiness and guaranteed veracity of information. Increased integrity impact increases the vulnerability score.',
+ 'values': [
+ {
+ 'id': 'C',
+ 'title': 'Complete',
+ 'description': 'There is a total compromise of system integrity. There is a complete loss of system protection, resulting in the entire system being compromised. The attacker is able to modify any files on the target system',
+ 'severity': 'high'
+ },
+ {
+ 'id': 'P',
+ 'title': 'Partial',
+ 'description': 'Modification of some system files or information is possible, but the attacker does not have control over what can be modified, or the scope of what the attacker can affect is limited. For example, system or application files may be overwritten or modified, but either the attacker has no control over which files are affected or the attacker can modify files within only a limited context or scope.',
+ 'severity': 'medium'
+ },
+ {
+ 'id': 'N',
+ 'title': 'None',
+ 'description': 'There is no impact to the integrity of the system.',
+ 'severity': 'low'
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ 'A': {
+ 'title': 'Availability Impact',
+ 'description': 'This metric measures the impact to availability of a successfully exploited vulnerability. Availability refers to the accessibility of information resources. Attacks that consume network bandwidth, processor cycles, or disk space all impact the availability of a system. Increased availability impact increases the vulnerability score.',
+ 'values': [
+ {
+ 'id': 'C',
+ 'title': 'Complete',
+ 'description': 'There is a total shutdown of the affected resource. The attacker can render the resource completely unavailable.',
+ 'severity': 'high'
+ },
+ {
+ 'id': 'P',
+ 'title': 'Partial',
+ 'description': 'There is reduced performance or interruptions in resource availability. An example is a network-based flood attack that permits a limited number of successful connections to an Internet service.',
+ 'severity': 'medium'
+ },
+ {
+ 'id': 'N',
+ 'title': 'None',
+ 'description': 'There is no impact to the availability of the system.',
+ 'severity': 'low'
+ }
+ ]
+ }
return vulnService;
diff --git a/static/partials/image-view.html b/static/partials/image-view.html
index b3343802f..47b99cd4e 100644
--- a/static/partials/image-view.html
+++ b/static/partials/image-view.html
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@
@@ -44,123 +44,12 @@
Image Security
This image has not been indexed yet
- Please try again in a few minutes.
This image could not be indexed
- Our security scanner was unable to index this image.
This image contains no recognized security vulnerabilities
- Quay currently indexes Debian, Red Hat and Ubuntu based images.
- Our security scanner was unable to index this image.
Package Name
Package Version
Package OS
Number of vulnerabilities
{{ feature.name }}
{{ feature.version }}
{{ feature.namespace }}
{{ feature.vulnerabilities.length }}
No matching packages found
- Please adjust your filter above.
diff --git a/util/secscan/__init__.py b/util/secscan/__init__.py
index 1588e2a16..c19f93825 100644
--- a/util/secscan/__init__.py
+++ b/util/secscan/__init__.py
@@ -5,6 +5,8 @@ PRIORITY_LEVELS = {
'title': 'Unknown',
'index': 6,
'level': 'info',
+ 'color': '#9B9B9B',
+ 'score': 0,
'description': 'Unknown is either a security problem that has not been assigned ' +
'to a priority yet or a priority that our system did not recognize',
@@ -15,6 +17,8 @@ PRIORITY_LEVELS = {
'title': 'Negligible',
'index': 5,
'level': 'info',
+ 'color': '#9B9B9B',
+ 'score': 1,
'description': 'Negligible is technically a security problem, but is only theoretical ' +
'in nature, requires a very special situation, has almost no install base, ' +
@@ -26,6 +30,8 @@ PRIORITY_LEVELS = {
'title': 'Low',
'index': 4,
'level': 'warning',
+ 'color': 'rgb(204, 201, 46)',
+ 'score': 3,
'description': 'Low is a security problem, but is hard to exploit due to environment, ' +
'requires a user-assisted attack, a small install base, or does very ' +
@@ -38,6 +44,8 @@ PRIORITY_LEVELS = {
'value': 'Medium',
'index': 3,
'level': 'warning',
+ 'color': 'rgb(252, 166, 87)',
+ 'score': 6,
'description': 'Medium is a real security problem, and is exploitable for many people. ' +
'Includes network daemon denial of service attacks, cross-site scripting, ' +
@@ -50,6 +58,8 @@ PRIORITY_LEVELS = {
'value': 'High',
'index': 2,
'level': 'warning',
+ 'color': '#D64456',
+ 'score': 9,
'description': 'High is a real problem, exploitable for many people in a default installation. ' +
'Includes serious remote denial of services, local root privilege escalations, ' +
@@ -62,6 +72,8 @@ PRIORITY_LEVELS = {
'value': 'Critical',
'index': 1,
'level': 'error',
+ 'color': '#D64456',
+ 'score': 10,
'description': 'Critical is a world-burning problem, exploitable for nearly all people in ' +
'a installation of the package. Includes remote root privilege escalations, ' +
@@ -74,6 +86,8 @@ PRIORITY_LEVELS = {
'value': 'Defcon1',
'index': 0,
'level': 'error',
+ 'color': 'black',
+ 'score': 11,
'description': 'Defcon1 is a Critical problem which has been manually highlighted ' +
'by the Quay team. It requires immediate attention.',