This authentication system hits two HTTP endpoints to check and verify the existence of users:
Existance endpoint:
GET http://endpoint/ with Authorization: Basic (username:) =>
Returns 200 if the username/email exists, 4** otherwise
Verification endpoint:
GET http://endpoint/ with Authorization: Basic (username:password) =>
Returns 200 and a signed JWT with the user's username and email address if the username+password validates, 4** otherwise with the body containing an optional error message
The JWT produced by the endpoint must be issued with an issuer matching that configured in the config.yaml, and the audience must be "". The JWT is signed using a private key and then validated on the side with the associated public key, found as "jwt-authn.cert" in the conf/stack directory.
- Add timeout to the DB validation
- Make DB validation exception handling a bit nicer
- Move the DB validation error message
- Fix bug around RADOS config default for Is Secure
- Allow hiding of the validation box