import logging import json import time from datetime import datetime from gzip import GzipFile from tempfile import SpooledTemporaryFile import features from app import app, storage from data.logs_model import logs_model from data.userfiles import DelegateUserfiles from util.locking import GlobalLock, LockNotAcquiredException from util.log import logfile_path from util.streamingjsonencoder import StreamingJSONEncoder from util.timedeltastring import convert_to_timedelta from workers.worker import Worker logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) JSON_MIMETYPE = 'application/json' MIN_LOGS_PER_ROTATION = 5000 MEMORY_TEMPFILE_SIZE = 12 * 1024 * 1024 WORKER_FREQUENCY = app.config.get('ACTION_LOG_ROTATION_FREQUENCY', 60 * 60 * 12) STALE_AFTER = convert_to_timedelta(app.config.get('ACTION_LOG_ROTATION_THRESHOLD', '30d')) MINIMUM_LOGS_AGE_FOR_ARCHIVE = convert_to_timedelta(app.config.get('MINIMUM_LOGS_AGE_FOR_ARCHIVE', '7d')) SAVE_PATH = app.config.get('ACTION_LOG_ARCHIVE_PATH') SAVE_LOCATION = app.config.get('ACTION_LOG_ARCHIVE_LOCATION') class LogRotateWorker(Worker): """ Worker used to rotate old logs out the database and into storage. """ def __init__(self): super(LogRotateWorker, self).__init__() self.add_operation(self._archive_logs, WORKER_FREQUENCY) def _archive_logs(self): cutoff_date = - STALE_AFTER try: with GlobalLock('ACTION_LOG_ROTATION'): self._perform_archiving(cutoff_date) except LockNotAcquiredException: return def _perform_archiving(self, cutoff_date): assert - cutoff_date >= MINIMUM_LOGS_AGE_FOR_ARCHIVE archived_files = [] save_location = SAVE_LOCATION if not save_location: # Pick the *same* save location for all instances. This is a fallback if # a location was not configured. save_location = storage.locations[0] log_archive = DelegateUserfiles(app, storage, save_location, SAVE_PATH) for log_rotation_context in logs_model.yield_log_rotation_context(cutoff_date, MIN_LOGS_PER_ROTATION): with log_rotation_context as context: for logs, filename in context.yield_logs_batch(): formatted_logs = [log_dict(log) for log in logs] logger.debug('Archiving logs rotation %s', filename) _write_logs(filename, formatted_logs, log_archive) logger.debug('Finished archiving logs to %s', filename) archived_files.append(filename) return archived_files def log_dict(log): """ Pretty prints a LogEntry in JSON. """ try: metadata_json = json.loads(str(log.metadata_json)) except ValueError: # The results returned by querying Elasticsearch does not have # a top-level attribute `id` like when querying with Peewee. # `random_id` is a copy of the document's `_id`. logger.exception('Could not parse metadata JSON for log entry %s', if hasattr(log, 'id') else log.random_id) metadata_json = {'__raw': log.metadata_json} except TypeError: logger.exception('Could not parse metadata JSON for log entry %s', if hasattr(log, 'id') else log.random_id) metadata_json = {'__raw': log.metadata_json} return { 'kind_id': log.kind_id, 'account_id': log.account_id, 'performer_id': log.performer_id, 'repository_id': log.repository_id, 'datetime': str(log.datetime), 'ip': str(log.ip), 'metadata_json': metadata_json, } def _write_logs(filename, logs, log_archive): with SpooledTemporaryFile(MEMORY_TEMPFILE_SIZE) as tempfile: with GzipFile('temp_action_log_rotate', fileobj=tempfile, compresslevel=1) as zipstream: for chunk in StreamingJSONEncoder().iterencode(logs): zipstream.write(chunk) log_archive.store_file(tempfile, JSON_MIMETYPE, content_encoding='gzip', file_id=filename) def main(): logging.config.fileConfig(logfile_path(debug=False), disable_existing_loggers=False) if not features.ACTION_LOG_ROTATION or None in [SAVE_PATH, SAVE_LOCATION]: logger.debug('Action log rotation worker not enabled; skipping') while True: time.sleep(100000) worker = LogRotateWorker() worker.start() if __name__ == "__main__": main()