import logging import logging.config import time from peewee import JOIN, fn, IntegrityError from app import app from data.database import (UseThenDisconnect, TagToRepositoryTag, RepositoryTag, TagManifestToManifest, Tag, TagManifest, TagManifestToManifest, Image, Manifest, TagManifestLabel, ManifestLabel, TagManifestLabelMap, Repository, db_transaction) from data.model import DataModelException from data.model.image import get_parent_images from data.model.tag import populate_manifest from data.model.blob import get_repo_blob_by_digest, BlobDoesNotExist from data.model.user import get_namespace_user from data.registry_model import pre_oci_model from data.registry_model.datatypes import Tag as TagDataType from image.docker.schema1 import (DockerSchema1Manifest, ManifestException, ManifestInterface, DOCKER_SCHEMA1_SIGNED_MANIFEST_CONTENT_TYPE, MalformedSchema1Manifest) from workers.worker import Worker from util.bytes import Bytes from util.log import logfile_path from util.migrate.allocator import yield_random_entries logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) WORKER_TIMEOUT = app.config.get('BACKFILL_TAGS_TIMEOUT', 6000) class BrokenManifest(ManifestInterface): """ Implementation of the ManifestInterface for "broken" manifests. This allows us to add the new manifest row while not adding any additional rows for it. """ def __init__(self, digest, payload): self._digest = digest self._payload = Bytes.for_string_or_unicode(payload) @property def digest(self): return self._digest @property def media_type(self): return DOCKER_SCHEMA1_SIGNED_MANIFEST_CONTENT_TYPE @property def manifest_dict(self): return {} @property def bytes(self): return self._payload def get_layers(self, content_retriever): return None def get_legacy_image_ids(self, cr): return [] def get_leaf_layer_v1_image_id(self, cr): return None @property def blob_digests(self): return [] @property def local_blob_digests(self): return [] def get_blob_digests_for_translation(self): return [] def validate(self, content_retriever): pass def child_manifests(self, lookup_manifest_fn): return None def get_manifest_labels(self, lookup_config_fn): return {} def unsigned(self): return self def generate_legacy_layers(self, images_map, lookup_config_fn): return None def get_schema1_manifest(self, namespace_name, repo_name, tag_name, lookup_fn): return self @property def schema_version(self): return 1 @property def layers_compressed_size(self): return None @property def is_manifest_list(self): return False @property def has_legacy_image(self): return False def get_requires_empty_layer_blob(self, content_retriever): return False def convert_manifest(self, allowed_mediatypes, namespace_name, repo_name, tag_name, content_retriever): return None class TagBackfillWorker(Worker): def __init__(self, namespace_filter=None): super(TagBackfillWorker, self).__init__() self._namespace_filter = namespace_filter self.add_operation(self._backfill_tags, WORKER_TIMEOUT) def _filter(self, query): if self._namespace_filter:'Filtering by namespace `%s`', self._namespace_filter) namespace_user = get_namespace_user(self._namespace_filter) query = query.join(Repository).where(Repository.namespace_user == namespace_user) return query def _candidates_to_backfill(self): def missing_tmt_query(): return (self._filter( .join(TagToRepositoryTag, JOIN.LEFT_OUTER) .where( >> None, RepositoryTag.hidden == False)) min_id = (self._filter( max_id = self._filter('Found candidate range %s-%s', min_id, max_id) iterator = yield_random_entries( missing_tmt_query,, 1000, max_id, min_id, ) return iterator def _backfill_tags(self): with UseThenDisconnect(app.config): iterator = self._candidates_to_backfill() if iterator is None: logger.debug('Found no additional tags to backfill') time.sleep(10000) return None for candidate, abt, _ in iterator: if not backfill_tag(candidate):'Another worker pre-empted us for tag: %s', abt.set() def lookup_map_row(repositorytag): try: TagToRepositoryTag.get(repository_tag=repositorytag) return True except TagToRepositoryTag.DoesNotExist: return False def backfill_tag(repositorytag):'Backfilling tag %s', # Ensure that a mapping row doesn't already exist. If it does, nothing more to do. if lookup_map_row(repositorytag): return False # Grab the manifest for the RepositoryTag, backfilling as necessary. manifest_id = _get_manifest_id(repositorytag) if manifest_id is None: return True lifetime_start_ms = (repositorytag.lifetime_start_ts * 1000 if repositorytag.lifetime_start_ts is not None else None) lifetime_end_ms = (repositorytag.lifetime_end_ts * 1000 if repositorytag.lifetime_end_ts is not None else None) # Create the new Tag. with db_transaction(): if lookup_map_row(repositorytag): return False try: created = Tag.create(, repository=repositorytag.repository, lifetime_start_ms=lifetime_start_ms, lifetime_end_ms=lifetime_end_ms, reversion=repositorytag.reversion, manifest=manifest_id, tag_kind=Tag.tag_kind.get_id('tag')) TagToRepositoryTag.create(tag=created, repository_tag=repositorytag, repository=repositorytag.repository) except IntegrityError: logger.exception('Could not create tag for repo tag `%s`', return False'Backfilled tag %s', return True def lookup_manifest_map_row(tag_manifest): try: TagManifestToManifest.get(tag_manifest=tag_manifest) return True except TagManifestToManifest.DoesNotExist: return False def _get_manifest_id(repositorytag): repository_tag_datatype = TagDataType.for_repository_tag(repositorytag) # Retrieve the TagManifest for the RepositoryTag, backfilling if necessary. with db_transaction(): manifest_datatype = None try: manifest_datatype = pre_oci_model.get_manifest_for_tag(repository_tag_datatype, backfill_if_necessary=True) except MalformedSchema1Manifest: logger.exception('Error backfilling manifest for tag `%s`', if manifest_datatype is None: logger.error('Could not load or backfill manifest for tag `%s`', # Create a broken manifest for the tag. tag_manifest = TagManifest.create(tag=repositorytag, digest='BROKEN-%s' %, json_data='{}') else: # Retrieve the new-style Manifest for the TagManifest, if any. try: tag_manifest = TagManifest.get(id=manifest_datatype._db_id) except TagManifest.DoesNotExist: logger.exception('Could not find tag manifest') return None try: found = TagManifestToManifest.get(tag_manifest=tag_manifest).manifest # Verify that the new-style manifest has the same contents as the old-style manifest. # If not, update and then return. This is an extra check put in place to ensure unicode # manifests have been correctly copied. if found.manifest_bytes != tag_manifest.json_data: logger.warning('Fixing manifest `%s`', found.manifest_bytes = tag_manifest.json_data return except TagManifestToManifest.DoesNotExist: # Could not find the new style manifest, so backfill. _backfill_manifest(tag_manifest) # Try to retrieve the manifest again, since we've performed a backfill. try: return TagManifestToManifest.get(tag_manifest=tag_manifest).manifest_id except TagManifestToManifest.DoesNotExist: return None def _backfill_manifest(tag_manifest):'Backfilling manifest for tag manifest %s', # Ensure that a mapping row doesn't already exist. If it does, we've been preempted. if lookup_manifest_map_row(tag_manifest): return False # Parse the manifest. If we cannot parse, then we treat the manifest as broken and just emit it # without additional rows or data, as it will eventually not be useful. is_broken = False try: manifest = DockerSchema1Manifest(Bytes.for_string_or_unicode(tag_manifest.json_data), validate=False) except ManifestException: logger.exception('Exception when trying to parse manifest %s', manifest = BrokenManifest(tag_manifest.digest, tag_manifest.json_data) is_broken = True # Lookup the storages for the digests. root_image = tag_manifest.tag.image repository = tag_manifest.tag.repository image_storage_id_map = {} try: parent_images = get_parent_images(repository.namespace_user.username,, root_image) except DataModelException: logger.exception('Exception when trying to load parent images for manifest `%s`', parent_images = {} is_broken = True for parent_image in parent_images: image_storage_id_map[] = # Ensure that all the expected blobs have been found. If not, we lookup the blob under the repo # and add its storage ID. If the blob is not found, we mark the manifest as broken. storage_ids = set() try: for blob_digest in manifest.get_blob_digests_for_translation(): if blob_digest in image_storage_id_map: storage_ids.add(image_storage_id_map[blob_digest]) else: logger.debug('Blob `%s` not found in images for manifest `%s`; checking repo', blob_digest, try: blob_storage = get_repo_blob_by_digest(repository.namespace_user.username,, blob_digest) storage_ids.add( except BlobDoesNotExist: logger.debug('Blob `%s` not found in repo for manifest `%s`', blob_digest, is_broken = True except MalformedSchema1Manifest: logger.warning('Found malformed schema 1 manifest during blob backfill') is_broken = True with db_transaction(): # Re-retrieve the tag manifest to ensure it still exists and we're pointing at the correct tag. try: tag_manifest = TagManifest.get( except TagManifest.DoesNotExist: return True # Ensure it wasn't already created. if lookup_manifest_map_row(tag_manifest): return False # Check for a pre-existing manifest matching the digest in the repository. This can happen # if we've already created the manifest row (typically for tag reverision). try: manifest_row = Manifest.get(digest=manifest.digest, repository=tag_manifest.tag.repository) except Manifest.DoesNotExist: # Create the new-style rows for the manifest. try: manifest_row = populate_manifest(tag_manifest.tag.repository, manifest, tag_manifest.tag.image, storage_ids) except IntegrityError: # Pre-empted. return False # Create the mapping row. If we find another was created for this tag manifest in the # meantime, then we've been preempted. try: TagManifestToManifest.create(tag_manifest=tag_manifest, manifest=manifest_row, broken=is_broken) except IntegrityError: return False # Backfill any labels on the manifest. _backfill_labels(tag_manifest, manifest_row, repository) return True def _backfill_labels(tag_manifest, manifest, repository): tmls = list( == tag_manifest)) if not tmls: return for tag_manifest_label in tmls: label = tag_manifest_label.label try: TagManifestLabelMap.get(tag_manifest_label=tag_manifest_label) continue except TagManifestLabelMap.DoesNotExist: pass try: manifest_label = ManifestLabel.create(manifest=manifest, label=label, repository=repository) TagManifestLabelMap.create(manifest_label=manifest_label, tag_manifest_label=tag_manifest_label, label=label, manifest=manifest, tag_manifest=tag_manifest_label.annotated) except IntegrityError: continue if __name__ == "__main__": logging.config.fileConfig(logfile_path(debug=False), disable_existing_loggers=False) if (not app.config.get('BACKFILL_TAGS', False) and app.config.get('V3_UPGRADE_MODE') != 'background'): logger.debug('Tag backfill disabled; skipping') while True: time.sleep(100000) worker = TagBackfillWorker(app.config.get('BACKFILL_TAGS_NAMESPACE')) worker.start()