import { Input, Output, Component } from 'angular-ts-decorators'; @Component({ selector: 'manageTriggerCustomGit', template: `

Enter repository

Please enter the HTTP or SSH style URL used to clone your git repository:

Select build context directory

Please select the build context directory under the git repository:
` }) export class ManageTriggerCustomGitComponent implements ng.IComponentController { // FIXME: Use one-way data binding @Input('=') public trigger: {config: any}; @Output() public activateTrigger: any; private config: any = {}; private currentState: any | null; private gitUrlRegEx: string = "((ssh|http(s)?)|(git@[\w\.]+))(:(//)?)([\w\.@\:/\-~]+)(\.git)(/)?"; public $onChanges(changes: ng.IOnChangesObject): void { if (changes['trigger'] !== undefined) { this.config = Object.assign({}, changes['trigger'].currentValue.config); } } }