import dateutil.parser

from datetime import datetime

from peewee import SQL

def paginate(query, model, descending=False, page_token=None, limit=50, sort_field_alias=None,
             max_page=None, sort_field_name=None):
  """ Paginates the given query using an field range, starting at the optional page_token.
      Returns a *list* of matching results along with an unencrypted page_token for the
      next page, if any. If descending is set to True, orders by the field descending rather
      than ascending.
  # Note: We use the sort_field_alias for the order_by, but not the where below. The alias is
  # necessary for certain queries that use unions in MySQL, as it gets confused on which field
  # to order by. The where clause, on the other hand, cannot use the alias because Postgres does
  # not allow aliases in where clauses.
  sort_field_name = sort_field_name or 'id'
  sort_field = getattr(model, sort_field_name)

  if sort_field_alias is not None:
    sort_field_name = sort_field_alias
    sort_field = SQL(sort_field_alias)

  if descending:
    query = query.order_by(sort_field.desc())
    query = query.order_by(sort_field)

  start_index = pagination_start(page_token)
  if start_index is not None:
    if descending:
      query = query.where(sort_field <= start_index)
      query = query.where(sort_field >= start_index)

  query = query.limit(limit + 1)

  page_number = (page_token.get('page_number') or None) if page_token else None
  if page_number is not None and max_page is not None and page_number > max_page:
    return [], None

  return paginate_query(query, limit=limit, sort_field_name=sort_field_name,

def pagination_start(page_token=None):
  """ Returns the start index for pagination for the given page token. Will return None if None. """
  if page_token is not None:
    start_index = page_token.get('start_index')
    if page_token.get('is_datetime'):
      start_index = dateutil.parser.parse(start_index)
    return start_index
  return None

def paginate_query(query, limit=50, sort_field_name=None, page_number=None):
  """ Executes the given query and returns a page's worth of results, as well as the page token
      for the next page (if any).
  results = list(query)
  page_token = None
  if len(results) > limit:
    start_index = getattr(results[limit], sort_field_name or 'id')
    is_datetime = False
    if isinstance(start_index, datetime):
      start_index = start_index.isoformat() + "Z"
      is_datetime = True

    page_token = {
      'start_index': start_index,
      'page_number': page_number + 1 if page_number else 1,
      'is_datetime': is_datetime,

  return results[0:limit], page_token