import logging from flask import request, make_response, Blueprint from data import model from data.database import RepositoryNotification, Repository, ExternalNotificationEvent, RepositoryTag, Image from endpoints.notificationhelper import spawn_notification from collections import defaultdict logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) sec = Blueprint('sec', __name__) @sec.route('/notification', methods=['POST']) def sec_notification(): data = request.get_json() print data # Find all tags that contain the layer(s) introducing the vulnerability. # TODO: remove this check once fixed. if not 'IntroducingLayersIDs' in data['Content']: return make_response('Okay') layer_ids = data['Content']['IntroducingLayersIDs'] tags = model.tag.get_matching_tags(layer_ids, RepositoryTag, Repository, Image) # For any repository that has a notification setup, issue a notification. event = ExternalNotificationEvent.get(name='vulnerability_found') matching = (tags.switch(RepositoryTag) .join(Repository) .join(RepositoryNotification) .where(RepositoryNotification.event == event)) repository_map = defaultdict(list) for tag in matching: repository_map[tag.repository_id].append(tag) for repository_id in repository_map: tags = repository_map[repository_id] # TODO(jschorr): Pull out the other metadata once added. event_data = { 'tags': [ for tag in tags], 'vulnerability': { 'id': data['Name'], 'description': 'Some description', 'link': '', 'priority': 'Medium', }, } spawn_notification(tags[0].repository, 'vulnerability_found', event_data) return make_response('Okay')